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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Perhaps I'm going a bit against the grain here, but I for one am absolutely thrilled that Amanda is no longer going to be on Atlantis. It has been a true chore to have to tune in each week, hoping to maybe get ten or so minutes of Sam, only to be disappointed both with her screen time and the impotently docile nature they've had her adopt. Lord knows I've never been a fan of Atlantis, but seeing one of my favorite characters wallow in such mediocrity and seeing Sam reduced to what at best can be described as a tertiary role has been nothing short of painful. Honestly, I was sad to hear that Sam was going to Atlantis. It's not where she belongs. Not to me. I thought then that if only her stint on Atlantis could merely be portrayed as typical tour of duty, as a rotate-in, rotate-out affair, then that would be making the best of it. That seems to be the case in fact, now.

    As far as Sam Carter goes, she's not done. They'll of course be the requisite guest spots. And I'll eat my proverbial hat if there is not at least one more SG-1 movie. As a weekly character, however, I feel that Sam Carter has run out of places to go. Only big things are left to happen to her, things too big for episodic work and too big to happen on Atlantis and away from SG-1. I understand why TPTB wanted her there, even knowing that Amanda's availability was in question. The character needed a fix. TPTB needed to make some sort of amends. But in the end it was always a big gamble to think they'd keep her around beyond season four. And after a fashion, it was a total compliment, too. TPTB decided that doing right by Sam Carter and by Amanda Tapping was more important than stability on Atlantis.

    As far as Sanctuary goes, I don't think it's perfect, but it is new and fresh and it has room to grow. Hopefully with a little more cash and a lot more time the show will find legs and a voice. Faced with a choice between the two, between Atlantis and Sanctuary, I'd pick Sanctuary every time. No question. So I say good for Amanda, and Good Luck. Thanks for eleven years of quality work and for giving me something to absolutely look forward to each week.


      I just have to say that Samandans rock! (and paper and scissors too!)

      In the face of some sad news, we are all handling it with class and seeing the bright side of things.

      I will miss Sam.

      I am beyond excited for what is in store for Sanctuary.

      I am glad that everything has been AT's choice and I am proud of her for taking the reigns.

      P.S. I used to have a WWSD? Shirt. "What Would Scully Do?" "Start with a Y incision."

      Atlantis just started! Gotta go watch!


        Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
        P.S. I used to have a WWSD? Shirt. "What Would Scully Do?" "Start with a Y incision."
        My sister and I both have that shirt. My sis wore it to the breakfast at the first con in Chicago. Amanda LOVED it. She thought it was hilarious.

        As for the latest developments. I've always liked atlantis, so I'll keep watching. It will be great to see Sam appear from time to time. And hopefully we'll have many more SG-1 movies to watch. I'm very happy for all the folks at S3M, they've all worked very hard for over 2 years on Sanctuary and it is so great that they will bet the exposure they deserve on Sci-Fi. Though the network often disappoints, it sounds like they are maintaining control over the product, so it won't suffer at the hands of studio execs.

        GO AMANDA!
        Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
        William Shakespeare

        Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


          Originally Posted by Skydiver
          i think writing amanda is a GREAT idea.

          whatta ya say???

          start a 'congratulations' shower???

          send her a card, letter, postcard, little note, giving her support and showing her that 'sweetie, don't let those that don't like you get you down, we love you and care for you'

          wanna do it????

          amanda tapping
          c/o bridge studios
          2400 boundary road
          burnaby bc V5M 3Z3
          Originally Posted by Über
          The tough part is knowing that for the first time since 1997, she won't be in the opening credits of a Stargate show.

          But then...she'll be in the opening credits of another suppose it balances out kinda, right?
          Originally Posted by Skydiver

          yes, we will miss sam.

          I just read the first part to Amanda's interview, i'm realy happy with choice Amanda has made and i admit it will be hard not seeing Sam on a reguler basis , Amanda has brought so much to boath SG-1 and Atlantis and i've enjoyed every minite and know with Sanctuary i cant wait to see more of Dr Helen Magnus

          I'll miss Sam alot but i look forward to more Magnus

          Oh Sky i'm in
          (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            hey, how cool would it be if
            col dave dixon was the new boss of atlantis????

            i loved him. such a snarker.


            Lorne for President!!!
            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              i think writing amanda is a GREAT idea.

              whatta ya say???

              start a 'congratulations' shower???

              send her a card, letter, postcard, little note, giving her support and showing her that 'sweetie, don't let those that don't like you get you down, we love you and care for you'

              wanna do it????

              amanda tapping
              c/o bridge studios
              2400 boundary road
              burnaby bc V5M 3Z3
              You know what, maybe I'll do that

              Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
              Heak yes

              if they kill off Sam im gana stop watching


              No nno really....Just kiding course we did

              AHHHHHHHHHHHH NO Sam/Jack + Sheppard/Weir


              Of course its purdy

              Nicely put Sky

              Now i am gana say something but it will be classy (i hope). Its just i was reading the script from the interview with Amanda (which im in the middle of watching) and it sadened me so much when she was talking about the Anti fans infact I almost had to rush to the bathroom to throw up cause i was so upset. I just wanted to Give Amanda a big hug and tell her I Love her and that us at Samanda Love her too, im so writing to her.....was that ok didnt go to far????
              I know exactly how you, but what "interview" are you talking about? A while back when I read hear that Amanda was aware of the "New and improved Anit-Carter thread" I didn't know what to think, and again in her recent interview Kamil. I mean it's one thing to hear about "Anti fans" on the net, but's it totally something else to hear it from her. I was just like you, I was so upest too at first, and I also almost felt sick enough to throw up. And as chessy as it sounds coming from me (a guy) I also wanted to give her a big hug and tell her how much I love her, which is a lot I'm also going to sent her a post card from Skys post.

              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              i am VERY disappointed. one season of sam commanding sg1, now one season of sam commanding atlantis.

              i understand the reasons - hard to write for a character if you don't know when they'll be there - but still.

              i'll find out which eps sam will be in when the east coasters watch the eps first, then i'll get my sam fix. so i still get sam... but i had high hopes for seeing MORE of sam in s5 because of how abbreviated she was in s4.

              i really, really, REALLY hope that whatever reason is for sam not commanding anymore, that it's *respectful* towards the sam carter character.

              sam's a great character. (((((((()))))))))

              Originally posted by Über View Post
              The tough part is knowing that for the first time since 1997, she won't be in the opening credits of a Stargate show.

              But then...she'll be in the opening credits of another suppose it balances out kinda, right?
              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
              In '97 I didn't even know what Stargate was. I can't imagine what it is like to watch a character for 11 years. Wow.

              Yeah, it balances out. I hope Sanctuary will do well. I'm glad it's going to be on TV so I can actually watch it now. More Amanda is always a good thing. And it doesn't hurt that Will's a cutie.
              You 3 make good sense. Your right Über it's going to be hard not seeing her around the opening credits anymore, because she and Chris are the only 2actors to be in the opening credits for all 10 Sg1 seasons. And like you L.A. Doyle, I didn't even know what Stargate was in '97, I was still in elementary school at the time, so I probably wouldn't have understood the show. But I'm a huge fan of Sam's and the shows now, but I still feel like I missed so much. This may sound lame, but lately I've been thinkin about how much as I regret not watching the show these last 10 years, I soooooooooooo wish I could have met Sam and the show so much sooner, it's something I'll always regret .

              But like I said before, she's been around over 11 years now, Amanda/Sam is a legend in the Sci-fi world. And if she does leave, they'd better give her a proper going away episode, something damn right, kinda like a "Good-bye Sam Carter from our lives" episode, because after all these years, she deserves just that and. And it'd better wrap up any lose storylines with her, because if she's going, she deserves to go out right, either back to SG1 or something bigger, because we don't want to wait around for a third movie to see what she's up to. And yeah, there is no question, Sam is a great character

              Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
              I'm all over this like Sam eating Blue Jello. It's a FABULOUS idea!

              I know a lot of folks don't agree with me but (don't click the spoiler if you don't agree with me, you have been warned)
              I'm happy Sam won't be on SGA for much longer. I love Sam and will miss her, but I'm totally jazzed and excited to see Amanda in something else. I can't wait to see what happens with Sanctuary on SciLie (even if I don't trust SciLie).

              And as Sky said, this will be a BOOST to Amanda's career. I'm sure she agonized over the decision, but I have no doubt that she made the right one for HER and that's all I care about, Amanda being happy with what she's doing and how it affects her and her family.

              Originally posted by kir_fect View Post
              [delurk] Great post. I will start my new mantra for myself. Act with class not an...bass. Act with class not like bass

              I am happy for AT this just the begining of something new for her and something she will be able to create. I will miss seeing Sam as often but Amanda will be around more...........well :: smacks forehead:: You know what I mean. I got all verklempt...[lurk]
              You 2 are right. As super sad as I am that she's leaving , this is also a big opportunity, and chance in her career, and who knows, Sanctuary may turn out to be a hit, and go on for a few seasons, I hope

              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              let's just remmber folks

              yes, we will miss sam. I know i will. and i know that i was JUST starting to get attached to season 4 and i'mm not sure if that attachment will continue (beyond lorne sam is the only character on the show i have an emotional attachment to...beyond the rando impulse to slap rodney )

              however, look at it this way

              atlantis full time...she's just an employee. that is all she is. an employee playing a character they could decide to get rid of next week.

              on sanctuary, she's not an employee, she's a producer. she's calling the shots adn taking control. she's getting marks on her resume that outstrip 'leading lady on....'

              'executive producer of....' looks a LOT better on a resume. and it's a building block to one heck of a reputation.

              her career will go a lot further on sanctuary (where it could potentially lead not just to producing but also writing and directing) than it will on a series that i personally will be surprised if lasts past season 5.

              I'm gonna miss the heck out of sam. And i don't know if i'll enjoy atlantis as much without her... but, in the long run, i think sanctuary is gonna give amanda fans more of her than atlantis ever will.

              she's paid her dues over the last 10 years and i think she is finally seeing the results of that.

              and i wish her nothing but the best
              You're right, as usual, you really are all-knowing . She's really come a heck of a long way these past 10 years. I'm so happy she's finally gaining power and seeing her star begin to shine.

              General Reply

              Oh boy, I'm about to get Personal . I just want to say to you guys, and everyone else that, as Phenomenally sad as I am that Sam is leaving , but that's nothing, I'll miss her way more . But the thing is the people, characters move on. RDA and MS did it, so I guess it's Sam/Amanda's turn. I'm not looking forward to her last episode, that's definitely going to be the hardest, I don't know how I'm going to let her go. I really don't know how I can watch new episodes of SGA, and know she's gone Right now I feel just like Amanda_Tapping_Fan up there, I just want to hold on to Sam tight, hug her and never let her go and tell her I love her

              But I'll have to, as will we all. All I can say I hope to God, that Sam Carter comes back soon, and that they'll be a 3rd movie one day. I wouldn't trade a second of Sam of anything, and even after 11 years, that's still to little Carter. I hope from the bottom of my heart that Amanda is very happy, and successful and I wish all the best things in the world for her. Because where ever her career takes her, she'll always have a "Rocky" chanting "Amanda", "Amanda", "Amanda" Well, that's it, I hope I didn't make any cry

              PS: Right now, these vids describes my situation perfectly:

              How I feel
              And this
              Last edited by Rocky89; 01 February 2008, 11:51 PM.


                I was talking about the new one, but i reacon I would have felt the same with the other one too.
                Yip with you there brother

                Edit: I just realised I joined Gateworld in Feb 2007 Does that make this my one year annaversary
                Last edited by Amanda_Tapping_Fan; 02 February 2008, 12:45 AM.



                  I hate RL - it's been distracting lately...I'm only now listening to AT's interview with Kamil. Yay!

                  On the other hand, it felt like someone hit me in the stomach when I logged in and saw the news about Amanda not coming back for Season 5.

                  Though after that initial reaction, I have to admit I'm kinda excited about it. I was getting really upset about how under used Sam was on on Atlantis - I think after eleven years, both Sam and Amanda have grown beyond what the writers are able to do for her.

                  Honestly I think that anything that means we get to see AT tackle new and exciting projects, and frankly anything that makes her happy is a good thing. Happy Amanda = happy Charlie.

                  And yeah, I'm excited. I'm excited about seeing 'Sanctuary' evolve and seeing where they go with it. I'm excited about seeing what new roles Amanda decides to take on, both as an actress and producer and who knows what else. This is cool!

                  Sky, I love your idea of sending Amanda a card or something to show our support. After reading some of those anti-threads I think she could use it. Plus hey, you can never have too much love!
                  Royal Page of Samanda
                  "Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid."


                    Originally posted by rolleson View Post
                    I'm really looking forward to Sanctuary on tv.
                    Anyone into Sam/Sheppard? It's my new ship, cause they are so pretty.
                    Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                    yeah, uh, not gonna happen. fogeddaboutit. but we love you anyway!
                    Yeah...we love you...but...don't push it buddy!!
                    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                    Let's put our prognostication hats on and guess what will happen in the 13 Sanctuary episodes......
                    1) Of the 13 episodes, in how many will Helen be wearing stilletos?
                    2) While switching shows from Helen to Sam, will Amanda forget to take off the stilletos and end up poking Rodney with them?
                    3) Will Sam wear a short black skirt around Atlantis?
                    Inquiring minds want to know!
                    1) Of the 13 episodes, in how many will Helen be wearing stilletos?
                    13 of course!!
                    2) While switching shows from Helen to Sam, will Amanda forget to take off the stilletos and end up poking Rodney with them?
                    If only!!! We can only hope...I love Rodney but he's such a sook!
                    3) Will Sam wear a short black skirt around Atlantis?
                    Oh please...that would send the ratings through the roof!!!
                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    what would amanda do?
                    I wish I had a way with words as you do Sky...all I'd like to say at this time is:
                    I'm very happy for Amanda.
                    I can only wish her all the very best in all her endeavor's and all the success for her future!!
                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    i think writing amanda is a GREAT idea.
                    whatta ya say???
                    start a 'congratulations' shower???
                    send her a card, letter, postcard, little note, giving her support and showing her that 'sweetie, don't let those that don't like you get you down, we love you and care for you'
                    wanna do it????
                    amanda tapping
                    c/o bridge studios
                    2400 boundary road
                    burnaby bc V5M 3Z3
                    Count me in...I think this is a great do we start right away???
                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    anyway, you know, i kinda see this new commander like Jonas...a definite underdog, and i have a soft spot for the underdog.
                    I was thinking maybe Major Paul Davis...I love him...but Colin is working on that new show jPod...but then again so is Emilie Ullerup...interesting!!!
                    Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                    Edit: I just realised I joined Gateworld in Feb 2007 Does that make this my one year annaversary
                    Happy anniversary!!!

                    You know, having gotten over the initial surprise and all from yesterdays news, I remember back when SG1 was cancelled...I thought that was more Sam more Amanda...but then we got SGA for a year and even though Amanda won't be on SGA as a regular anymore, we know she will be back for a few eps...I think now I'm a bit anxious to see how they worked around getting a new commander for SGA...I hope they looked after our girl...that said, I'm very happy for Amanda.
                    WWAD???...I honestly don't know but I'm gonna just take this news and find the positive side and be happy....
                    "Smile and wave and wave"

                    Night all, take care, be safe and have fun!!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      I have to admit, I was a bit upset last night after reading the news here that Sam won't be back for S5. I've come to grips though. She has to move on and I support her in whatever her plans may be. I look forward to some awesome projects in the days to come from her either before the camera or behind. I'm way behind in watching Sanctuary, but if this is going to be her main focus for now, then I've got some catching up to do.

                      My only concern is that AT's last ep on Atlantis be well written and realistic, one of class and one that ties up all those lose ends so we're not left wondering anything. She's been a mainstay for 11 yrs in the Stargate world and to do a flippant ep that does not satisfy and really say 'goodbye' would be awful.


                        Hi guys, I've got a couple of things to mention.

                        Now, firstly, regarding the news. I have to admit that it didn't hit me like it hit other people. I was too busy doing the "yay" Helen dance (though I'm a little concerned about warm 'n' fuzzy Helen because I love her clipped and abrasive manner). In all honesty, I wouldn't have watched Atlantis anyway, but I know what it would have been like for me if Amanda had decided to leave SG1, and I know that a lot of you must be extrememly upset.

                        However, reading the article about Joe on the GW homepage, I think it's comforting to know that they fully intended to renew Amanda's contract and have her as a full time cast member. This means that it was 100% Amanda's decision to leave, and it's a decision that I'm sure was very difficult for her to make.

                        11 years portraying a character is a long time. In Amanda's case it's over 1/4 of her life. I've been watching her as Sam for almost half mine. Amanda has invested a lot in Sam, putting in the hours doing the technobabble research, battling TPTB for realism, bringing warmth and humour to a character that started off life as quite abrasive (and rightly so, if you recall Sam's position in COTG). As such, the decision to leave must have been very difficult, and in a way, it must feel as if a certain part of her is being left behind. I suppose the best analogy would be that she's leaving an 11 year relationship here.

                        But the promise that Sanctuary offers is huge. It may be a fresh series and there may not be the relative security of the Stargate franchise, but it's a new show, new character and one where Amanda gets a great deal of creative control. Being one of the PTB herself, there's no end to the possibilities. She may even, at some point, get the chance to write, direct.... the beauty of working on your own show is you do what you want (to an extent!). As Sky has already said, there is a huge draw to a show where you aren't just the leading lady, but have a say in the decision making process. By following this path, Amanda opens up far more doors in her career, allowing her not only to continue her path as an actor, but potentially gain experience in other areas of the entertainment industry.

                        Amanda is taking a very difficult decision here, but it is one that I truly believe is the best for her career, and obviously she does too. She's a very wise woman and we should trust her decision, and she's obviously burned no bridges, as she has already been invited back as a guest star.

                        I also fully support the idea of writing to Amanda, but think it would be nice to write to S3M instead of Bridge. If we write to S3M, it shows that we have confidence in Sanctuary, we support the show, we support her decision and it's a nod of recognition to the important work she's doing for Sanctuary.

                        In other news....

                        Sanctuary Fic

                        I've seen a couple of people ask about Sanctuary fanfic. Yes, it does exist and we have a shiny Sanctuary Fiction website that was designed by antoa and is run by myself, antoa, Neep and Xeljin.

                        We understand that as such a fledgling series, with only to hours of material with which to work and upon which we can base our fic, many experienced writers may be apprehensive about trying their hand in the world of Sanctuary Fiction. However, we feel that this show lends itself perfectly to the ficcing community given the extensive possibilities in the Sanctuary past, present and future.

                        Every month, in conjunction with the official Sanctuary forums, we have a fanfiction challenge which follows a different theme. This month's theme (February 2008) is love, which is not just based around the romantic variety, but the unconditional parental variety, and the love found in deep and lasting friendships.

                        To enter the challenge, your fic should be between 500 and 5000 words long, be uploaded to the Sanctuary Fiction site at and then added as a challenge (click on the challenges link, find your challenge and click "respond to challenge").

                        We encourage all writers to participate, whether experienced or writing for the first time and most of all, we want you to have fun in the process.
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          when/if i can get an address from James about sanctuary, i'll post it here. It is best to start sending her stuff to 3M instead of bridge since, once the s5 premiere is over, her time there will be limited at best.

                          for me personally? I think atlantis' days are numbered. i just don't think that the show caught the magic that sg1 did and i will be surprised to see it last past s5 and maybe a movie to close down teh plot.

                          I think they'll cut thier losses and move onto Universe.

                          Which, as much as i'll miss sam, i think sanctuary is a very wise move. Sanctuary has a future. it potentially has years ahead of it, while atl has a limited life span.

                          I think the only way atlantis could thrive is to have some major reworkings at the most basic level (writing and producing) and we know that wont' happen.

                          sanctuary is best for her long term future.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by golfbooy View Post
                            As far as Sanctuary goes, I don't think it's perfect, but it is new and fresh and it has room to grow. Hopefully with a little more cash and a lot more time the show will find legs and a voice. Faced with a choice between the two, between Atlantis and Sanctuary, I'd pick Sanctuary every time. No question. So I say good for Amanda, and Good Luck. Thanks for eleven years of quality work and for giving me something to absolutely look forward to each week.
                            I have to agree, golfbooy.

                            While I have watched every episode of SGA this season, it's been uneven in quality. As far as Sam is concerned, it's also been uneven in quantity, one minute here and there and the rare significant contribution to the storyline. While I've hoped for more, it hasn't really materialized, and I can't say I'm surprised.

                            Since it's been so long since the last episode of Sanctuary, I've wondered if it was going to fade away. Amanda was right when she said it's too easy to download without paying on the internet. I'm glad it will be on TV since that means some stability for its production. I do hope that s3m will be able to permanently maintain creative control. I think there's a good chance they will.

                            I can't say I'm surprised by the decision Amanda made. There are only so many hours in the day, after all. We may very well see as much of Sam as a guest star as we have this season anyway. I suspect TPTB would have to create something significant for Sam to do if AT's going to guest star.

                            I'm not disappointed by the change; there's too much potential for more.

                            In memory of Deejay.
                            May we all be so well loved.


                              I watch these clips and see again just how much Amanda adds to the pure joy of any set. Stepping back from Stargate had to be one of the hardest decisions she's had to make in this business. Yet, she took a risk on a brand new endeavor and it's now paying off. So she must go where it leads her. She can't juggle it all.

                              I think fans should reflect on their own life decisions, personal and professional, that often meant stepping out of a comfort zone and feeling suspended while waiting for the ground to settle under their feet.

                              Amanda's been suspended between two major projects for a couple years now. It had to be a great strain, emotional and physical. Yet she managed to keep her sense of humor and professionalism intact.

                              I haven't read all the reactionary posts yet, even here. So I'm just writing this off the top of my head and maybe it's already been voiced. If so, I don't mean to be taking someone's else's words. This is just my early-morning opinion, live streaming from my brain and gut.

                              Fans of Sam Carter have come to really care about and know Amanda too. It's a weird vibe - almost like we're family, so connected. AT sees that too and is constantly amazed by the fans' support. I think she knows, intuitively, that her decision to leave Sam behind for Helen Magnus will create quite a stir in some camps. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Her professional future lies with the Magnus character. You can read the excitement in her interview. She and the other "Stargate alumni" have been working damn hard to get Sanctuary launched. They've hit some bumps in the road but now all their dedication and hard work are showing results. Television rights, gaming rights, Facebook, who knows what else? It has to be a heady and exhausting ride.

                              I truly hope the loyal Sam fans are able to cut Amanda some slack. Cherish what she's given us for years with her brilliant portrayal of Carter and, now, offer Amanda our continued support for her new project.

                              I'll admit that this is really hard for me as Sam Carter was the reason I watched Stargate. Yet Amanda is so much more than a character on a TV show. She's a warm, caring and KIND individual who often gives more than she gets.

                              Let's rally around the actor and not the character as this all plays itself out. Yes, we'll mourn less Sam but we'll still have more Amanda in her new role. Who knows where she will take us?

                              Amanda has been and always will be a class act. It's wonderful to see her star rising.

                              HIC COMITAS REGIT.

                              Peace, CG


                                Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                                Amanda has been and always will be a class act. It's wonderful to see her star rising.

                                HIC COMITAS REGIT.

                                Peace, CG
                                Sing it, sister!

                                In memory of Deejay.
                                May we all be so well loved.

