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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Can I just say here how much I love Patrick McKenna? I have a very soft spot for Felger...the loser who will never fit in. I adored the way he and Amanda played off each other to make their scenes together really, REALLY funny. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I hope you all did too. I also hope we can see him at least one more time as I really miss the guy.

    Interestingly, Felger and Sam really didn't have any scenes together in The Other Guys except for that dream sequence at the end and yet some brilliant soul realized that putting him and Sam together in an episode would be pure gold and they were right.

    I have a similar yet slightly different vision regarding how Sam could interact with Vala. While I think she might play straightman to her at times, Vala's personality is typically much more selfish and in your face than Felger's is. Now of course there are times when Vala's softer side peeks out like it did in Crusade and we could see Sam and Vala bonding over her pain...but typically, she is more self-involved and guarded.

    Whereas Felger was a buffoon, Vala is more of a flirt...a true extrovert in every sense of the word...almost like McKay but not as abrasive (just thoroughly annoying).

    I bring that up because I think that an interesting tack to take for Sam would be to have her confront Vala similar to how she did McKay but without as much antagonism. Sam has a lot of fire if the writers will let her play it.

    This is not to suggest that I'm hoping for a completely antagonistic relationship. That couldn't be further from the truth actually. I'm pulling for them to relate to each other like no one can...since both had experienced an unwilling blending with a symbiote. They're both strong women played by strong women.

    We saw in Beachhead that they respect each other. Note also how Vala didn't tear into Sam like she typically did everyone else. Maybe she recognizes that she can't pull the same crap on Sam like she does everyone else.

    So I'm looking for them to become friends where sometimes Vala's a bit off the wall and Sam plays straightman to her (like she did so brilliantly with Felger); but now more self confident in her snarkage, she takes more and more swipes at Vala, earning more of Vala's respect by proving she's not a floormat. Since Sam doesn't have to worry about military issues with regard to how she relates with Vala, I hope they let Sam be free to play off of Vala and for them to build a true, deep and rich slightly antagonistic friendship.

    Yeah, I've been thinking about this a bit don't mind me...

    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


      Originally posted by scarimor
      Yes, she escaped compared to poor Claudia Black and Chris Judge.
      You know, I'm still not entirely convinced that it is Chris Judge! (She said, only half-joking.)


        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
        I bring that up because I think that an interesting tack to take for Sam would be to have her confront Vala similar to how she did McKay but without as much antagonism. Sam has a lot of fire if the writers will let her play it.
        I think you're right that Vala's presence could create more opportunities for Sam-snarkage; but perhaps not directed at Vala so much...

        MacKay was introduced as an intellectual rival (both physicists who worked on the Stargate). I don't think there'll be a similar base on which to build any adversarial to-and-fro'ing. The writers would have to find something new for that.

        I may be wrong, but my feeling is that Sam and Vala won't be playing off each other in a comic/straightman manner, but rather playing together off the boys. But we'll see


          Originally posted by scarimor
          I think you're right that Vala's presence could create more opportunities for Sam-snarkage; but perhaps not directed at Vala so much...

          MacKay was introduced as an intellectual rival (both physicists who worked on the Stargate). I don't think there'll be a similar base on which to build any adversarial to-and-fro'ing. The writers would have to find something new for that.

          I may be wrong, but my feeling is that Sam and Vala won't be playing off each other in a comic/straightman manner, but rather playing together off the boys. But we'll see
          Actually I think Amanda actually commented about that in the last GW interview with her...that she didn't want to be just the straightman to Vala's antics.

          The base for Sam and Vala to build off of each other has more to do with their respect for each other, their strength and will, their similar yet different history with symbiotes. I see lots of potential for both drama and humor if they let them go with it.

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            Sorry about the broken link earlier.... the link is fixed below

            COME ONE, COME ALL,
            to my very first attempt at a GW Forum thread poll

            Favorite/Most Memorable Amanda Tapping acting scenes in Season 1

            You can vote for several episodes when you cast your ballot, but once you hit submit, it won't let you come back and vote again.

            If you want a reminder of what each episode was about... Season One

            And, yes, I know that I typo'd the word 'choose' so that it's missing an 'o'... it's part of the poll and I can't figure out how to fix/edit the typo


            Many folks have recommended that we should do some 'Best AT Acting Polls', because when trying to decide which episode was the best of a season for a certain character, such as Sam, one of the issues that some of us have wrestled with is... whether to pick the episode which features the most/best AT on screen, or the episode which features the best Sam Carter scenes. Examples include Entity (which had some wonderful AT acting scenes, but she wasn't playing Sam Carter, as much as she was playing/acting an alien entity). Another example would be an episode with lots of RepliCarter, or Geek!Sam, where again, these are wonderful AT acting scenes, a wonderful look at AT acting out-of-the-regular-confines of the character of 'our' Sam Carter.

            So here's a poll for Season 1

            Originally posted by scarimor
            Just editing the rogue code out of your link, Astro
            Last edited by astrogeologist; 17 June 2006, 11:26 AM.


              Originally posted by Agent_Dark
              It's divx encoded, so you'll need teh divx codec. Or watch it at Youtube
              Muchas Gracias, AD! I watched it Youtube and then bookmarked the Divx website (am currently in the process of a multi-day archival process with several computers, so installing new programs is not currently possible)


                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                Actually I think Amanda actually commented about that in the last GW interview with her...that she didn't want to be just the straightman to Vala's antics.

                The base for Sam and Vala to build off of each other has more to do with their respect for each other, their strength and will, their similar yet different history with symbiotes. I see lots of potential for both drama and humor if they let them go with it.
                I really really hope they do. It is my primary hope for season 10.


                  *peeks into quiet thread*

                  *slides gifts onto table and sneaks back out...*

                  Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                  My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                    And a more vertical one. Couldn't decide between the letter placement on this one....
                    or this one...

                    *laughs* And to think I only got into Photoshop today just to work on a GateWorld badge for Shore Leave... (Which ended up being this:
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                      And a more vertical one. Couldn't decide between the letter placement on this one....
                      or this one...

                      *laughs* And to think I only got into Photoshop today just to work on a GateWorld badge for Shore Leave... (Which ended up being this:
                      Those are just gorgeous, shimmeringstar, beautiful stuff! Thanks for sharing!!

                      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                        Ooooh, SS, they are just YUMMY! Thank you!
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Originally posted by scarimor
                          I really really hope they do. It is my primary hope for season 10.
                          Same here.

                          She said she was having a lot of fun. Now I don't remember much of what she said about last year except that the general sense I got (and remember this is my interpretation ONLY) was that she felt a bit out of the loop for awhile, a bit unsure of herself and unsure how the fans would appreciate the new direction.

                          But this year, she seems to be more in her groove, more comfortable, etc. and no, I don't think it's just her hyping. She was honest enough to tell us when she was uncomfortable or upset, and I trust her to be just as honest about how she feels now. She hasn't led us astray yet.

                          My point? Yeah, I do have one. Promise.

                          What if a part of the reason for her excitement is the addition of Claudia and Vala to the mix?

                          I think that perhaps Amanda has keyed into the possibility of her and Claudia playing off each other, which would do nothing but provide oodles and gobs of character development for both ladies. It would allow Vala to develop more depth and allow Sam to let her hair down a bit.

                          I was extremely disappointed with last season for OH so many reasons and this is seriously like the only thing that has me the slightest bit excited about Season 10 (this and except for the fact that we'll get Rick! w00t).

                          Why? Because I love Amanda and Claudia and I think they would really be a powerhouse pairing on the show if they're given the chance.

                          And no, AD, I don't mean romantically.

                          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                            umm, where's all the sam fans? i only had about a page to catch up on. :s

                            c'mon guys! bring on the sam love!!!

                            (ps, why won't the "qr" button work? )

                            anyway, i agree with ooober about the felger stuff. and from reading that interview (posted by NC i think) from patrick mckenna you have to wonder if guest stars are ever intimidated by amanda tapping considering how much the cast and crew obviously love and respect her. (well at least most of them ). i wonder do they ever think something like, oh man i better not p___ her off, or if they're ever scared that she won't like them or something.

                            and the thing with carmen agenziano (sp?), all i can say is, aaawww. well ok its not all i can say. its really sweet that he's all protective of both the actress and the character like that. (he's clearly wrong though ) i had heard that they seem quite close at cons and such. its always brilliant to hear people speak highly of her.


                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                              What if a part of the reason for her excitement is the addition of Claudia and Vala to the mix?

                              I think that perhaps Amanda has keyed into the possibility of her and Claudia playing off each other, which would do nothing but provide oodles and gobs of character development for both ladies. It would allow Vala to develop more depth and allow Sam to let her hair down a bit.

                              I was extremely disappointed with last season for OH so many reasons and this is seriously like the only thing that has me the slightest bit excited about Season 10 (this and except for the fact that we'll get Rick! w00t).

                              Why? Because I love Amanda and Claudia and I think they would really be a powerhouse pairing on the show if they're given the chance.

                              And no, AD, I don't mean romantically.
                              i got the impression (or maybe i actually read it somewhere, i don't know, the memory is the first to go y'know) that maybe amanda was a bit disappointed that she didn't get more on screen time with claudia/vala last season. i was too, and i hope that they take advantage of the fact that they've got 2 pretty dang good actresses on their hands there and they could really have some great chemistry. i think that AT and CB's chemistry could rival that of AT and RDA's chemistry (but not in the same way, minds out of the gutter! ). while i do think that amanda tapping could easily have some great on screen chemistry with a rock, i think that sometimes she just has that extra bit of spark, especially when she's working with other actors (like RDA and CB) who seem to have a very similar ability. i've seen very few people with whom those three (and not only them in the sg1 cast) don't have great chemistry. uummm... yeah...


                                Originally posted by stargate barbie
                                i think that AT and CB's chemistry could rival that of AT and RDA's chemistry (but not in the same way, minds out of the gutter! ).

                                *Eyes AD and that bunch*

                                Anyways, I agree with everything else you said on this subject!!! I also have the impression Amanda wants more time with Claudia, she's said many times how she's dissapointed that they're specific "im here if you need to talk" scene got cut. I see soooo much potential with these two strong female characters, like mentioned a little back, not just them playing off eachother, but together off the boys. I would LOVE to see a wonderful team moment where the guys were to say something like "So, what DO you do on those mysterious "Girls nights" of yours??" and them two just being "oh, y'know, this and that" Not even necessarily mentioning a "girls night" so much as just showing that they're not trying to compete for alpha!female (although the potential in THAT could be fun too Hand-to-Hand on an alien planet having to fight to... I dont know, rescue their men folk or something.

                                Ok, so those are very random ideas yes, but the general gist in me is that I just want to see the chemistry, for them to embrace it and work with it. the Chemistry between all SG actors is amazing, and draws people's attention. A thing I always wanted was for more wonderful Sam/Janet moments... I think it was kind of hard because they usually only had Janet when there was medical somethings or others, which, though granted was quite often, was still limiting in that it was all work setting. With Sam and Vala on the same TEAM, they can have moments like we've seen with the original team, both on and offworld, because generally they'll be together a lot. In theory.

                                Anyways, rambling, very un-orchestrated post...

                                PS... I agree, where is everyone? We've fallen behind as the second-most viewed thread in GateWorld by 1500 views!! nooo.
                                The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                                |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||

