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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Ok, sticking my nose in....and feel free to ignore since I'm not going so won't be doing any of this...what if folks make a 'gambit rocks' theme for random photos...along with candid photos of anyone that gives you permission (some people do not want their photos online so best to ask). Then one of you vidding masters can make a short little fun video that you stick up on YouTube to celebrate the con and your time there.
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      I like that idea! My camera takes a pretty good video if anyone is interested.


        Like the idea of the photo or vid being done in the Ren lobby (home sweet home)...wood (Jumble influence) be fun to have little Sanctuary or Sg-1 finger puppets to wear and have main message on palm of hand
        sigpic Martin Rocks!!


          @AgamDarshi...sometimes i wish i had a mentor...

          @amandatapping Um..... Hello! Xo RT @AgamDarshi: ...sometimes i wish i had a mentor...



            @AgamDarshi @amandatapping you know you are! but i need a LIFE mentor to tell me when to shower/sleep/eat... basically i need my mom. ; )



              @amandatapping Bags packed. Baby girl snuggled and asleep. Hubby smooched...a lot. Sigh. OZ and NZ here I come! Forgive me if I hug too much!


                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                Good job on the video XF et al. I remember seeing the original hand message video and thought it was very cool. When I saw your video my first thought was that those attending AT6 should all write a message on their hands for the photo ops.
                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                That's a brilliant idea long as Amanda doesn't cry in all our photo's.
                Or if AT6 attendees don't want to do that in their photo op with Amanda then maybe we could all gather in the lobby & do one as a group. Maybe.
                Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                i wouldn't want my photo op with that, but maybe a spot could be arranged to go after one's photo op and people could write on their hand and get the photo taken of hand and face. not an expert, but would be willing to take photos. if you want video, could do a few seconds of each one. and maybe on our other hands we could sneakily write "gabit rocks" or something and make a project to thank the G4. just a thought.
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                Ok, sticking my nose in....and feel free to ignore since I'm not going so won't be doing any of this...what if folks make a 'gambit rocks' theme for random photos...along with candid photos of anyone that gives you permission (some people do not want their photos online so best to ask). Then one of you vidding masters can make a short little fun video that you stick up on YouTube to celebrate the con and your time there.
                Originally posted by starsong101 View Post
                I like that idea! My camera takes a pretty good video if anyone is interested.
                Originally posted by clairec007 View Post
                Like the idea of the photo or vid being done in the Ren lobby (home sweet home)...wood (Jumble influence) be fun to have little Sanctuary or Sg-1 finger puppets to wear and have main message on palm of hand
                I love the idea! I have a tiny suggestion, though. Perhaps the vid clips might be something we could do individually at home before we leave (and open it to all interested), send it to someone willing to put all them together with music and then, with the G4's permission, have it shown at some point before one of the Q & A sessions during that weekend.

                I know the Gabit folks are always looking for fun little openers before each of these sessions so maybe this might be something they'd be interested in to show Amanda (who's usually waiting in the wings watching anyways) how much she is truly admired and loved once again.


                  Hey! I'm up for anything...would be even better if we can somehow spread the word for sanctuary for kids...anything to make Amanda & co smile.

                  Am looking forward to Amanda huggage this weekend...hope she's up for the challenge. Both my kids are also looking forward to meeting her...Tom for the first time. It's not hubby's scene so the kids are training it in. I'm not going home til Monday. Woohoo!!!!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    I love your idea Cel, but you should run it by Julia before anyone goes any further. That said, the 'show it at gabit' part is the part they'd need to know about and bless. I love the 'i can't be there but here's my clip' part. even if it cannot be shown during the con, it can still go into the video as a 'wish i was there'
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      little ficlet

                      Title: Medical Attention
                      Author: Ami Ven
                      Rating: G
                      Word Count: 300
                      Prompt: none
                      Fandom: Stargate SG-1
                      Character(s): Sam Carter, alternate!Janet Fraiser
                      Summary: Sam ends up in the Air Force Academy Hospital— and the care of a familiar doctor
                      Note(s): tag to Continuum
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        I love your idea Cel, but you should run it by Julia before anyone goes any further. That said, the 'show it at gabit' part is the part they'd need to know about and bless. I love the 'i can't be there but here's my clip' part. even if it cannot be shown during the con, it can still go into the video as a 'wish i was there'
                        Oh, definitely! It was just a suggestion. If people like the idea I'll email Gabit when I get off work and see what they say.


                          I'd be willing to put that together. I have some skills in that arena.

                          come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                            Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                            I'd be willing to put that together. I have some skills in that arena.
                            Excellent! I've emailed the G4 so we shall see what happens.


                              Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                              Excellent! I've emailed the G4 so we shall see what happens.
                              That was good of you. I've also got my little Amanda project going on, I've asked around, and I've got a dozen fans open to my little surprise for her. Wanna join in?


                                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                                That was good of you. I've also got my little Amanda project going on, I've asked around, and I've got a dozen fans open to my little surprise for her. Wanna join in?
                                Haha, depends on what it is.

                                PM me the details.

