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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
    Perhaps a littel explainations are due for our newest denizens members.

    Samanda= Sam + Amanda

    Samandans are made up of all types of fans who like, respect (fill in own adoration adjective here) Sam and Amanda. Such fans are made up of shippers (those who see a relationship btw Sam and Jack) who are represented by the penguin
    Non-shippers (we recognize friendship between Sam and Jack, know there is Unresolved Sexual Tension but don't want it to go farther) we are represented by the oh os cuddly Polar Bear
    and also those who may ship Sam with Daniel, Teal'c, Cam, Janet, and Vala.

    We all get along here and respect each others preferences and sometimes like to joke around about it. Hence when Sky mentioned the dancing bears, those of us who are represented by the Polar Bear got some fun out of the post.

    I hope I haven't left anyone out...because hey Sam tends to be paired off with evreyone
    That actually helped clarify what I was suspecting but hadn't quite fully worked out in the in-jokes...thank you!

    A people who don't care whether Sam and Jack get together or not but would like resolution one way or the other get a cold-weather animal? cos thats what I am on the whole Sam/Jack thing....dibs on a baby Seal!

    Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
    All this talk of braids and concussions....

    I can braid my own hair in a prtetty neat french plat. That's the one where you take the hair in sections down the back of your head. I learnt when I was in the sea cadets, as you had to have your hair off your collar, and the trick was to french plait or braind it, then stick the tail up at the nape of your neck so it wasn't hanging down. Can't do it on someone else though, We used to plat our hair when playing ice hockey, fits better under the helmet, no bumpy bits to dig in your head.

    Doing a french braid also means you have a built in crash helmet when not wearing a helmet, like public skating. One night before a hockey match my then boyfirend was playing in, I did my first proper two footed hockey stop. only my feet stopped and I didn't and I fell back smacking my head on the ice. I "woke up" 3 and half hours later in hosital with the most amazing headache ever. I didn't remember the previous three and half hours when apparently I hadn't been unconcious at all. I had been throwing up and rather worryingly for my friend from uni alex and my boyfirend didn't remember any of my last year at university.
    Ice rink man: "what's your occupation?"
    me: "Student"
    Malcolm: "No becky you work at the cinema, you graduated in July"
    me: "Well I do at the moment but, I am going back in september, I have another year to go."
    Malcolm and alex look at each other and decide to take me to the local ER department, where I proceed to throw up in a normal concussion head injury kind of way.

    When I came back to myself Alex kept asking me about stuff form the final year at uni. when I got curious as to why, they told me I had not been able to remember anything from my final year. I then asked where malcolm was. they told me that I had sent him back to the rink to play. He didn't want to go, but I had been getting rather jittery as I kept on about that he had a game to play that night and it was important. It got so bad the hospital had suggested that he go because it was bothering me so much. I was actually quite pleased with myself over that.

    Anyway, the doctor comes in and introduces himself. tells me we have met before and that my xrays and scans are fine. (X rays, what x rays?? ) he laughs and assures me I did have them. then he says they are going to give me painkillers and something to stop me being sick, to which I instantly respond: "I'm allergic to paracetamol " [ acetmenopin-tylenol]
    He laughs.
    "no", I say, "I really am allergic to paracetamol."
    He then tells me that I have said that to every nurse and doctor that has come near me. How's that for a defense mechanisum. The doctor also remarked that I probably would have fractured something if I hand't landed on my braid. All that hair in a nice crash mat secured to the back of my head. I alway braid my hair now when I public skate or better still wear a helmet.

    Anyway I never did get back those three and halaf hours. malcom's team lost the game and I spent the night in hospital being told to get rest then being woken up every half hour [sheesh]. I was "off" for several days afterwards.

    Spookily, though, throughout my "down time" in the hospital, the only thing I could remember from my final year at uni was that Malcolm was my boyfriend.

    We've now been married for nearly 11 years.

    Thats an oddly romantic story...head injury aside! Thanks for sharing and I am glad there was no permanent damage lol. I always have my hair braided and tucked up inside my scrum cap on the rugby pitch so I know what you mean about the padding lol...though I don't think I have ever used my hair as a crash helmet...

    Originally posted by rolleson View Post
    I've burnt my nipples a few times.

    I don't care about being shallow, Sam is hot, that episode was so much fun, but I will always think, yummy, half naked Sam first. Mostly because I have a dirty mind, and also because TV is for enjoyment and I really, really enjoyed that.

    Oh and I can braid my hair, but not very well. Or I could until I had it cut short. I can't even tie it back now. Yay.
    and shallow is fantastic! I've not seen that episode yet but I suspect I shall enjoy it when I do, eventually...why not enjoy it I say!
    Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
    My Fanfic~My Femslash


      Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
      and shallow is fantastic! I've not seen that episode yet but I suspect I shall enjoy it when I do, eventually...why not enjoy it I say!
      Hehe, you'll definitely like it.
      "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jello..."


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        seriously butterfly, we don't bite....well Scari might, but you have to ask her real nice.

        and i'm not sure about AD...
        I am...

        and sunny...oh sunny's in a class all by herself.
        The top one (swot that she is )

        and let's not even get into our resident trollop
        Sky's right. We wouldn't all fit.


          Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
          That actually helped clarify what I was suspecting but hadn't quite fully worked out in the in-jokes...thank you!

          A people who don't care whether Sam and Jack get together or not but would like resolution one way or the other get a cold-weather animal? cos thats what I am on the whole Sam/Jack thing....dibs on a baby Seal!

          I believe those who are in between are Panda Bears (but I did see RoX post a pic of Polar bear wearing a penguin disguise ) Hey what ever you are, its all good here

          my fanfic


            ahahaha, so there was this stargate panel at Dragon Con over the weekend and there was this retarded noob who got up and asked Paul McGillion and Jason Momoa if their characters would 'kill Carter when she got to Atlantis'. rather lol because everyone in the audience booed the **** out of her (2000 odd people) and the cast were all like 'WTF?! what an utter noob...' and then Paul goes "Kill Sam Carter? Why would I want to kill her? I would want to sleep with her though." ahahahahahaha

            Paul McGillion 1
            Noob sam hater -10

            gg Paul


              which baby seal do ya want to be?

              this baby seal?

              or this baby seal?


                Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                and shallow is fantastic! I've not seen that episode yet but I suspect I shall enjoy it when I do, eventually...why not enjoy it I say!
                You really really will

                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                I believe those who are in between are Panda Bears (but I did see RoX post a pic of Polar bear wearing a penguin disguise ) Hey what ever you are, its all good here
                And I love Penguins. And all birds really. Ducks are my favourite. After my own cockateil. Which had nothing to do with anything, but y'know, I've had a hard day.
                +I thought I was a fool for no one
                but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                  Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                  ahahaha, so there was this stargate panel at Dragon Con over the weekend and there was this retarded noob who got up and asked Paul McGillion and Jason Momoa if their characters would 'kill Carter when she got to Atlantis'. rather lol because everyone in the audience booed the **** out of her (2000 odd people) and the cast were all like 'WTF?! what an utter noob...' and then Paul goes "Kill Sam Carter? Why would I want to kill her? I would want to sleep with her though." ahahahahahaha

                  Paul McGillion 1
                  Noob sam hater -10

                  gg Paul
                  LOL, looks like I have to add another name to the list

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                    LOL, looks like I have to add another name to the list
                    the list? :O


                      Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                      ahahaha, so there was this stargate panel at Dragon Con over the weekend and there was this retarded noob who got up and asked Paul McGillion and Jason Momoa if their characters would 'kill Carter when she got to Atlantis'. rather lol because everyone in the audience booed the **** out of her (2000 odd people) and the cast were all like 'WTF?! what an utter noob...' and then Paul goes "Kill Sam Carter? Why would I want to kill her? I would want to sleep with her though." ahahahahahaha

                      Paul McGillion 1
                      Noob sam hater -10

                      gg Paul
                      Many lols.
                      +I thought I was a fool for no one
                      but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                        Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                        ahahaha, so there was this stargate panel at Dragon Con over the weekend and there was this retarded noob who got up and asked Paul McGillion and Jason Momoa if their characters would 'kill Carter when she got to Atlantis'. rather lol because everyone in the audience booed the **** out of her (2000 odd people) and the cast were all like 'WTF?! what an utter noob...' and then Paul goes "Kill Sam Carter? Why would I want to kill her? I would want to sleep with her though." ahahahahahaha

                        Paul McGillion 1
                        Noob sam hater -10

                        gg Paul
                        Pffft, that's just n00bery of the highest order! And yay to Paul McGillion. I don't really know much about him or his character, but I like him already.
                        "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jello..."


                          Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                          the list? :O
                          I assume she means of people who want to sleep with Sam Carter. I'll go on that list.
                          Last edited by rolleson; 04 September 2007, 02:34 PM. Reason: typo
                          +I thought I was a fool for no one
                          but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                            Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                            ahahaha, so there was this stargate panel at Dragon Con over the weekend and there was this retarded noob who got up and asked Paul McGillion and Jason Momoa if their characters would 'kill Carter when she got to Atlantis'. rather lol because everyone in the audience booed the **** out of her (2000 odd people) and the cast were all like 'WTF?! what an utter noob...' and then Paul goes "Kill Sam Carter? Why would I want to kill her? I would want to sleep with her though." ahahahahahaha

                            Paul McGillion 1
                            Noob sam hater -10

                            gg Paul
                            i would love to have seen that. lol.

                            i'd also love to see amandas reaction upon hearing paul mcgillion say that if she were told.

                            i'd also love to have heard jason mamoa actually say "WTF?! what an utter noob..." so i'll just pretend that thats what really happened too.


                              Originally posted by rolleson View Post
                              I assume she means of people who want to sleep with Sam Carter. I'll go on that list.
                              ah right of course. I'm top 1 on that list anyway


                                Originally posted by stargate barbie View Post
                                which baby seal do ya want to be?

                                this baby seal?

                                or this baby seal?
                                I wanna be the baby seal in the picture with RDA!

                                (I tried desperately to post it here but dont know how )

                                Kay aka Mumsey
                                For details of AT10 go to

