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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
    I went back to school as well today, LOL.

    It's a totally different atmosphere though. I we had about 5 kiwi members of staff last term and they all left for various reasons, leaving us kiwi-less. Thankfully, for various reasons, one of our kiwis is back doing supply work for a couple of weeks and the other will be doing a training and development role, so I'll get to see them. I love my kiwis!

    We've got loads of new members of staff now, including two Canadians, both from Ontario. Though one of them, his parents are Quebecois so we were chatting all day in French, much to the amusement of various people.

    We did team building games, had curriculum area meetings (always fun because I'm the head of department and I sorta go "Hhhhmmmm, don't fancy a meeting today! Go have fun!") and had a staff breakfast. I arrived at work at 7.25am and left at about 5.10pm, and got LOADS done.

    However, I'm still not ready for my kiddies to start back tomorrow. Le sigh. I've got a lovely form class this year. An absolutely delightful bunch that are known throughout the school as "The Geekiest Class in the History of Ever". After a few getting to know you games, I discovered that "Geeky" is another word for kids who love Star Trek, Stargate, World of Warcraft and watched the original Sanctuary webisodes. I get on very well with my new class. Especially when I let them put up a poster of Amanda Tapping. Apparently I'm the coolest teacher ever (like I'm gonna complain, LOL).

    I've got tonnes of work to do in the morning before they arrive, so I figure I'll head to bed shortly and get up at about 5ish. Maybe earlier.

    Sigh. The joys of teaching!
    Oh wow you have students who are SG, and Amanda fans, cool . Can I offer some advice? If I were their teacher, I'd have them do a report on Amanda, telling why she's so great , or everyone once in a while have an Amanda pop quiz . So Tracy, what's the lesson plan? 8:30 am - 9:30 am: Amanda Tapping 101, 10:00 am - 11:00 am: SG-1 and SGA history, 12:00 - 1:00 PM: Stargate science and technology, and 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM: SG and Amanda Tapping review .

    You know, in my media class, my teacher every now and then would put on a movie for us to watch, then we'd have to do a report on it. Perhaps, I don't know, maybe you could pop in a episode here and there, talk about it, and have them right about it . Or how about this, watch the original movie first, then a few SG-1 episodes (start with COTG) and then maybe a few Atlantis episodes, then AOT and continuum, talk about the evolution of the franchise and BOOM, you've got a fun SG/AT semester . I'd do that . Oh, have them write about the character and what they mean to the franchise, and their most favorite and least favorite character, be sure to give the students who pick Sam as their most favorite bonus marks , and those who pick her as their least favorite, deduct marks .

    Have fun this year .


      That might be difficult as she teaches French. HEH


        Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
        That might be difficult as she teaches French. HEH
        Actually that's a good thing, she'll be teaching Stargate and Amanda stuff in french. Both fun and extra educational.


          Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
          I think the last part...he wanted something to remember her by.

          And I couldn't help but think about that when I saw Garwin at Gatecon. LOL
          poor narim

          I'd love for sam to find the tollan refugees sometime
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by skydiver View Post
            spread the word, the prompts are up for the sam and vala ficathon.

            Just reply to my post and call dibs. First come, first serve



              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

              I agree with you both. It'd be great to see Amanda on a real talk show, and getting the attention and recognition she deserves. I mean she already gets that, but it'd be great to see her get more.
              If they could get her on some mainstream talk shows, the viewers would be so enthralled by her, it would make people check out Sanctuary. Which would then make the show more popular, which would get her on more talk shows. A wonderful exponential growth of Amanda!

              Anyone know how we can get her on Leno?
              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
              William Shakespeare

              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                If they could get her on some mainstream talk shows, the viewers would be so enthralled by her, it would make people check out Sanctuary. Which would then make the show more popular, which would get her on more talk shows. A wonderful exponential growth of Amanda!

                Anyone know how we can get her on Leno?
                I like your thinking . It'd do a lot of good for Amanda and the show. And OMG, I'd definitely tape Leno that night .


                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  I think Sam's flattered, amused and slightly creeped out by it. I think Narim may think of the computer voice kind of like we'd look at a photo of someone we're infatuated with. I think he never thought Sam would hear it & maybe never thought he'd see Sam again, so why not have her voice to listen to? and as resurg points out, AT does have a nice voice.
                  Yeah, I thought it was cute in a slightly uncomfortable sort of way—but it was clear that he never meant for her to find out. It was just his memory of her, since she made it fairly clear in Pretense that their relationship was over.

                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  poor narim

                  I'd love for sam to find the tollan refugees sometime
                  I wrote a drabble about that for a challenge, where Jacob and Selmak find the Tollan refugees and Narim was tortured to madness for his rebellion, and Jacob mercy-kills him and vows never to let Sam know. It had me depressed for the whole day, mostly because I knew how guilty Sam would feel if she ever found out. *sad sigh*

                  How much do you think Sam feels guilty over all the people who've died in connection to her? She jokes about it with Pete, but she doesn't strike me as a flippant person—do you think she even realizes it, or is it a kind of meta thing that fans notice more than she would?

                  ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                  ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                    Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                    do you think she even realizes it, or is it a kind of meta thing that fans notice more than she would?
                    More like a specious notion perpetuated for various reasons.


                      Well guys that's it for me tonight, I gotta got to bed to wake up early in the morning for school . As I told Sally I don't want to go , I want to stay home and be on GW all day long . But yeah, it's just for 2 months and it's 1 class, but it's co-op. I'll be fine, just gotta think of Amanda as my lucky charm and it'll all be fine .

                      WOW, this has been an awesome summer, 2 awesome months full of great, fun, and wonderful Amanda events and times. I can't believe how so much as happened this summer, a whole lot really did happen for AT and Sam as well. As for me, I had like 3 or 4 dreams about her this summer , I bought the Atlantis S4 set, I bought Continuum, wrote that huge review on it, got a new Amanda sig, and so on. For Sam there's her loosing command of Atlantis, the events from Continuum, and so on. As for Amanda, well, there's all the work she's done for Sanctuary, all the news interviews she done, all the trips and what not. The the Continuum premiere in HD she went to in LA, the other Continuum premiere she went to in San Diego, the TCA Tour, Comic Con, Gatecon, making Amanda all those audio birthday cards, and the Tampa Rays game she went to on Saturday . And from all those events came LOTS of awesome Amanda pics .

                      Holy smokes, so much has happened this summer, and we've talked about so much, about Amanda, Sam, SG-1, SGA, Sanctuary... I can't believe it's over, and I can't help but think about all I'll miss . But hey, we had fun, thanks guys for making this one of the most fun, enjoyable and cool summers ever, and thanks for giving me sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much to reply to . Really, I posted like what, 150 posts this summer? And thank you Amanda sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for making this summer so joyful and such a delight, you really made this summer this the best summer of my life. I'll never forget it.

                      Thank you for your cooperation. Good night.

                      (((SUMMER 2008 ROCKED)))


                        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post

                        Pei Pei is a Panda bear bear...basically he's a bear in a Panda bear suit!! I have two different variations of Penguin bears...and hopefully Mandy and Jan have their Polar bear bears!!!
                        Thank you, that makes sense . I know what you mean about pressies, I'm very much the same. I do like receiving them but for me it's more the thought than the actual item. When my family ask me what I want for birthdays and xmas my usual response would be "nothing".

                        On that subject if Sam could chose one thing to get for xmas (and it could be anything) what do you think she would chose and how different do you think the choice would be between season 1 Sam and season 10 Sam?


                          Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                          Three birthdays at once! Nice.
                          Happy Birthday Samfan31, Smiley gidget and Chelle
                          *tacklehugs all round*
                          I hope your days are all wonderful, fun filled and include cake in some form.
                          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post

                          Happy Birthday Chelle, Samfan31, Smiley gidget!!

                          I hope you all had or are having a great day!!
                          Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                          Happy birthday
                          Smiley gidget
                          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                          Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                          Hey Everyone,
                          Happy Birthday to all of you!!

                          Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                          Happy Birthday to you all!
                          Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
                          happy birthdaytoall celebrating today[/center]

                          Again...many many thanks!!

                          Happy birthday ForeverSG1!!!

                          Lots of Virgonians!!! IIRC, Amanda is our first Virgonian in this thread!!
                          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                          Chelle ... I'm sorry I don't have time to make a personalised poster for you. You'll have to share the one I made for Mumsey, I'm sure she won't mind
                          (((Lies))) long as Mumsey is happy to share than I am more than happy to accept!! With many's beautiful!!!!
                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                          I went back to school as well today, LOL.
                          ...However, I'm still not ready for my kiddies to start back tomorrow. Le sigh. I've got a lovely form class this year. An absolutely delightful bunch that are known throughout the school as "The Geekiest Class in the History of Ever". After a few getting to know you games, I discovered that "Geeky" is another word for kids who love Star Trek, Stargate, World of Warcraft and watched the original Sanctuary webisodes. I get on very well with my new class. Especially when I let them put up a poster of Amanda Tapping. Apparently I'm the coolest teacher ever (like I'm gonna complain, LOL).
                          Sigh. The joys of teaching!
                          Cool!!! You are the coolest teacher!!!
                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          I watched "Between Two Fires" this weekend for the Team thread discussion.
                          I know we've hashed & re-hashed episodes here, but we're always getting new people, so I thought I'd re-post my comment from there & see what you think:

                          When S/T/N arrive at Narim's house:
                          S: Narim, is that my voice?
                          N: I'm sorry. I was hoping you wouldn't notice.
                          Sam/AT's reaction is priceless. And then when they're using the computer & it's on voice interface:
                          S: Ok, how do we shut that off?
                          I love her expression.
                          I think Sam's flattered, amused and slightly creeped out by it. I think Narim may think of the computer voice kind of like we'd look at a photo of someone we're infatuated with. I think he never thought Sam would hear it & maybe never thought he'd see Sam again, so why not have her voice to listen to? and as resurg points out, AT does have a nice voice.
                          I think it is kinda creepy but...I think that you're right in that Narim in all likelihood thought he'd never see his "Angel" that's why he synthesized her voice...which I guess is kinda cool but still very creepy!! And yes...Amanda/Sam does have a beautiful voice...but would you use her voice on your computer??? I'm not sure if Sam was flattered though...definitely creeped out!!
                          Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                          That might be difficult as she teaches French. HEH
                          I want to learn French in Tracy's class!!!
                          Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                          I wrote a drabble about that for a challenge, where Jacob and Selmak find the Tollan refugees and Narim was tortured to madness for his rebellion, and Jacob mercy-kills him and vows never to let Sam know. It had me depressed for the whole day, mostly because I knew how guilty Sam would feel if she ever found out. *sad sigh*
                          Link please!!!!!!!!
                          How much do you think Sam feels guilty over all the people who've died in connection to her? She jokes about it with Pete, but she doesn't strike me as a flippant person—do you think she even realizes it, or is it a kind of meta thing that fans notice more than she would?
                          I don't know about guilt...maybe with a few of them but she certainly isn't flippant.
                          I still don't even feel confident to say that she really had as many boyfriends as they say...I don't see Narim (that little kiss thing is not exactly what I would say constitutes a boyfriend) or Joe Faxon as boyfriends...not in the reality we know anyway...Pete was...Martouf was one by proxy...and even then I still don't class him as one of her boyfriends...who does that leave???
                          Originally posted by Mousie View Post
                          I know what you mean about pressies, I'm very much the same. I do like receiving them but for me it's more the thought than the actual item. When my family ask me what I want for birthdays and xmas my usual response would be "nothing".
                          Me too!!!
                          On that subject if Sam could chose one thing to get for xmas (and it could be anything) what do you think she would chose and how different do you think the choice would be between season 1 Sam and season 10 Sam?
                          Ooh...tough one...season one Sam would probably love any new gadget/doohickey she could get her hands on...season 10 Sam IMHO, would probably just love having those near and dear to her to be with her to help celebrate.

                          Night folks...take care and have fun!!
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Hey Everyone,

                            Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                            I went back to school as well today, LOL.

                            It's a totally different atmosphere though. I we had about 5 kiwi members of staff last term and they all left for various reasons, leaving us kiwi-less. Thankfully, for various reasons, one of our kiwis is back doing supply work for a couple of weeks and the other will be doing a training and development role, so I'll get to see them. I love my kiwis!

                            We've got loads of new members of staff now, including two Canadians, both from Ontario. Though one of them, his parents are Quebecois so we were chatting all day in French, much to the amusement of various people.

                            We did team building games, had curriculum area meetings (always fun because I'm the head of department and I sorta go "Hhhhmmmm, don't fancy a meeting today! Go have fun!") and had a staff breakfast. I arrived at work at 7.25am and left at about 5.10pm, and got LOADS done.

                            However, I'm still not ready for my kiddies to start back tomorrow. Le sigh. I've got a lovely form class this year. An absolutely delightful bunch that are known throughout the school as "The Geekiest Class in the History of Ever". After a few getting to know you games, I discovered that "Geeky" is another word for kids who love Star Trek, Stargate, World of Warcraft and watched the original Sanctuary webisodes. I get on very well with my new class. Especially when I let them put up a poster of Amanda Tapping. Apparently I'm the coolest teacher ever (like I'm gonna complain, LOL).

                            I've got tonnes of work to do in the morning before they arrive, so I figure I'll head to bed shortly and get up at about 5ish. Maybe earlier.

                            Sigh. The joys of teaching!
                            Hehe! Love the sound of your class Tracy Hope your first day is going/went well.
                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            I watched "Between Two Fires" this weekend for the Team thread discussion.

                            I know we've hashed & re-hashed episodes here, but we're always getting new people, so I thought I'd re-post my comment from there & see what you think:

                            When S/T/N arrive at Narim's house:

                            S: Narim, is that my voice?
                            N: I'm sorry. I was hoping you wouldn't notice.

                            Sam/AT's reaction is priceless. And then when they're using the computer & it's on voice interface:

                            S: Ok, how do we shut that off?

                            I love her expression.

                            I think Sam's flattered, amused and slightly creeped out by it. I think Narim may think of the computer voice kind of like we'd look at a photo of someone we're infatuated with. I think he never thought Sam would hear it & maybe never thought he'd see Sam again, so why not have her voice to listen to? and as resurg points out, AT does have a nice voice.
                            I've always loved that scene! I think it's funny, Sam/Amanda's face is priceless.

                            Happy birthday ForeverSG1!!

                            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me




                                How much do you think Sam feels guilty over all the people who've died in connection to her? She jokes about it with Pete, but she doesn't strike me as a flippant person—do you think she even realizes it, or is it a kind of meta thing that fans notice more than she would?
                                I think part of her knows, and in the dark hours of the morning, it probably haunts her, but i think she also knows that she can't dwell. She's a soldier and death is part of her existence. while i do think she's aware and she mourns, i don't think it rules her life. Stuff happens. and the stuff that has happened, it's been the actions of others that have brought it about. Joe CHOSE to stay, a decision that jack or daniel or teal'c would have made. narim chose to help his people and was - presumably - killed by the goa'uld, martouf was a victim of the goa'uld.

                                they're all victims of a 'war'.
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


