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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
    Yeah right, Becks!

    Taking deep breaths and heading back to the meditation CD again.

    Actually, I think putting my fingers in my ears, downing a large glass of red wine and chanting
    "Must concentrate on AT3 only. Must concentrate on AT3 only. Must concentrate on AT3 only." works better than anything else......

    <leaves Becks to run around the thread singing LA LA etc etc>

    Now now, Julia you KNOW that won't work. how are you going to hold the glass to drink from it if you have your fingers in your ears... You see this is why I am director of Ops!!!!

    You need the straw hun... You know the great big long one... save on the washing up and just stick it in the bottle... Hey presto two hands free for sticking in your ears.



      Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
      You need the straw hun... You know the great big long one... save on the washing up and just stick it in the bottle... Hey presto two hands free for sticking in your ears.

      Ha! Who said I wasn't already using said straw!!! (hic)

      Dives back to Guest Services stuff and leaves Becks to contemplate straws, ears and washing up.......

      To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


        I am not sure if the G4 should be drinking until AT3 is over, okay who gave them drinks??? who?? who??


          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
          I am not sure if the G4 should be drinking until AT3 is over, okay who gave them drinks??? who?? who??
          Probably the usual suspects...who opened the drinks cabinet? Own up now...

          Courtesy of smurf, as always


            Morjana just posted a link to an interview with David Hewlett and Amanda over at that was done at Comic Con. It's about 4 minutes long and they are just adorable together.


            Thanks to Morjana for the link!


              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
              Well there is a thread on GW called Match the Body Part

              *won't go there, won't go there*
              Oh gosh now im in the gutter, thanks Mandy i just got out.

              Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
              heh, I just noticed in those pics that she still has her SG1 patch on
              Oh thats awesome

              Originally posted by Celandine View Post
              IMHO, Sam looks a bit old(er) in this pic. Perhaps that might be it, but there's something in her eyes that for me shouts Janeway as well. An inner confidence that shines outwardly I think, so alas! I cannot say your too crazy here cos I know what your talking about.

              If anything, the stance is the same I think...


              Yeah the pose is very similar.

              Originally posted by Celandine View Post
              Hehe...I essentially knew what you were saying. I just took the opportunity to elaborate on it a bit more so actually, it was all you here.

              And cool! Pool league? I've played pool at bars (love it love it!), but am curious if it's the same game I'm thinking of.

              Came across this pic in another thread here and eagerly snatched it up. Not sure if it's been posted here, hopefully not. Anyway, the expression on AT face is hilarious. She would be sooo fun to party and hang out with!


              HAHA very nice love it

              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
              I've been really curious about finding out who this Janeway person is. I knew she was ST from posts, but I certainly didn't know what she looked like. So I'd say after viewing the pics, the stances are the same, but it's still just Sam. At least I know who Janeway is now..sorta....
              OHHHHH Janeway is like the best startrek character ever!!!

              Originally posted by stargate barbie View Post
              hhhmmm. WTF is going on in that pic!? and
              who is she stripping!?

              are you a ...*gasp* a star trek virgin?
              I know thats what i thought, i was in shock!!!

              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
              This is from Kate's new play, Iphigenia 2.0

              The reviews I've read sound... interesting

              spoilers for blatantly off topic

              Aren't you a tad jealous of that wee boy?

              First female captain on Star Trek. *nods*

              Anyway... I think I missed some nerd-bashing because I never got around to picking up last weeks student paper. This letter was a reply to a letter last week, which I kinda want to read now.

              "Dear Pirate Pete,

              We have four points to make in regards to make in reply to your comments in Salient.

              1. There are other rooms, please feel free to go to them rather than 248, which is the only room we happen to frequent.
              2. Talking is socialising, so which social disability that has talking as a symptom are we afflicted with?
              3. It's starGATE not star TREK, dumbass!
              4. One of us is a fricken girl, can you not see the boobs? (yes, I know some of the guys have boobs too)"

              The thing is, I think I know who this group is... and they are pretty nerdy My sister was once walking past them sitting in a corridor and overheard them all saying "the 3 greatest names in the history of television!" She bit back her response of "Richard Dean Anderson!" but I wouldn't have. Hmmm... I wonder if they laughed when they saw my rant to the editor about the foodie writer spelling MacGyver incorrectly? I loved that letter, it was satire of all the stupid petty letters that get published every week and I got letter of the week for it

              Sigh. Sam's a great character. Sorry for being so off topic again, I shall go and sit in the corner.
              Oh just a WEE bit



                Originally posted by chelle db View Post
       I finally got some pics of the sanctuaryforall sticker on my car...yay!! Hope this not too OT for I'll put it in spoilers!!


                OH very nice i love it.

                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                I'll bet

                AT4. Me and Chelle, that's where we will be.

                If AT3 is the last we will cry into our jello.
                Oh me too, add me to the list of whos jello will be full of tears, i mean ive already started saving for it.

                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                Whoops! Taking us a bit off topic again it seems. Smite me later.

                My mind can never sit still so this morning I found this -

                I thought of opening a new thread somewhere for this, but after pondering for all of 2 seconds, I decided to just post it here. I've gotten to know and love the whole lot of you and really wondered if my perceptions of who you really are are correct..hehe

                Anyway, it's a silly Stargate personality survey to determine which character you would be. If your up to it, do try it out and post your results for us to ogle over.

                Here's mine. *g*


                Looks Like Your Character Is....

                Colonel Jack O'Neill

                Well looks like your personality is very much like the CO of SG-1. You have great leadership skills, remain calm under pressure, take pride in your work, although on occasions you can be hostile towards others you generally take other peoples feeling into account, you tend to be a loner but you probably have a few close friends who know the "real" you, you're intelligent but tend not to show it too often and you have a sarcastic sense of humor.
                Yay i got.....

                Major Samantha Carter
                Well looks like your personality is very much like the plasma/particle physics expert of SG-1. You are a highly intelligent person who takes thier work and commitments seriously, if you are given a task you will not stop until it has been completed to your satisfaction. You have a thirst for knowledge and are always striving to learn more. You are not easily intimidated and once you make a friend they're one for life. You probably spend a lot of time doing your hobby.

                And by that descripition i realised i actually am quite simmiler to them everything fits, well besibes the intelegent part.

                Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                I'm actually holding back on the coolness online because I don't want to overwhelm you all


                or something like that *looks shifty*

                *hands calming soothing drink* we're covers it *looks innceont* no heart attacks intended...

                Ooh thanks for that, I shall vote!

                The power! The power! *cackles*

                freaking kangaroos...

                Let us none-AT3 folks make a pact to save the pennies for AT4 we can do it!!

                I apologise...I've exercised and then had chocolate and wine...adrenalin, alcohol and exhaustion are all competing for control....*wibbles*
                Ill join that pact already started ill see you there

                Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                Probably the usual suspects...who opened the drinks cabinet? Own up now...
                Oh no they didnt oh no watch out for the flying jello, hey dont throw the ble stuff its too valuable * looks down at blue jello on shirt* ok who was it if your gana throw blue jello at me....aim for my mouth



                  Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                  I find the
                  [runs round the thread going LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA ] Approach works well.

                  i thought it was
                  'sticking your fingers in your ears and humming loudly'
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    i thought it was
                    'sticking your fingers in your ears and humming loudly'
                    Earmuffs Anyone?
                    awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                      Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                      heh, I just noticed in those pics that she still has her SG1 patch on
                      Yes but that's not nearly as shiny as those purdy eagles.

                      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


               has put up a six minute Q&A with Amanda and David H from COMIC CON at (just click on scifi pulse at top right)

                        For those unable to view it, screencaps and transcript are up at



                          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                 I finally got some pics of the sanctuaryforall sticker on my car...yay!! Hope this not too OT for I'll put it in spoilers!!


                          wow, chelle, that's great!

                          ~you should get 'something' from the sanctuary ptb for your dedication and support~

                          i think i want one of those two. pm me and let me know how you did it.




                            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                            My mind can never sit still so this morning I found this -

                            I thought of opening a new thread somewhere for this, but after pondering for all of 2 seconds, I decided to just post it here. I've gotten to know and love the whole lot of you and really wondered if my perceptions of who you really are are correct..hehe

                            Anyway, it's a silly Stargate personality survey to determine which character you would be. If your up to it, do try it out and post your results for us to ogle over.

                            Here's mine. *g*


                            Looks Like Your Character Is....

                            Colonel Jack O'Neill

                            Well looks like your personality is very much like the CO of SG-1. You have great leadership skills, remain calm under pressure, take pride in your work, although on occasions you can be hostile towards others you generally take other peoples feeling into account, you tend to be a loner but you probably have a few close friends who know the "real" you, you're intelligent but tend not to show it too often and you have a sarcastic sense of humor.
                            oh, i'm sam, i'm sam!!

                            Looks Like Your Character Is ........

                            Major Samantha Carter
                            Well looks like your personality is very much like the plasma/particle physics expert of SG-1. You are a highly intelligent person who takes thier work and commitments seriously, if you are given a task you will not stop until it has been completed to your satisfaction. You have a thirst for knowledge and are always striving to learn more. You are not easily intimidated and once you make a friend they're one for life. You probably spend a lot of time doing your hobby.

                            i really didn't care for these questions, because there weren't enough specifics to answer fairly (for the situation). but i tried, *really* tried to answer as myself and not how i'd think sam would answer. i really didn't think i'd end up as sam, though, so it was a wonderful surprise that *i'm sam*.

                            ~has no life~




                              i got sam carter on that quiz thing too.

                              based on the descriptions posted by others here, i could have sworn i'd turn out to be a jack o'neill, or at least a teal'c. not that i'm complaining of course, just seems to me i'd be more of a mean sarcastic mutha-shut-yo-mouth or a "holds family and friendship with high regard" type of chick.


                                Originally posted by Melora View Post
                                Morjana just posted a link to an interview with David Hewlett and Amanda over at that was done at Comic Con. It's about 4 minutes long and they are just adorable together.


                                Thanks to Morjana for the link!
                                they really are cute together.

                                and they're wired with craziness when they get together!

                                (((amanda))) --> for worrying about atlantis fans

                                and i'm *really* glad amanda's got someone like david in her corner... he seems like a really nice guy.



