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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by scarimor


      Originally posted by scarimor
      All right! Enough of this shenanigens. Back to some good clean fun!

      As requested (like, yonks ago ) - smilie ASTRONAUT SAM!
      Scarimor, I used your wonderful Astronaut!Sam as my new avatar (let me know if that isn't cool by you). It was too big as an animated gif, so I had to go with a screen shot still. I think it looks pretty cool, though


        Originally posted by astrogeologist
        Scarimor, I used your wonderful Astronaut!Sam as my new avatar (let me know if that isn't cool by you). It was too big as an animated gif, so I had to go with a screen shot still. I think it looks pretty cool, though
        I think she looks well cool, and I'm honoured - and all these smilies are free to y'all to use and abuse play with, wine and dine, marry etc

        (except for Janet - you may only gaze upon and worship Janet )



          Originally posted by scarimor
          Geez scari a whole link, jsut so you didn't have to admit to a typo

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by Mandysg1
            Geez scari a whole link, jsut so you didn't have to admit to a typo
            jsut so!


              Originally posted by ReganX
              I think that with the way the show was in Season Nine and the way it looks like being in Season Ten, there could end up being a divide in the fandom between those who liked the "old" show and characters and the fans of the "new" show and characters since, instead of trying to integrate Mitchell and Vala into the show and providing something that everybody can enjoy, TPTB have smashed the show to smithereens and rebuilt it around their shiny new characters, virtually ignoring the old characters and their fans.
              that's why i say they should just make another spin off, starring mitchell and vala. and take the writers that love them with this new show. then, we'll be left with sam, daniel, teal'c (and a bit of jack) with NEW writers that actually love the characters and the scenario of going through the stargate on missions. but especially loving these characters. if the writers on stargate sg1 are bored with writing them, hand them over to new and interested-in-them writers. please.




                We need Janet to go and tell random image to get their act together


                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by ReganX
                  What I don't get is why they didn't mention Mitchell earlier - weren't TPTB trying to sign Ben Browder while making Season Eight? A reference or two to visits to the hospital, a pilot from the battle over Antarctica, would have paved the way for Mitchell a little and, had Season Eight been the last, the mysterious pilot would just have been a tiny mystery.
                  Yes! That would have definitely been better. And the mystery could have been resolved with the movie
                  But I guess TPTB needed their man again, and since RDA was leaving they took a possible future version of Jack => Ban aka Mitchell!


                    Originally posted by astrogeologist
                    That's how I understood things, too, DEM. In the original movie there weren't even any hints at O'Neill being a pilot. But later, in the series, he had to be the cool jet-jockey all-around air-force hero. I was always blown away by the seeming double-standard; that is, folks would pick on Sam as being presented as too good at too many things, but then Jack's repertoire just grew and grew - and it was apparently OK, because he was the main male hero of the show. He was the ultimate Black Ops hero soldier, later he becomes a top-notch pilot/jet-jockey, they throw in the motorcycle in a throw away line in Season 9 (cuz he's manly, of course, he's got one too), he's the Asgard's hope for the future of their race (and they clone him and put a marker in his genes), he's got the rare Ancient gene, he's a marksman of sniper caliber... anything I've left out?
                    sex on a stick?

                    well, he is to ME.




                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      that's why i say they should just make another spin off, starring mitchell and vala. and take the writers that love them with this new show. then, we'll be left with sam, daniel, teal'c (and a bit of jack) with NEW writers that actually love the characters and the scenario of going through the stargate on missions. but especially loving these characters. if the writers on stargate sg1 are bored with writing them, hand them over to new and interested-in-them writers. please.

                      I like that idea.

                      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                        So, I was compiling a mental list of the...

                        Core attributes of Sam Carter

                        scientist: theoretical astrophysicist
                        air force officer: from Captain to Colonel and CO of SG-1 on the series
                        wanted to explore the stars: dreamt of becoming an astronaut
                        generally easy and pleasant to be around (OK, I'll just say it: she's nice!)
                        a jet pilot - can pilot jets and/or alien hybrid craft such as the X-302
                        likes to ride motorcycles – has a ‘need for speed’ (ref the write-ups for Space Race)
                        has a heart
                        lost her mother when she was young; hasn't become overly hard and bitter from her years of service
                        lost her father in the series’ 8th season
                        a solid soldier and a competent officer; generally respects the chain of command
                        is a legend at the Air Force Academy (from the episode Prodigy)
                        willing to work obsessively on projects (e.g. in 100 Days)
                        a ‘crack’ shot (don’t remember the name of the episode that featured that)
                        can use Goa'uld and/or Tokra technology (although it hasn't been mentioned in a long time on the series)
                        brilliant, but not conceited
                        has blown up a sun!
                        saved the Asgards
                        saved Earth (several times, but did it exceptionally well in Foothold)
                        flew an asteroid... through the Earth!!!

                        What have I left out? (besides the ship(s))
                        Last edited by astrogeologist; 28 May 2006, 02:43 PM.


                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          that's why i say they should just make another spin off, starring mitchell and vala. and take the writers that love them with this new show. then, we'll be left with sam, daniel, teal'c (and a bit of jack) with NEW writers that actually love the characters and the scenario of going through the stargate on missions. but especially loving these characters. if the writers on stargate sg1 are bored with writing them, hand them over to new and interested-in-them writers. please.

                          That would be interesting to see. What would the 'new' writers do with them? *wonders*
                          And at least I think a lot of people would be happy with that solution.
                          Bringing in change and newbies is good but that was too much to take in in such a short timespan.
                          They could have simply not introduced Vala and Mitchell. Landry? Okay I see his purpose but the other 2?


                            Originally posted by ReganX
                            Look at how Jonas was introduced in "Meridian" and in the first two episodes of Season Six - he played a part in "Meridian" but the story was about Daniel and how his suffering and the prospect of losing him was affecting those around him. "Redemption, Parts 1 and 2" alluded to Jonas' feelings over Daniel's death and his wish to join SG-1 but at the same timewe saw Sam working with McKay to save the world from an exploding stargate, Jack risking his life in the same cause and Teal'c, Bra'tac and Rya'c on their own mission. Season Six featured Jonas, but it was never about Jonas. He had his stories, but so did the other characters.

                            Season Nine struck me as being very much "The Mitchell Show". Unlike Season Six, there was little material for those who weren't fans of the new characters. Making Mitchell the star and the leader was a huge mistake.

                            As you say, new characters may not have been needed, but the show could have benefitted from their inclusion, had it been done differently - personally, I would have only introduced Landry's character in Season Nine, and allowed the audience (and the characters) to adjust to a new general, maybe including Vala in a few episodes if absolutely necessary and then brought Mitchell in as a major in Season Ten.

                            In fairness, Vala wasn't as big a problem as Mitchell, but I definitely think that she should have been toned down considerably.

                            Perhaps motherhood will mature her somewhat.
                            nice post

                            i have nothing against the addition of new characters, although i do miss jack of course. just for me its gone from being sg1 to just mitchell. it was too much and all at once. at least with vala she was introduced a little in season 8, some more in 9 and now she'll be in 10. but mitchell just turned up at the start of 9 and it was kinda like information overload. if that makes sense.

                            i just hope in season 10 we get to see some more sam moments. id like that.

                            sig by starlover1990


                              Originally posted by scifi_girl
                              i just hope in season 10 we get to see some more sam moments. id like that.
                              Amen to that scifi_girl!


                                Originally posted by Lizlove
                                They could have simply not introduced Vala and Mitchell. Landry? Okay I see his purpose but the other 2?
                                There's the problem - Mitchell doesn't bring anything of value to the team that they didn't already have, but he was catapulted into the position as leader.

                                Vala could have been entertaining as an occasional guest star but I don't know about having her as a regular.

                                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje

