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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Wow... I was browsing through the forum threads and I came across Über's
    thread on "RDA and the Third Stargate Incarnation??? "

    And I was stunned at the lack of respect shown by some of the posters. Lack of respect towards RDA! To say that some folks weren't nice is to put it mildly - some folks have no manners and must have some pretty prickly conversations in their day-to-day life if they always come on that strong -and careless of others!

    Über handled it exceptionally well (and even got one poster to apologize).

    At any rate, I wanted to give Über some big PATS ON THE BACK for wrassling with the wilds of the threads beyond Samanda.

    To Über: please note, the deliberately-included oomlauts...


      Originally posted by astrogeologist
      Wow... I was browsing through the forum threads and I came across Über's
      thread on "RDA and the Third Stargate Incarnation??? "

      And I was stunned at the lack of respect shown by some of the posters. Lack of respect towards RDA! To say that some folks weren't nice is to put it mildly - some folks have no manners and must have some pretty prickly conversations in their day-to-day life if they always come on that strong -and careless of others!

      Über handled it exceptionally well (and even got one poster to apologize).

      At any rate, I wanted to give Über some big PATS ON THE BACK for wrassling with the wilds of the threads beyond Samanda.

      To Über: please note, the deliberately-included oomlauts...
      Yep. *pats Oooober on back* She always knows what to say. I really wish I were as deep as Oooober.

      As for RDA, if you don't respect him, how can you even watch the show? (((RDA)))


        Originally posted by astrogeologist

        So, the question was

        What Makes Sam Carter Happy?
        What Makes Her Smile?

        Compiling the answers posted and adding my own, I have this so far:

        - going through the 'Gate to explore new worlds
        - exploring, playing with and/or inventing new technologies (doohickeys)
        - astrophysics
        - time spent with the people she loves and admires
        - doing her job well, serving as a competent military officer
        - protecting Earth
        - working with people she respects and cares about
        - being appreciated for her work by people that she respects and admires
        - working on and/or riding her motorcycle
        - playing chess with Cassie
        - flying
        - fulfilling her ‘need for speed’
        - humor
        - pointing out/discussing the plot holes in scifi movies

        What else can we add?
        -going back to the AF Acadamy and teaching a few classes.

        my fanfic


          hi people


            Originally posted by Lord_Minister
            hi people
            Hello, I cannot wave because I am too busy eating blue jello.
            Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

            ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

            AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


              -writing her worm-hole physics book.

              ..and hi.
              "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
              Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                Originally posted by astrogeologist
                Wow... I was browsing through the forum threads and I came across Über's
                thread on "RDA and the Third Stargate Incarnation??? "

                And I was stunned at the lack of respect shown by some of the posters. Lack of respect towards RDA! To say that some folks weren't nice is to put it mildly - some folks have no manners and must have some pretty prickly conversations in their day-to-day life if they always come on that strong -and careless of others!

                Über handled it exceptionally well (and even got one poster to apologize).

                At any rate, I wanted to give Über some big PATS ON THE BACK for wrassling with the wilds of the threads beyond Samanda.

                To Über: please note, the deliberately-included oomlauts...
                good for you, oobs. good job staying calm (i HATE that brush). and *pats* for the other undaunted samandans.
                "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                  Originally posted by AGateFan
                  Hello, I cannot wave because I am too busy eating blue jello.
                  understandable lol


                    Great vid JanSam! Lots of kick-butt Carter!


                      Originally posted by Mandysg1
                      -going back to the AF Acadamy and teaching a few classes.
                      - blowing things up
                      - receiving compliments (but that's the little embarrased smile )
                      - picking locks
                      - writing
                      - shooting her gun and hit the target
                      - Pete being dumb on her dad
                      Last edited by Lizlove; 09 August 2006, 03:52 PM.


                        Would love to hear her sing on the show. Not humm.
                        Last edited by roseblue; 10 August 2006, 12:02 AM.


                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          continued spoilers for '200'

                          i don't mind one bit if this fantasy comes from sam. i say, why not? i've read thoughts on why some don't want it sam's, but since the ship has been played from jack's pov also (can give examples by request), i don't feel this would 'hurt' sam if this was from her desires. i don't feel it would hurt either one of them.

                          one version of this episode i've read about has sam saying to jack, 'jack, will you marry me?'. if this is true, i see sam taking charge of her life by asking the guy the question. it makes me want to say, 'you go girl!'.

                          just my opinion.


                          re 200, brief mention of memento mori (or whatever its called).
                          (warning! contains 'ship talk);

                          i'm not just saying that i don't want it to be sam's fantasy because she's "pined" ( ) after him enough, its someone elses turn now. i also mean it because i'd rather have sam have some kick ass, non romantic, non sappy, non mushy fantasy. i want her to have a nice fun, actiony/typical sci fi (but not star treky) fantasy. and also, it would be fun to see her reaction to someone else mentioning the wedding one.

                          personally i'm with you in that they've both "pined" for the other equally, but i'm a bit sick of people taking sides in the who pines for who war. i'm sick of hearing about how oh its all one sided from sam, or oh such and such is all sams fault, poor jack. and so on. i just don't want there to be any more ammo against sam (or against jack, but i haven't noticed him being in the firing line as much. maybe thats just me though.)

                          as it is i'm already looking at the latest spoilers and pics and thinking, ugh! i don't think i'm looking forward to the rest of this season at all. i'm very weary of 200, and momento mori looks like absolute tripe!
                          camgry feelings;
                          ooh look at me, i'm cameron, i'm such a big heroic man that i us a large motorbike as a symbol of my manliness and i'm such a big strong man that i don't even need to use a crash helmet, i'm above the law with its rules and regulations because i think it makes me look really really cool! and everyone else should think so too, otherwise they're just stupid and don't appreciate good writing!

                          oiy. when RDA left, did he get the rights to take part of the other PTB's brains with him? if not, what the heck happened between seasons 8 and 9?

                          wow. i'm in such a mood tonight. more so than usual.


                            Originally posted by Mandysg1
                            Bad, bad DEM
                            Thank Yew!


                              Originally posted by astrogeologist
                              Wow... I was browsing through the forum threads and I came across Über's
                              thread on "RDA and the Third Stargate Incarnation??? "

                              And I was stunned at the lack of respect shown by some of the posters. Lack of respect towards RDA! To say that some folks weren't nice is to put it mildly - some folks have no manners and must have some pretty prickly conversations in their day-to-day life if they always come on that strong -and careless of others!

                              Über handled it exceptionally well (and even got one poster to apologize).

                              At any rate, I wanted to give Über some big PATS ON THE BACK for wrassling with the wilds of the threads beyond Samanda.

                              To Über: please note, the deliberately-included oomlauts...
                              *giggles at deliciously delectable ooooooomlauts*

                              My point...and I actually have one with that that Gekko needs to be involved in the third show because with respect I think they do it better.

                              But really, I'd love to see the Gekko logo at the end of SG-1's credits again too. I believe they have it in them to fix what's broke.

                              They understand character development better...not perfect, but better...and how to integrate the team in the episodes rather than fully wallpapering them.

                              Which of course means good stuff for Sam because I'm quite certain Gekko wouldn't have a bit of a problem figuring out "what to do with Sam." (that one still kills me)

                              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                                Originally posted by stargate barbie
                                wow. i'm in such a mood tonight. more so than usual.
                                Don't worry, I was like that last night. Have a good sleep and you'll feel better in the morning.

                                "camgry feelings" LOL another nice phrase

                                I decided I wasn't going to get side swiped by another AM script so I checked who was writing some of the future eps. Sadly Company of Thieves and Line in the Sand (with PDL no less ) are slated as his.

                                Why is it his episodes sound like they have a lot of promise and then deliver blech? I guess I'm still cranky with what he did with Insiders - to Sam especially.

                                <sigh> Did I say a good sleep will help?? Time to switch hats and be Ms Positive ...............

