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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

    gah...I know this is very, very late in the coming, but I hope you had an awesome Birthday Mumsey!

    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
    For Mumsey I just had to make something with AT3 pics. Pics by my friend Alexa. To make you smile.

    And now my sickleave is almost to an end, so also the insane amount of photoshopping I've been doing .... *sigh*
    *ish mind-boggled once again* Wonderful Lies!!

    Congrats on your CPA equivalent too! Well done hon!

    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    Still behind on the birthday greetings so I'll just borrow this from Chelle (thanks Chelle).
    awe thanks! Getting the bday wishes well beyond your day is always fun.

    Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
    Congratulations Sophie!
    From me too! One major milestone completed with many, many more yet to come. YAY for you.

    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
    Sunday afternoon and I'm watching SG1 season one again. <SNIP>
    I couldnt resist chuckling at your 'Wonder Twins' comments. So apt an expression if I've ever heard one.

    Kudos! Very, very lovely Sofie!

    Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
    hee hee-- lookie what I found...

    hahahaha...I think I laughed so hard at seeing this pic that my Mom was probably wondering downstairs if another of my screw's had been loosened slightly.

    LOVE the pic!!

    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    amanda's 5'9" for those wondering

    and teryl is 5'2" yes, lots of towering going on, teryl not only had platforms but also, upon occasion, stood on a box to be closer in height to the boys
    hmm...when I had my pic with Amanda, I knew I was way shorter than her, but for some reason it just didnt bother me. Height is just outward. I like to see people for who they are on the inside more. *shrug*

    Originally posted by tagger View Post
    Our puppies are 5 weeks old!

    awe...simply adorable. They look like they could be very wet lickers though.

    Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
    I am also 5'2". *sigh*

    Look at the difference!

    For size:

    OMG..I sooo love your pic with Teryl! My to-do list has very a very predominate bolded "Must meet Teryl!" on it. Hopefully next year some time if I can pinpoint an actual date and con that she'll be at then.

    Thanks for sharing the pics!

    Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
    I was in hiking shoes. Much more comfortable. High heels hurt.

    My mother says that's the price you pay for beauty. I say screw that.
    Here, here!!

    Originally posted by chelle db View Post
    I'm thinking that there should definitely be a foot stool or box of sorts for those of us who don't want to see Amanda stoop during the photo ops!!!
    Either that or we all stand on tippy toes!!!

    Came home tonight to find hubby watching SG - Bounty S10...even got told to be quiet while he watched...which is waaaay weird as he's always been the one to say..."Turn that off...haven't you seen it all before???"
    Then he came over to my computer to have a look at all jy Sam ans SG pics...and I have a plethora of them!!
    Cool thing happened this morning. As I was watching my breakfast *Stargate ep Line in the Sand with a bowl of fruit loops* the electrician came to fix the switch in the bathroom. As he was going to leave he asked if I was watching the movie Ark of Truth. I told him I was watching LitS and we started talking about SG. Turns out he and his wife *also named Michelle* are fans of the show. Poor hubby just rolled his eyes...I'm thinking he's thinking that if you can't beat em....join em!!!
    Anyhoo, nighty night all...take care, stay safe and have fun!!!
    Yay for meeting random people who also love SG Chelle! Looks like you might have another convert with the hubby too...hehe.

    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
    Why is it we shrink? And what shrinks exactly? Is it your spine? I can't imagine your legs actually getting shorter. I always wondered.

    And Chelle .. that's so cool. I think almost no-one I know watches Stargate. When I said I was going to AT3 (and I told a lot of people lol), with the actress Amanda Tapping who plays in Stargate, 2 people had a vague idea and 1 guy just went "oh, the blonde hot chick"
    If I'm not mistaken, people 'shrink' as they get older because of the degeneration of the spaces in their spinal column. Also, lack of Vitamin D and the onset of osteoporosis in some women certainly doesnt help matters whatsoever.

    My friend's boyfriend is a scifi nut and when I first asked her if he liked Stargate, she was like, "Okay, which one is that?" After explaining in the simplest terms the synopsis of the show, she goes, "Oh yeah! The hot blonde! Paul loves her!" Lol...Amanda's 'hotness' rep transcends all genders.


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      part of that is why i think sam had such a chip on her shoulder in the beginning. She expected to be picked on by Jack, and also had set her mind to going off world, thus wasn't gonna let anyone or anything get in the way.

      I think that's also why jack didn't know who daddy was. I thinhk she took advantage of 'carter' being a relatively common name, and enjoyed a bit of anonimity that allowed her to be herself, even if anonimity couldn't do anything about the gender based discrimination i'm sure she faced. complicated by 'pretty girl' syndrome, where being pretty and blonde was a handicap not an asset
      I think you have a point there. That and as suse pointed out, women being accepted into the Academy fairly recently.

      As for the pretty thing--of course, Sam doesn't see herself as being great looking & she's so focused she probably didn't realize some of that. Gender discrimination, yes. Pretty girl, not so much. She's usually uncomfortable when someone compliments her looks.

      BTW: has GW been running slow lately or is it just my connection?


        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        BTW: has GW been running slow lately or is it just my connection?
        It's GW. Greg said there's some server issues that should be resolved around the 9th of July. There have been a few times when I've tried to get online here, and the pages just don't load.

        In memory of Deejay.
        May we all be so well loved.


          Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
          My little big sister (She's 8 years older and 6 inches shorter than me) has, for as long as I can remember, wailed "2 inches! That's all I ask, 2 more inches!" every time she wanted to reach something. She recently had it confirmed that she has shrunk a couple of inches since she retired (as you do), and is even more fed up!

          Who has also lost an inch and a half in recent years - great fun this gettin' old lark!
          No sibling could be less helpful than my 5' 9" tall brother who always supplies the same helpful advice any time I can't reach anything (or I'm stuck on a rock climbing problem) of "grow".
          Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
          My Fanfic~My Femslash


            Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
            It's GW. Greg said there's some server issues that should be resolved around the 9th of July. There have been a few times when I've tried to get online here, and the pages just don't load.
            Ok. Thanks.

            On the height thing. I think her height helped AT get cast as Sam. I remember her saying they had her stand next to RDA to see how they looked together & I'm sure one of the issues was height. I think we'd be distracted if she was a lot shorter than the guys. Visually, her height indicates she can hold her own in the team. Then of course, AT's acting makes her a credible soldier/airman/scientist. I seem to recall several people on this thread who have been military themselves or their spouses are/have been, who say she's very believable.

            I think it was Jonathan Glassner in one of the DVD interviews who said they wanted an actress who could be believable as a soldier & scientist, but also beautiful. Done!

            Oh, and can I say how great it was they let her acting show Sam was smart instead of the old "give her glasses to show she's brainy" thing? How often have we seen an actress who looks like a model (or may be a former model) trying (and I emphasize *trying*) to be a scientist, but her main indicator of smarts is her glasses? And she is totally unbelieveable? Sam, I believed immediately. (I think my first ep was in S3 or 4 in the SciFi marathon reruns). (Luckily I didn't see the whole "reproductive organs" speech until much later. And luckily, AT cured the writers of those kinds of lines).


              Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
              No sibling could be less helpful than my 5' 9" tall brother who always supplies the same helpful advice any time I can't reach anything (or I'm stuck on a rock climbing problem) of "grow".
              You could always sweetly answer back "go jump in a lake" or something. My brothers are over 6'3" and have the same degree of helpfulness when we get together. Fortunately my 6' husband is kind.

              i have to agree that AT looks very believeable with the team. They're all very tall and she fits right in.


                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post

                i have to agree that AT looks very believeable with the team. They're all very tall and she fits right in.
                AT commented on the guys' height in her Resurrection commentary. She was talking about in some group shots how you have to stand in order to be seen.
                In that episode, the shot was of Sam and Barrett seen through some canisters. You can see her but not him as much.
                She said:
                Peter had a little bit of trouble finding the camera. Oh, bless him. I’m master of finding the camera because I work with very tall men and so I know how to sneak my way in between their shoulders.


                  Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                  Don't forget that AT was in heels when that pic was taken. Three inch, if I'm not mistaken. At least two. I teased her about it because she kept stooping down.
                  Yeah, I haven't figured out why she wears those 3" heels on photo day. Unless she's trying to work the gluts with all the stooping.
                  Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                  William Shakespeare

                  Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                    yeah I'm somewhere between 5'3" and 5'4", but closer to 5'3
                    but I like my height, it means I get to fly (I'm a cheerleader)

                    I think that Sam probably had problems at first at the Acadamy (being tall, blonde, beautiful and a genius - not to mention a woman), but considering how strong she is, mentally as well as physically, she didn't let it break her, but used it to make her stronger.
                    I agree about the comment that it had a lot of influence as to her initial reaction to the men at the SGC.
                    sigpicMy Fanfic


                      Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                      (((Fly by post)))

                      Hey guys, this is driving me crazy, does anyone know where these pics are from? I think they were talked about here, if so, does anyone remember what page they were on?

                      I think someone asked what Amanda had under her shirt or something-


                      Uh oh, I just noticed more grey hairs
                      Oh uh, I heard my pics went out, well here they are-




                        Hey I'm back. I couldn't read the 10 or more pages (it would be too much reading now (it's half past 11 over here now, in the evening)). But I did remember: pic of Amanda writing, height , Amanda's beautiful and ROCKY GRADUATED. CONGRATS ROCKY.

                        Yes Amanda is a hottie. There's no hair on my head that denies this. But she's SO MUCH MORE: What comes out of her mouth is: " 110 % Einstein,PhD degree, University Professor, " talk. She's a very smart woman. A quick learner too.
                        And she's telling the truth the way she sees it, (sometimes like it is) without hurting people or making people angry.

                        Working for her monthly pay. Staying Amanda even if she'd drive in a Bentley.

                        Very hot yet doesn't play the: I know I'm pretty game. So good hearted.
                        Funny, (now) a great mommy. Polite, modest. A perfect role model. It's thanks to Sam / Amanda people passed their math exams, chose to follow a scientific direction at uni / Secundary educatio level,....

                        Do I need to say more.

                        Everyone here knows who I'd pick if anyone asked me: who'd be your perfect wife, YET I DARE TO SAY, hubbies your all Married to an Amanda, rather they're called michelle, .... (Ladies, you can add your names to the list).

                        We see the good things behind the "hot woman" cover. We see a very talented, funny, caring, giving, loving, hardworking,...woman. And the rest of you Ladies: "It isn't cause your reproductive organs are on the insidie instead of the outside that you can't handle whatever we can handle". Women can (and have) adchieved lots of things.

                        GROUP HUG!!!!

                        Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


                          It is another very sad day in the Stargate world. Don Davis passed away Sunday June 29 from a massive heart attack.
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                            So there I was, passingly clicking onto gateworld just to see if there were any new headlines... I can't believe it...

                            Don, you were loved, and will be missed.

                            The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                            |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                    're gorgeous!!
                              Well let's not exaggerate...or however you spell it...

                              Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                              OMG..I sooo love your pic with Teryl! My to-do list has very a very predominate bolded "Must meet Teryl!" on it. Hopefully next year some time if I can pinpoint an actual date and con that she'll be at then.
                              I was really looking forward to seeing Teryl and Don again at another con. I am just SO upset at the moment.

                              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                              Oh uh, I heard my pics went out, well here they are-
                              They're from the filming of Continuum.

                              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                              It is another very sad day in the Stargate world. Don Davis passed away Sunday June 29 from a massive heart attack.
                              Which is the reason for my funk. R.I.P. you sweet, gentle man.



                                hammy's daddy is dead. i'm so sad


                                I remember one of the gatecons. Hammy was with me, and named after George Hammond, and i explained it to don. He took hammy from me and demanded a 'photo with his son' he took this picture.

                                The next day, Richard of the C4, brought it out, wanting to know whose stuffie it was, Don signed it and a friend of mine that was in the room at the time, took it and brought the photo to me.

                                The photo hangs on my wall still and i'll always remember the gregarious man who took the lemming in good humor and had fun with it.

                                And, now, i'll treasure that photo always.

                                General Hammond is dead. And I'm very sad at losing such a wonderful, giving and gregarious man. He could charm a nun out of her habit, but he was a wonderful soul.

                                and I'll always remember what he said to Teryl about getting her to pose for his paintings

                                'Woman, i wanna get you nekkid'

                                The general has left the building.
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


