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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    So I understand that Joe Flannigan *and* Ben Browder were at that Lake Louise event RDA held the other weekend. It was the three of them and Amanda .. who made a showing from Stargate. Richard asked Amanda to partner up with him for the tobogganing event, and I think Ben asked Richard to go again later on so he could partner with him too. There were some extra photos posted (taken with permission as I understand it) on in the forum that the woman who runs that site moderates. Haven't checked them out yet, but thought I'd pass that on in case anyone else wants to.


    EDIT-> I just checked some of them out. There are several pages worth. A few have Amanda in them, definitely a lot of reporters and folks from the Canadian television networks there. The woman who runs that forum gave the green light for the public posting of the photos up there, and I saw nothing with Olivia, so I'll go ahead and post a link to one of the pages (you can find more throughout the thread):

    Last edited by minigeek; 23 January 2006, 06:12 AM.

    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


      Originally posted by minigeek
      So I understand that Joe Flannigan *and* Ben Browder were at that Lake Louise event RDA held the other weekend. It was the three of them and Amanda .. who made a showing from Stargate. Richard asked Amanda to partner up with him for the tobogganing event, and I think Ben asked Richard to go again later on so he could partner with him too. There were some extra photos posted (taken with permission as I understand it) on in the forum that the woman who runs that site moderates. Haven't checked them out yet, but thought I'd pass that on in case anyone else wants to.


      EDIT-> I just checked some of them out. There are several pages worth. A few have Amanda in them, definitely a lot of reporters and folks from the Canadian television networks there. The woman who runs that forum gave the green light for the public posting of the photos up there, and I saw nothing with Olivia, so I'll go ahead and post a link to one of the pages (you can find more throughout the thread):

      Thanks for the tip! We need some photos from this reception that's mentioned.


        Originally posted by parsifal
        Thanks for the tip! We need some photos from this reception that's mentioned.
        I can't find the ski photos on the rda website. Where do I look for them? Thanks.


          Originally posted by minigeek
          Kat, I think that's exactly it, they used to give those kinds of lines to Jack, and he carried them off with a dry wit that suited his character (and the interaction he had with Carter). It was never disrespectful, in that way. Since season nine began, I've felt they were handing off "Jack-lines" to both Cameron and Daniel fairly free-handedly; almost as though they don't know how to write the show without the Jack-element in it anymore (and lets face it, the Jack-element was a really big part of what made the show great for a lot of years, that understated humor and the casual (if sarcastic) wit and reapport he always had with his teammates). I suppose I didn't take umbrage with seeing it there again because I've just about given up harping on that point - I don't think it'll ever stop because I think the writers will continue to write for Jack, usng Cameron and Daniel regardless. Because (much as I hate to say this), I don't think they know how to make either of those characters strong enough on their own to carry the show. Jack was more than a character; he was the voice of reason at times; the voice of simple logic; the wit/humor of the team. Rather than making Cameron into a brand new voice, I think they're trying too hard to give him lines Jack would have had. And the same goes for Daniel. They're floundering with those kinds of little dialogue slip-ups. So much so I hardly blink anymore when I see them in season nine. Pretty much ignore the slip ups actually, because well... they ain't goin' no where. So to speak.
          I'm with you on the handing off of Jack lines. The thing is, as you say, it wasn't just about funny lines with Jack. There's context with Jack. It goes back to the writers not quite knowing who Mitchell is.
          I also think that as much as we could see Hammond sometimes get exasperated with Sam's explanations, he never, IMHO,treated her disrespectfully. I think Landry borders on that. Sam almost looks hurt/insulted when he does that. I wonder if that's something AT has been thinking in terms of Sam's relationship w/ Landry being different from Hammond. My hope is that MS' eye rolling was meant to convey a "yeah we all get lost" look rather than the sort of "yeah we have to tolerate her" look it seemed to be.


            Originally posted by Skydiver
            very true. and, to me, hammy has been an old family friend (he knew jacob and in my interpretation, knew sam as she grew up) and jack, while he may be short with her or snippy, ALWAYS respected her. i always saw jack cutting them off - and he'd do it to daniel too - as more of a 'dude, i respect you and know you know what you're doing. no need to explain, i TRUST you'

            while landry and cam, it comes across as 'man, she's sucking all the fun outta our little adventure. someone quick, shut her up so that we can get back to work'

            and that may be why it bugs me. i've been the butt of the joke a few too many times.
            That's it exactly. Can't rep you again.


              Originally posted by minigeek
              So I understand that Joe Flannigan *and* Ben Browder were at that Lake Louise event RDA held the other weekend. It was the three of them and Amanda .. who made a showing from Stargate. Richard asked Amanda to partner up with him for the tobogganing event, and I think Ben asked Richard to go again later on so he could partner with him too. There were some extra photos posted (taken with permission as I understand it) on in the forum that the woman who runs that site moderates. Haven't checked them out yet, but thought I'd pass that on in case anyone else wants to.


              EDIT-> I just checked some of them out. There are several pages worth. A few have Amanda in them, definitely a lot of reporters and folks from the Canadian television networks there. The woman who runs that forum gave the green light for the public posting of the photos up there, and I saw nothing with Olivia, so I'll go ahead and post a link to one of the pages (you can find more throughout the thread):


              THanks for the info Minigeek!! I love the fact that RDA and AT are keeping in touch even though the are no longer working together. Great friendship!!


                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
                THanks for the info Minigeek!! I love the fact that RDA and AT are keeping in touch even though the are no longer working together. Great friendship!!
                I have to say, I love that too. I like seeing the cast of a show as a real friendship group and not just people who were thrown together.
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Lots of good discussion on the thread these past few days; sorry I haven't been around to participate more.

                  I posted my initial thoughts about RE on Joe's blog, but I thought I might go over them here, as well, with a few additions.

                  Ripple Effect was the first episode this season that I actually watched the second time around.
                  It utilized the gate! It had science and technobabble! It had team interaction... and team interaction... and team interaction...! It had an interesting, engaging plot, and I wasn't able to predict everything that happened for a change. I really liked it a lot.

                  Very few negative things struck me about the ep, but there was one main scene that really bugged me. I thought the Aunt Em scene between the two Mitchells was really, really odd. BB was almost playing it like he was drunk (I'm sure unintentionally, but that's how it came across to me) and the description of Mitchell as a frat boy came to mind in full force.

                  I think this plays into why I'm having so much trouble with this character so far this season... he seems to be written very inconsistently; or, at least, how they are trying to use his character seems to be inconsistent.

                  On one hand, we're supposed to accept that he is a superhero stud pilot who is perfectly qualified to lead SG-1; on the other hand, he acts like the class clown with all the depth of a mud puddle who seems to be written for the sole purpose of giving the audience a few yucks and laughs. As a result, he almost comes across as schitzophrenic to me.

                  Perhaps I just want to respect Mitchell too much. I was never the greatest RDA fan (I know, I know, maybe that's why I've never been much of a shipper), and I do like BB a lot. Unfortunately, I don't respect Mitchell most of the time, and I think that's a problem. I can tolerate a few of his one-liners; but I really don't appreciate his constant juvenile quips. While I was never a huge Jack fan, at least I never doubted that he was old enough to be the rank he portrayed on screen, and I always respected his character as the leader he was portrayed to be. Maybe I would like Mitchell better if I stopped trying to respect him and just tried to accept him as the immature comic relief that he is so often written to be. Or maybe Mitchell is a completely believable, consistent character, and he just happens to be a personality type that I never have cared for.

                  But enough on that.

                  I thought it was too bad the Cassie dialogue was cut, and I would rather have had the Black Daniel/Black Mitchell ethics discussion at the end than the Black Mitchell/Green Mitchell thigh-slapping, bits-of-bacon hanging-off-her-nose scene.

                  If they had to cut part of the Sam/Martouf scene, my preference would have been to keep the "I killed you" discussion and cut the interrupted kiss. I'm starting to think the Sam slammers are right in that the writers can't seem to write Sam as her own individual person, but instead have to write her as the romantic interest of whatever male character happens to be convenient for the episode. I wish the writers would do better for her in the future.

                  I loved the Asgard... such personality from a puppet. I think TPTB do a wonderful job with them. I laughed out loud at the look Kvasir (?) gave Harriman in the control room. Very funny.

                  It was so very good to see Janet again. Part of me wishes they'd
                  find a way to bring her back permanently. I also wish they'd shown more of Janet and Sam together. That was probably my biggest disappointment in the show, that there was so little interaction between them.

                  Amanda was wonderful, and I echo other people's comments at how good her comedic timing was throughout, and how well she captured subtle nuances of personality in her many AU counterparts.
                  This is definitely one of my all-time favorite Sam episodes, and the only ep this season that I would really want to buy.

                  My LJ


                    Originally posted by Strix varia
                    Very few negative things struck me about the ep, but there was one main scene that really bugged me. I thought the Aunt Em scene between the two Mitchells was really, really odd. BB was almost playing it like he was drunk (I'm sure unintentionally, but that's how it came across to me) and the description of Mitchell as a frat boy came to mind in full force.
                    Having watched Farscape now, I really saw Ben playing that scene exactly the way he played the crazy side of Chrighton, in fact, I did a double take when he started on that bent and cringed because of that. Didn't work for me either. I really didn't like that choice he made at all. Kinda creeped me out, too.

                    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                      Originally posted by AGateFan
                      Daniel and Carter have always been two peas in a pod, two scientists who had to deal with the military guy. They may give looks to each other about the slowness of the others but I can’t see them giving looks to someone else about the detailedness of one of their explanations. Or have I missed something somewhere along the way?

                      The best explanation I have heard is the Daniel is subconsciously angry at Carter for the whole replicarter thing. If that’s true, he really needs to seek some therapy or maybe SG-1 should break up if they are no longer capable of working as a team and tolerating one another. JMHO
                      We are missing a lot between season 8 and 9. We only know that Jack is at Homeworld security because it was told by TPTB and a few magazine articles. But nothing was said on the show. We know that Sam left to work on the Prometheus and be closer to Cassie "who was going through a hard time". But what kind of hard time. I would have guessed that the harder time was after Janet died, but it was a long time ago. Jack was acting very strange when he came at the SGC and talked with Daniel. He even seemed hurt at the mention of Teal'c (or maybe it's just my bad memory playing tricks at me again ).

                      I think the answers might reside in that missing period between the two seasons. If it's the case, there is a chance that we will learn it somewhere.

                      On a shipper's side, you might think that he is furious at Sam for not telling him that she's married or seeing Jack Just saying Sorry, just couldn't resist
                      There are only two things to worry about: either you are well or you are sick.
                      If you are well, then there is nothing to worry about: but if you are sick; there are two things for you to worry about: either you get well, or you die.
                      If you get well, then there is nothing to worry about. If you die: then there are two things to worry about: either you go up or down.
                      If you go up, then there is nothing to worry about. But if you go down, you will be so busy shaking hands with old friends you wont have time to worry.


                        Originally posted by Strix varia
                        This is definitely one of my all-time favorite Sam episodes, and the only ep this season that I would really want to buy.
                        same here. it's been the only one thus far where i haven't been looking at the watch, wondering when it'll be over.

                        Very few negative things struck me about the ep, but there was one main scene that really bugged me. I thought the Aunt Em scene between the two Mitchells was really, really odd. BB was almost playing it like he was drunk (I'm sure unintentionally, but that's how it came across to me) and the description of Mitchell as a frat boy came to mind in full force.

                        I think this plays into why I'm having so much trouble with this character so far this season... he seems to be written very inconsistently; or, at least, how they are trying to use his character seems to be inconsistent

                        yeah, cam is just so up and down. i personally thought the scene with himself was...well pretty stupid. little things like this kinda reinforce the 'village idiot' syndrome, which is not a good impression to have about your new leading man



                        I thought it was too bad the Cassie dialogue was cut, and I would rather have had the Black Daniel/Black Mitchell ethics discussion at the end than the Black Mitchell/Green Mitchell thigh-slapping, bits-of-bacon hanging-off-her-nose scene.

                        If they had to cut part of the Sam/Martouf scene, my preference would have been to keep the "I killed you" discussion and cut the interrupted kiss. I'm starting to think the Sam slammers are right in that the writers can't seem to write Sam as her own individual person, but instead have to write her as the romantic interest of whatever male character happens to be convenient for the episode. I wish the writers would do better for her in the future.

                        It was so very good to see Janet again. Part of me wishes they'd
                        find a way to bring her back permanently. I also wish they'd shown more of Janet and Sam together. That was probably my biggest disappointment in the show, that there was so little interaction between them.

                        ditto on all three of these. gimme less three stooges adn more interpersonal reactions.
                        martouf has been pushing up daisies in the SG universe for 5 years, why worry about him now??? janet's departure is still a raw seeping wound. let's take care of and address that
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by minigeek
                          Having watched Farscape now, I really saw Ben playing that scene exactly the way he played the crazy side of Chrighton, in fact, I did a double take when he started on that bent and cringed because of that. Didn't work for me either. I really didn't like that choice he made at all. Kinda creeped me out, too.
                          I felt like that too.... And I was rewatching tonight and my Farscape fan housemate came in and said, "Oh, I remember that episode", which was quite worrying.

                          By the way.... can we remember spoiler tags, maybe? The Brits haven't seen the ep yet.
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            sorry, i was trying. i had to edit it 5 times to get them to work right
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                              By the way.... can we remember spoiler tags, maybe? The Brits haven't seen the ep yet.
                              Yeah, I didn't bother with the tags on purpose. I figured the "auntie em" bit wasn't spoiling anything anyway and unless there's a real spoiler in something, I loathe using those tags; makes it a pain to try and read.

                              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                                Originally posted by Skydiver
                                ditto on all three of these. gimme less three stooges adn more interpersonal reactions.
                                You've been feeling that way too, huh? Only for me, it's more like "two stooges" - Daniel and Cameron. It's like they're trying to turn the episode into some kind of twisted comedy a lot of the time, giving those two lines and actions that a) don't suit their characters and b) have no significant bearing on the plot. I really had a problem with Fourth Horseman Pt II because of all the back-forth inanity between Daniel and Cameron in that episode. And that seems to be a disturbing theme for this season. They're trying *too hard* to make fun of themselves; so hard they're losing the essence of the characters, and it's falling pretty flat.

                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

