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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by suse View Post
    What's this about an AT/ William Shatner interview?

    (See what happens when one goes to Seattle and somehow manages to *lose* internet access in the land of Microsoft?)

    William Shatner is launching a new sci fi website that is a central point for all people in sci fi. He held the launch party during ComicCon on board the USS Midway and did a live webcast of the launch with several professional guests of which Amanda was one.

    The website is


      Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
      William Shatner is launching a new sci fi website that is a central point for all people in sci fi. He held the launch party during ComicCon on board the USS Midway and did a live webcast of the launch with several professional guests of which Amanda was one.

      The website is
      Have no idea how to see anything with Amanda on that site...what and where am I looking at??
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
        Yay!! I'm very happy and proud to announce, that after a short but very intense labour our little girl Milou (pronounce: me-loo, kinda french) was born this morning at 8.22! 6 days overdue.

        My water broke at 11.00pm, contractions hit at 1.30am, at 2.30 were only 2/3 minutes apart, at 8.11 I was fully dilated, at 8.22 she was born. 100% natural delivery

        We ended up at the hospital at 5.00am, her heartbeat was a little low, but all was well. Very proud I did it all myself. She is SO cute! My heart is flooded with love!

        *hugs to all*


          Originally posted by samjackshiplover View Post
          yay!! I'm very happy and proud to announce, that after a short but very intense labour our little girl milou (pronounce: Me-loo, kinda french) was born this morning at 8.22! 6 days overdue.

          My water broke at 11.00pm, contractions hit at 1.30am, at 2.30 were only 2/3 minutes apart, at 8.11 i was fully dilated, at 8.22 she was born. 100% natural delivery

          we ended up at the hospital at 5.00am, her heartbeat was a little low, but all was well. Very proud i did it all myself. She is so cute! My heart is flooded with love!

          *hugs to all*
          No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
          It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


            Originally posted by Celandine View Post

            You kidding? You want her to be teased later?

            Lies, I've already commissioned someone to begin Milou's gift now that we officially know she's not a boy. Good thing I waited on that.
            Hey, at least you can pronounce it, unlike her last name.

            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post

            Tonight we are having a World Cup dinner at my sister's. The person who picked Spain in the sweep stake gets to sit back while the rest of us cook a meal out of food from the countries in the finale. I'm going Dutch all the way and making Poffertjes. Now it can be for Milou Sweet little pancakes for a sweet little girl.
            Cool idea.

            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
              Yay!! I'm very happy and proud to announce, that after a short but very intense labour our little girl Milou (pronounce: me-loo, kinda french) was born this morning at 8.22! 6 days overdue.

              My water broke at 11.00pm, contractions hit at 1.30am, at 2.30 were only 2/3 minutes apart, at 8.11 I was fully dilated, at 8.22 she was born. 100% natural delivery

              We ended up at the hospital at 5.00am, her heartbeat was a little low, but all was well. Very proud I did it all myself. She is SO cute! My heart is flooded with love!

              *hugs to all*
              Well done !

              Welcome to the world, little Milou

              All the best to you and your husband and your little girl.


                Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
                I think I will, from now on. If I can remember to keep my list with me at ALL times throughout the next several months of watching.

                PS, Have we seen this yet? If so, I apologize.

                Top 10 Hottest babes on Prime Time TV. Amanda got 5th!


                Certainly makes me feel better about her not being on the top 25 Sexy Stars of Sci-Fi on Innerspace last week... *grumble mumble rant* Outrageous.
                Well, I do wish we could have seen her on another Innerspace specials list , but I'm not sure I'd want it to be that one. I mean, Amanda is a very beautiful woman, but she is not a sex symbol and she hasn't tried to make Sam, Helen or any of her characters out to be one. Well, there was Liz but...

                Anyway, this is a LOT more of what Amanda is all about, this is more of who she is-
                InnerSpace- The Top 25 Canadian Super Humans

                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                Anyone with a bit of free time on their hands up for a wee project?
                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
       way!!! I'm almost sorry I asked but I simply don't have the time or patience to do that. As much as I wish I could, I think it would be a fun project for anyone who can do that with a friend. I'm just not that alert for "every" "sir" that Sam says let alone what context was used. Holy cow!!
                And sorry, but I can't be lured into such a job by the promise of chocolate when it's so easy to procure from the shops whenever I tonight for instance - peppermint chocolate for need to watch and wait for Sam's every "sir".
                That's a huge undertaking - sorry, have to pass.

                Is waiting for news on bump...

                ....still waiting...

                ...*sighs*...patience was never my forte!
                Wow, that sounds like quite a challenge. I agree with Chelle, I'm not sure even I would have the time or patience for something like that. It would be harder and longer than this vid-

                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                Yay!! I'm very happy and proud to announce, that after a short but very intense labour our little girl Milou (pronounce: me-loo, kinda french) was born this morning at 8.22! 6 days overdue.

                My water broke at 11.00pm, contractions hit at 1.30am, at 2.30 were only 2/3 minutes apart, at 8.11 I was fully dilated, at 8.22 she was born. 100% natural delivery

                We ended up at the hospital at 5.00am, her heartbeat was a little low, but all was well. Very proud I did it all myself. She is SO cute! My heart is flooded with love!

                *hugs to all*


                You're going to be just fine, Lies. *Hugs*

                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                i saw the william shatner-amanda tapping interview... amanda was SOOO friggin cute!!

                she was nervous being interviewed/talked to by william, and she asked him to guest on sanctuary.

                i hope someone was able to record this thing?

                Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                i love seeing amanda being all fangirly! another one of those endearing qualities she has that keeps her so down to earth

                and sally when is she not SOOO cute
                Yep, that's our Amanda, eh? I love these kinds of Amanda moments when she's all fangirly and nervous with another star, she acts like how a lot of fans do when they meet her. Yet another reminder among many as to why Amanda is so down to Earth. Oh, and I would love to see him on Sanctuary, the king of Star Trek with the queen of Syfy.

                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                I'm not a fan of Shatner but would have loved to have seen Amanda being interviewed by him...I wonder if he's a fan of hers...if not now but before he met her?
                Thanks for the update Sally...have fun!!
                Even though I only caught a bit, he was quite nice to her, and he said some very nice things to her. SOMEONE UPLOAD IT!

                Oh, I found this the other day- @Syfy_online End of Nights Part 2, Veritas and Pavor Nocturnus all make it into our Top 5 Episodes of Sanctuary List -


                  Thank you Rox and Kes for the new AT and Sanctuary cast pics.



                    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                    Yay!! I'm very happy and proud to announce, that after a short but very intense labour our little girl Milou (pronounce: me-loo, kinda french) was born this morning at 8.22! 6 days overdue.

                    My water broke at 11.00pm, contractions hit at 1.30am, at 2.30 were only 2/3 minutes apart, at 8.11 I was fully dilated, at 8.22 she was born. 100% natural delivery

                    We ended up at the hospital at 5.00am, her heartbeat was a little low, but all was well. Very proud I did it all myself. She is SO cute! My heart is flooded with love!

                    *hugs to all*
                    The best written female character on trek ever.


                      Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                      i love seeing amanda being all fangirly! another one of those endearing qualities she has that keeps her so down to earth

                      and sally when is she not SOOO cute
                      let's see... when is amanda not cute...


                      oh yeah, NEVER!

                      amanda's talked about fangirling on certain actors/actresses before, but to actually see it was *very* endearing! i just wanted to squeeze her!



                        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                        Have no idea how to see anything with Amanda on that site...what and where am I looking at??
                        i don't know how to find that vid. i hope someone recorded it! (like william's ppl!)



                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          I haven't been to Montreal or Quebec City in a long time but the QC is just a great place to wander around, it is like being in a European City.

                          As for Toronto, go to the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum). It has some very cool displays including one on gems and minerals that I loved. The Egyptian area will make you think of Stargate! When I was there in the spring, the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario) had a fabulous King Tut exhibit but that may be done now. Still a good place to visit. Here's something different, see if there is a Canadian football game on (the Argos) and check that out.
                          Thanks so much! My sister and I love gems and crystals so we'll definitely try to go to the ROM in Toronto. Not sure if we'll have time for a football game, but that sounds like fun too.

                          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                          Yay!! I'm very happy and proud to announce, that after a short but very intense labour our little girl Milou (pronounce: me-loo, kinda french) was born this morning at 8.22! 6 days overdue.

                          My water broke at 11.00pm, contractions hit at 1.30am, at 2.30 were only 2/3 minutes apart, at 8.11 I was fully dilated, at 8.22 she was born. 100% natural delivery

                          We ended up at the hospital at 5.00am, her heartbeat was a little low, but all was well. Very proud I did it all myself. She is SO cute! My heart is flooded with love!

                          *hugs to all*

                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          this just popped into my head...

                          do you think sam would choose ascension?
                          I think I remember discussing this on the thread months ago, IMO I don't think Sam would choose ascension. For one I think she'd have a hard time following the non-interference rule (though the show kinda waffled on that re the Ancients when it suited the plot), I think if she saw her friends or teammates in trouble she'd pull out all the stops to help them. I also don't think Sam would like just being given all the knowledge of the universe, I think she enjoys the process of learning too much to want to short-cut it via ascension.



                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            let's see... when is amanda not cute...


                            oh yeah, NEVER!

                            amanda's talked about fangirling on certain actors/actresses before, but to actually see it was *very* endearing! i just wanted to squeeze her!
                            hehe, just as i suspected

                            i sooooo wanna see this vid! i find reading about amanda's fangirling endearing, so i totally want to see this...
                            "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                              The following is the majority of Amanda's visit with William Shatner.

                              Vidstream with Shatner 4

                              There's another one (Vidstream with Shatner 3) which starts Amanda's visit near the very end of the vid, and then continues on to #4. However, the link I tried to use didn't work, so if you do a search for "Vidstream with Shatner 3", you can likely find it. Just ff to the end to see the minute or so with Amanda on it, then watch the 4th segment.

                              EDIT: And just as a little side note, I decided to order the 1st season of Sanctuary from, which I did on Thursday. I was notified it should arrive on Monday, and was totally delighted to find it in my mailbox today! Now, that's service! Guess what I'll be watching this evening?

                              ANOTHER EDIT: Sam would be in deep space telemetry heaven with this news: Hubble spots blue star
                              Last edited by hedwig; 24 July 2010, 04:12 PM.


                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                The following is the majority of Amanda's visit with William Shatner.

                                Vidstream with Shatner 4

                                There's another one (Vidstream with Shatner 3) which starts Amanda's visit near the very end of the vid, and then continues on to #4. However, the link I tried to use didn't work, so if you do a search for "Vidstream with Shatner 3", you can likely find it. Just ff to the end to see the minute or so with Amanda on it, then watch the 4th segment.

                                EDIT: And just as a little side note, I decided to order the 1st season of Sanctuary from, which I did on Thursday. I was notified it should arrive on Monday, and was totally delighted to find it in my mailbox today! Now, that's service! Guess what I'll be watching this evening?
                                thanks heaps for the link hedwig! and have fun watching sanctuary

                                EDIT: ZOMG sally when youre right, youre right! the fangirling is sooooo cute and endearing, loved it!
                                Last edited by katjoy; 24 July 2010, 05:16 PM.
                                "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'

