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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    Re: the discussion on AT in Sanctuary/Stargate. One of my worries in watching Sanctuary was that I would see Carter in Helen especially since Carter is one of my all time favourite TV characters. I've said before and I will say it again, it is a tribute to AT's talent as an actress that I have never seen Carter in Helen. Even this weekend I was watching Sanctuary DVDs and AOT and Continuum were on TV and I still saw them as two completely different characters.
    I've been watching Stargate a lot more recently and I find it hard to believe that Sam Carter and Helen Magnus are played by the same woman...she's just brilliant. It's kinda weird to watch her in one role and not be able to see any hint of another character in another show. I mean, when I watched her in the movie "The Void" you could sometimes imagine her as Sam Carter but Amanda pulls off Helen so awesomely well that the woman deserves a lot more credit that what she's received thus far by her peers...she shoulda won that Gemini! I hope 2010 brings more rewards for her!
    Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
    ROFL now I've got that song stuck in my head
    *Mum always said I should share*
    NO!! No, no, no....I shall not press on that link...not again!!!

    Hope all is well all around the world! Please send snow this way...we have some hot days coming up!! *hugs my air con!!*
    Take care, stay safe & hug your loved ones!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Hey Everyone,

      Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
      I can't juggle and I can only just unicycle, but I am 100% positive I could juggle, unicycle AND crash

      No stunt wheelies?
      Oooh never thought of that! *ponders*
      Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
      OT- Well, tragedy has struck me today, something that threatens to totally ruin my year and all my plans. OMG, it may even keep me from going to AT5. Guys I'm going to need your prays for this one.

      I start college Monday.

      I read my timetable for college and I almost passed out from confusion. I have different classes on different days, I don't have any classes on Tuesday though, but still come on. As if my life wasn't hard enough, along with my SG marathon, my job, cleaning my house and all that other stuff, how am I going to handle college? Since I don't have classes on Tuesday, I'll have to clean my house on Tuesday, and work on the weekends. Oh and I have to get my drivers license. I HATE driving with a passion, as much as Sky hates Facebook. What's worse is that I'll have to take the bus early in the morning.

      The only good thing I suppose is that I'm only taking one course and it's for 1 year, so I'll be done next April. This is going to be another hard year for me, but I'm used to life hitting me hard. I'll be going by the school Wednesday for orientation, but after just seeing the timetable, I have so much my respect for Julia now. I always knew she was tough, but I've heard her college stories, and I'm amazed she does as well as she does, I'll be lucky if I do have as good.

      It's been like a year and a half since I was an actual student at a school, so I'm a bit rusty, but that also means I won't be on here as often. One things for sure, I'm not letting it take me away from my Friday Sanctuary nights.
      you'll love college, trust me! Yeah it'll be hard work but fun and rewarding too. And you can still post often, just be more selective about quoting (you don't need to quote every post you want to reply to) I tend to write shorter post now too. Learning to time manage is the key. And you know what, Samanda will always be here for holiday/vacation time. This is a great step hun, relish it! And your nerves are perfectly normal.

      Good Luck Rocky!
      Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
      ROFL now I've got that song stuck in my head

      *Mum always said I should share*

      Hehehe! This makes me think of GABIT Cons.

      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        giggles as i drop off a find off

        if you don't 'get it', check out and listen to Dr Demento's 'startrekking across the universe'
        Hilarious! Thank you for that. I know what I'll be singing all day.

        Our office is empty because lots of people have got stuck in the snow so I can sing as loudly as I like
        Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
        My Fanfic~My Femslash


          Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
          I watched Sanctuary before SG1 (Sanctuary introduced me to AT) and then immediately went and bought all 10 seasons of SG1. When I watched my first ep I was looking for AT and it took me a bit to realize that the cute blond with no accent was the same actress that was playing the very British Helen Magnus.

          When I got my honey to start watching SG1 she had the same reaction and I had to convince her that it was indeed the same woman.

          It's been said on the thread before but I'll say it anyway Amanda is an amazing talent. Add to that everything else she does in addition to acting and she is just plain awe inspiring.
          very much so...

          and im loving all the stories of ppl who had to do double takes that AT plays both sam and helen

          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
          I love hearing this & I'm sure AT does too. People watch Sanctuary in its own right, not just b/c they're following AT.

          Very rarely I see mannerisms that I think are AT's, but except for once in the first ep, I didn't see Sam.

          Isn't that spazzie's cue? : D
          actually i was watching an ep of sanctuary the other day with kidwizz and there was one smile that was so AT, hehe...

          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
          thanks for sharing

          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
          OT- Well, tragedy has struck me today, something that threatens to totally ruin my year and all my plans. OMG, it may even keep me from going to AT5. Guys I'm going to need your prays for this one.

          I start college Monday.

          I read my timetable for college and I almost passed out from confusion. I have different classes on different days, I don't have any classes on Tuesday though, but still come on. As if my life wasn't hard enough, along with my SG marathon, my job, cleaning my house and all that other stuff, how am I going to handle college? Since I don't have classes on Tuesday, I'll have to clean my house on Tuesday, and work on the weekends. Oh and I have to get my drivers license. I HATE driving with a passion, as much as Sky hates Facebook. What's worse is that I'll have to take the bus early in the morning.

          The only good thing I suppose is that I'm only taking one course and it's for 1 year, so I'll be done next April. This is going to be another hard year for me, but I'm used to life hitting me hard. I'll be going by the school Wednesday for orientation, but after just seeing the timetable, I have so much my respect for Julia now. I always knew she was tough, but I've heard her college stories, and I'm amazed she does as well as she does, I'll be lucky if I do have as good.

          It's been like a year and a half since I was an actual student at a school, so I'm a bit rusty, but that also means I won't be on here as often. One things for sure, I'm not letting it take me away from my Friday Sanctuary nights.
          youll be fine rocky... once you get into the swing of things and find that perfect balance everything will work out... good luck, hope you enjoy your studies
          "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            giggles as i drop off a find off

            if you don't 'get it', check out and listen to Dr Demento's 'startrekking across the universe'
            I LOVE IT! Daniel's focus and Thor's 'little grey butt' definitely stood out blaringly for me.

            *goes off humming*


              Eh-T, I don't have a photo of the badge. Both Antoa and PengYn do, I think. One even has your face in it! Yes guys, you hear it here first... Eh-T has a head!

              I accidentally posted in the Gabit thread, forgetting that the off topic unicycle stuff is in this thread. So here is a wee cross post:

              I was riding my unicycle in the staff room at work today. I fell off and because I was in a narrow spot between the sink and fridge my legs couldn't clear the pedals- I ended up flat my back and my shoe flew in a graceful arc across the room. It. Was. Awesome.


              Frozen margarita mix makes a good ice pack. My actual medical ice packs are all still packed from when I moved back home a year ago... a surprisingly injury-free year
              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                Can you back that up with examples?

                It'll do you good to get out, experience some life and broaden your horizons.
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by parsifal View Post
                  I'd be more interested in her comments regarding her Skype chat.
                  What Skype chat? redroch ...... care to share? Edit: now I've seen the Sanctuary thread I understand. Congrats m'dear!

                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  OT- Well, tragedy has struck me today, something that threatens to totally ruin my year and all my plans. OMG, it may even keep me from going to AT5. Guys I'm going to need your prays for this one.

                  I start college Monday.

                  I read my timetable for college and I almost passed out from confusion. I have different classes on different days, I don't have any classes on Tuesday though, but still come on. As if my life wasn't hard enough, along with my SG marathon, my job, cleaning my house and all that other stuff, how am I going to handle college? Since I don't have classes on Tuesday, I'll have to clean my house on Tuesday, and work on the weekends. Oh and I have to get my drivers license. I HATE driving with a passion, as much as Sky hates Facebook. What's worse is that I'll have to take the bus early in the morning.

                  The only good thing I suppose is that I'm only taking one course and it's for 1 year, so I'll be done next April. This is going to be another hard year for me, but I'm used to life hitting me hard. I'll be going by the school Wednesday for orientation, but after just seeing the timetable, I have so much my respect for Julia now. I always knew she was tough, but I've heard her college stories, and I'm amazed she does as well as she does, I'll be lucky if I do have as good.

                  It's been like a year and a half since I was an actual student at a school, so I'm a bit rusty, but that also means I won't be on here as often. One things for sure, I'm not letting it take me away from my Friday Sanctuary nights.
                  I am a big believer in education. I love to learn. I think your attitude will help you out Rocky. View it as an adventure and an opportunity to learn and expand your horizons. It is also an opportunity to meet new friends. Embrace it, enjoy it!

                  Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                  Eh-T, I don't have a photo of the badge. Both Antoa and PengYn do, I think. One even has your face in it! Yes guys, you hear it here first... Eh-T has a head!

                  I accidentally posted in the Gabit thread, forgetting that the off topic unicycle stuff is in this thread. So here is a wee cross post:

                  I was riding my unicycle in the staff room at work today. I fell off and because I was in a narrow spot between the sink and fridge my legs couldn't clear the pedals- I ended up flat my back and my shoe flew in a graceful arc across the room. It. Was. Awesome.


                  Frozen margarita mix makes a good ice pack. My actual medical ice packs are all still packed from when I moved back home a year ago... a surprisingly injury-free year
                  Last edited by EH-T; 05 January 2010, 08:22 AM.

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                    I was riding my unicycle in the staff room at work today. I fell off and because I was in a narrow spot between the sink and fridge my legs couldn't clear the pedals- I ended up flat my back and my shoe flew in a graceful arc across the room. It. Was. Awesome.


                    Frozen margarita mix makes a good ice pack. My actual medical ice packs are all still packed from when I moved back home a year ago... a surprisingly injury-free year
                    Do try and stay in one piece before I get over there, hmm? Having you bruised and beaten before I even arrive will spoil plans I have for us m'dear.


                      Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                      Hilarious! Thank you for that. I know what I'll be singing all day.

                      Our office is empty because lots of people have got stuck in the snow so I can sing as loudly as I like
                      I want to hear / see you sing the "star trekboard" thingy

                      Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


                        Amanda's interview on The Tasting Room is now available to listen online, though the podcast isn't there yet. Enjoy!

                        "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          Had one but it was an ancient film camera.
                          Yes, I remember! I even got to take a photo with it! It was like the coolest little doohickey ever, like an ancient artifact from a lost and forgotten time. And it made funny noises too

                          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post

                          I was riding my unicycle in the staff room at work today. I fell off and because I was in a narrow spot between the sink and fridge my legs couldn't clear the pedals- I ended up flat my back and my shoe flew in a graceful arc across the room. It. Was. Awesome.


                          Frozen margarita mix makes a good ice pack. My actual medical ice packs are all still packed from when I moved back home a year ago... a surprisingly injury-free year
                          Why didn’t I even arch an eyebrow over that whole scenario? Lol! Aw, dear Neep, you make the crazy and hazardous seem so easy. And yes, we want this year to be as injury-free as the last.

                          I don’t know if you guys listens to the Sanctuary podcasts that comes with every season 2 episode. If you don’t you should! They’re hilarious! And even if anyone doesn’t happen to watch Sanctuary, you can still listen to them, because they (Amanda, Damian Kindler and Martin Wood) really don’t talk about the episodes much, they’re just being silly, goofy and sings a lot (quality may vary, lol!) plus if for nothing else it’s worth a listen just to hear Amanda giggle. A lot.

                          I’m currently gearing up to buy my complete DVD collection of SG-1 for a second time (sis will get the current one) and when I think about it this will be the third time I’m buying seasons 1 & 2, the first boxes I had I gave away to a friend when I bought the whole set. And somehow I’ve got the feeling this won’t be the last time I’ll be buying SG-1. lol! *looks for the blu-ray release on the horizon*


                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            EDIT: Uh oh, I see rderoch lurking. I'm sure she'll have acomment on my behaviour!
                            I would never.

                            Originally posted by parsifal View Post
                            I'd be more interested in her comments regarding her Skype chat.
                            We talked about Sanctuary/Stargate surprisingly little. Twas a lot of drifting of the conversation into unrelated areas. My friend Larry joined me and neither of us really had a list of questions. Didn't want to make it an interview. I think they get enough of that.
                            Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                            William Shakespeare

                            Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                              OT except that it relates to my being a Sanctuary fan...

                              My tv is doing this weird thing where I lose the picture and sound (except for a staticky sound) for about 30 seconds to a minute or so, then it comes back. I'm thinking maybe the picture tube (or equivalent) is going bad. I do sort of get that little dot like you used to get when turning off old tvs. The tv is maybe 10 years old. Any thoughts from the mechanically inclined?

                              I really don't want to be watching Sanctuary and lose chunks of it.


                                is it a big tv, meaning not a thin lcd one? if so, then yeah, you probably have one of the color guns or tubes going bad.

                                your best bet is to start looking for sales on tv's and resign yourself to getting a new one
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


