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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by JanSam View Post
    *snickers* keep it PG Mandy
    I was trying for PG

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
      Exactly, which is why Sky is supposed to tell me what to type. I'm certainly not gonna write it!
      It was meant as a joke, nothing to do with your typing or writing skills

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
        It's not how fast you's quality that counts
        *spits out kool aid*

        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
        I was trying for PG
        Oh...yes, may have been trying...but down here, in the gutter, all bets are off...



          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          It was meant as a joke, nothing to do with your typing or writing skills
          I knew that...

          Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
          *spits out kool aid*

          Oh...yes, may have been trying...but down here, in the gutter, all bets are off...


          Careful, Ferret! You were drinking Kool Aid?? I want some!

          "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

          SG-1 FanFiction
          Sanctuary Fanfiction


            Originally posted by Stéphanie Anne View Post
            I also voted on amanda .

            Daivy told me a lot about her . I have chosen amanda as my favorite actrice for my oral excerice .

            I'm Stéphanie . My second name is Anne .
            I live in Belguim .
            As you can see , is my english not so good , but i'll try .

            Daivy I want to thank you, I wouldn't be here without you, cause my English isn't that good

            greets Stéphanie
            Hey Stephanie, welcome to the crazy world of Samanda

            Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
            LOL we have had a heat and humidity for several months now lol we are happy to share with you ... who is just now experiencing the heat!! lol and and Jan you need A/C!!!
            ohw I'll have some of that Its cold down here specially at night

            Seriously those spoiler hard to resist....but I have..must not push



              Originally posted by tombombadail View Post
              the long hair kinda bugs me.
              your like mckay, he liked short haired blondes, hahaha...


                Originally posted by atfan View Post
                They tried too hard with Cameron integrating him into the show to have much time for Sam but in season ten they did better and there were several Sam centered episodes.

                this is going off our sam centric topic, but i've felt that the inclusion and obsession with vala is what hurt the show more than anything else. and then having her almost glued, story wise, to only daniel made it all the worse.

                i had issues with mitchell having the team instead of sam, but i got over it because mitchell greatly improved and *fit in* in the stargate structure. it's vala that i felt seriously damaged the integrity of the show, because she just never should have been a regular, let alone on the team, to begin with. there's just some characters that should be recurring, because to bring them in full time and having to create a 'realistic' reason for them there... i didn't see vala being out of character, i saw everyone putting up with her being out of character. oy...

                yeah, they improved vala too, but she still had such a central role in the only storyline going on in s9/10, and the only other character to reap that storyline was daniel. why'd they write it like that?

                yeah, i guess it's still a sore spot.




                  Originally posted by jenks View Post
                  The long dark hair makes her look 10 years older imo.
                  You might be right, I think maybe the change of look and character might be the real reason I find her more attractive


                    Originally posted by atfan View Post
                    I didn't either in fact
                    When Shep said, I didn't go after one of my team once and I won't do it again I thought of Wier and his inablity to save her from the replicators this time he had a job to rescue Telya as far as it diminishing Sam it didn't, she was overseeing the rescue of Sheppard and the others. I saw concern that Teyla would be lost if they didn't go after her now while they had the opportunity. The same concern any teamate would have while another was in enemy hands. As for Keller I finally saw her being more human when she let Sheppard go and tried to patch him up so that he would be able to complete the mission even Carter wasn't fooled she knew Sheppard had somehow convinced Keller similar to SG-1 that Janet often let them go injured despite her wishing they wouldn't she let them go as well. Sheppard would have tried to go and Keller at least realized she could give him a fighting chance by helping him. Also any shippiness was squashed in my opinion when Telya introduced her team to the baby's father there was real affection between them that was visible and noticable a happy moment in the midst of everything.
                    Sorry, no disrespect meant here, but could you please enlighten me on an ep that you can think of where Janet let an injured person under her care go back out into the field on another mission? I've racked my brain and can't think of a one. My impression of her has always been that she was very 'hard core' and even fiercely protective when it comes to any of her patients. She's also very bright. Just can't see her doing something as stupid as this...least voluntarily.

                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    this is going off our sam centric topic, but i've felt that the inclusion and obsession with vala is what hurt the show more than anything else. and then having her almost glued, story wise, to only daniel made it all the worse.

                    i had issues with mitchell having the team instead of sam, but i got over it because mitchell greatly improved and *fit in* in the stargate structure. it's vala that i felt seriously damaged the integrity of the show, because she just never should have been a regular, let alone on the team, to begin with. there's just some characters that should be recurring, because to bring them in full time and having to create a 'realistic' reason for them there... i didn't see vala being out of character, i saw everyone putting up with her being out of character. oy...

                    yeah, they improved vala too, but she still had such a central role in the only storyline going on in s9/10, and the only other character to reap that storyline was daniel. why'd they write it like that?

                    yeah, i guess it's still a sore spot.
                    I loved Vala in S 9 and 10. With Jack gone I felt she added a much needed comic relief and personally was glad for it as it diverted my attention away from the fact that Sam was playing second fiddle to Cam when we all know she should of *and* could of lead the team all by her lonesome.


                      Wow you've all been busy hehe and I haven't seen S&R, I've even been good and not read the spoilers *runs round in tiny spoiler free circles*

                      Originally posted by Stéphanie Anne View Post
                      I also voted on amanda .

                      Daivy told me a lot about her . I have chosen amanda as my favorite actrice for my oral excerice .

                      I'm Stéphanie . My second name is Anne .
                      I live in Belguim .
                      As you can see , is my english not so good , but i'll try .

                      Daivy I want to thank you, I wouldn't be here without you, cause my English isn't that good

                      greets Stéphanie
                      Belated welcome Stephanie. I hope you have a good time here

                      Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                      I don't think Sam ever revolved around Jack, not even in season 4 (of SG-1) when much was made of Sam and Jack's relationship. She may have been subordinate to Jack, but she was never subservient to him.

                      In seasons 9 and 10, Sam lost her command to an inexperienced officer. Her opinion was dismissed more than once, and for the most part, she served only as a source of technobabble when she wasn't merely part of the background. Yes, there were exceptions, but on the whole, I think the character was treated poorly.

                      We may have been watching the same show, but we have very different interpretations of what we saw.
                      Totally...I'm not very articulate, but I agree with everything you just said.

                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      i look forward to a show that is run by someone that doesn't seem to get their definition of humor from benny hill or American Pie
                      Yes! Gah...sometimes they go for humour when it's just innapropriate. Its as if they always think 'how can we make this funny?' and no one ever asks 'should this be funny?' Then there's just dumb jokes. I like intelligent humour and stuff that makes me think. I do also like toilet jokes, but in really small doses.
                      Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                      My Fanfic~My Femslash


                        Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                        Sorry, no disrespect meant here, but could you please enlighten me on an ep that you can think of where Janet let an injured person under her care go back out into the field on another mission? I've racked my brain and can't think of a one. My impression of her has always been that she was very 'hard core' and even fiercely protective when it comes to any of her patients. She's also very bright. Just can't see her doing something as stupid as this...least voluntarily.
                        What always intrigued me about Janet was that she carried a lot of clout (especially with Jack. I swear he was petrified, in a good way, of that woman...), and garnished respect, even though her status as CMO did not outweigh the fact that she was only a Major. Jack listened to her, when he could have easily pulled rank.

                        I just can't see that ever happening with Keller. I think she's too afraid of stepping on toes, and making a bad impression, to demand her patients put their health and well-being first.

                        All the more reason I wish Sam were still there ( was THAT for a segway!?) Keller needs a strong role-model, and I'm not sure Teyla is patient enough to deal with her...



                          Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                          both are hot imo

                          you might wanna check out this thread
                          wondering how long it would take u to fiind this thread

                          And yes, Amanda Tapping and Sam Carter are both extremly good looking aka HOT

                          Fav Stargate Quotes

                          Thanks! It'll be a walk in the park ... a very scary park, filled with monsters who are trying to kill me.

                          I like the yellow ones.

                          Operation "This Will Most Likely End Badly" is a go.

                          OH CRAP!!!

                          You need someone dumber than you are.... You may have come to the right place.


                            Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                            I don't think the explanation will be 'cut for time'...
                            because otherwise Sam's departure just won't make any sense at the end I was just left thinking...'hang on, why is she being replaced?' as I think most of the viewing audience will be, esp after just having led the expedition for a year and doing a great job (as both Shep and Mckay mentioned). Speaking of, the Atlantis crew are going to need an explanation as well...that's, personally, how I think we'll probably get the explanation delivered.
                            What I'm worried about is that
                            the explanation will happen "off-screen", just like Teyla's boyfriend

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            as soon as i finish writing it, i'm doing an alternate ending to S&R. just...tweaking things a bit


                              Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                              What I'm worried about is that
                              the explanation will happen "off-screen", just like Teyla's boyfriend
                              Which reminds me...

                              What the heck happened to Teyla's boyfriend!?!? They came back and just...nothing...

                              Is he alive? Is he dead? WTH?


                                Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                                Which reminds me...

                                What the heck happened to Teyla's boyfriend!?!? They came back and just...nothing...

                                Is he alive? Is he dead? WTH?

                                He disappeared in the same way he appeared...magically

