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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Just dropping a hug off for the Samandan family...I figure a few of us could do with one about now.

    Night all.
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Happy Birthday Rocky!

      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
        One of the things I like about Amanda is that she sees herself as a person who has a lot in common with her fans... like going grocery shopping and scooping up her dog's poop. Self-aggrandizing she isn't.
        I just wanted to say that this is one of the reason I think Amanda is my role model.
        I mean yes at first I really thought Sam was an amazing character and a strong female characters. To be honest something that a lot of shows miss. I mean yes they have female characters but they always seem to mess things up with them or don't know what they do with them and are hardly in a leadership position, and if they are, they make them look weak. So that is why I love the character as Sam!
        But obviously as time went on I also wanted to get to know the person behind Sam. And I must say I was really surprised about Amanda Tapping. I normally don't have it high up with actors/actresses. But when I started to read things about her, I could see she was a great person and loving and caring, and the fact that she did loads for charity is amazing. It really got to me. And that is why after first Sam also Amanda has my admiration.
        But I also feel that you should just keep your admiration to only Sam and some things like charity that Amanda does, and leave her personal life and everything else out of it. She is just a person!

        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        We were talking about Birthright on another thread. She was the one to talk to Ishta and her people initially. Sure it was because she was a woman, but do you also think it showed her leadership skills even if she wasn't in command? Are there other examples you can think of where we see Sam's leadership skills even when she's not in charge?
        I think Sam always had some kind of leadership because of what she was for the team, she is the scientist. And I think the moment she said something, people believed her expertise (sp?) and followed her lead.
        I think that is the same with Daniel to be honest. If he found something that the ancient wrote, they would follow his lead. Even if Jack or Cam was in command.

        The thing I remember the most of her taking leadership is "Matter of time". Where while loads of scientist looked for a solution, and thought they had found one. In the end Sam said it wouldn't work and they had to do something else. And Hammond believed her after she explained it to him.

        I think if you look at all the episodes there are a lot of examples... Like a lot already said Hathor, 2001, Foothold, Sentinel,...

        Thank you so much!!! So today we can get the Q&A... looking forward to it =))


          I think Sam always had some kind of leadership because of what she was for the team, she is the scientist. And I think the moment she said something, people believed her expertise (sp?) and followed her lead.
          I think that is the same with Daniel to be honest. If he found something that the ancient wrote, they would follow his lead. Even if Jack or Cam was in command.
          I think that Sam especially, but daniel as well, flourished in the atmosphere that hammond and jack fostered.

          All too often, when you havea boss/leader that has people under him that are smarter than he is, he holds them in contempt. he's threatened by them and puts them down or seeks to control or belittle them to make himself feel and look better

          but hammond and jack weren't like that. sam or daniel being smarter than them didn't threaten them. so they held them in and treated them with respect, which allowed Sam and Daniel to get comfortable in their own skin and flourish.

          sam and Daniel were used to babbling, as a 'see, i'm right and here's why....' to get through to previous bosses. but jack is like 'i trust YOU and if you trust the science, good enough for me' and he let them and their requests stand on their own merits

          which, to me, only strengthened sam's leadership skills. because she learned how to co-exist with others instead of competing to prove that she's right
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            sam and Daniel were used to babbling, as a 'see, i'm right and here's why....' to get through to previous bosses. but jack is like 'i trust YOU and if you trust the science, good enough for me' and he let them and their requests stand on their own merit
            Sort of like, you don't need to know how the gun works to trust it's going to fire when you pull the trigger? Or the car start forward when you press on the gas?

            I totally agree, and find it interesting, too, to see the leadership style Sam's developed as a result of this. She is also very trusting of 'her people' even when she is capable of undertanding exactly what they're doing or going to do. She still doesn't insist on a complete explanation before giving them the go-ahead. Even though she's usually able to understand, and often does as they're saying what they're going to do or shortly thereafter. It's simply enough that they believe it will work.

            The best contrast, really, being Woolsey who seems constantly surprised whenever he's forced to trust people without understanding what's going on and things work out okay anyway... The difference between a manager who is also a leader and a mere paperpusher. Though Woo. was starting to get it finally.


              Isn't one of the things of being a good leader is to trust the people underneath you? I think that is what Sam is. And she grew to it. It was not like she immediatly was a leader without having any experience.
              She grew over years on how to take leadership and step up for it. I think that is one of the reasons Sam is such a great leader cause she grew into it. She had time to go from a Captain to a Lt. Colonel.
              So she grew from a soldier and scientist to a leader.

              And I think she did an amazing job on Atlantis just because of that. I mean she could have easily taken over of McKay, cause she had the knowledge too and everything but she knew that McKay could do it, and that he just had more experience with Ancient material. And had more experience with the city itself...

              And I think with Woolsey he was really thrown into it. He had no idea what he was doing or had no experience so he tried to be the better. What he thought, he did!




                  yeah, sam learned to trust others by Jack and Hammond trusting her.

                  and, in her respect to them, she learned not to abuse that trust. if she told hammond 'we need to do X' they NEED to do X. and because they need to not because she wants to.

                  the closest we come to her, throwing a fit, for lack of a better term, is in 48 Hours and she's actively conflicting with McKay. He was 'on her turf' and suggesting things that'd get her friend killed and she wanted no part of it. That pesky tunnel vision again.

                  McKay was good for Sam in that, through 48 hours and then Redemption, she learned to trust another and that she's not the only one that knows what's going on. She needed to learn that, and her ego needed to learn that. and it made her stronger and more able to trust others and the work of others.

                  Look at her impatience in 48 Hours and Redemption and then Trio....and how she willingly took the longer solution time to let McKay do his thing, only stepping forward and showing that she could do it 'better' after he failed.

                  She let him be him and wasn't threatened by him, nor did she feel the need to exert her authority and knowledge. She knows that she has more experience and her knowing was enough for her.
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    woolsey did try. I look at woolsey's made up back ground. He is a paper pusher. and he rose through the ranks of other paper pushers. and likely dealt with more than his fair share of 'friends of friends that fail upwards due to the friendships they have'. he's used to not trusting others because the paperpusher atmosphere can be far more dangerous than combat in that, in combat, you have physical tests to prove your skill, paper pushers don't have that crucible and you often have the incompetent rising over the competent.

                    woolsey is used to not trusting others and only trusting himself.

                    he's learned to trust others and i think he came home from atlantis a stronger leader
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Am I on the right thread?

                      Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                      Aww *hugs Jenn*.

                      Well we are pretty special - uh hopefully. Although it only took us 30 minutes to realise that the breakfast room had actual glasses... we'd all poured orange juice into the polystyrine take-away cups. D'oh. Lies and I blame jetlag. Not sure what Amanda blames

                      Lies and I have also managed to walk the ONE street we were told to avoid! We got turned around and so we cut through one scary street. We also managed to see a homeless guy mash up his hand at a McDonald's. There was blood all over the floor and I'm trying to side-step the landmine, but Lies didn't notice and walked right through. We laughed so hard because - seriously - we're meant to be exploring a beautiful city and we keep running into crazy people!

                      We're having a bit of a rest now and turned on the tv and there was an Amanda interview on. Looked fairly recent 'cause her hair was dark. It got us really excited!

                      Take care Samanda! *hugs*
                      Obviously I need to get there soon to look after you kids!

                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post

                      I'm so excited for you guys! I hope the blood didn't put you off your food. I also hope they didn't make the McDonalds worker who cleaned that floor to sparkling (and then watched it get all mucky with blood) perform first aid and then clean the floor again.

                      Yeah, that happened to me when I was 16 and working at KFC. Drunk rugby fans on their way home from a game. Sigh.

                      Anyway, the point of this post was supposed to be: HAVE FUN! Update us regularly. Keep a tally of stuff Amanda misplaces/loses. Quietly scope out what she's like as a roomie. Oh, and grab someones camera and upload a video of all 4 of you dancing to Have You Ever Seen the Rain.
                      I am not there yet but rest assured there will be no video posted of me dancing.

                      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                      Ouch on the ear infection...which ear?? My right ear is giving me grief today. I can't hear out if it and it feels weird...kinda numb. Maybe I'm channeling you!! I'll try to send some get better vibes!

                      Hey Julia!! I was thinking of you today. I don't know why but you popped up in my thoughts and I smiled when I thought about how you begin all your posts with "Hey everyone!"
                      Also had a few other Samandans on my mind today...does anyone know how Minigeek, ForeverSG1, and Spaz are?? Hope all the Samandans are well.

                      You and me may have to some serious scoping to do Neep!! With both our respective roomies rooming together, this shall be interesting...we may be on the outer when we get to AT4!! Or not!!!

                      I was kinda miffed when I popped in...I couldn't find Samanda!!! But then I actually read the thread titles in my search and realised my error.

                      PengYn, Lies, Antoa and EH-T...have fun us Samandans proud and make some noise (well maybe not too much!! )...but have fun!!!!!
                      And all other Samandans who are off to Vancouver Con...have fun!!!

                      Night all, take care and stay safe. (((Samandans)))

                      No pressure.

                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      I'm gonna speak frankly.

                      I've seen a lot of, what might really be or might just appear to some, blatant hero worship. Now this is fandom, there's gonna be some of that. But when we have an air of 'you can't post that, you can't say that, you're not enough of a fan if you think that/post that' here it's very off putting.

                      Amanda is a person. Nothing more, nothing less. She's human like the rest of us. She shops for groceries, procrastinates doing her taxes, hits red lights, steps in puddles, picks up food poisoning at a restaurant, trawls the clearance racks, mows the yard, cleans up the dog name it, she's just a person.

                      Sam is a character on a TV show. She's far from perfect, in fact, she's frequently flawed if it makes a plot work. And sometimes she's wrong and she screws up.

                      There is no 'one true pairing' on SG1. Different people see and want different things from the show and from the relationships in it.

                      One thing Amanda is is very tolerant.(this is my opinion by the way) She - no offense meant to anyone at all - 'puts up' with fans and their quirks. And she's very good natured about it and I have no reason to think she doesn't enjoy it to a certain extent. She accepts fans for who they are and, as long as the behavior stays within the boundaries of common sense and decency, has no problem with us.

                      And if that's one trait everyone in her could stand to develop a bit more is tolerance. So some of us are very effusive with our like of Amanda and Sam. Some are more reserved. Neither style is 'better' than another.Some of us ship her with Jack or with Pete or with Teal'c or with Janet or with no one at all. None of the pairings is better than another.

                      Every thread grows and evolves over time, but some of us that have been here a long time have noticed some names conspicuously absent. Every fandom evolves and some members leave and others join and some come and go. And we can't cater this thread to every single person out there.

                      What we can do, however, is to keep it as open and welcoming as possible.

                      Tolerate each other, accept each other. Don't lose sleep over the quirks and minor annoyances. Then again, if you know that something you do annoys someone else, try not doing it as often, try to be mindful and respectful of others.

                      Those that are overly enthusiastic with your adoration of might want to tone it down a little. It's making people uncomfortable. Put away the pedestal and tuck the halo back in the box. She's just a person.

                      Some see her as just a person. There's nothing wrong with that. They're not 'lesser' fans. It's just how they see her.

                      What I would hope is, after each con or gettogether that this group has, people can put more faces to names and treat each other here like a person, not just a collection of electrons on a screen.

                      Everyone needs to remember that how they personally see the character or actor isn't how anyone else might see her, and there is no right or wrong. In fact, its the wide variety of personalities that we have which makes this such a rich and vibrant group.

                      Vive le Differance (yeah, i mangle French)

                      Embrace the differences and uniqueness of each other.
                      Well said o fearless leader.

                      Originally posted by antoa View Post
                      You will be happy to know that I am armed with copious amounts of cough syrup! Yay!

                      Checking in from sunny Vancouver! (Well, not sunny anymore since it's after dark)

                      Certain members will be happy to know that we are torturing PengYn in their absence.

                      She brushes her hair. A lot. Even in the wind.

                      I'm not kidding.

                      I (SamJackShipLover) am so happy both Meg and Amanda have brought their laptops. No internetwithdrawl yet Today we spend a lovely day in Stanley park. We walked a lot .... really .. a lot. Ah well ... at least I don't have to feel guilty about all the pizza Starting tomorrow we have a car, plans are to check out the Stargatesites ... Jacks cabin being no1 on my list! Hehe.

                      We had planned on watching some Sanctuary ... gotta prepare for that settour, but unfortunately Antoa's cables wouldn't work with the TV ... ah well.

                      Oh, nice detail ... Nubbins make us LOL ... a lot

                      PengYn here. Don't believe anything they say. It's only half, sort-of, mostly true. I've had a truly wonderful day with the gals. There's been a lot of laughter, and I feel so blessed to be able to spend this time with fellow Samandans. The spirit of the forum definitely extends beyond the borders of what is written here.

                      *hugs to all*
                      Glad you are all having fun!

                      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                      Just dropping a hug off for the Samandan family...I figure a few of us could do with one about now.

                      Night all.
                      Nice timing.

                      HAPPY B-DAY ROCKY!

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Happy Birthday, Rocky!!!



                          A very happy birthday Rocky
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Happy Birthday Rocky!

                            Mmmmmmmmm cake

                            my fanfic


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              sam's leadership skills

                              how about Hathor?

                              there she is, the captain, confronted with her bosses literally shutting her down, knows what she's doing is right, and she does it...and if it gets her in trouble, so be it. she does what needs to be done and led her tiny little unit to retake the base
                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                              The thing I remember the most of her taking leadership is "Matter of time". Where while loads of scientist looked for a solution, and thought they had found one. In the end Sam said it wouldn't work and they had to do something else. And Hammond believed her after she explained it to him.

                              I think if you look at all the episodes there are a lot of examples... Like a lot already said Hathor, 2001, Foothold, Sentinel,...
                              Good examples.


                       it this thread? about this one?.........uummmmm........don't!.............I'm lost and I can't get up.................I'll just say something and if somebody answers I'm OK........or if they don't answer, it may be because I'm on a tangent...........

                                I just finished watching the final Battlestar Galactica episode and was so disappointed
                                in how they ended the story for the character Kara Thrace (call sign Starbuck). It was left as an 'open-ended' story line, so you could fill in however you saw fit. However, there was a strong connotation that she was an 'otherworldly' being and not a normal woman.

                                What disappointed me so much was that the character was such a strong, independent woman for so long in the series. I loved watching her. She was the best pilot, a good leader and strategist, and didn't take any cr@p from anybody. Then, at the end, they imply she wasn't a human at all, but that she was some kind of special being with special powers. For me that took away the strong woman character as if no woman could be good and be just a human woman.

                                I may be reading too much into the whole situation, but isn't that the point of and 'open-ended' storyline?

                                Then I started comparing the Kara Thrace to Sam Carter and how Sam was handled. I don't think Carter was ever written off as a being that couldn't be 'just a very smart and capable woman'.

                                What do you think?
                                Last edited by KatG; 30 March 2009, 10:04 AM. Reason: added spoilers

