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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    this has a LOT of info to take in. i'm a bit happy but confused but unsure...

    okay, so

    *the scifi channel is going to allow 'sanctuary' to air on it's channel.

    *a new two hour premier is going to be made in MARCH, with some of the same footage used.

    *(copy/pasting) "Stargate Atlantis" is in a similar position and will begin filming its fifth season in a couple of weeks. Tapping, who co-starred on that series last season, wil return for several episodes.

    so it's *for sure* that sam's going to be in s5? is amanda still considered co-starring for the new season? how many eps is several?

    i'm afraid to start celebrating yet until i hear that is real news (from joe or scifi network).

    but this could be GREAT news if this is all for real!!

    *holds down squee until sureness*


    Oh, I really hope Amanda is in S5, even if it is for just a few episodes. I'm also glad to hear Sanctuary will be on Sci-Fi. I haven't watched it since the first 4 or so free webisodes, so this is great!


      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
      You are right. In Samanda the polar bears and penguins coexist quite nicely (for the most part). and for those who aren't able to travel transatlantically we can at least meet virtually here.
      Amanda *is* awesome. I'm so glad to hear they got the green light for Sanctuary and will cross my fingers that SciFi lets them keep to their vision. And Sam will be in "a few" episodes of Atlantis. I'll be waiting to see how many is "a few," but it's better than none.
      Even meeting virtually is fun and exciting....or am I just easily excitable??...anyhoo, I hope that Sci fi doesn't futz with Sanctuary...and as for Amanda being in a few episodes....I'm gonna sit and wait to see what a few actually's gonna be very interesting!!
      Originally posted by ames View Post
      Thanks for that tidbit 'chelle I needed the smile're welcome you need a hug to go with that tidbt...

      Originally posted by PengYn View Post
      LOL....that is so cute!!!
      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
      Oh, I really hope Amanda is in S5, even if it is for just a few episodes. I'm also glad to hear Sanctuary will be on Sci-Fi. I haven't watched it since the first 4 or so free webisodes, so this is great!
      Well it would seem that she will be in season 5 but in what capacity is yet to be for Sanctuary gotta see the gets better!!!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by chelle db View Post
        Even meeting virtually is fun and exciting....or am I just easily excitable??...anyhoo, I hope that Sci fi doesn't futz with Sanctuary...and as for Amanda being in a few episodes....I'm gonna sit and wait to see what a few actually's gonna be very interesting!!'re welcome you need a hug to go with that tidbt...

        LOL....that is so cute!!!

        Well it would seem that she will be in season 5 but in what capacity is yet to be for Sanctuary gotta see the gets better!!!
        well Chelle db, lets take a look at RDA/O'Neill for a minute. He clearly wasn't around very much in season 7 as he was in the first 6 seasons (I know why). But come season 8 he was back in action. He was a lot more in involved in the episodes particularly "Zero Hour". The reason I'm saying this is because it could also happen to Amanda. You've said a few times already that TBTB worked around her schedule this year, so I don't see why they can't next year.

        And as for the part about her still being base commander, I still think/hope that she'll be, she could just-- like I said pull a S7 O'Neill and not be around much, and if she is back in S6 than her role could very well be increase. Plus to get another new letter now would hurt Atlantis and Carter fans.

        And I also think it's a little weird people getting worried about when they see the words "several", "guest", or whatever. They see "several", and they think 5-12, then they see "guest" and they think 2-4. I mean does the number of episodes change whenever they see those words?


          Originally posted by matoak82 View Post
          The news is out

          Amanda will be in a few episodes of SGA. SANCTUARY got the green light from Sci-Fi and oredere 13 episodes.
          Unless I'm pretty dense (don't say it! ) I only found info on Sanctuary but not SGA here. Am I looking in the right spot?

          Originally posted by parsifal View Post
          From the SciFi press release regarding Sanctuary:
          "Amanda Tapping will also make guest appearances on several episodes of SCI FI Channel's Stargate Atlantis during its 5th season."
          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
          Actually, I just found a thread over at the SGA season 4 board, and... I don't know. Beware of spoils.


          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
          LOL...very nice! Thanks for the chuckle it gave me.


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            I would say...if it turns out that the rumors/suppositions are indeed true....folks, i feel like we got the best of both worlds

            13 BROADCAST episodes of Sanctuary, with helen prominant in most if not all of them


            'several' episodes of Sam. (several being - my guess - 6-15)

            best of both worlds cause, had sanctuary not happened, we'd have gotten sam just part time and likely not much else
            i'm feeling the best of both worlds too!

            the only prob i have is that i was hoping to see *more* of sam in s5; now it'll be less. BUT, we'll have ALL AMANDA (helen) for 13 eps of 'sanctuary!

            what i'm hoping for:

            *sam still stays as atlantis' leader.
            *sam's in at least 10 eps.
            *IF she's not atlantis' leader, it better be explained with respect to the sam carter character.
            *SAM IS NOT KILLED OFF!!!

            *soooo much to think about*




              What a year this is going to be for Amanda! Somehow, this poem and photo (from GABIT two years ago) seem to fit the present moment ... how wonderful that she's taking us (her fans) along for the ride!

              Amanda in Motion

              She's a shooting star
              Racing through the universe
              Hard to keep her still

              Whirling and spinning
              Rapid acceleration
              Forward and reverse

              Completely alive
              Energized by all her fans
              Mischief on her mind

              A quick look, a glance
              The lens cannot match the pace
              Here, and then she's gone

              Blonde hair flying free
              Freeze frames are impossible
              Cameras won't work

              Eyes instead, just watch
              Caught in her trajectory
              Spirit needs to soar


                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                i'm feeling the best of both worlds too!

                the only prob i have is that i was hoping to see *more* of sam in s5; now it'll be less. BUT, we'll have ALL AMANDA (helen) for 13 eps of 'sanctuary!

                what i'm hoping for:

                *sam still stays as atlantis' leader.
                *sam's in at least 10 eps.
                *IF she's not atlantis' leader, it better be explained with respect to the sam carter character.
                *SAM IS NOT KILLED OFF!!!

                *soooo much to think about*

                SamFan31 (a polar bear) suggested that maybe Sam Carter will be AWAY on missions to Wash DC to visit a certain Director of Homeworld Security ... hmm ... bless her little non-shippy heart! Would TPTB dare be that bold?


                  Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                  SamFan31 (a polar bear) suggested that maybe Sam Carter will be AWAY on missions to Wash DC to visit a certain Director of Homeworld Security ... hmm ... bless her little non-shippy heart! Would TPTB dare be that bold?
                  Well, at least I can stop watching SGA at the end of season 4. The only reason I watched SGA was when At or RDA were on it. The frustration level with the lack of any resolution of the S/J ship was really awful. She's been nothing but wallpaper since the end of SG1 Season 8. But I really love the Carter character and will really miss her. Santuary was OK, but it was Sam Carter and Jack O'Neill, either or both, that I was really into.


                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                    well Chelle db, lets take a look at RDA/O'Neill for a minute. He clearly wasn't around very much in season 7 as he was in the first 6 seasons (I know why). But come season 8 he was back in action. He was a lot more in involved in the episodes particularly "Zero Hour". The reason I'm saying this is because it could also happen to Amanda. You've said a few times already that TBTB worked around her schedule this year, so I don't see why they can't next year.
                    And as for the part about her still being base commander, I still think/hope that she'll be, she could just-- like I said pull a S7 O'Neill and not be around much, and if she is back in S6 than her role could very well be increase. Plus to get another new letter now would hurt Atlantis and Carter fans.
                    And I also think it's a little weird people getting worried about when they see the words "several", "guest", or whatever. They see "several", and they think 5-12, then they see "guest" and they think 2-4. I mean does the number of episodes change whenever they see those words?
                    To me a guest appearance is just that...a pop in here and yeah....probably definitely less than 10 episodes...I'd be guessing that Amanda will make anywhere between 6 and 10 eps maximum...which is pretty cool...better than none I guess!!
                    So what was with the reason why RDA was not in season 7 as much as season 6?? I thought it was coz RDA wanted to have a much reduced role so he could spend more time with his daughter Wylie...or did I miss something there??
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      The doctor appointment wasn't as scary as I made it out in my head. He thinks because of where the pain is, and more importantly where it isn't, and because of the fact that it's increased in frequency but not intensity that it's being caused by my low phosphorus levels. Especially because this last week I've had more frequent muscle pain, and my phosphorus levels have dropped. So he doesn't think the tumors are growing again.

                      I've another appointment in three weeks. Right now we're monitoring and letting my body break from nasty chemo.

                      What a relief!

                      Thank you all for the good wishes, prayers, hugs, and support. You're great!


                        Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                        SamFan31 (a polar bear) suggested that maybe Sam Carter will be AWAY on missions to Wash DC to visit a certain Director of Homeworld Security ... hmm ... bless her little non-shippy heart! Would TPTB dare be that bold?
                        From her lips to God's ears!!!

                        On other business, it's time to start issuing the invitation!!!

                        (spoiled for AD and others who are not interested):



                          Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                          The doctor appointment wasn't as scary as I made it out in my head. He thinks because of where the pain is, and more importantly where it isn't, and because of the fact that it's increased in frequency but not intensity that it's being caused by my low phosphorus levels. Especially because this last week I've had more frequent muscle pain, and my phosphorus levels have dropped. So he doesn't think the tumors are growing again.

                          I've another appointment in three weeks. Right now we're monitoring and letting my body break from nasty chemo.

                          What a relief!

                          Thank you all for the good wishes, prayers, hugs, and support. You're great!
                          That is very good to hear (((DJ)))


                            Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                            SamFan31 (a polar bear) suggested that maybe Sam Carter will be AWAY on missions to Wash DC to visit a certain Director of Homeworld Security ... hmm ... bless her little non-shippy heart! Would TPTB dare be that bold?
                            Oh yay...that's where my shippy head sends me...I'd so be peeing myself with laughter if it has something to do with that certain someone in Washington...that would just be sooooo cool!!!!!!
                            ....hang on a minute....this was said by a non shipper???...woah!!!
                            Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                            The doctor appointment wasn't as scary as I made it out in my head. He thinks because of where the pain is, and more importantly where it isn't, and because of the fact that it's increased in frequency but not intensity that it's being caused by my low phosphorus levels. Especially because this last week I've had more frequent muscle pain, and my phosphorus levels have dropped. So he doesn't think the tumors are growing again.
                            I've another appointment in three weeks. Right now we're monitoring and letting my body break from nasty chemo.
                            What a relief!
                            Thank you all for the good wishes, prayers, hugs, and support. You're great!
                            Yay...awesome news Deejay!!! That's the best news today...excellent!!!!!
                            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                            From her lips to God's ears!!!
                            On other business, it's time to start issuing the invitation!!!
                            (spoiled for AD and others who are not interested):


                            I shall be there with bells on..and that's it coz I got nuthin for the day...D'oh!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                              The doctor appointment wasn't as scary as I made it out in my head. He thinks because of where the pain is, and more importantly where it isn't, and because of the fact that it's increased in frequency but not intensity that it's being caused by my low phosphorus levels. Especially because this last week I've had more frequent muscle pain, and my phosphorus levels have dropped. So he doesn't think the tumors are growing again.

                              I've another appointment in three weeks. Right now we're monitoring and letting my body break from nasty chemo.

                              What a relief!

                              Thank you all for the good wishes, prayers, hugs, and support. You're great!

                              great news hon!!!!!
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                                I've another appointment in three weeks. Right now we're monitoring and letting my body break from nasty chemo.

                                What a relief!

                                Thank you all for the good wishes, prayers, hugs, and support. You're great!
                                Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                                That is very good to hear (((DJ)))
                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                                great news hon!!!!!

                                What they all said DJ! Dudette! Glad to hear things weren't as bad as they sounded. (((((DJ))))

                                *still sending those healing vibes and virtual hugs
                                I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.

