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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
    About time they released Teal'c and Sam action figures, I say!
    *sigh* The Teal'c one looks like him, but I don't think the Carter / RepliCarter ones look remotely like her. Is it just me?


      Originally posted by scarimor
      *sigh* The Teal'c one looks like him, but I don't think the Carter / RepliCarter ones look remotely like her. Is it just me?
      Nah, I also think they a very poor representations of Amanda/Sam Carter, but perhaps Amanda's features are very difficult to replicate as I wasn't really impressed with her facial features in the video game either, at least not the ones that I saw. Who knows? I suppose I shouldn't be complaining seeing as I have a hard time drawing a stick figure., but then I don't claim to be artistically gifted either.


        Originally posted by stargate barbie
        ok that was almost painful, i cannot stand june sarpong (the female t4 host), thank god she was only in it at the start and i didn't have to turn it off. all i can say is well done amanda tapping for sticking around so long. although the guy is alright in comparison, and slightly hot too.

        for any brits or irish folk who have channel 4 and haven't seen it or checked out this link, its from when she was on T4.
        I remember that, and I shudder at the memory! It was HORRIBLE! I stayed home from church so that I could watch it, and I was cringing for her. Poor Amanda, trying to maintain a shred of dignity. She was being asked the most ridiculous questions like "Do you guys all hate the Star Trek crew?" Well, if they had ever bothered to watch the show, they'd know that there are tonnes of actors from Trek who guest on Gate. Garrrrrrgh! They treat sci-fi shows like crap (with the exception of Enterprise, which they started to show a little respect), don't show an interest, make derisive and offensive comments. I find T4 to be totally and utterly unprofessional and don't watch it if I can avoid it.

        My sister, however, LOVES T4 and lives for its wall to wall teenybopper fodder. So she really appreciates the snark that they level at Gate.
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          Originally posted by scarimor
          *sigh* The Teal'c one looks like him, but I don't think the Carter / RepliCarter ones look remotely like her. Is it just me?
          I thought the same thing. I looked at the Carter ones first, and thought, well maybe it's just hard to get the features right, but then I looked at the Teal'c ones, and they looked just right. Oh well.



            Originally posted by NearlyCircular
            I thought the same thing. I looked at the Carter ones first, and thought, well maybe it's just hard to get the features right, but then I looked at the Teal'c ones, and they looked just right. Oh well.

            The Teal'c one is spot on, but, as I recall, it is the only one so far that looks like it should.
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              Originally posted by NearlyCircular
              I thought the same thing. I looked at the Carter ones first, and thought, well maybe it's just hard to get the features right, but then I looked at the Teal'c ones, and they looked just right. Oh well.

              yeah well it is just hard to make such a beauty into an actionfigure... I mean she has natural beaty and that is hard to reproduce with plastic. She has a lot of expression in her face so that is hard to reproduce...


                Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                The Teal'c one is spot on, but, as I recall, it is the only one so far that looks like it should.
                Yeah. O'Neill looks like George W Bush!


                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                  yeah well it is just hard to make such a beauty into an actionfigure... I mean she has natural beaty and that is hard to reproduce with plastic.
                  Well they've made a serious effort with the season 10 promo pics

                  She has a lot of expression in her face so that is hard to reproduce...
                  There is that.


                    On a somewhat happier note, the latest issue of the official Stargate magazine came in the mail today, and there were a couple of nice mentions about Amanda. Unfortunately, not much else about Sam or Amanda in the whole magazine, as far as I could tell, but I’m sure you’ll appreciate these comments. The mag does have a good short story told from Janet’s point of view about the team in their early years.

                    This part is from an interview with Carmen Argenziano

                    FAMILY MATTERS

                    The chemistry between Tapping and Argenziano as her screen father exudes on screen, as does the dynamic between Sam and Jacob, most evident in the emotionally charged scenes of Threads. "Amanda was amazing," says Argenziano with a sincere warmth in his voice. She worked herself up because I think she was aware, personally, that we weren't going to work together again and we had developed a wonderful professional relationship. She's such a classy lady," he states. "In the very first episode Secrets - I hadn't worked in a few months so you get in front of the camera again and you're a little nervous - I struggled with a couple of lines. Just before the take Amanda suddenly took my hand and held it for a minute. It was so soothing and so comforting and of course I nailed the next take," he adds. "I think our relationship started from that moment when I saw what a compassionate, beautiful person she is."


                    In the episode Grace Sam's subconscious, via Jacob, guides her romantically toward Jack. Fans discovered recently her having a more involved history with fellow Tok'ra, Martouf, in Ripple Effect but Argenziano reveals he prefers Daniel for her. "Oh, I love Martouf [JR Bourne]. [But] there's a sincerity about Daniel, a well- meaningness,” he explains, “and also he’s a scientist, he doesn't have time to mess around. Jack would be a little too roguish, Peter Pan-ish. I don’t think Jack was ready to settle down. I don't know if Jack will ever be ready to settle down," he laughs. "Jack is more of a... not a 'near-do-well' but he's a... I don't want to use that word that keeps popping into my head," Argenziano admits laughing. "I simply think that Sam would have been happier with Daniel as far as being a better father and a better husband than Jack."

                    The next bit is from an interview with Patrick McKenna, who played Felger, referring to the scene in Avenger 2.0 when Sam goes to Felger’s apartment. The emphasis is mine.

                    You seem to have a lot of fun in your scenes with Amanda Tapping. Was that the case?

                    Very much. Everybody on set loves Amanda. She's this crystal intelligent gem that they all rally around, so it's something you pay a lot of respect to. The scene where I spill the Mountain Dew all over myself, that was one where it was, "Don't get the clothes wet until you have to get them wet" [laughs]. We only had one set, it was quite late in the day, so it was one of those opportunities where, "O.K, if you're gonna do this, go big enough that it really works out well", Again, the more serious we played every moment around that, the funnier things like that became. Amanda is so wonderful that way. She doesn't know what I'm going to do, but she totally trusts that it's going to work within the scene, and the director, Martin [Wood], was that very same way. They were great because it's such a depressing little scene, it's so sad to see his little home. It's an insight into how desperately this person wants to be involved.



                      Originally posted by scarimor
                      Well they've made a serious effort with the season 10 promo pics
                      yeah true.... looks like they can do that... ow but don't talk about the pics they are really not nice... how ugly can you make them?


                        Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                        yeah true.... looks like they can do that... ow but don't talk about the pics they are really not nice... how ugly can you make them?
                        I don't know. I think the pics are nice. The setting and the outfits are lovely, it's just too photoshopped. I mean, I think Amanda is gorgeous, but I'll often add a slight surface blur or adjust a pic slightly in PS. They just went over the top with these.
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                          I don't know. I think the pics are nice. The setting and the outfits are lovely, it's just too photoshopped. I mean, I think Amanda is gorgeous, but I'll often add a slight surface blur or adjust a pic slightly in PS. They just went over the top with these.
                          yeah well I think they are just to fake... I mean I don't reckonise them in it. Ok I do reckonise them but I find nothing of AT her natural beauty in it... She is 40 and well she does has some rinkels and where are they? You can see them on the pics of season 8 and 9 but season 10 It looks like that she is a madame tussaud puppet... Oh maybe that is what it is? they took pics with puppets and no photoshopping


                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                            yeah well I think they are just to fake... I mean I don't reckonise them in it. Ok I do reckonise them but I find nothing of AT her natural beauty in it... She is 40 and well she does has some rinkels and where are they? You can see them on the pics of season 8 and 9 but season 10 It looks like that she is a madame tussaud puppet... Oh maybe that is what it is? they took pics with puppets and no photoshopping
                            Give Madame Tussaud's some credit. They do a *far* better job than that! I'm not disagreeing with you on the fact that they were fake, I agree that they were very plastic. Yes, Amanda has a few wrinkles, but a damn site less than a lot of actors her age, and to be honest, do a few wrinkles matter? I didn't think they looked like puppets, I thought it was a hoax and they had released pictures of the stand ins, or perhaps pictures from the episode 200. But I didn't recognise them as THEM at first. Well, not CJ and MS, anyway.

                            I actually think Amanda came off as one of the better and least photoshopped and manipulated people. To me, she got off lightly. In fact, a lot of the photoshopping on Amanda is no different to what I would have attempted myself at home.
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                              I actually think Amanda came off as one of the better and least photoshopped and manipulated people. To me, she got off lightly. In fact, a lot of the photoshopping on Amanda is no different to what I would have attempted myself at home.
                              Yes, she escaped compared to poor Claudia Black and Chris Judge.


                                Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                                Give Madame Tussaud's some credit. They do a *far* better job than that! I'm not disagreeing with you on the fact that they were fake, I agree that they were very plastic. Yes, Amanda has a few wrinkles, but a damn site less than a lot of actors her age, and to be honest, do a few wrinkles matter? I didn't think they looked like puppets, I thought it was a hoax and they had released pictures of the stand ins, or perhaps pictures from the episode 200. But I didn't recognise them as THEM at first. Well, not CJ and MS, anyway.

                                I actually think Amanda came off as one of the better and least photoshopped and manipulated people. To me, she got off lightly. In fact, a lot of the photoshopping on Amanda is no different to what I would have attempted myself at home.
                                yeah true that AT comes off the best... I can't dissagree with you. But I just think that she doesn't need Photoshopping. Ok maybe a little for the colours and so but not to get rid of the wrinkles. I mean it is normal that she have some (and she doesn't have much... I mean she's really is lucky) But cause of the photoshopping she looks a little to perfect and that does make her not real... ok or maybe it is just because I am not use to those kind of pics and maybe that is why I don't like them... They are just to different from the last years.
                                But what I really liked is that they weren't in uniform, gives a really different touch to it.

