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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Well, I'm back . Wow, I can't believe summer's really over , but hey it's no so bad . Ir turns out my 1 class is just for 3 hours, then I can go home . Turns out I got to go do my co-op at a nursing home for 220 hours, which is cool cause I like working with people . After that, I take a year of to chill with my follow Samandans . But yeah, I'll miss all the fun time here . Oh, in my class I was writing up a tracking sheet, and one question was " influential person you know?" I so wanted to put Amanda Tapping in there, but I was too shy . And the question below it asked why, I couldn't write anything because it was only 2 lines-- not enough room for me to even write my intro speech . I'd need like 200 lines explaining why she's so great . Or I could come here, and print off one of my posts and glue it to the paper .

    And oh, I went by my old med class room, and it was empty, the teacher who was supposed to replace my old med teacher didn't so up. Ah, I miss my old teacher .

    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
    You might do that if you were their teacher, but sadly you wouldn't last long. We have this pesky little thing called a national curriculum which tells me exactly what the kids should be learning. Schemes of work I can get around, because I'm the head of department.

    I use SG/Sanctuary stuff a lot in my lessons though. We have a lot of kids who grew up on Stargate, it's quite popular within the school. Also, it's one of those little quirks about a teacher that kids like to know. So when we're doing the name/age/town stuff, I have a powerpoint with a shot of Helen and a passage saying "Je m'appelle Docteur Magnus et j'ai 157 ans. J'habite a New City aux etats-unis. J'ai une fille qui s'appelle Ashley".

    You know, French is the *Easiest* subject to work it into. For example.... learning about "je m'appelle"? Create a powerpoint with SG1 and various speech bubbles? You can use pictures for hair colour, eye colour, create hobbies and personalities. It's very easy to do.
    Oh cool, you do that? That'd be cool talking about Sanctuary in french, good for you Tracy.

    Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post

    Wait, did you (thread peeps, not just you) make them for her?
    you see
    a few months ago we

    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
    Wonder if a few letters written by her fans requesting a guest appearance by her would be considered in poor taste? Wonder how they do decide who gets to be a guest?
    Why would you say that? I think sometimes fans write letters telling them who they'd like to see on the show. I'd watch that for sure .


      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
      Pei Pei is a Panda bear bear...basically he's a bear in a Panda bear suit!! I have two different variations of Penguin bears...and hopefully Mandy and Jan have their Polar bear bears!!!
      Chelle I received the bear bear today but I had to protect her from my dog who wanted it .....she must be a shipper Thanks so much Chelle and love the calender too ...Chelle you rock!

      Candian post is slow so it will be a while longer before Mandy gets it


        two MILLION views folks

        well, we're at 2,000,021 but close enough

        and ALMOST 100,000 posts
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
          -grins- You should, Sky! Throw a huge party with virtual sweets! I'll pop in for some eclairs, if you get any...

          Woot party!!!


            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            Why do I like Sam? Because she's what I'd like to be. It helps that such a *wonderful* actress is playing her (and has a part to do with my love of Sam Carter).

            I'd like to start off this thread by naming a few eps that I feel are important to Sam's character in some way. Please add your thoughts and feelings.

            When I came into Stargate, it was with an actual minus because I wasn't that thrilled with the movie, wasn't that thrilled with RDA, and wasn't familiar with any of the other cast members. By the end of the first ep, I *really* liked the entire cast. By the end of the second ep (The Enemy Within), I started leaning towards Sam being my favorite. By the middle of the third ep (Emancipation), I knew Sam was going to be my fave. By the fourth ep (The Broca Divide), I'd officially became a shipper.<g>

            I've watched Sam change and grow through the years. From season one, I found The Enemy Within, Emancipation, The Broca Divide, The First Commandment, Fire and Water, Singularity, Enigma, Solitudes, and There But for the Grace of God important eps for establishing the character's mind and soul, and showing some growth too. Many of Sam's traits were established in this first season.

            Season two, I found In the Line of Duty, Secrets, The Tok'ar (pts 1, 2), Spirits, A Matter of Time, Serpent's Song, and Out of Mind. Out of those eps, I think In the Line of Duty and A Matter of Time to be the most important. The former gave Sam a lifelong gift/burden to live with, and the latter was the first ep I can remember that *really* showed just how smart Sam was.

            Season three, Into the Fire, Seth, Fair Game, Legacy, Point of View, Jolinar's Memories, The Devil You Know, Foothold, and A Hundred Days continued Sam's growth, with good follow throughs from the previous season.

            Season four, Small Victories, Divide and Conquer, Beneath the Surface, 2010, The Light, Prodigy, and Entity saw a slightly more complex Sam shown. (side note: I thought Amanda was *wonderful* in Entity!) But I felt that some of these eps I mentioned showed a Sam that if things had been different/were different... it was just interesting to see what way Sam would go if certain circumstances were different.

            Season five, Ascension, The Fifth Man, Red Sky, Rite of Passage, Between Two Fires, 2001, Desperate Measures, 48 Hours, Summit, Last Stand, Meridian, and Revelations continued the theme. Out of these eps, I found Ascension to be the most important to her character growth. A lot of questions were brought up in that ep that I'm afraid weren't ever answered, but I enjoyed seeing Sam out of her comfort zone.

            Season six, Redemption(s), Frozen, Nightwalkers, Prometheus, Unnatural Selection, Paradise Lost, and Metamorphosis. Out of those eps, Unnatural Selection (Fifth) and Paradise Lost (Jack) gave Sam a couple of things to really ponder.

            Season seven was the season of good/bad changes for me. Besides being a huge Sam/Jack shipper, I'm also (obviously) a huge Sam fan, so some of the things that happened in this season warred with my feeling and thoughts. I didn't want to see Sam get a boyfriend, but I'm glad they're showing this side of Sam (finally). Like I said, I didn't want to see Sam get a bf, but I feel they should have at least made it believable. Her nonchalance about things by the end of Chimera really floored me (I blame this completely on the writing). My list for S7: Space Race, Avenger 2.0, Grace, Chimera, Death Knell, Heroes 1 & 2, and Lost City(s) were some pretty huge eps for Sam's character. Just in this one season, Sam made a big decision to give life (and one without Jack O'Neill) a try, found a boyfriend, fought for her life alone on a planet, lost her best friend, and almost lost the man she loves. A big season for Sam, that's for sure.

            Season eight (first half), New Order(s), Zero Hour, Affinity, and Convenant. (another side note: Amanda was fantastic in New Order/Fifth torture scenes!)I'm also going to include Gemini, even though I haven't seen it yet for myself. I guess out of this list, I'd choose Affinity to be the biggest. She got engaged (whether I wanted her to or not ). From what I've read, Gemini has a lot of ramifications left over, which I can't wait to see.

            I hope others contribute to this thread. (please try to keep it positive)



            *editing to add*

            here's a link to the 'greatest hits of the sam's a great character thread' -

            here's another link to the 'sam's a great character thread' index:
            December 22nd, 2005 - Present

            4 years later and over 2,000,000 views

            Wow, from that 1 post 4 years ago started all this . Before this thread was even called Samanda, it was still the best Amanda/Sam fanbase around. And I'll I can say is-

            Woo-hoo, wow over 2,000,000 views , wow, that's awesome . Over 2,000,000 views, that's amazing, I'd like to thank everyone for being apart of the awesome, awesome thread all these years, and for welcoming me into this crazy, fun, and wonderful Samandan family *Hugs*. I'd like to think Sally for starting this thread back in 05, and for running so well since then. Why da go Sally *Big hugs*

            And of course I'd like to think this incredible, incredible women for bringing us all together and bringing us all here to get to know one another . Even though we all live around the world, we all have one thing in common, we're all fans of this wonder, beautiful, caring and magnificent women. Without Amanda Tapping, who knows how our lives would have been like?

            Here's to 2,000,000, and I look forward to seeing everything that happens now, and until 4,000,000.

            (((Samanda and Amanda Tapping FOREVER)))


              Thanks, JanSam! -jumps on the eclairs and devours them, waving to all the Sam fans-


                Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                Thanks, JanSam! -jumps on the eclairs and devours them, waving to all the Sam fans-
                Oy look at the mess....

                *waves back*


                  Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                  Thanks, JanSam! -jumps on the eclairs and devours them, waving to all the Sam fans-

                  Chelle....Clean up on aisle 5!

                  my fanfic


                    anyone want some pics to oogle?

                    gatecon pics are up on my LJ

                    GC Friday

                    gc Saturday

                    gc Saturday rick

                    gc auction

                    gc Sunday
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Oh way cool , those are awsome Sky . God's have all the fun .


                        Thanks for sharing Sky....fridge is locked or I'd green ya!


                          Nice pics Sky. Thanks for sharing them.
                          I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            poor narim

                            I'd love for sam to find the tollan refugees sometime
                            That would truly be cool.

                            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                            If they could get her on some mainstream talk shows, the viewers would be so enthralled by her, it would make people check out Sanctuary. Which would then make the show more popular, which would get her on more talk shows. A wonderful exponential growth of Amanda!

                            Anyone know how we can get her on Leno?
                            I agree...I think everyone would be taken with her and tune in to watch.

                            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                            I like your thinking . It'd do a lot of good for Amanda and the show. And OMG, I'd definitely tape Leno that night .
                            I'd do more than that. I'd GO! Burbank is not far from me. We'd need someone to be there for support! You with me, Antoa?

                            Originally posted by parsifal View Post
                            More like a specious notion perpetuated for various reasons.
                            Dude...did you just techno-babble? Do it again!

                            [QUOTE=Chelle DB;8867344]I want to learn French in Tracy's class!!!/QUOTE]

                            Me too!

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            I think part of her knows, and in the dark hours of the morning, it probably haunts her, but i think she also knows that she can't dwell.
                            I completely agree. If it were me it would tear me up inside, but she's trained for death to be all around her, and as sad as it is she'd have to get past the casualties in life to move on. And she'd be a better person for it.

                            Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                            One girl smirked. "Easy. It's the Sanctuary. Everyone knows that only monsters, abnormals and teenage brats go there."
                            Dude. I love your class.

                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            This was an interesting promotion. Is there some connection between the team and SciFi and/or NBC?
                            Yes. LOL

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            And it'l happen. There's a few folks that happily lurk in threads about topics they don't even like, just to report the IMG tag violations.
                            I'm not sure whether I should feel afraid...or feel pity. LOL

                            Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                            Also I was indeed the person who asked the "set up" question on Sunday which was all Amanda's idea... I said we should get Tim to ask it cos it would sound "better" coming from a guy. The question was: "Of all the times you have kissed Amanda Tapping which one was the best and is she as good a kisser as she seems?"
                            Becks...I adore you. And why does it not shock me that it was all Amanda's doing?


                              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post

                              Donald and Kiefer are both Canadians as is Christopher Plummer. Kiefer's grandad (on his mom's side) was actually the man responsible for our health care system So ends our Canadian 101 lesson for today

                              and to be on topic....Amanda is Canadian too
                              I learned my something new for the day. A day without learning is like a day without sunshine.

                              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                              Wonder if a few letters written by her fans requesting a guest appearance by her would be considered in poor taste? Wonder how they do decide who gets to be a guest?
                              Just found something at the NBC site. You can select "Suggest a Guest".
                              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                              William Shakespeare

                              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                                Happy birthday ForeverSG1

                                Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                                Eek! Canadians have invaded our televisions! I thought Christopher Plummer was English. And isn't Keifer American? His dad was already well established in Hollywood by the time he was born. Is his mom Canadian?

                                You ain't seen nuthin' if you haven't seen his calendar. (I have a copy ) All I can say is "my,my,...."..........................sorry, my mind drifted.

                                Some people just aren't happy unless they're causing trouble for someone.

                                Hmmm. Wrangling RDA. ............drifting again. Was there rope involved?
                                Yay Canadians have taken over out TVs

                                Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                                Just popping in to tell you all that you're very close to 2,000,000 views, you're on 1,999,978 right now.
                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                two MILLION views folks

                                well, we're at 2,000,021 but close enough

                                and ALMOST 100,000 posts
                                YAY awesome......Party time

                                *Hands out the blue Jello*

                                Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                                Thanks, JanSam! -jumps on the eclairs and devours them, waving to all the Sam fans-
                                Hey!!!.....Pass me some of those.....


