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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    i went paintballing once. i got shot in the nipple. sure, its not a concussion or a blinding, but it did hurt. it was also damn funny!


      Originally posted by stargate barbie View Post
      i went paintballing once. i got shot in the nipple. sure, its not a concussion or a blinding, but it did hurt. it was also damn funny!
      All I can say to that is 'owch', which is somewhat of an understatement, I believe At least I can rest assured that I'm not the only one who's managed to get accidentally injured in that area... I'm still not sure if that's a good thing or not

      Courtesy of smurf, as always


        Originally posted by Cascade View Post
        I've been watching season nine of SG-1, and I'm finally about to watch the episode where Sam returns to the SGC, yay! I'm excited.
        The TRUE start of the season.


          i can one up ya...try being a clutz in the tub while you're shaving your legs, fumble with the razor and...nick yourself about 20 inches above where you should be shaving...yep, right where you paint balled.

          i is a klutz
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Cascade View Post
            Lovely pics, thanks. I would wear my hair in braids/pigtails more often if I knew how to braid my own hair. I feel silly, because all my friends can braid their own hair, and I'm 22 and have never been able to teach myself. I can braid other people's hair (badly), but need to get my friends or my mum to braid my own hair.

            Heh...yeah, I liked that about "Grace Under Pressure" too, because we got to see Sam as envisioned by Rodney's mind. I thought she was quite funny. But yeah, not our sam. Despite this, I was surprised when shed most of her clothing.

            I've been watching season nine of SG-1, and I'm finally about to watch the episode where Sam returns to the SGC, yay! I'm excited.
            Don't worry, I didn't learn to brain my own hair until 21 so don't worry...I just sat and practised repeatedly until it stopped looking like a one armed monkey had done it (now it looks like a two armed monkey did it but it's an improvement) the consequence of having stupidly short hair between the ages of 11 and 20 lol.

            The rest of season nine is only worth watching in a cursory 'get the gist of the storyline' aint SG1 without Sam! Enjoy the real season nine

            Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
            All I can say to that is 'owch', which is somewhat of an understatement, I believe At least I can rest assured that I'm not the only one who's managed to get accidentally injured in that area... I'm still not sure if that's a good thing or not
            I fell off a bouldering wall last week and caught my boob and nipple on a rather pointy out bit on the way down. I was lying on the crash mat crying with a mixture of pain and laughter....and what was worse was my friends weren't even watching when I fell...they missed a treat.
            Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
            My Fanfic~My Femslash


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              i can one up ya...try being a clutz in the tub while you're shaving your legs, fumble with the razor and...nick yourself about 20 inches above where you should be shaving...yep, right where you paint balled.

              i is a klutz
              See, I was thinking 'oh, done that!'- thinking back to the shower incident all those years ago where I remember distinctly thinking 'ooh, my nerves are tingling a bit' only to find I'd cut myself right on my skinny teen shin and in such a way that it left scarring for several years afterwards- and then I realised that in this case Sky had taken the biscuit, run off with it (probably giggling manically) and will probably noodle me to the place of fire and back if I try to beat her on that one. That's an impressive bath slippage injury. Feeling that one...

              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                The TRUE start of the season.

                Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                Don't worry, I didn't learn to brain my own hair until 21 so don't worry...I just sat and practised repeatedly until it stopped looking like a one armed monkey had done it (now it looks like a two armed monkey did it but it's an improvement) the consequence of having stupidly short hair between the ages of 11 and 20 lol.

                The rest of season nine is only worth watching in a cursory 'get the gist of the storyline' aint SG1 without Sam! Enjoy the real season nine
                Hehe, thanks. And I'll keep on practicing! I doubt I'll ever wear braids as well as Amanda does though.
                "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jello..."


                  Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                  Puzzled Sam says: Even I don't know what the heck they're talking about...
                  Perhaps a littel explainations are due for our newest denizens members.

                  Samanda= Sam + Amanda

                  Samandans are made up of all types of fans who like, respect (fill in own adoration adjective here) Sam and Amanda. Such fans are made up of shippers (those who see a relationship btw Sam and Jack) who are represented by the penguin
                  Non-shippers (we recognize friendship between Sam and Jack, know there is Unresolved Sexual Tension but don't want it to go farther) we are represented by the oh os cuddly Polar Bear
                  and also those who may ship Sam with Daniel, Teal'c, Cam, Janet, and Vala.

                  We all get along here and respect each others preferences and sometimes like to joke around about it. Hence when Sky mentioned the dancing bears, those of us who are represented by the Polar Bear got some fun out of the post.

                  I hope I haven't left anyone out...because hey Sam tends to be paired off with evreyone

                  *pats on back* oh dear...I thought that was part of the standard disclaimer

                  Samanda and Gateworld will not be held responsible for any damage to person or property resulting from excessive laughing at threads, including, but not limited to, sides splitting, choking, concussion from falling off chair, being late for work and snorting your chocolate milk (or other beverage) out of your nose and all over your laptop or monitor
                  LOL very well stated

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                    Don't worry, I didn't learn to brain my own hair until 21 so don't worry...I just sat and practised repeatedly until it stopped looking like a one armed monkey had done it (now it looks like a two armed monkey did it but it's an improvement) the consequence of having stupidly short hair between the ages of 11 and 20 lol.

                    The rest of season nine is only worth watching in a cursory 'get the gist of the storyline' aint SG1 without Sam! Enjoy the real season nine

                    I fell off a bouldering wall last week and caught my boob and nipple on a rather pointy out bit on the way down. I was lying on the crash mat crying with a mixture of pain and laughter....and what was worse was my friends weren't even watching when I fell...they missed a treat.
                    Haven't braided my hair properly since I was a kid. It doesn't look right braided when it's not just washed, and when it *is* just washed it's nicier down or in a clip, so that how it stays

                    Still not overally fussed by S9. I shall watch it again at some point, because these things often improve (it took me two viewings to really 'get' S6, and now it's a favourite). But as the boxset is still not cheap, and the parents aren't keen on seeing repeats, it might be a while. And I can wait, to be honest. My dad thinks the Ori storyline is inferior and my mum, still recovering from the loss of Janet (and innocently questioning about whether Jonas is coming back) didn't take the news that Jack was leaving for good well, so they're not that enthused about S9. They're only been watching a few months, and would you look at them

                    My 'mishaps' (yes, plural) aren't accidents, but just bizarre. One friend- in the space of a couple of days...actually, I think it might have been just the one) managed to: Affectionately hug me from behind and go to rest his head on my shoulder/collarbone, misjudged/I moved and he rammed his chin onto the relevant area in question when I was 'unsupported' and in a summer dress; and also whilst in a packed area accidentally elbowed me sharply there as well. Not in my good books that day

                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      Originally posted by Cascade View Post
                      Lovely pics, thanks. I would wear my hair in braids/pigtails more often if I knew how to braid my own hair. I feel silly, because all my friends can braid their own hair, and I'm 22 and have never been able to teach myself. I can braid other people's hair (badly), but need to get my friends or my mum to braid my own hair.
                      All this talk of braids and concussions....

                      I can braid my own hair in a prtetty neat french plat. That's the one where you take the hair in sections down the back of your head. I learnt when I was in the sea cadets, as you had to have your hair off your collar, and the trick was to french plait or braind it, then stick the tail up at the nape of your neck so it wasn't hanging down. Can't do it on someone else though, We used to plat our hair when playing ice hockey, fits better under the helmet, no bumpy bits to dig in your head.

                      Doing a french braid also means you have a built in crash helmet when not wearing a helmet, like public skating. One night before a hockey match my then boyfirend was playing in, I did my first proper two footed hockey stop. only my feet stopped and I didn't and I fell back smacking my head on the ice. I "woke up" 3 and half hours later in hosital with the most amazing headache ever. I didn't remember the previous three and half hours when apparently I hadn't been unconcious at all. I had been throwing up and rather worryingly for my friend from uni alex and my boyfirend didn't remember any of my last year at university.
                      Ice rink man: "what's your occupation?"
                      me: "Student"
                      Malcolm: "No becky you work at the cinema, you graduated in July"
                      me: "Well I do at the moment but, I am going back in september, I have another year to go."
                      Malcolm and alex look at each other and decide to take me to the local ER department, where I proceed to throw up in a normal concussion head injury kind of way.

                      When I came back to myself Alex kept asking me about stuff form the final year at uni. when I got curious as to why, they told me I had not been able to remember anything from my final year. I then asked where malcolm was. they told me that I had sent him back to the rink to play. He didn't want to go, but I had been getting rather jittery as I kept on about that he had a game to play that night and it was important. It got so bad the hospital had suggested that he go because it was bothering me so much. I was actually quite pleased with myself over that.

                      Anyway, the doctor comes in and introduces himself. tells me we have met before and that my xrays and scans are fine. (X rays, what x rays?? ) he laughs and assures me I did have them. then he says they are going to give me painkillers and something to stop me being sick, to which I instantly respond: "I'm allergic to paracetamol " [ acetmenopin-tylenol]
                      He laughs.
                      "no", I say, "I really am allergic to paracetamol."
                      He then tells me that I have said that to every nurse and doctor that has come near me. How's that for a defense mechanisum. The doctor also remarked that I probably would have fractured something if I hand't landed on my braid. All that hair in a nice crash mat secured to the back of my head. I alway braid my hair now when I public skate or better still wear a helmet.

                      Anyway I never did get back those three and halaf hours. malcom's team lost the game and I spent the night in hospital being told to get rest then being woken up every half hour [sheesh]. I was "off" for several days afterwards.

                      Spookily, though, throughout my "down time" in the hospital, the only thing I could remember from my final year at uni was that Malcolm was my boyfriend.

                      We've now been married for nearly 11 years.



                        Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                        All I can say to that is 'owch', which is somewhat of an understatement, I believe At least I can rest assured that I'm not the only one who's managed to get accidentally injured in that area... I'm still not sure if that's a good thing or not
                        I've burnt my nipples a few times.

                        Originally posted by Cascade View Post
                        That sucks. It's a shame that everyone doesn't get it at the same time.

                        Lovely pics, thanks. I would wear my hair in braids/pigtails more often if I knew how to braid my own hair. I feel silly, because all my friends can braid their own hair, and I'm 22 and have never been able to teach myself. I can braid other people's hair (badly), but need to get my friends or my mum to braid my own hair.

                        Heh...yeah, I liked that about "Grace Under Pressure" too, because we got to see Sam as envisioned by Rodney's mind. I thought she was quite funny. But yeah, not our sam. Despite this, I was surprised when shed most of her clothing.

                        I've been watching season nine of SG-1, and I'm finally about to watch the episode where Sam returns to the SGC, yay! I'm excited.
                        I don't care about being shallow, Sam is hot, that episode was so much fun, but I will always think, yummy, half naked Sam first. Mostly because I have a dirty mind, and also because TV is for enjoyment and I really, really enjoyed that.

                        Oh and I can braid my hair, but not very well. Or I could until I had it cut short. I can't even tie it back now. Yay.

                        Originally posted by stargate barbie View Post
                        i went paintballing once. i got shot in the nipple. sure, its not a concussion or a blinding, but it did hurt. it was also damn funny!
                        Lol. *hugs* and many lols.
                        +I thought I was a fool for no one
                        but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                          Perhaps a littel explainations are due for our newest denizens members.

                          Samanda= Sam + Amanda

                          Samandans are made up of all types of fans who like, respect (fill in own adoration adjective here) Sam and Amanda. Such fans are made up of shippers (those who see a relationship btw Sam and Jack) who are represented by the penguin
                          Non-shippers (we recognize friendship between Sam and Jack, know there is Unresolved Sexual Tension but don't want it to go farther) we are represented by the oh os cuddly Polar Bear
                          and also those who may ship Sam with Daniel, Teal'c, Cam, Janet, and Vala.

                          We all get along here and respect each others preferences and sometimes like to joke around about it. Hence when Sky mentioned the dancing bears, those of us who are represented by the Polar Bear got some fun out of the post.

                          I hope I haven't left anyone out...because hey Sam tends to be paired off with evreyone

                          LOL very well stated
                          I'm a multi-shipper to the extreme.
                          +I thought I was a fool for no one
                          but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                            I used to have *really* long hair in High School (it was long in Jr High too, but not 1 inch above my waist long) and I would get terribly bored in class and braid and rebraid my hair repeatedly throughout the day. I would almost always go to school in the morning with my hair down and it would be in a different style just about every period - single braid, double braid, singe french braid, double french braid, double french braid that crossed in the back... you get the idea. I was *really* good at braiding my own hair (better than braiding other's actually).

                            Sometimes I miss my long hair


                              I had really long hair when I was really little, then when I was about seven, I got up in the middle of the night and cut all my hair off the day before picture day. My dad went mental.
                              +I thought I was a fool for no one
                              but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                                Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                                All this talk of braids and concussions....
                                I can braid my own hair in a prtetty neat french plat.
                                Wow! How do you reach back that far? My mum used to french-plat my hair for me when I was in primary hurt a lot! When I was older I didn't let her anywhere near my hair anymore, hehe. Getting a french-plat done to you by someone else is sore!

                                Originally posted by rolleson View Post
                                I don't care about being shallow, Sam is hot, that episode was so much fun, but I will always think, yummy, half naked Sam first. Mostly because I have a dirty mind, and also because TV is for enjoyment and I really, really enjoyed that.
                                Hehe, good. To be honest, that is the scene that comes to mind first when I think of that episode.
                                "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jello..."

