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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Hey Everyone,

    Loving the accent chat guys, I agree with Alan as a British person I love Helen's accent, I think Amanda does a great job! I have a kind of hybrid accent b/c I was born in Scotland then at age 3 moved to England only to move back to Scotland at age 12. My accent is mostly Scots just not as broad as some, my carer Donna also just told me that my accent changes depending who I'm talking to, lol, so I wonder how I sound at a GABIT event? Hehe!

    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
      Hey Everyone,

      Loving the accent chat guys, I agree with Alan as a British person I love Helen's accent, I think Amanda does a great job! I have a kind of hybrid accent b/c I was born in Scotland then at age 3 moved to England only to move back to Scotland at age 12. My accent is mostly Scots just not as broad as some, my carer Donna also just told me that my accent changes depending who I'm talking to, lol, so I wonder how I sound at a GABIT event? Hehe!

      Haha... your head probably just explodes. Did anyone get any brain matter in their hair last time?
      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
        Haha... your head probably just explodes. Did anyone get any brain matter in their hair last time?
        LOL, I hope not don't have much brain matter to loose in the first place!

        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


          Originally posted by morjana View Post
          Here's the photo from the Vancouver Sun, as apparently it's no longer available online there:

          Thank you HUGELY Morjana!!!
          Originally posted by suse View Post
          Chris H. must have had a few days off.
          Huh!! I was thinking the same ting!! It's all about the hair!!
          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          heck, ihead to the UK for a week to attend a con and i come back with a very bad brit accent. people pick them up all the time. and after a few rums, i 'twang' something awful
          Uh oh! Poor EH-T...4 days with an Aussie in November...wonder what her accents gonna be like after that??
          Originally posted by Alan View Post
          I find that I don't so much pick up the accent but I speak at a Scottish rate of speech (if that makes any sense) and replace "yes" with "aye" sometimes. Things like that.
          Funny that. I use the term "aye" a fair whack when I'm talking...not intentionally mind you. It kinda just falls out!!!
          Originally posted by Daivy View Post
          Hell, you'll definatly notice my accent when I speak English.
          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
          I think it's only those of us that live near the border that pick up on Canadian "accents". I've met people from other parts of the country that have no idea what a Canadian accent is. Really it's just a difference in vowel pronounciations. Canadians use long vowel sounds where we use short and vice versa. The word 'progress' comes to mind.
          I reckon you all sound the same to in all you're actually quite a quiet bunch!!!
          Luckily we Aussies have no discernible accent...its just a mess of everything!
          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          i heard her canadian a couple of times. like in forsaken, when she calls 'helloooo' into the crashed ship
          every once in a while that slightly nasal long O comes out
          but that's about it
          Oh yeah!! I love that. And it's funny coz I really notice it a lot with Micheal Shanks too! And when we watch Ice Road Truckers!!!
          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
          Though don't get me started on the spelling.
          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          Why not? Quick, spell "centre", "neighbour", "colour"
          Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
          the correct way to spell
          Also it's probably the way Amanda spells considering her background (see I can be on topic, sometimes )
          Oh I'm with EH-T and RoX on this one!!
          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
          I've lived in the same area of New Zealand for my entire 21 years. It's the fasted speaking city in the country- my cousins are from the slowest speaking part of Australia. My sister and I can get in an entire sentence when they pause for emphasis or to breathe
          If anyone at AT4 can't understand me put your hands on my shoulders, look into my eyes and say "slow. the. ****. down."
          I'm guessing I will be exhausted and bouncingly excited- both factors that make me talk even faster
          As for accent- nope. Don't have one. *glares*
          Your cousins must be from Queensland!! Notoriously slow in their speech!
          My yoga teacher told me to take a breath and slow down when I speak...apparently it's fast. Not news to me though...been a bad habit since forever!!
          Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
          The hubby might have taught her...but she might have a tool belt he's not allowed to touch.

          Been a long day and night and it's hard keeping up with the tweetering and FB and GW and off to read some FF then hit the hay!
          Might all, take care and stay safe. (((Samandans)))
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Happy belated birthday starlover!!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Originally posted by antoa View Post
              I think Lies will need to take note of that. There were a few times in Vancouver when she had to tell me to stop talking so fast (and I won't even mention the dinner with my fast-talking friend).
              Haha ... Jaclyn at dinner was just .... insane! It was on sundaynight after the con, I was (we all were) pretty wiped out and she was the fastest speaking person I ever heard ... I totally zoned out a couple of times, especially when she and Amanda (Antoa) were chatting lol. I have to say in general you guys were awesome in trying to make sure I could follow everything. I remember at AT3 all the english made me crazy after a while, but in Vancouver it was ok.

              But yeah ... Neep at AT4, big chance I will be asking you to slow down

              On accents .. being a foreigner and all .. I don't hear the differences. Doesn't bother me and I thought Helen's accent is just fine.

              And nice LiveJournal report on the Grand Slam convention here and here (2nd part is with Amanda).


                Originally posted by parsifal View Post
                VANCOUVER, BC – May 12, 2009: Tonight — Tuesday, May 12th – 6pm, 8pm, and 10pm, The Express on Shaw TV will be airing its on-location special of the LEO Awards Official Red Carpet and Gala Awards Ceremony. The show will also air the following day and at various times throughout the year.

                Featured on the episode is LEO Award winners Amanda Tapping and Ryan Robbins of Sanctuary...

                Thanks for the info, hope someone local recorded it or that the Leo website posts it.

                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                I remember that comment. She was a guest on a Canadian talk show and telling the woman (Vicki Gabereau - which I think is on YouTube) host about some of their experiences in remodeling their house.
                I love (and miss greatly) Vicki Gabereau. Wonderful Vancouver based talk show. She had RDA on every year (which is what lead me to Stargate in the first place) and had AT (missed that one but have seen it on the net) and CJ on. Not sure if MS ever did her show. Really too bad she no longer has the show, I'm sure they would have featured AT and Sanctuary.

                Originally posted by antoa View Post
                I think Lies will need to take note of that. There were a few times in Vancouver when she had to tell me to stop talking so fast (and I won't even mention the dinner with my fast-talking friend).
                She seemed to follow me just fine.

                Originally posted by rderoch View Post

                center, neighbor, color

                I'm afraid I'll have to give U an F on your spelling test.

                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                Uh oh! Poor EH-T...4 days with an Aussie in November...wonder what her accents gonna be like after that??

                I'm more concerned about my sanity than my accent.

                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                Haha ... Jaclyn at dinner was just .... insane! It was on sundaynight after the con, I was (we all were) pretty wiped out and she was the fastest speaking person I ever heard ... I totally zoned out a couple of times, especially when she and Amanda (Antoa) were chatting lol. I have to say in general you guys were awesome in trying to make sure I could follow everything. I remember at AT3 all the english made me crazy after a while, but in Vancouver it was ok.

                But yeah ... Neep at AT4, big chance I will be asking you to slow down

                On accents .. being a foreigner and all .. I don't hear the differences. Doesn't bother me and I thought Helen's accent is just fine.

                And nice LiveJournal report on the Grand Slam convention here and here (2nd part is with Amanda).

                Thanks for the links.

                Your english is great. Too bad we couldn't even manage enough Dutch to pronounce your name.

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  Hi guys, I normally don't like do this, but I just needed someone to talk to, I'm actually really sad right now.

                  I was having a good day, until my grandfather drove me to my grandmothers apartment, on the way there, he told me my baby cousin, Ethan, was really sick yesterday, and he was taken to the hospital last night . My grandparents said they're worried that it may have the Swine flu . I told them, no he doesn't, but when I got to my grandmothers place, she was crying, and how she's all worried about Ethan. AT first was calm and told her he'll be fine, but now she's gotten me all worried, and since then I haven't been able to function right .

                  I've been helping take care of him since September, while I was still waiting for a co-op placement. He wasn't even 1 when I started helping my grandparents look after him during the day when his parents were at work. At first he just seemed like a cool little guy to hang out with, but as time went on, I got more and more involved with him, I helped him learn to walk, I'd go over to his house if he was too sick to leave his, I'd want to go over to my grandparents house to see him, even if I could just stay home and rest. I did more with him than I did with my other cousins. But when I got my co-op at the hospital, I didn't see him as much, and I missed him a lot.

                  I've been calling around trying to learn more about what's happening with him, and I've been told by my mom that he's doing a little bit better, she said he may just have a stomach virus, or something, but I'm still worried. The things my grandmother puts in my head sometimes makes me so nervous sometimes . My grandmother calls him a saint, and he's the cutest little guy to hang with , and he's smart for his age. He's good company, and he just a fan little dude. I just saw him 2 days ago, and he seemed fine. I hope he comes home soon, because I miss him, and I want to see his cute and funny faces her makes, and the funny way he does things. Here's some pics of him with some of my family, who've seen him before, when I posted those Christmas pics -


                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    Thanks for the info, hope someone local recorded it or that the Leo website posts it.

                    Someone on LJ said they would record it, so fingers crossed.


                      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                      Hey Everyone,

                      Loving the accent chat guys, I agree with Alan as a British person I love Helen's accent, I think Amanda does a great job! I have a kind of hybrid accent b/c I was born in Scotland then at age 3 moved to England only to move back to Scotland at age 12. My accent is mostly Scots just not as broad as some, my carer Donna also just told me that my accent changes depending who I'm talking to, lol, so I wonder how I sound at a GABIT event? Hehe!

                      You sounded Scottish to me

                      my fanfic


                        rocky, he'll be okay. babies get sick all the time. the biggest thing is that it's easy for htem to get dehydrated if they are sick. but i bet that people are keeping an eye on that so don't get too upset.

                        if he's still really sick in 48 hours, then you can have cause for concern.
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          rocky, he'll be okay. babies get sick all the time. the biggest thing is that it's easy for htem to get dehydrated if they are sick. but i bet that people are keeping an eye on that so don't get too upset.

                          if he's still really sick in 48 hours, then you can have cause for concern.
                          Actually, I got a call from my uncle a couple of hours ago, and he's home now . My grandmother went over to my uncles house to spend the night, and I'm happy that she gets to see him . And I'm even more happy now that he's home and well .


                            a fic prompt:

                            i told this originally on the shipper thread, but it doesn't have to be shippy (or ship heavy) to work...

                            sam sells her soul to the devil (or some evil entity) to save jack.

                            imagine the possibilities...



                              i like amanda tapping because she is an amazing actress and samantha carter because she's very intelligent, brave, kind and beautiful.


                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                I'm more concerned about my sanity than my accent.
                                I'm relying on you to keep me sane!!
                                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                                I got a call from my uncle a couple of hours ago, and he's home now . My grandmother went over to my uncles house to spend the night, and I'm happy that she gets to see him . And I'm even more happy now that he's home and well .
                                Glad to hear all is well Rocky. Kids tend to go down hill rather quickly when they are sick but they bounce back equally fast!!
                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                a fic prompt:
                                i told this originally on the shipper thread, but it doesn't have to be shippy (or ship heavy) to work...
                                sam sells her soul to the devil (or some evil entity) to save jack.
                                imagine the possibilities...
                                I wish I could write but alas that talent eludes me. I do hope someone picks the prompt up and goes wild...sounds like a great fic!!!

                                So I had this awesome dream with Amanda in it the other night. I won't get into too much detail but both our hubby's were in it...they wouldn't shut up about garden designs. Amanda and I were only meant to have lunch together but it stretched into dinner and then breakfast the next morning. It was really cool. And we hardly discussed Stargate or Sanctuary at all. I remember waking up and thinking oh crap, I didn't even mention anyone from Samanda or thought to ask any questions pertinent to Stargate or Sanctuary. Very nice but weird dream!!
                                Okely dokely...seeings how it's extremely quiet here again today, I'm off to get the kidletts from the station then taking the night off to spend with hubby and kids. So night night all, take care and stay safe!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

