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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
    I've been watching Stargate a lot more recently and I find it hard to believe that Sam Carter and Helen Magnus are played by the same woman...she's just brilliant. It's kinda weird to watch her in one role and not be able to see any hint of another character in another show. I mean, when I watched her in the movie "The Void" you could sometimes imagine her as Sam Carter but Amanda pulls off Helen so awesomely well that the woman deserves a lot more credit that what she's received thus far by her peers...she shoulda won that Gemini! I hope 2010 brings more rewards for her!

    NO!! No, no, no....I shall not press on that link...not again!!!

    Hope all is well all around the world! Please send snow this way...we have some hot days coming up!! *hugs my air con!!*
    Take care, stay safe & hug your loved ones!
    You said it Chelle.

    Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
    Hey Everyone,

    you'll love college, trust me! Yeah it'll be hard work but fun and rewarding too. And you can still post often, just be more selective about quoting (you don't need to quote every post you want to reply to) I tend to write shorter post now too. Learning to time manage is the key. And you know what, Samanda will always be here for holiday/vacation time. This is a great step hun, relish it! And your nerves are perfectly normal.

    Good Luck Rocky!

    Originally posted by katjoy View Post
    youll be fine rocky... once you get into the swing of things and find that perfect balance everything will work out... good luck, hope you enjoy your studies
    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

    It'll do you good to get out, experience some life and broaden your horizons.
    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    I am a big believer in education. I love to learn. I think your attitude will help you out Rocky. View it as an adventure and an opportunity to learn and expand your horizons. It is also an opportunity to meet new friends. Embrace it, enjoy it!

    Thank you guys for the kind words, and I have a lot of respect for the school system, the teachers and everything, but.... I really can't see myself liking it a lot. I always do my best, and almost every teacher I've ever had as had much praise for me, it could have something to do with the fact that I always did my work, heck, I even did it during lunch. That's why I didn't have a lot of homework. Not only that, I'd stay real late after school to work, and I even took time off work during my last year of HS so I could get everything done. That's why I always passed.

    But that's sort of my issue, it was those things that set me apart from the other kids, I couldn't find time to go out and have lunch with friends, during breaks I'd stay in class and work, and when the school had assemblies in the gym and what not, the only time I'd pay to go wasn't to watch a game, it was to go to the library and work. I always gave the teachers more than what was expected of me, but throughout my entire HS career, very little time did I actually feel like a normal student. Like I said, I didn't hang out after school, I was either at my job, or working on an assignment, on the weekends my school buddies would go to the movies, and I'd be home finishing homework. And I liked it.

    So my problem isn't collage itself, it's the "normal" students I'd be around. I always put my work first, never once did I put it aside to go out to a big party, the only time I went out to lunch was when I knew for sure I'd be OK with my homework. I got a lot out of HS, but in a way I feel like I wasted my HS years.


      Just a reminder folks, the Canucks are already 2 episodes behind the US, they haven't gotten Penance or Sleepers, and the US and UK will likely see the season finale before the Canadians get caught up.

      So keep them spoilers in the appropriate threads and tagged

      Cause I don't wanna be invaded by Canada
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        OT except that it relates to my being a Sanctuary fan...

        My tv is doing this weird thing where I lose the picture and sound (except for a staticky sound) for about 30 seconds to a minute or so, then it comes back. I'm thinking maybe the picture tube (or equivalent) is going bad. I do sort of get that little dot like you used to get when turning off old tvs. The tv is maybe 10 years old. Any thoughts from the mechanically inclined?

        I really don't want to be watching Sanctuary and lose chunks of it.
        I so know what your talking about. I've had this happen quite a few times.

        My dad used to fix various electronics for a living, so my advice would be to check your phone book for a repairman in the area who might give you an estimate on getting it fixed. Sometimes the price of the part is a relatively small amount and combined with labor charges, will extend the life of your current set a few more years and keep you from buying a new one which, cost compared, is drastically different.

        Good luck with it.


          nice penguin fic

          sam and Jack spend christmas together
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
            Can you back that up with examples?
            OT college

            Like you were in HS, I was fairly class/work oriented when I started college, and I'm not into going out to parties or clubs either. But then as I got to know my classmates better I started having lunch with them, having study groups together, and before I knew it we were hanging out and doing stuff completely unrelated to classes, like camping, playing ultimate frisbee, etc. I also had a great time with various clubs and student organizations at my school, like Habitat for Humanity, a Tea Club, and a couple of science groups.

            College is a great time to dabble in a wide variety of interests and interact with a broad spectrum of interesting people. Keeping up with your studies is important, but it's also worth it to get out there and meet new people and discover new interests/activities. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so enjoy it!

            And hey, I discovered Stargate thanks to someone I met at college, so it can't be all bad.

            On a related note, what kind of student do you think Sam was like? On the one hand I can see her being the very studious type, but I can also see her enjoying more adventurous/risky stuff outside of her classes, like racing her motorcycle, or sneaking onto the roof of the science building to watch a meteor shower. (which I've done myself )



              i worked my way through college, so i never did the parties or dorm things.

              but my social life was through work. we'd close down the restaurant and then go out for breakfast at 3am at the truck stop. we'd socialize on our days off. I did things with those friends that i'd never done before.

              it's good for people to have other points of contact, especially 'real' points of contact. there's more to life than a tv show on dvd or an onlline forum or videos or fan fic.

              there needs to be more

              embrace the opportunity to expand your horizons and your experiences. You'll be a better person for it.

              With sam, in some ways, i see her the introverted study-a- holic. she'd throw herself into her studies, taking refuge in her books.

              I do think, however, she likely had a friend or two that pushed her 'wild side'. where she found and embraced her adrenaline junkie, where she took risks and chances.

              then i think she learned to temper that, to merge her wild side and control it so that it wouldn't compromise the future she wanted, to get in and through the academy and get in the shuttle program.

              it's possible that the crash of the shuttle set off her wild side. she'd lost her future and maybe tossed caution to the wind
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                and more ficcage


                not explicitly penguin i think, but with leanings in some parts

                not explicitly penguin i think, but with leanings

                a very short snippit fic

                I don't think this is shippy, can't recall


                ok, so this is vala and teal'c friendship, but dude, vala and teal'c fic are so rare to begin with, friendship fic even rarer, it's worth a read
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  is it a big tv, meaning not a thin lcd one? if so, then yeah, you probably have one of the color guns or tubes going bad.

                  your best bet is to start looking for sales on tv's and resign yourself to getting a new one
                  I second the motion. When the tube goes, it's time to replace. Replacing the tube is usually the same as the cost of the TV. And these days, it's probably harded to get replacement parts for older sets and would cost even more. And with any luck, the store or your local municipality will help you get the old set recycled/disposed of properly so you can be green.

                  Plus once you've watched a flat screen, you'll be hooked. Even if you can't get HD hookup right now, if you get yourself an upconverting DVD player (I've seen them as cheap as $25), your dvds will look MUCH better. Though if you can upgrade to HD cable, you won't be sorry.
                  Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                  William Shakespeare

                  Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                    Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                    I second the motion. When the tube goes, it's time to replace. Replacing the tube is usually the same as the cost of the TV. And these days, it's probably harded to get replacement parts for older sets and would cost even more. And with any luck, the store or your local municipality will help you get the old set recycled/disposed of properly so you can be green.

                    Plus once you've watched a flat screen, you'll be hooked. Even if you can't get HD hookup right now, if you get yourself an upconverting DVD player (I've seen them as cheap as $25), your dvds will look MUCH better. Though if you can upgrade to HD cable, you won't be sorry.
                    *Watches EH-T's eyes cross*

                    my fanfic


                      Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                      OT college

                      Like you were in HS, I was fairly class/work oriented when I started college, and I'm not into going out to parties or clubs either. But then as I got to know my classmates better I started having lunch with them, having study groups together, and before I knew it we were hanging out and doing stuff completely unrelated to classes, like camping, playing ultimate frisbee, etc. I also had a great time with various clubs and student organizations at my school, like Habitat for Humanity, a Tea Club, and a couple of science groups.

                      College is a great time to dabble in a wide variety of interests and interact with a broad spectrum of interesting people. Keeping up with your studies is important, but it's also worth it to get out there and meet new people and discover new interests/activities. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so enjoy it!

                      And hey, I discovered Stargate thanks to someone I met at college, so it can't be all bad.

                      On a related note, what kind of student do you think Sam was like? On the one hand I can see her being the very studious type, but I can also see her enjoying more adventurous/risky stuff outside of her classes, like racing her motorcycle, or sneaking onto the roof of the science building to watch a meteor shower. (which I've done myself )
                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      i worked my way through college, so i never did the parties or dorm things.

                      but my social life was through work. we'd close down the restaurant and then go out for breakfast at 3am at the truck stop. we'd socialize on our days off. I did things with those friends that i'd never done before.

                      it's good for people to have other points of contact, especially 'real' points of contact. there's more to life than a tv show on dvd or an onlline forum or videos or fan fic.

                      there needs to be more

                      embrace the opportunity to expand your horizons and your experiences. You'll be a better person for it.

                      With sam, in some ways, i see her the introverted study-a- holic. she'd throw herself into her studies, taking refuge in her books.
                      Thank you both for the kind words, and I'm glad you both had good collage experiences. The thing is, I have no problem with the school, or what I'm taking, it's the other students. You know what my WORST experience was of HS? It was when I graduated. After years of HS, I was finally done, and when I was sitting there in that gym with all the other students, I couldn't help but think of all the did, and the things I didn't.

                      When a lot of teens were in the cafe or on their breaks eating or chilling, I was either in class or in the library working on my school work. Even when I was offered to go out and chill, I always put my work first, and that's why I always had so little homework. Sure I had friends in HS, but still choose work over them, If we were in teams, I'd even get mad with them if they'd slow us down from working. I got good grades, most of my teachers loved me, and always did my best to get my work done, but I never really cared for the other things HS had to offer. And even when I got my work done during lunch, instead of going to chill with the students, I'd come here to check on things. I had fun and laughs there, but I was never a "normal" wild HS student. Also when I was doing school work, I was at my job, sometimes I'd even bring more school work there to study.

                      I guess come graduation day, I wish I had been more like them instead of like me. I was never the way a teen student should be in HS. I'm glad the rest of had a normal school career, and I'm very proud of how well Julia is doing and that she's having fun. Thank you again, and I wish I could say I'm looking forward to it and I'm sure it'll be great, but I'm not. To me collage is one more obstacle and obligation in my life I'll have to overcome, sadly it'll take me a year to do it.


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        and more ficcage


                        not explicitly penguin i think, but with leanings in some parts

                        not explicitly penguin i think, but with leanings

                        a very short snippit fic

                        I don't think this is shippy, can't recall


                        ok, so this is vala and teal'c friendship, but dude, vala and teal'c fic are so rare to begin with, friendship fic even rarer, it's worth a read
                        Thank you for the links. I was on earlier today and found some really good Sam ones that I hadn't come across yet. They were made of happy.

                        My muse has reawoken too. My fingers are just itching to get the fic I have in my head out in black and white. Oh, to be at home right now instead of work. *sigh* I get a break every hour twenty, but its seriously not long enough because once I get started, I know it'll be frustrating to stop each time.


                          Originally Posted by Fresh_Horse
                          It's always about meeting the people.
                          I'll be in Vancouver next month (Olympics, baby!) and I'm going to check out some places.
                          I am sure that if they can stomach a bunch of drunk German hockeyfans that they will have no problems with harmless, unicycling, nubbin-tossing AT fans who ask for blue jello for dessert.

                          Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                          *is quietly jealous* Have a blast at the Olympics!

                          Isnt that unicycling, nubbin-juggling AT fans instead? Besides, we could never, er...purposely toss our nubbins, right?
                          Um, of course you are right. It's nubbin-juggling. *channels Gimli* "No one tosses a nubbin!" */channels Gimli*

                          ..."but it's ok to juggle them."


                            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                            I second the motion. When the tube goes, it's time to replace. Replacing the tube is usually the same as the cost of the TV. And these days, it's probably harded to get replacement parts for older sets and would cost even more. And with any luck, the store or your local municipality will help you get the old set recycled/disposed of properly so you can be green.

                            Plus once you've watched a flat screen, you'll be hooked. Even if you can't get HD hookup right now, if you get yourself an upconverting DVD player (I've seen them as cheap as $25), your dvds will look MUCH better. Though if you can upgrade to HD cable, you won't be sorry.
                            I'll third that motion.

                            I just have a five words of advice.......50" plasma 1080p upconverting HD

                            And, go for the 5.1 (7.1 if you can get it) surround sound too. Getting a nice TV and sound was one of the best investments I ever made. You can find room even in small places if you mount the TV and speakers on the wall.

                            I had to do my homework as there is a bunch of technical stuff to learn and you can very easily get caught not having the correct technology because of misrepresentation. But once the set is installed, 10 years of Stargate SG1 and Sam become 200+ mini-movies at the theatre. Sanctuary is incredible to watch. And the stuff you hear may be even more incredible than what you see.

                            There is nothing quite like seeing a five-foot version of AT's head.


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              and more ficcage
                              not explicitly penguin i think, but with leanings in some parts
                              not explicitly penguin i think, but with leanings
                              a very short snippit fic
                              I don't think this is shippy, can't recall
                              ok, so this is vala and teal'c friendship, but dude, vala and teal'c fic are so rare to begin with, friendship fic even rarer, it's worth a read
                              Thank you for the ficcage Sky...I'm still looking for a fic with Jack and Sam where Jack sends Sam on an exercise test thingy and she has to do the course within a certain time and when she fails to return he gets pissy and goes back to base thinking she's just too slow but she's actually been captured by a wanted military fugitive who caught Sam after she helped a girl who had hurt herself and this girl turns out to be related to either the president or another high ranking politician. Anyhoo, they find Sam but she's been hurt by the bad dude....ring any bells??? I'm getting frustrated in my search! That and the one where she is captured by Her'ur and she has his son...I only remember bits of that one but I remember it being a good one with whumpage!
                              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                              I second the motion. When the tube goes, it's time to replace.
                              Plus once you've watched a flat screen, you'll be hooked. Even if you can't get HD hookup right now, if you get yourself an upconverting DVD player (I've seen them as cheap as $25), your dvds will look MUCH better. Though if you can upgrade to HD cable, you won't be sorry.
                              Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                              I'll third that motion.
                              I fourth the motion...only I don't necessarily agree that the dvd's are better...I find the picture is usually too wide or you get a frame around the picture if you make it fit to normal size (adjust)...but it's worth investing in a new tv with built in HD/Digital tuning and USB ports...takes a bit of getting used to! I found learning how to use the dvd recorder easier...and I'm a luddite!

                              I wonder if Sam as all the latest gadgets in her house or if she even has the time to bother with it??

                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by Daivy View Post
                                I want to hear / see you sing the "star trekboard" thingy
                                I'm a definite 'sing when no one is listening' kinda singer. I do it loudly, and often, but not when I know it'll be taken as a performance.

                                We have a very old TV that we just used for console games. However, my brother is building me a Franken-PC this week. Parts have come from all over the place, including some bits salvaged from other computers and stuff we had kicking around.

                                However, I have spent a nice amount of money on a really good LCD monitor so I can watch DVDs and iplayer/catch up in style!

                                I'm very excited.
                                Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                                My Fanfic~My Femslash

