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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
    Hi, I know I haven't been around much lately, but I couldn't help but notice that in the special features of the DVD this was kindof addressed.
    Making of Continuum spoiler
    In the Making of Continuum, Ben was on screen and the caption was Ben Browder, Lt. Col Cameron Mitchell. In the very next scene, it was Amanda on screen. This time the caption said, Amanda Tapping, Col Samantha Carter. I know it doesn't match what Joe said, but I'm going to run with it. In my little world, Sam got colonel shortly after AoT then spent a year on Atlantis. She is no longer a full time member of SG-1 (since it is way beneath the commander of an expedition), so Cam is in charge of her old team (with her blessing of course). She is scheduled to command her own new ship anyway....Well, that's how it is in my world...unless of course, she takes SGC that would be fine too.
    Make room, I'm moving in your world, it looks like a very nice place.


      Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
      Hi all! I'm back...and I am not even ATTEMPTING to catch up. I am starting here. LOL
      Yeah Sometimes I just dont even bother aye.....just takes way too much time....good call

      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
      <Snipped 4 length>

      I'm gonna be a mighty queen, so enemies beware!

      I've never seen a queen of beasts
      With quite so gorgeous hair

      I'm gonna be the mane event
      Like no queen was before
      I'm brushing up on looking down
      I'm working on my roar

      Thus far a rather uninspiring thing

      Oh, I just can't wait to be queen!

      No one saying do this
      Now when I said that--
      No one saying be there
      What I meant was--
      No one saying stop that
      What you don't realize--
      No one saying see here
      Now see here!
      Free to run around all day
      That's definitely out--
      Free to do it all my way!

      I think it's time that you and I
      Arranged a heart-to-heart

      Queens don't need advice
      From little hornbills for a start

      If this is where the monarchy is headed
      Count me out
      Out of service, out of Atlantis
      I wouldn't hang about
      This queen is getting wildly out of wing

      Oh, I just can't wait to be queen!
      Everybody look left

      Everybody look right

      Everywhere you look I'm--

      Standing in the spotlight

      Not yet

      Let every creature go for broke and sing
      Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing
      It's gonna be Queen Samantha's finest fling

      Oh, I just can't wait to be queen!

      Oh, she just can't wait to be queen!

      Oh, I just can't wait...

      Just can't wait

      To be queen!

      <Sinpped 4 length>

      I have got to get to bed...I slept in again today and was almost late for work.
      Night all, take care and have fun!!
      Oh dear Chelle.......You've got me singing again

      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      So I was just watching Life or Something Like It... and I nearly had a heart attack. I thought I was hallucinating for a second there. Ok, so she was only on screen for about 30 seconds but Amanda is the perfect combination of classy and goof
      HEHE I got that movie out from the DVD store just to see Amanda in it Yip Im an Amandaholic.......And proud of it



        Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
        I posted this on the Sanctuary thread, thought I would post here too. I saw the quick preview during Eureka. It did have some new scenes and some old scenes. It was very quick preview so not a lot of info given.... So went in search for more spoiler and found this - There are some MAJOR SPOILERS for Will's back story in Robin Dunne's interview and some spoilers for individual episodes... I'm not sure how I missed it, and if someone else posted it, my apologizes
        Ann, thanks. This was a great interview - sounds like Amanda's good karma is following her onto the new set - Will mentions a sense of "family" and the cast's investment in the product.
        Now he seems to be part of the FBI and have mother issues ... hmm ... the plain crash in the Himalayas sounds exciting
        I bet Amanda is a busy, busy woman right now. Can't wait to see how their first season goes.


          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
          Hi everyone!

          I'm back from San Diego and it was awesome! I was in the lucky number that got to see the Continuum premiere. It's even more special, as Continuum isn't out in the UK yet. Great film, I suggest you all go and buy it. There's a lot of great little continuity bits in there.

          Loved the Sanctuary panel AND the continuum panel. Had a lot of fun, met lots of people and am still sulking that Sunny couldn't come and play.

          This is one happy trolloping panda!

          Huge props go out to the wonderful, lovely lady in charge of the Stargate booth. She managed to sort me and Amanda (and many others, I'm sure) out with tickets to the Continuum premiere and the signing, for which I'm eternally grateful.
          Wow, lucky you! Did you bring the wig to Comic Con?! Hehehehe. Once you overcome jet lag, tell us more about being on the Midway with AT and RDA etc. Did you get a chance to speak with Amanda? Seeing Continuum on a big screen has to be quite a thrill - its special effects are amazing.

          Happy for you.


            Since people are now weighing in ...
            Yes, Continuum is quite a ride. Loved seeing all the oldies but goodies - System Lords. Have to admit that Vala/Q'tesh steals the show and is wicked, wicked good. Ba'al is a perfect companion to her. Their scenes are great and I could see why he wanted a love scene with the two of them - maybe that will come in the next movie, eh? I'm still super sensitive to the Sam/Cam command problem and blinked in the very beginning when ONLY Cam signed some kind of marching orders before SG1 went up the ramp - damn! Why didn't they let Carter co-sign the paperwork so they BOTH looked like team leaders? Small point but that's my worldview and Cam did seem to have more weight at times. However, the overall movie was great and RDA was in fine form, so was Beau Bridges. Daniel's lost limb was believable. Everyone looked older and wiser - alas, don't we all? To think we've spent over ten years with these actors - their loyal fanbase is quite amazing in itself. Amanda in her hooch in the Arctic featurette and RDA's comments throughout are worth the price of the DVD! Totally enjoyable. Buy it - it's one of the best releases from the franchise. I'm still time-travel challenged but they even include a physics prof doing a spot on time travel.

            Amen. Now if TPTB would finally release a blooper reel of the entire series ... aha! The icing on Jack's cake.


              Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
              Wow, lucky you! Did you bring the wig to Comic Con?! Hehehehe. Once you overcome jet lag, tell us more about being on the Midway with AT and RDA etc. Did you get a chance to speak with Amanda? Seeing Continuum on a big screen has to be quite a thrill - its special effects are amazing.

              Happy for you.

              I took the full outfit to comic con and wore it on the Friday for the Sanctuary panel. Anyone who watched sci-fi's coverage may have noticed a certain blonde wig and a certain brunette commenting that "the trollop's trolloping."

              The whole premiere atmosphere was magical. We arrived at about 5.30pm and sat queueing. Everyone was really excited and couldn't wait to get up on the flight deck. At about 7pm, the stars started arriving. They got out their limos and everyone was snapping. When Amanda got out, her fans managed to get pictures, whilst everyone else was stood going, "Who's the cute brunette and why's she here?" I kid you not, there were a lot of confused people.

              We got up onto the flight deck and passed everyone on the red carpet, but we weren't allowed to hover and take pictures, as much as I would have liked to. The screen was set up against the mast and they put on drinks and snacks for us all. I had my very first pretzel at the Stargate premiere!

              When it got dark, that's when it all kicked off. Martin and Brad introduced the film and as the credits came up, people cheered for the actors. We made sure Amanda got the loudest cheer. She was surprised and looked over, grinned and made some sort of gesture.

              Watching the film with other fans was great because everyone laughed and cheered in the right places. Don got a round of applause as well.

              After the show finished, some of the actors hung around a bit. I said hi to Amanda, who kind of went, "Aren't you on the wrong continent?" Ryan (Robbins) saw me speaking to her and went, "Oh no, here comes trouble" to which Amanda replied, "Don't I know it" or something similar. Got a photo with the two of them. She also commented on my hat (I was wearing my Sanctuary cap).

              Spoke to Martin and Brad briefly as well. Brad was saying how he's certain there will be a third film and he's glad everyone enjoyed this one and how he was really glad the fans could be involved with the premiere.

              It was just completely magical. We were saying on this thread a few weeks ago about how we would chop limbs off just to get to go to this premiere and how it would be a fan's dream. And there we were. It didn't cost us limbs, just an apophis tattoo on
              our foreheads!
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                Since people are now weighing in ...
                Yes, Continuum is quite a ride. Loved seeing all the oldies but goodies - System Lords. Have to admit that Vala/Q'tesh steals the show and is wicked, wicked good. Ba'al is a perfect companion to her. Their scenes are great and I could see why he wanted a love scene with the two of them - maybe that will come in the next movie, eh? I'm still super sensitive to the Sam/Cam command problem and blinked in the very beginning when ONLY Cam signed some kind of marching orders before SG1 went up the ramp - damn! Why didn't they let Carter co-sign the paperwork so they BOTH looked like team leaders? Small point but that's my worldview and Cam did seem to have more weight at times. However, the overall movie was great and RDA was in fine form, so was Beau Bridges. Daniel's lost limb was believable. Everyone looked older and wiser - alas, don't we all? To think we've spent over ten years with these actors - their loyal fanbase is quite amazing in itself. Amanda in her hooch in the Arctic featurette and RDA's comments throughout are worth the price of the DVD! Totally enjoyable. Buy it - it's one of the best releases from the franchise. I'm still time-travel challenged but they even include a physics prof doing a spot on time travel.

                Amen. Now if TPTB would finally release a blooper reel of the entire series ... aha! The icing on Jack's cake.
                I haven't seen the DVD extras because we don't have the DVD here yet. But as to the film...

                I thought it was fantastic. There were so many nods to the history of Stargate. The different system lords, the solar flares, the Stargate box having Langford on the side, even Sam's death mirrored the 2010 episode with her being shot in the back. I honestly thought it was an amazing film.

                At the Stargate booth at Comic Con, they had a load of props from the film, such as

                The picture of Captain Mitchell and Daniel's book on the pyramids.
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post

                  I took the full outfit to comic con and wore it on the Friday for the Sanctuary panel. Anyone who watched sci-fi's coverage may have noticed a certain blonde wig and a certain brunette commenting that "the trollop's trolloping."

                  The whole premiere atmosphere was magical. We arrived at about 5.30pm and sat queueing. Everyone was really excited and couldn't wait to get up on the flight deck. At about 7pm, the stars started arriving. They got out their limos and everyone was snapping. When Amanda got out, her fans managed to get pictures, whilst everyone else was stood going, "Who's the cute brunette and why's she here?" I kid you not, there were a lot of confused people.

                  We got up onto the flight deck and passed everyone on the red carpet, but we weren't allowed to hover and take pictures, as much as I would have liked to. The screen was set up against the mast and they put on drinks and snacks for us all. I had my very first pretzel at the Stargate premiere!

                  When it got dark, that's when it all kicked off. Martin and Brad introduced the film and as the credits came up, people cheered for the actors. We made sure Amanda got the loudest cheer. She was surprised and looked over, grinned and made some sort of gesture.

                  Watching the film with other fans was great because everyone laughed and cheered in the right places. Don got a round of applause as well.

                  After the show finished, some of the actors hung around a bit. I said hi to Amanda, who kind of went, "Aren't you on the wrong continent?" Ryan (Robbins) saw me speaking to her and went, "Oh no, here comes trouble" to which Amanda replied, "Don't I know it" or something similar. Got a photo with the two of them. She also commented on my hat (I was wearing my Sanctuary cap).

                  Spoke to Martin and Brad briefly as well. Brad was saying how he's certain there will be a third film and he's glad everyone enjoyed this one and how he was really glad the fans could be involved with the premiere.

                  It was just completely magical. We were saying on this thread a few weeks ago about how we would chop limbs off just to get to go to this premiere and how it would be a fan's dream. And there we were. It didn't cost us limbs, just an apophis tattoo on
                  our foreheads!
                  Ah, TJ! Thanks for the super report. Sounds like you were on your game and Amanda was ready for you! Please post those piccies if you can.

                  Er, did you mean very first Yankee "pretzel"? Or just a pretzel? Must tell you that a true pretzel resides ONLY in the city of Philadelphia, along with its cheesesteaks. Cheers, time to put the blonde wig away and start creating your lesson plans for school. What memories you'll have! I love that Amanda's fans recognized "the brunette" before the general crowd.


                    Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                    Ah, TJ! Thanks for the super report. Sounds like you were on your game and Amanda was ready for you! Please post those piccies if you can.

                    Er, did you mean very first Yankee "pretzel"? Or just a pretzel? Must tell you that a true pretzel resides ONLY in the city of Philadelphia, along with its cheesesteaks. Cheers, time to put the blonde wig away and start creating your lesson plans for school. What memories you'll have! I love that Amanda's fans recognized "the brunette" before the general crowd.
                    I only broke up for my holidays last week and now you're telling me to get on with planning?!?! Geez, let me actually have a break! Once my birthday's over, that's when I start work again.

                    Yes, it was my first pretzel ever.

                    I'll post my pics as soon as I have them sorted. Be warned, though... I don't have many good ones. It became a standing joke over the course of the weekend, but I kept getting shots of the back of antoa's head - every time I lined up a shot, she got in there! So although I have one or two pictures, I don't have many.
                    Yepp, it's blank down here.


                      As Promised:

                      This was the invite for the premiere

                      The USS Midway


                      That's the big screen at sunset

                      Non-Amanda Stars

                      Amanda Goodness

                      And me...

                      Yepp, it's blank down here.


                        Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                        OK I uploaded the preview. For some reason the audio didn't work...I'll try to get that fixed tomorrow. Here is the video for those that would like to at least see it.

                        I am jumping out of my skin with excitement.....


                          Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                          OK I uploaded the preview. For some reason the audio didn't work...I'll try to get that fixed tomorrow. Here is the video for those that would like to at least see it.
                          I noticed that some shots are outside shots...yay!! When I posed this in the sanctuary forums, I was told that it would be too difficult given they were using green looks a lot lighter.

                          Thank you Jan!!!
                          Originally posted by wibbling View Post
                          anybody seen this? A few fun bits on filming Continuum.
                          I had to laugh when Amanda said :
                          "You got up in the morning; you ate your meal; you chipped ice to make water. You went off and shot a couple of scenes, came back and ate lunch, helped to clean up. Days were simple. I loved being part of the camp. I loved helping out. I loved KP duty.
                          "I did dishes, stuff like that. The worst part of being up in the Arctic was the toilet situation."

                          I did dishes!!!!!......hehehe...I don't know why but that just sounds funny!!
                          Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                          I updated my blog tonight with a few pictures of AT from the SciFi booth on Friday after the Continuum panel.
                          WooHoo!! Thank you tsax!!
                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                          I took the full outfit to comic con and wore it on the Friday for the Sanctuary panel. Anyone who watched sci-fi's coverage may have noticed a certain blonde wig and a certain brunette commenting that "the trollop's trolloping."
                          The whole premiere atmosphere was magical. We arrived at about 5.30pm and sat queueing. Everyone was really excited and couldn't wait to get up on the flight deck. At about 7pm, the stars started arriving. They got out their limos and everyone was snapping. When Amanda got out, her fans managed to get pictures, whilst everyone else was stood going, "Who's the cute brunette and why's she here?" I kid you not, there were a lot of confused people.
                          We got up onto the flight deck and passed everyone on the red carpet, but we weren't allowed to hover and take pictures, as much as I would have liked to. The screen was set up against the mast and they put on drinks and snacks for us all. I had my very first pretzel at the Stargate premiere!
                          When it got dark, that's when it all kicked off. Martin and Brad introduced the film and as the credits came up, people cheered for the actors. We made sure Amanda got the loudest cheer. She was surprised and looked over, grinned and made some sort of gesture.
                          Watching the film with other fans was great because everyone laughed and cheered in the right places. Don got a round of applause as well.
                          After the show finished, some of the actors hung around a bit. I said hi to Amanda, who kind of went, "Aren't you on the wrong continent?" Ryan (Robbins) saw me speaking to her and went, "Oh no, here comes trouble" to which Amanda replied, "Don't I know it" or something similar. Got a photo with the two of them. She also commented on my hat (I was wearing my Sanctuary cap).
                          Spoke to Martin and Brad briefly as well. Brad was saying how he's certain there will be a third film and he's glad everyone enjoyed this one and how he was really glad the fans could be involved with the premiere.
                          It was just completely magical. We were saying on this thread a few weeks ago about how we would chop limbs off just to get to go to this premiere and how it would be a fan's dream. And there we were. It didn't cost us limbs, just an apophis tattoo on our foreheads!
                          ...oh had me laughing. I'm glad you had a great time!!
                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                          They are so cool!

                          Another day done...woohoo!
                          Night all, take care and have fun! Hope those of you who finally have a legal copy of the movie are sitting down and enjoying it.
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                            I noticed that some shots are outside shots...yay!! When I posed this in the sanctuary forums, I was told that it would be too difficult given they were using green looks a lot lighter.

                            Thank you Jan!!!
                            That's because...

                            The outdoor bits aren't green screen. In the TV version of Sanctuary, there are more standing sets. It's about 75% green screen and 25% standing sets. That's still a higher ratio than most TV shows, but compared to the webisodes, it's quite low. However, using standing sets and location shoots means more flexibility. They can still do the weird and wacky stuff with green screen, but the things that are limited, like daytime stuff and outdoors stuff, they can do in other ways.
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              I hope that you're lurking -



                                Quick question for you, please. See picture behind spoiler tags. (No Amanda in it.)


                                Is the guy behind the counter on the phone Amanda's husband? Can anyone tell? It's a curiosity that has been bugging me for some time now. Thanks!

