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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I agree on the autograph front ... and photos, for that matter - the reason I purchase them is to meet the star (usually, although at FanExpo, I bought my auto so I could introduce the girls to Amanda, and I bought the auto as a present to them so they could see her again the next day). Lord knows, I've quite a few Amanda photos/autos! But each of them (as well as from other actors) comes along with an anecdote - which is worth more than the price of the physical object, in my opinion

    That being said, I think some of the actors/celebrities charge more than I'm willing to pay - and so be it. I simply chose not to pay for those potential anecdotes. *shrug* Like was mentioned above - this is consumer entertainment.
    ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

    SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
    ames on facebook
    ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


      Just as an OTT aside...if you think BB's and the Stargate Creation prices are bad, you should go to a Supernatural Creation Con, or some of the other SPN Cons....Oy!!..the prices there for front row seats, M&G's, autos, single and "doubles" photo ops etc....yikes!!!!...

      Deeds xx
      Last edited by discodiva; 04 October 2012, 12:01 PM.
      Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
      MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
        I would think that after 10 years on SG1, one on SGA, and 4 years of Sanctuary, that Amanda has no money worries at all. Plus, she'll most likely be getting residual payments for all those years of work. She doesn't have to work these days to supplement her income. She wants to work and be busy and try new things. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she donates any earnings from these cons to S4K.
        Not that I don't think Amanda is worth tons of money, but she invested her own money into producing the webisodes and in the early season(s) of Sanctuary, she took major salary cuts for her acting/producing so that the costs were kept to a minimum. I think Amanda/Damien/Jill (?) - the founders of Sanctuary For Kids - cover all administrative costs so all donations go to the actual charities. Anyway, I certainly don't think she is living hand to mouth, but I also don't think she doesn't have to worry about finding work either.
        Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          I am certainly no authority on the subject, but my understanding from the last Creation Con that AT did, was that she was donating her share of any money to Sanctuary for Kids. Going forward, that may be different and that would be understandable. Perviously she had a steady job on Stargate and Sanctuary to pay the bills. Now she is getting work here and there with no steady gig, she may need to supplement her income. Such is the life of most actors.
          While I don't much care for speculating how much an actor makes, because seeing as we can't honestly claim that we know all of the details of their lives (especially since, as someone mentioned earlier, many of these actors are such private people), I am more than happy to point out that while AT is getting work "here and there", it seems as though she's getting fairly regular work here and there. As much as I'd like to see her in her own show again, I'm pleased she's found other avenues in which to be creative. Especially when such avenues have the potential to be lucrative.

          And on a family note, she's mentioned that she has the leeway to be choosy with the work she decides to take on. In a strange (and totally not-creepy) way, it's refreshing to know that family can be a focus for her, if she so chooses. I'm no stranger to family taking a backseat to fulfilling other duties and trying to earn money to feed said family, so... Yay for being able to balance the two.


            Another opportunity to ask Amanda a question

            Fun!!! RT @FionaForbes: Amanda Tapping @amandatapping is on @therushtv with me & @michaeleckford tomorrw - tweet us your questions for her!!
            No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
            It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


              Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
              While I don't much care for speculating how much an actor makes, because seeing as we can't honestly claim that we know all of the details of their lives (especially since, as someone mentioned earlier, many of these actors are such private people), I am more than happy to point out that while AT is getting work "here and there", it seems as though she's getting fairly regular work here and there. As much as I'd like to see her in her own show again, I'm pleased she's found other avenues in which to be creative. Especially when such avenues have the potential to be lucrative.
              And on a family note, she's mentioned that she has the leeway to be choosy with the work she decides to take on. In a strange (and totally not-creepy) way, it's refreshing to know that family can be a focus for her, if she so chooses. I'm no stranger to family taking a backseat to fulfilling other duties and trying to earn money to feed said family, so... Yay for being able to balance the two.
              I agree. If I put myself in that same situation I can honestly say that if I lost my job tomorrow, it wouldn't mean that my family would go hungry coz my husband is still able to support us. BUT, my income allows us to afford things like less stress on school fees and bills and being able to afford the extra things in life like family holidays and this trip I'm taking in 26 days. And while it has taken me 3 years to save, we still run into tight times when the going gets a little tough, but I'm very fortunate...coz I do consider myself very lucky to have a job...and appreciative of having that extra bit of money that comes in to lighten hubby's load.
              I think if push came to shove & Amanda didn't get any more work, I'm sure she'd be ok.
              I kinda feel awkward talking about Amanda's financial future but at the same time I think we needn't worry about it.
              And as hedwig touched on earlier, IIRC, Sanctuary is going to syndication which IIRC, means "residual" payments (?).
              You know I think as whole, all this talk of income isn't necessarily bad when treated with respect...I hope this chatter doesn't offend anyone.

              On the OT of things - well kinda OT - I had a dream, (I really hate dreaming sometimes) where Amanda got really really cross with me...long story short, I left the front door open. I dunno where that came from but hey, I have no control over these crazy dreams. Guess it beats the heck outa the dream I had about my dad.
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Sorry, I was not trying to start a discussion on AT's finances--none of our business. I was just trying to make the point that there may be financial reasons for the actors, in general, at cons for charging fairly high prices for autos or photos.

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  A couple of tweets about Rush TV

                  So excited to be on @therushtv today. I get to meet one of my heroes @teamsharkwater! I encourage you to follow this amazing man! Xo

                  I stilll have his make up on my knee! ? RT @FionaForbes: Me and @amandatapping Where's @michaeleckford @ Shaw Tower
                  No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                  It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                    I gotta say, when I leanred I couldn't go to Van to see RaoR, I wasn't happy at all, and even today I was down because I saw all these tweets of peopel going, but then I saw these 2 tweets.

                    @amandatapping Thanks! see you tonight Mike!! RT @GateworldRocky: @amandatapping Have fun on @therushtv today, Amanda.

                    @amandatapping RT @GateworldRocky: @amandatapping Due to family issues, I won't be able to attend, Amanda.

                    The fact that she replied the first time means she knew I was coming, she must have seen previous tweets of mine, but when I said I was, she actually... that mean SOOOO much to me, more than I could have asked for. It's things like that which remind me why she's my role-model.



                      Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                      I gotta say, when I leanred I couldn't go to Van to see RaoR, I wasn't happy at all, and even today I was down because I saw all these tweets of peopel going, but then I saw these 2 tweets.

                      @amandatapping Thanks! see you tonight Mike!! RT @GateworldRocky: @amandatapping Have fun on @therushtv today, Amanda.

                      @amandatapping RT @GateworldRocky: @amandatapping Due to family issues, I won't be able to attend, Amanda.

                      The fact that she replied the first time means she knew I was coming, she must have seen previous tweets of mine, but when I said I was, she actually... that mean SOOOO much to me, more than I could have asked for. It's things like that which remind me why she's my role-model.

                      I saw that and it was soooo sweet, I knew it would make your day xx
                      Thanks to the wonderful Meredithe5 for the awesome sig


                        Amanda post RAoR premiere

                        Great night at @RandomAORomance premiere. So nice to see so many fans there. Thanks for coming. Love to our cast and crew. @zaksantiago= yum
                        No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                        It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                          Hey everyone,

                          Just catching up on posts again, I love Amanda's tweet about taking Magnus out grocery shopping LOL.

                          As for choosing my favourite character between Helen Magnus and Sam Carter, I don't think I could, they are two entirely different people. Sam is possibly more personable than Helen but Helen is an enigma that intrigues me! Plus I think Helen was more of an acting stretch for Amanda.

                          As for autographs and photos, I have never been to a con where these things weren't included in the price of your ticket but I think having those few minutes with an actor who you admire is priceless, even though when I am in front of Amanda I can think of nothing to say LOL.

                          I'm guessing it's up to each individual actor how much they charge, I suppose maybe it's because they might be missing out on working because they are at the con but from what you guys have been saying some of it does seem a little excessive IMHO.

                          Sky, the package arrived safely, thanks. *hugs*

                          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                            yay! glad it made it there.
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Please take a few moments to nominate Amanda for the next Canada's Walk of Fame event. Best of all, we get to write about why she should get her star.

                              Canada's Walk of Fame


                                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                                Please take a few moments to nominate Amanda for the next Canada's Walk of Fame event. Best of all, we get to write about why she should get her star.

                                Canada's Walk of Fame
                                I was about to, but then blanked out on why Amanda deserves her star.

                                The only thing entering my mind was that she is Amanda Tapping and that was reason enough for me, but I guess not enough for the organization.
                                No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                                It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.

