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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
    Hello everyone,

    I'm back from the brink of beyond. The last few weeks have been hellacious for me. I had a bad reaction to the steroids that I get after chemo and became very depressed for a while. Then we had some major family drama (which seems to be going well now), a good friend died, then my cat died. I just haven't had the spare energy to come online. I haven't even been able, yet, to read all the Sam-Vala friendship fics yet. How sad!

    But I did miss you guys.

    I'm a little weak and tired right now from last week's chemo, but other than that I'm starting to feel like my old self again.

    Deejay's back!

    *happy dance*

    I'm glad you're starting to feel like yourself again. *hugs*

    In memory of Deejay.
    May we all be so well loved.


      Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
      how about she has a girlfriend now Already pmed stef with it but it would be a cute music vid if you ask me...

      yes the femslasher in me is out for now
      YAY! that one would work really well!

      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
      Not sure what Sam would like, but you (and the 15 degree temp) has me hankering for a good old fashioned cup of hot chocolate. But I can't drink it here. Must protect the computer, you know.
      I'm sure Sam does like hot drinks--it gets cold in that mountain even in the summer I bet--and adds a jigger of something with "spirit" when she's off the clock.

      must go get the cocoa...later...
      Chai tea lattes are my current hot beverage of choice when standing around in the aforementioned many degrees below zero temperatures...that and green tea. I can see Sam going for a Chai tea or the pumpkin latte if she's feeling in the right mood...kinda expect her to stick to coffee too though.

      Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
      Hello everyone,

      I'm back from the brink of beyond. The last few weeks have been hellacious for me. I had a bad reaction to the steroids that I get after chemo and became very depressed for a while. Then we had some major family drama (which seems to be going well now), a good friend died, then my cat died. I just haven't had the spare energy to come online. I haven't even been able, yet, to read all the Sam-Vala friendship fics yet. How sad!

      But I did miss you guys.

      I'm a little weak and tired right now from last week's chemo, but other than that I'm starting to feel like my old self again.

      YAY! It is good to see you again and I am glad things are looking up for you again, hope they keep going great!
      Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
      My Fanfic~My Femslash


        The latest issue of the official Stargate Magazine came today, and the double-sided poster has Sam on both sides. I scanned in the top half of each side. On the SG-1 side, the group look so happy. It’s clearly a Michael, Chris, Amanda, Ben shot, as opposed to a Daniel, Teal’c, Sam and Cam picture.

        Spoilered for size

        The issue also includes an article on the McKay-Carter rivalry, seen here.

        And finally, here are two questions and answers from an interview with Joe Mallozzi.

        Question: The other person incapacitated at the end of the season is Weir. Were you paving the road for Samantha Carter to come in?

        Answer: To be perfectly honest, we considered having Carter as a crossover character. The previous year, season ten of Stargate SG-1 and season three of Stargate-Atlantis, we were thinking of making her the commander of the Apollo. We would have adventures where she was shuttling the crew back and forth. She would be making her appearance on Stargate-Atlantis and other times she would be with SG-1 because the Apollo would be in the Milky Way. For contractual and scheduling reasons, we weren’t able to do it. But when the discussions about Torri came up, we weren’t even considering Amanda. At the end of the season, we came to a decision that Weir would be heading off in a different direction, away from Atlantis. Once we made that decision, we had to question who was going to come in to fill those shoes. There were four possible candidates we talked about and one of them was Carter. Ultimately, she was the one we chose to go with.

        Question: What makes Carter a perfect fit for the Stargate-Atlantis team?

        Answer: Carter has a wealth of experience. Obviously, she has dealt with the Ori, the Gou’ald, - she was on the forefront of Earth’s battle against those alien parasites. She has good experience with the Replicators who the Stargate-Atlantis expedition have been up against. She’s the Milky Way’s top scientist so she has that. Plus, Carter has the military and leadership background. She’s shared a co-command with Mitchell. A lot of people have reacted negatively and said that Stargate-Atlantis is no longer an international expedition; ‘Why do we have to get the military involved?’ My response is it is still run by the IOA. The personnel won’t change and even though they faced a threat like the Wraith, it’s not so much as to why the military is involved, but what took so long?

        So, which other three characters do you think were considered for the role of leader of Atlantis? Daniel seems likely, but who else? Maybe Landry or even Woolsey?

        Last edited by NearlyCircular; 17 December 2007, 05:48 PM. Reason: The forum is eating my editing


          Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
          The latest issue of the official Stargate Magazine came today, and the double-sided poster has Sam on both sides. I scanned in the top half of each side. On the SG-1 side, the group look so happy. It’s clearly a Michael, Chris, Amanda, Ben shot, as opposed to a Daniel, Teal’c, Sam and Cam picture.

          Spoilered for size

          The issue also includes an article on the McKay-Carter rivalry, seen here.

          And finally, here are two questions and answers from an interview with Joe Mallozzi.

          Question: The other person incapacitated at the end of the season is Weir. Were you paving the road for Samantha Carter to come in?

          Answer: To be perfectly honest, we considered having Carter as a crossover character. The previous year, season ten of Stargate SG-1 and season three of Stargate-Atlantis, we were thinking of making her the commander of the Apollo. We would have adventures where she was shuttling the crew back and forth. She would be making her appearance on Stargate-Atlantis and other times she would be with SG-1 because the Apollo would be in the Milky Way. For contractual and scheduling reasons, we weren’t able to do it. But when the discussions about Torri came up, we weren’t even considering Amanda. At the end of the season, we came to a decision that Weir would be heading off in a different direction, away from Atlantis. Once we made that decision, we had to question who was going to come in to fill those shoes. There were four possible candidates we talked about and one of them was Carter. Ultimately, she was the one we chose to go with.

          Question: What makes Carter a perfect fit for the Stargate-Atlantis team?

          Answer: Carter has a wealth of experience. Obviously, she has dealt with the Ori, the Gou’ald, - she was on the forefront of Earth’s battle against those alien parasites. She has good experience with the Replicators who the Stargate-Atlantis expedition have been up against. She’s the Milky Way’s top scientist so she has that. Plus, Carter has the military and leadership background. She’s shared a co-command with Mitchell. A lot of people have reacted negatively and said that Stargate-Atlantis is no longer an international expedition; ‘Why do we have to get the military involved?’ My response is it is still run by the IOA. The personnel won’t change and even though they faced a threat like the Wraith, it’s not so much as to why the military is involved, but what took so long?

          So, which other three characters do you think were considered for the role of leader of Atlantis? Daniel seems likely, but who else? Maybe Landry or even Woolsey?

          Fantastic!!! Thanks for sharing NC!!! I'm looking forward to that issue!!!

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
          K-9, CLASS and much more...


            Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
            Hello everyone,

            I'm back from the brink of beyond. The last few weeks have been hellacious for me. I had a bad reaction to the steroids that I get after chemo and became very depressed for a while. Then we had some major family drama (which seems to be going well now), a good friend died, then my cat died. I just haven't had the spare energy to come online. I haven't even been able, yet, to read all the Sam-Vala friendship fics yet. How sad!

            But I did miss you guys.

            I'm a little weak and tired right now from last week's chemo, but other than that I'm starting to feel like my old self again.


            Glad you're back! You have been missed! Sorry to hear about all your woes, but I am really glad you're back.

            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
            okay Secret Santa has been sent out, so besides SunKrux, Titti and SamCarterRules everyone should have gotten it. I hope you all enjoy your pressies and be sure to share it or thank the person who made it for you...And if you want, you can share it here or anywhere else!! But most important just enjoy it....
            You mean no one loves me?! How sad. I always knew it I suppose.

            *yes folks I am kidding...

            Considering the year I've had...I don't blame anyone for not having the time or energy to create something.
            I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


              Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
              I'll go for some ginger loaf
              Molassas cookies. Yummm. Not quite as good as from tthe Mennonite stand at the Farmer's Market but pretty darn close.

              I like the Christmas blend coffee too.

              Though my favorite sweet drink (which coffee is by the time I'm done adding sugar and half and half ) right now is the Cocoa Trio from Seattle's Best Coffee. Be sure to get the chocolate stick.

              but I'm sticking to tea right now. Herbal with honey. Too much stress and rich food this time of year.

              Last edited by suse; 17 December 2007, 08:04 PM.
              Mourning Sanctuary.
              Thanks for the good times!


                Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                The previous year, season ten of Stargate SG-1 and season three of Stargate-Atlantis, we were thinking of making her the commander of the Apollo. We would have adventures where she was shuttling the crew back and forth. She would be making her appearance on Stargate-Atlantis and other times she would be with SG-1 because the Apollo would be in the Milky Way.
                Commanding Atlantis is prime, but that also would have been rather lol. Carter pwning it up, 304 style. Then they could have lost in space, flung far across teh galaxy style shenanigans and also bulk destruction of wraith and ori ships etc.


                  Completely OT but this evening I cooked a very tasty toad in the hole with roast onion gravy and green beans for our game night! I am proud of myself hehe...and my mate just happened to bring my boss along with her to the game night....heh...nothing like a bit of pressure

                  now I really must sleep, I have to get up soon!
                  Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                  My Fanfic~My Femslash


                    Happy Birthday NearlyCircular!!

                    I wish I could bake you a nice cake the way you do for us but I can't bake...well I can but not over the net...sorry!!!:O
                    I hope you have a great day!!!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                      omg Chelle I do that too! Breakfast and Stargate. Since I began doing it I watch an episode every day. I'm going in order, so currently mid season four. Oh and I'm not allowed to skip. The purpose is to watch the entire series.
                      Yay!! But I don't have any sequence in which I watch them...I just go by what I need to stat the day right...if I'm particularly down I go for the funniest one...if I'm feeling pretty good I go for something with a lot of just depends on my mood...9/10 times I don't get to watch the show in it's entirety...but so long as I get something then I'm a happy little vegemite!!
                      Today I watched D&C!!
                      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                      Yay for getting work done early! Your job situation sounds like a bummer. Holiday time accrued but without any opportunity to use it. *shakes head* Does this holiday time 'rollover' into the new year or is it totally lost if you don't use it?
            ! AT's elf name reminds me of a pic taken from season 6 of Nightwalkers
                      Mine is Batty Crazy-Legs btw..hehe
                      Our accrued holidays don't expire...we can accumulate them but lets say I want to take Easter off coz I'm working Christmas but Nikki wants Easter of us is going to miss's not fair...but...I shan't dwell...she'll be right!!
                      Thank you for the card I got today Celandine...yay!! These cards have been absolutely making my day!!!
                      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                      I hate to be the one to burst your bubble but
                      That part was cut out for time
                      Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                      That's true it was cut out. But JM did say it would definitely be part of the deleted scenes on the DVDs and that he might post it on his blog as well. He also said that he hoped to put a similar scene into season 5 - so fingers crossed.
                      True Mandy but like what Nikki says...although I'm sure he said that
                      if season 5 got renewed than he would put something like that in another scene
             fingers and toes and eyes crossed!!
                      Originally posted by Über View Post
                      Naw...the D/V folks is cool peeps. Remember when someone-who-shan't-be-named went on a rage a few months ago and rated threads down a star? Who came in and helped voted us up??? The D/V gang, that's who!!!
                      I like the D/V ship...and the S/J ship...and the J/T ship!!
                      Ship ship hooray for ship!!!!
                      Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                      On the Sanctuary Thread it's been mentioned by James that Amanda might have a fancy for the Christmas Blend coffee from Starbucks...what do you all think SAM's favorite coffee/hot cocoa/hot drink is to have during the Holidays?
                      Hmmm....I think Sam would love her mochaccino with extra marshmallows on top!!!
                      Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                      I may be projecting, but I would have to say, at this time of year, she would enjoy an eggnog latte and a slice of ginger loaf. Yummmm...
                      Yay for ginger loaf...I had my first ginger loaf from Starbucks last month when I met another GW'er from the ship thread...we had such a blast!! Yay!!
                      Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                      Hello everyone,
                      I'm back from the brink of beyond. The last few weeks have been hellacious for me. I had a bad reaction to the steroids that I get after chemo and became very depressed for a while. Then we had some major family drama (which seems to be going well now), a good friend died, then my cat died. I just haven't had the spare energy to come online. I haven't even been able, yet, to read all the Sam-Vala friendship fics yet. How sad!
                      But I did miss you guys.
                      I'm a little weak and tired right now from last week's chemo, but other than that I'm starting to feel like my old self again.

                      We missed you too and I have to say that I keep you in my thoughts as I watch my dad go through all the crappy crap with his cancer my good vibes and thoughts are constantly flowing through to you!!
                      So sorry to hear about all the sad news...I hope that Christmas is extra special for you this year...
                      Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                      okay Secret Santa has been sent out, so besides SunKrux, Titti and SamCarterRules everyone should have gotten it. I hope you all enjoy your pressies and be sure to share it or thank the person who made it for you...And if you want, you can share it here or anywhere else!! But most important just enjoy it....
                      MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!
                      And Neep, please mail me or pm me thanks!
                      and DJ, glad to see you back ((((DJ)))) Hope you feel better soon!!!
                      I didn't get one!!! *cries...a lot*...was I naughty or something??
                      Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                      The latest issue of the official Stargate Magazine came today, and the double-sided poster has Sam on both sides. I scanned in the top half of each side. On the SG-1 side, the group look so happy. It’s clearly a Michael, Chris, Amanda, Ben shot, as opposed to a Daniel, Teal’c, Sam and Cam picture.

                      So, which other three characters do you think were considered for the role of leader of Atlantis? Daniel seems likely, but who else? Maybe Landry or even Woolsey?

                      I love this shot of the four of them...and Amanda's tongue poking out!!! Hehe...yay!!
                      I reckon the other 3 candidates might have been Jack O'Neill, Colonel Reynolds, and Sheppard...I can't imagine Daniel being in charge or Woolsey...especially Woolsey!!
                      Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                      You mean no one loves me?! How sad. I always knew it I suppose.
                      *yes folks I am kidding...
                      Considering the year I've had...I don't blame anyone for not having the time or energy to create something.
                      I loves ya still Sunny...would you like me to send you a special little something??

                      I gotta get off soon...hubby is almost ready for bed and this is the only computer left in the house...bugger!!
                      Night all, take care, be safe and have fun!!
                      (((Tappinating Samandans!!)))
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by Über View Post
                        Oh geez...don't do this to me!!! Now I'm going to sit and obsess over what song could work. GAH!!!!!
                        That wasn't my plan at all

                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        Hmmm, there's a song by Aretha Franklin and Annie Lennox, Iit's called Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves, it's a very upbeat song

                        Here's the youtube link
                        That was my first thought...but then I found a Sam/Janet one to it already. I'd hate to keep using the same song for female friendship...I mean, there has got to be more than one friendship/female empowerment song, no?? Please?? The one I have right now is akin to that song...but a little

                        Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                        how about she has a girlfriend now

               Already pmed stef with it but it would be a cute music vid if you ask me...

                        yes the femslasher in me is out for now
                        Well, I'll see if it inspires me. I'm so fickle But if I think I can do something with it...I get going and finish pretty quickly.


                        PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                          how about she has a girlfriend now

                 Already pmed stef with it but it would be a cute music vid if you ask me...

                          yes the femslasher in me is out for now
                          My vote as well.

                          Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                          On the Sanctuary Thread it's been mentioned by James that Amanda might have a fancy for the Christmas Blend coffee from Starbucks...what do you all think SAM's favorite coffee/hot cocoa/hot drink is to have during the Holidays?
                          I think Sam's drink of choice would be coffee straight up. No frills. Nothing snazzy or trendy. She seems like someone wouldn't jump on a fad (or have the time too).

                          Personally, when I need a gigantic boost of caffeine I go to a local coffee shop called the Bean Counters where the sell the most awesome White Zombie I've ever had. Yum. Perhaps this is what I should go for today. *yawn*

                          Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                          Hello everyone,

                          I'm back from the brink of beyond. The last few weeks have been hellacious for me. I had a bad reaction to the steroids that I get after chemo and became very depressed for a while. Then we had some major family drama (which seems to be going well now), a good friend died, then my cat died. I just haven't had the spare energy to come online. I haven't even been able, yet, to read all the Sam-Vala friendship fics yet. How sad!

                          But I did miss you guys.

                          I'm a little weak and tired right now from last week's chemo, but other than that I'm starting to feel like my old self again.

                          awe! Welcome back Deejay! *hugs* Hoping things turn around for you too!

                          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                          okay Secret Santa has been sent out, so besides SunKrux, Titti and SamCarterRules everyone should have gotten it. I hope you all enjoy your pressies and be sure to share it or thank the person who made it for you...And if you want, you can share it here or anywhere else!! But most important just enjoy it....


                          MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!

                          And Neep, please mail me or pm me thanks!

                          and DJ, glad to see you back ((((DJ)))) Hope you feel better soon!!!
                          I got the lyrics for a wonderful aussie christmas song from Chelle called Six White Boomers. Thank you!

                          Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                          The latest issue of the official Stargate Magazine came today, and the double-sided poster has Sam on both sides. I scanned in the top half of each side. On the SG-1 side, the group look so happy. It’s clearly a Michael, Chris, Amanda, Ben shot, as opposed to a Daniel, Teal’c, Sam and Cam picture.

                          Spoilered for size [spoilers] [CENTER]
                          Yay! This is my favorite of the two. They definitely look happier in this pic. *saves*

                          Happy Birthday Nearly Circular!
                          Hope you have an awesome day today!


                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEARLYCIRCULAR!!!
                            Hope you have a great day!!!



                            I received your cards today and got a huge smile on my face now thanks and TJ wow!!!!

                            and chelle: check your junk mail on hotmail, I send you your secret santa yesterday so you should have it!

                            ETA: I posted a lot of icons yesterday over at my LJ, mainly Sam, Sam/Jack and Vala, wanna check them out go here:

                            all are snurchable!!! Also Wallpapers and headers there
                            Last edited by RepliCartertje; 18 December 2007, 04:14 AM.


                              Hi Everyone,

                              Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                              Hello everyone,

                              I'm back from the brink of beyond. The last few weeks have been hellacious for me. I had a bad reaction to the steroids that I get after chemo and became very depressed for a while. Then we had some major family drama (which seems to be going well now), a good friend died, then my cat died. I just haven't had the spare energy to come online. I haven't even been able, yet, to read all the Sam-Vala friendship fics yet. How sad!

                              But I did miss you guys.

                              I'm a little weak and tired right now from last week's chemo, but other than that I'm starting to feel like my old self again.

                              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                              Happy Birthday NearlyCircular!!

                              I hope you have a great day!!!
                              Ditto from me!

                              And thanks to SG1 Poz for the Christmas card

                              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                                There were four possible candidates we talked about and one of them was Carter.
                                i guess it depends on how you read it. were those four, or other threee really, established characters, or was at least one of then a total new character?
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


