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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post
    I have a shirt that says WWJD? (What would Janeway do) I can change the J to an A with a vivid and send it to you if you like
    Nah, just have WWJD on the front and WWAD on the back


      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
      Looky at what I found....

      This is good...yes??!!
      Heak yes

      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
      i'm feeling the best of both worlds too!

      the only prob i have is that i was hoping to see *more* of sam in s5; now it'll be less. BUT, we'll have ALL AMANDA (helen) for 13 eps of 'sanctuary!

      what i'm hoping for:

      *sam still stays as atlantis' leader.
      *sam's in at least 10 eps.
      *IF she's not atlantis' leader, it better be explained with respect to the sam carter character.

      *soooo much to think about*

      if they kill off Sam im gana stop watching

      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
      Well you know what they say...those ballet classes can play havoc on your knees!!!

      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      Heeee! *clings to Samanda*

      Stoopid housemate moved out and took his wireless router with him. *makes witchy fingers...*

      But I'm at my mum and dad's house for the night so I have teh internetz.

      I have something to share but it isn't very PG.

      Whenever I'm in the shower and I reach for my razor, I think of Skydiver and my nipples tingle. I swear.

      This explains it

      Sort of. Um. Sigh.


      Cough. Didn't cha miss me?
      No not really....Just kiding course we did

      Originally posted by rolleson View Post
      I'm really looking forward to Sanctuary on tv.

      Anyone into Sam/Sheppard? It's my new ship, cause they are so pretty.
      AHHHHHHHHHHHH NO Sam/Jack + Sheppard/Weir

      Originally posted by suse View Post
      / all the way baby!!!


      Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
      Of course its purdy

      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      Can I just say one thing???

      And i am NOT posting as a mod, i'm posting as a person.

      I have a funny feeling that things are gonna be quite nuts the next few days. I'm thinking that tempers are gonna flare, people are gonna be pissy. They're gonna be grumpy and potentially rude and childish and annoying.

      And there's only so much that can be done about it.

      When people see posts that are...passionate in nature, i'd suggest a cheesy phrase.

      what would amanda do?

      I personally feel that, over the past few years, things in canada have happened that haven't exactly been nice or fair or certainly fun. However, through it all, Amanda acted with dignity and grace and was a professional. She didn't snark at people behind her back. She didn't cut them down. She didn't speak ill. She was a professional and a lady.

      It's an attitude that more fans could embrace.

      That's all
      Nicely put Sky

      Now i am gana say something but it will be classy (i hope). Its just i was reading the script from the interview with Amanda (which im in the middle of watching) and it sadened me so much when she was talking about the Anti fans infact I almost had to rush to the bathroom to throw up cause i was so upset. I just wanted to Give Amanda a big hug and tell her I Love her and that us at Samanda Love her too, im so writing to her.....was that ok didnt go to far????
      Last edited by Amanda_Tapping_Fan; 02 February 2008, 06:19 PM.



        I must say my belief in SGA is starting to get lost atm

        Another new commander honestly??? really I mean what is the idea every year a new commander or so? I am not so happy about it honestly. I didn't like they replaced Weir, but now they take Sam as commander for a year and have another commander again... honestly this is not good for the show if you ask me and also not for the believablity of the command or atlantis.
        I just hope it isn't Sheppard... But I can't see that happening cause then they would make a big mistake in my oppinion.

        I am not sure if I will still watch SGA next season because atm I can't see things going to be good. To much change isn't good either and atm this is what they are doing.

        still I will probably wait and see for next season and to start open minded...

        I am happy though that Amanda is focusing on Sanctuary though, that will be good for her, a good new project that if you ask me will grow for sure So happy for that.


          let's just remmber folks

          yes, we will miss sam. I know i will. and i know that i was JUST starting to get attached to season 4 and i'mm not sure if that attachment will continue (beyond lorne sam is the only character on the show i have an emotional attachment to...beyond the rando impulse to slap rodney )

          however, look at it this way

          atlantis full time...she's just an employee. that is all she is. an employee playing a character they could decide to get rid of next week.

          on sanctuary, she's not an employee, she's a producer. she's calling the shots adn taking control. she's getting marks on her resume that outstrip 'leading lady on....'

          'executive producer of....' looks a LOT better on a resume. and it's a building block to one heck of a reputation.

          her career will go a lot further on sanctuary (where it could potentially lead not just to producing but also writing and directing) than it will on a series that i personally will be surprised if lasts past season 5.

          I'm gonna miss the heck out of sam. And i don't know if i'll enjoy atlantis as much without her... but, in the long run, i think sanctuary is gonna give amanda fans more of her than atlantis ever will.

          she's paid her dues over the last 10 years and i think she is finally seeing the results of that.

          and i wish her nothing but the best
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Melora View Post
            Spoilers for Season 5 SGA -

            Joe M. just confirmed on his blog:



            Sam will not be in command during Season 5 and AT will only be making guest appearances. There will be a new commander in charge after the first episode or so. I'm a little disappointed at this news, but I can understand why they are going in this direction. I only hope they write Sam out of command in a realistic and respectful manner.
            i am VERY disappointed. one season of sam commanding sg1, now one season of sam commanding atlantis.

            i understand the reasons - hard to write for a character if you don't know when they'll be there - but still.

            i'll find out which eps sam will be in when the east coasters watch the eps first, then i'll get my sam fix. so i still get sam... but i had high hopes for seeing MORE of sam in s5 because of how abbreviated she was in s4.

            i really, really, REALLY hope that whatever reason is for sam not commanding anymore, that it's *respectful* towards the sam carter character.

            sam's a great character. (((((((()))))))))




              Yep. It's sucky and as a Carter fan, I feel gutted by this latest development.

              At the same time, I'm excited for Amanda and for Sanctuary. What a coup!

              As for Atlantis? I'll keep watching and supporting the show...and I'll look forward to seeing
              who takes the reigns of the city and what the circumstances are. I hope that it's done well and with respect to who Sam is. That's all I ask.

              You could be a really exciting development for Carter and the expedition!
              And Skydiver's right. For once. We do have Amanda as a fine example of behavior and we have such a fantastic group of fans here that I consider it an honor to call myself your friend. And I think that with that graciousness that Amanda exudes and we will choose to emulate, we should
              be welcoming of whoever the new leader is.
              Regardless of how it all plays out in the end, I think we can all agree that we want to try to keep Samanda temper-tantrum free. That's like SOOOOO Season 9.

              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                i think writing amanda is a GREAT idea.

                whatta ya say???

                start a 'congratulations' shower???

                send her a card, letter, postcard, little note, giving her support and showing her that 'sweetie, don't let those that don't like you get you down, we love you and care for you'

                wanna do it????

                amanda tapping
                c/o bridge studios
                2400 boundary road
                burnaby bc V5M 3Z3
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  let's just remmber folks

                  yes, we will miss sam. I know i will. and i know that i was JUST starting to get attached to season 4 and i'mm not sure if that attachment will continue (beyond lorne sam is the only character on the show i have an emotional attachment to...beyond the rando impulse to slap rodney )

                  however, look at it this way

                  atlantis full time...she's just an employee. that is all she is. an employee playing a character they could decide to get rid of next week.

                  on sanctuary, she's not an employee, she's a producer. she's calling the shots adn taking control. she's getting marks on her resume that outstrip 'leading lady on....'

                  'executive producer of....' looks a LOT better on a resume. and it's a building block to one heck of a reputation.

                  her career will go a lot further on sanctuary (where it could potentially lead not just to producing but also writing and directing) than it will on a series that i personally will be surprised if lasts past season 5.

                  I'm gonna miss the heck out of sam. And i don't know if i'll enjoy atlantis as much without her... but, in the long run, i think sanctuary is gonna give amanda fans more of her than atlantis ever will.

                  she's paid her dues over the last 10 years and i think she is finally seeing the results of that.

                  and i wish her nothing but the best
                  I agree, Its Amandas choise if she stays or not and no matter what i totally suport her desition, however I will be really......WWAD.....annoyed if they Kill of Sam.



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    i think writing amanda is a GREAT idea.

                    whatta ya say???

                    start a 'congratulations' shower???

                    send her a card, letter, postcard, little note, giving her support and showing her that 'sweetie, don't let those that don't like you get you down, we love you and care for you'

                    wanna do it????

                    amanda tapping
                    c/o bridge studios
                    2400 boundary road
                    burnaby bc V5M 3Z3
                    Im in



                      glares at oobs

                      for once?????

                      i'm gonna noodle your tuckas

                      anyway, you know, i kinda see this new commander like Jonas...a definite underdog, and i have a soft spot for the underdog.
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Yeah what with the Once????? skys always right



                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          glares at oobs

                          for once?????

                          i'm gonna noodle your tuckas
                          Bwahaha. Come an' git me, sucka.
                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          anyway, you know, i kinda see this new commander like Jonas...a definite underdog, and i have a soft spot for the underdog.
                          Oh absolutely. I'm not going to resent the newbie because the newbie's "taking the place of someone I love." etc. I can't wait to find out who it's going to be!

                          Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                          Yeah what with the Once????? skys always right
                          Kiss up.

                          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            Can I just say one thing???

                            And i am NOT posting as a mod, i'm posting as a person.

                            I have a funny feeling that things are gonna be quite nuts the next few days. I'm thinking that tempers are gonna flare, people are gonna be pissy. They're gonna be grumpy and potentially rude and childish and annoying.

                            And there's only so much that can be done about it.

                            When people see posts that are...passionate in nature, i'd suggest a cheesy phrase.

                            what would amanda do?

                            I personally feel that, over the past few years, things in canada have happened that haven't exactly been nice or fair or certainly fun. However, through it all, Amanda acted with dignity and grace and was a professional. She didn't snark at people behind her back. She didn't cut them down. She didn't speak ill. She was a professional and a lady.

                            It's an attitude that more fans could embrace.

                            That's all
                            Aren't moderators people too?

                            And I agree with your post (whether from a mod or a person) that we should think about how to act professionally in samanda (unlike some of the other threads I've peeked at). We have to remember that there's always a chance Amanda might read this thread and we wouldn't want her to think we aren't polite and thoughtful of other people's feelings.

                            Rudeness is not a samanda thing

                            Just my thoughts...


                              Originally posted by Über View Post
                              Bwahaha. Come an' git me, sucka.Oh absolutely. I'm not going to resent the newbie because the newbie's "taking the place of someone I love." etc. I can't wait to find out who it's going to be!

                              Kiss up.




                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                i think writing amanda is a GREAT idea.

                                whatta ya say???

                                start a 'congratulations' shower???

                                send her a card, letter, postcard, little note, giving her support and showing her that 'sweetie, don't let those that don't like you get you down, we love you and care for you'

                                wanna do it????

                                amanda tapping
                                c/o bridge studios
                                2400 boundary road
                                burnaby bc V5M 3Z3
                                I'm all over this like Sam eating Blue Jello. It's a FABULOUS idea!

                                I know a lot of folks don't agree with me but (don't click the spoiler if you don't agree with me, you have been warned)
                                I'm happy Sam won't be on SGA for much longer. I love Sam and will miss her, but I'm totally jazzed and excited to see Amanda in something else. I can't wait to see what happens with Sanctuary on SciLie (even if I don't trust SciLie).

                                And as Sky said, this will be a BOOST to Amanda's career. I'm sure she agonized over the decision, but I have no doubt that she made the right one for HER and that's all I care about, Amanda being happy with what she's doing and how it affects her and her family.

                                AMANDA, YOU FRELLIN' ROCK LADY!
                                I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.

