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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Hi guys, I'm back. My laptop is broken, so I haven't been able to respond, and I'm using another computer. It's a snow day so I have time to reply. Oh boy, this is going to be a huge multi-quote message . Lets begin, Part 1:

    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    Big huge announcment

    so read it

    Ok folks, i know we were talking about writing letters/cards to amanda. And that can certainly be done.


    Snail mail takes time.

    Through means that i will not discuss, there in an opportunity to get messages to her later on this month. I will NOT tell you how or why. That part of this is non-negotiable. You're gonna have to take this on faith.

    However, if you would like to e-mail ME a note/message/letter(and by letter i don't mean 20 page novella please) I can use this means to get those messages to amanda. (I can't do videos or anything like that. It needs to be letters or the like)

    Just e-mail me your notes, type it in an e-mail, send it as an attachment, whatever. I'll collect them. They'll be cut and pasted into a singular document or printed out and collected together, then will get to amanda later on this month.

    Anything anyone sends will be kept confidential. Only the persons involved and Amanda will see it.

    the deadline is february 15th. Hard and fast deadline.

    You can use the e-mail attached to my profile if you're cutting and pasting. or sky_diver119 @

    If you can't e-mail, you can PM me, but e-mail would be the best.

    just PLEASE make sure that you note in the subject that it's for amanda. I don't want to lose anything to spam.

    So folks, please, have fun and send me some stuff and we'll make February a fun month for Amanda, cause by the end of it, she'll have a handful of some beautiful words to let her know that - for every person out there that's a meanie, there are two of us that love her, support her and respect her.

    I'm going to post this in the sanctuary thread but you can cross post this wherever you think there are some Amanda fans that would like to participate.

    THe more people that play, the more love we can share.
    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    I'm gonna miss sam...because she and lorne are what make the show enjoyable for me. the rest of the characters....kill them off tomorrow and my biggest concerns is riding out the fandom explosion. I have zero emotional attachment to them.

    But as much as i'll miss sam, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And she could have maintained the status quo, signed up for SGA, given it her sole focus and devote her time to something that might be a 20 second throwaway shot as her whole involvement for the whole episode, and say lines that anyone could have said.

    or she can move onto sanctuary. a show that is on the forefront of entertainment to come. a show where she's an EP and star. a show where she has control and say in what she's doing instead of working in a position where she's nothing more than the 'hired help' and where her concerns can and have been ignored and dismissed.

    She's made a decision that's the best for her and her career and her future. And i wish her nothing but the best. Me missing sam???

    I'll get over it.

    and i have years of dvd's and megs of fanfic.
    Skydiver, if there is a God, you're it I'm so sending an e-mail to you to send to Amanda. Great choice of words, of explaining the love we have for her, agansit all the meanies. And you're right, for every person out there that's a meanie, there are two of us that love her, support her and respect her.

    Originally posted by Charlie View Post
    I hate RL - it's been distracting lately...I'm only now listening to AT's interview with Kamil. Yay!

    On the other hand, it felt like someone hit me in the stomach when I logged in and saw the news about Amanda not coming back for Season 5.

    Though after that initial reaction, I have to admit I'm kinda excited about it. I was getting really upset about how under used Sam was on on Atlantis - I think after eleven years, both Sam and Amanda have grown beyond what the writers are able to do for her.

    Honestly I think that anything that means we get to see AT tackle new and exciting projects, and frankly anything that makes her happy is a good thing. Happy Amanda = happy Charlie.

    And yeah, I'm excited. I'm excited about seeing 'Sanctuary' evolve and seeing where they go with it. I'm excited about seeing what new roles Amanda decides to take on, both as an actress and producer and who knows what else. This is cool!

    Sky, I love your idea of sending Amanda a card or something to show our support. After reading some of those anti-threads I think she could use it. Plus hey, you can never have too much love!
    Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
    OMG. I just read latest GW's headline. I can't believe it!
    Amanda leaves Stargate Atlantis.
    I haven't felt so sad for a long time. Maybe since canceling SG-1. Carter's a GREAT character. Absolutely my favorite.
    Though I understand Amanda.

    Oh. All I have left now is to hope for lots and lots of SG-1 movies.
    Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
    We've got Ark of Truth coming out too. I can't imagine them doing a movie without Sam. I'd still buy it, but I wouldn't be nearly as enthusiastic about it!!
    I agree with the 3 of you. Especially the "it felt like someone hit me in the stomach" and "I haven't felt so sad for a long time" parts. I was soooo sad and upest, I actually
    threw up
    I feel better now . It's good to see Amanda doing new things, and as much as I'm sooooooooooo going to miss Sam, I fully respect and support Amanda's choice, and anything that makes her happy, makes me/us happy. And Bekah See, you're right I need the 2 movies now more than ever. If they make a 3rd SG1 movie without Carter, that would just not be right.

    Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
    Hey Everyone,

    I just read the news about Amanda...

    Well said Sky

    I'm feeling a little sad that we wont see Sam regularly any more and I will miss her so much, but poor Amanda that must have such a difficult decision for her, I love Sanctuary and while I'm a little confused as to what's happening with it at the moment which I'm sure will be made clearer soon, I think Amanda has made the right choice, I mean no disrespect to TPTB of SGA b/c they make a good show its just Amanda's had a difficult time these last few years and right now there seems more opportunities for Amanda with S3M in front of and behind the camera. As long as Amanda's happy then I'm happy too, I'll continue to support her in whatever she chooses to do

    All I would ask of SGA's PTB is to give Sam a good send off, keep Sam strong but have her say how the last 11 years have changed her in so many ways (just as Sam has changed many of us in that time too) to gives us (the fans) and Amanda herself a chance to say goodbye (b/c even though Sam's not leaving the SG universe things will never be the same again IMHO) to someone we all dearly love.

    Sky count me in on sending Amanda a letter too

    And lastly, I don't do this very often but...

    Amanda, if your reading this, I am so proud to call you my role model and I thank you for bringing Sam to our screens as wonderfully as you did.


    Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
    *just read the interview with Amanda...

    *pulls out her soap box so she can be seen (she's short) as well as heard...

    Dearest Amanda,

    Please do not, I repeat, do not listen to the haters. Anyone that hates you is just jealous of the kind, caring and compassionate woman you are. The reason you have so many fans who LOVE YOU (yes we do LOVE YOU) is because you give so much of yourself to us and the world at large. You are so fanfrellin'tasitc it breaks my heart when I hear you worry about what the haters will think or say. Ignore them, I do.

    *gets off the soap box and puts it away...

    That is all.
    Julia that is a very beautiful thing to say . I'm sure if Amanda did read that, it would fell her with a lot of joy, and love. So thank you for writing something so sweet and true. In case you haven't already made a message to send to Amanda, you should at that line in there, although it may bring a tear to her eye . I also hope they give Sam a great send off, she deserves so much, it should be really happy, sad and funny at the same time, and I hope she mentions the last 11 years. But it will still be soooooooo hard for me to say "good-bye" to someone I/we love so much, I can't imagine the SG world without her. It's like having an empty place in our hearts, a place where she used to be.

    SunKrux I hope you send her that, it's gold, because it's so true and full of heart. Amanda has more love, kindness, and compassion in her hand, than a lot of people do in their whole bodies. I wish we could see her face when she reads yours and Juilas letters via Skydiver, she feel much better. Hey, maybe she'll mention them in her next interview with Kamil or she mention them the next time you guys meet? Well done Sunkrux and Julia.

    Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
    Yip she became my main possably only reason for watching sg-1 after a certain ep in season you know which "the one which will must not be named" I wasnt talking bout Harry Potter.....
    Well AT fan, I have a confession to make. As much as she's the main, and almost only reason I watch SGA, I originally started watching SG1 because I was a fan of RDA after seeing him on MacGyver. But it was the super talented Amanda Tapping you made me a huge fan of Carter and the show, and I don't know how I can keep watching without her. Now I know how RDA fans felt after he left the show, what happened to him years ago, is happening to her now.

    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    Felt it was time for me to delurk.

    I'm a huge Sam/AT fan as you can probably tell from my user name (my fellow Canucks will get it at least).

    Decided my very first post should come on the best thread on Gateworld. You are a supportive, kind, generous and respectful lot, much like the character and actress you admire.

    Will have to admit I am very disappointed there will be less Sam in the future. I watch very little television but upgraded my cable subscription (80 odd channels and nothing on) just because Sam was going to be on Atlantis. I had seen Atlantis occasionally in the past but became a regular viewer this season. Having said that, I completely understand and support AT's decision regarding Sanctuary. No doubt a large part of it was due to the fact that, without her, Sanctuary could not proceed while Atlantis could go on without her (or with fewer appearances by her). I have only seen the You Tube episodes (bit of a Luddite) but like Sanctuary. At least this will give me a chance to see more of the show.

    After reading Amanda's interview I had already decided to write to her. Thanks Sky for the option of doing it through you.
    it's nice to meet you. I'm also super dissapointed and sad will she less of Carter after this season. But at least we got another year of her, to see her become a stronger leader, and to give us more smiles on our faces. Oh, and were probably like her because we spend so much time watching, reading, and talking about Amanda/Sam. Her her very spirit is so pure, and heartful, it just rubs of on you

    (To be Continued)
    Last edited by Rocky89; 06 February 2008, 07:07 AM.


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      teh very least i'm hoping for is for sam to say

      i only signed up for a year

      thus saying that she'd reached the end of her tour and was done.

      there is one idea out there that is kinda growing on me. Woolsey ticks folks off at teh IOA, possibly because, sam was assigned a TDY just to cover for the IOA as they searched for a new leader. and they've been searching. but every politician that the IOA finds, woolsey negates because - unlike all of them - he's actually been there and has some idea what the city needs.

      so, out of a fit of pique, the IOA says 'fine, you do it' and he's assigned there...quite against his will. and knows that he's being set up to fail, but there's nothing he can do about it.

      I can see sam's last words to him 'don't get everyone killed' as she goes home, knowing that she's leaving a train wreck behind but there's nothing she can do about it.
      That makes a certain amount of sense, though as an AF officer Sam has to go where she's ordered. On the other hand, since they have the Air Force advisor locked in a supply closet somewhere most of the time...


        i have received quite a few letters, but more the merrier. Literally, keep them coming. I would love for her to have 40 pages of notes from people (so...don't send me a 40 page letter please but a few paragraphs/sentences per a few dozen people adds up)

        I've skimmed over a few as i've cut and pasted them into word and these words people are sending are so beautiful it almost makes you cry. Simple, sincere and positive words. She's gonna ball when she gets it. but it'll be happy bawling
        Last edited by Skydiver; 06 February 2008, 09:20 AM.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          i have received quite a few letters, but more the merrier. Literally, keep them coming. I would love for her to have 40 pages of notes from people (so...don't send me a 40 page letter please but a few paragraphs/sentences per a few dozen people adds up)

          I've skimmed over a few as i've cut and pasted them into word and these words people are sending are so beautiful it almost makes you cry. Simple, sincere and positive words. She's gonna ball when she gets it. but it'll be happy bawling
          That's great to hear, Sky. I've never written to a TV star before but I've also never written to a TV star who is a normal, everyday person first, actor second, and is so highly aware of the fandom and knows that her hard work is *for* the fans as well as for securing a good financial future for her family. It's only right she should be thanked. She's probably been thanked before but she can never be thanked enough as far as I'm concerned.

          People need role-models and I may be a man but even I've seen that there are qualities in both Amanda and Sam's respective personalities, careers, and outlooks on life that must give women of all ages something to try to aspire for. All I know is that if I had a daughter I'd want her to be using Amanda and Sam as her role-models.

          Amanda's daughter is going to grow up a remarkable woman...just like her mommy.
          Last edited by Skydiver; 06 February 2008, 09:20 AM.

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            I didn't have quite that strong of a reaction but my first thought was that this is the beginning of the end of Atlantis. For me anyway. Less Sam and now the addition of a character that irkes me to no end? I'm a bit disapointed. by the way it's RP's character whom I don't like, not him personally.


              Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
              My first response was UGH because Woolsey for all his redeeming characteristics is a GRADE A WIMP! Definitely not leader material, I can see how politically the IOA could install one of their own as leader but Woolsey is a WIMP and makes bad decisions in times of stress which is SOOOOOOOOO NOT what Atlantis needs as a leader.

              I happen to like Woolsey as a part time semi antagonistic character and I definitely like Robert as an actor. I won't say that Woolsey is spineless because he has in the past done the right thing to help out both the Atlantis and SGC people however he lacks, how shall I say it, courage in physically dangerous situations and panics. That is so NOT required in a leader for Atlantis.
              I certainly agree that Woolsey lacks the skills necessary to be an effective leader. Putting him in charge will definitely create a morale problem as he charges ahead with his own ideas, failing to listen to the warnings of his senior staff. And his senior staff will be left in a position to deal with the consequences they knew would follow. It's a perfect setup for a mutiny.

              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              teh very least i'm hoping for is for sam to say

              there is one idea out there that is kinda growing on me. Woolsey ticks folks off at teh IOA, possibly because, sam was assigned a TDY just to cover for the IOA as they searched for a new leader. and they've been searching. but every politician that the IOA finds, Woolsey negates because - unlike all of them - he's actually been there and has some idea what the city needs.

              so, out of a fit of pique, the IOA says 'fine, you do it' and he's assigned there...quite against his will. and knows that he's being set up to fail, but there's nothing he can do about it.

              I can see Sam's last words to him 'don't get everyone killed' as she goes home, knowing that she's leaving a train wreck behind but there's nothing she can do about it.
              I would certainly expect Woolsey's appointment to be part of a power play by the IOA. I don't think it will be to bring Woolsey down a peg, it will be to take Sam or the Air Force/ military command down a peg. And of course, Sam knows precisely what the consequences will be. As soon as he gives an order that unnecessarily endangers somebody's life, all hell will break loose.

              Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
              This is a great scenario, but I don't trust the writers to come up with anything half so interesting. They'll probably have her decide to go back to head of R&D at Area 51...

              My suspicion is that they want to use Woolsey as a point of conflict in Atlantis (which could be okay), but their desire for laughs will turn him into the comic relief (which will become tiresome very fast). ETA: I just see this as a harbinger of their return to comedy scripts ala season 9 and 10 of SG-1. Vala pulling out a hairdryer... What ridiculous things will they have Woolsey doing? His very name speaks to his incompetence.
              A question. When you state his very name speaks to his incompetence, are you referring to how his track record has muddied his reputation, or does the name Woolsey (or a word related to the name) have a meaning that is related to incompetence?

              More cast spoilers:
              It's also been released that a totally new character is coming in who will take command. Unless they've changed their minds, who's to say how long Woolsey will stay in command? If/when Woolsey fails, there's someone waiting in the wings to take over.

              You know, Sky, you could write Sam out of the equation really well. HINT, HINT.

              In memory of Deejay.
              May we all be so well loved.


                Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
                I didn't have quite that strong of a reaction but my first thought was that this is the beginning of the end of Atlantis. For me anyway. Less Sam and now the addition of a character that irkes me to no end? I'm a bit disapointed. by the way it's RP's character whom I don't like, not him personally.
                I couldn't agree with you more. Too many cast changes, no matter how you look at it and no matter who the characters are.


                  Originally posted by Alan View Post
                  That's great to hear, Sky. I've never written to a TV star before but I've also never written to a TV star who is a normal, everyday person first, actor second, and is so highly aware of the fandom and knows that her hard work is *for* the fans as well as for securing a good financial future for her family. It's only right she should be thanked. She's probably been thanked before but she can never be thanked enough as far as I'm concerned.

                  People need role-models and I may be a man but even I've seen that there are qualities in both Amanda and Sam's respective personalities, careers, and outlooks on life that must give women of all ages something to try to aspire for. All I know is that if I had a daughter I'd want her to be using Amanda and Sam as her role-models.

                  Amanda's daughter is going to grow up a remarkable woman...just like her mommy.
                  Aww Alan that was so beautifully said, I think its great that Amanda can be a role-model to women/men and kids of all ages it shows just how special she really is, her wonderful personality can cross many 'boundaries'


                  Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                    Here we go, part 2:

                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    i read amanda's second part of her interview. can i just say how much i love this woman? to care this much about the fans, about ppl she's never met. if i didn't love and respect amanda before this, i would now. (she almost made me cry)

                    amanda, i will miss you as sam carter with all my heart and soul. since the third episode of sg1, you became my favorite character. it didn't take very long after that that you became my favorite actress too. i've went through 11years of sam carter with you, joining atlantis *because you did too*. i will miss my weekly/episodic adventures of sam -which is what i'm having the most probs with- but i support you and your decision and i'll stand by you in whatever adventures you take on. i am your fan forever. ((((((amanda)))))))

                    I agree. I'll miss her with my whole heart and soul, and it'll be really tough not having her around anymore. Wow, 11 years, she's really become a big part of our lives

                    Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                    I love that Amanda loves her fans and it just makes me sad for her to worry or even think about those people who would hate her because of whatever reason they have. I've met a woman recently who mentioned that her hubby wasn't a huge Sam fan but that after meeting Amanda he was totally won over. THAT IS WHY WE LOVE AMANDA. Her personality is such that I just don't understand how anyone could hate HER. Hate the fact that life changes and she is making a big life change (for the better, imho) but please, do not hate HER.
                    Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                    I watch these clips and see again just how much Amanda adds to the pure joy of any set. Stepping back from Stargate had to be one of the hardest decisions she's had to make in this business. Yet, she took a risk on a brand new endeavor and it's now paying off. So she must go where it leads her. She can't juggle it all.

                    Amanda's been suspended between two major projects for a couple years now. It had to be a great strain, emotional and physical. Yet she managed to keep her sense of humor and professionalism intact.

                    I haven't read all the reactionary posts yet, even here. So I'm just writing this off the top of my head and maybe it's already been voiced. If so, I don't mean to be taking someone's else's words. This is just my early-morning opinion, live streaming from my brain and gut.

                    Fans of Sam Carter have come to really care about and know Amanda too. It's a weird vibe - almost like we're family, so connected. AT sees that too and is constantly amazed by the fans' support. I think she knows, intuitively, that her decision to leave Sam behind for Helen Magnus will create quite a stir in some camps. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Her professional future lies with the Magnus character. You can read the excitement in her interview. She and the other "Stargate alumni" have been working damn hard to get Sanctuary launched. They've hit some bumps in the road but now all their dedication and hard work are showing results. Television rights, gaming rights, Facebook, who knows what else? It has to be a heady and exhausting ride.

                    I truly hope the loyal Sam fans are able to cut Amanda some slack. Cherish what she's given us for years with her brilliant portrayal of Carter and, now, offer Amanda our continued support for her new project.

                    I'll admit that this is really hard for me as Sam Carter was the reason I watched Stargate. Yet Amanda is so much more than a character on a TV show. She's a warm, caring and KIND individual who often gives more than she gets.

                    Let's rally around the actor and not the character as this all plays itself out. Yes, we'll mourn less Sam but we'll still have more Amanda in her new role. Who knows where she will take us?

                    Amanda has been and always will be a class act. It's wonderful to see her star rising.

                    HIC COMITAS REGIT.

                    Peace, CG
                    Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                    I don't know what to say really. Lol. There's a sadness, yes. A weird feeling. But I'm happy for Amanda. It would have been different if it were a few years ago and it was happening on SG1. But it's not, so I'm "okay" with that. I'm not sure that at the end of S10 I was quite ready to say goodbye to Sam, even with the prospect of two movies ahead. In it's own way though, I've been saying goodbye a little each week to her in Atlantis. As wonderful as it's been to have her there, I too feel that Sam seemed like a shadow of her former self. She was Sam, but she wasn't Sam. It was a big change. Amanda as always has been wonderful and great.

                    I'm happy that she gets to do what she wants to do. I will support her one hundred fifty percent. Amanda was the reason I joined GW, so I remain ever grateful to her for being so awesome and for having such an awesome fanbase. There are just so many people I would never have met if it weren't for Amanda, so supporting her is a definite repayment of that awesomeness.
                    Now a response to what majorsal and everyone else from above said, you're all right particualry, one thing sal and SunKrux said about her Amanda. I also can't undersatnd how or why someone could hate her. I also worry when people hate her. . Amanda doesn't do all the very hard and long work she does for herself, no, she does it for us (her fans) that's one of the many great things about her. She does love her fans, and she does sooooo much for people she's only met a few times, and/or people she's never met at all. You're right SunKrux that is how Amanda wins fans over

                    That's why she cares what people think. What an amazing woman she is, she puts 110% in whatever she does to make fans happy. After I read Amanda's interview, I was sad, and happy at the same time. Because Amanda started crying about giving up Carter, and she missed her already. She was so honest and sad in the interview, you could tell just by reading.

                    As ChopinGal and PengYn said, Sam fans need to cut Amanda slack and understand where she's coming from. I agree most of what ChopinGal Amanda does bring so much joy, and love to the st. and she's so much more than a character, she's very warm, caring and KIND individual who often gives more than she gets. Awesome post ChopinGal, and it is wonderful to see her star rising.

                    Originally posted by Coley View Post
                    Whilst I am incredibly sad at the latest news, I find I have to agree with Strix. I was hoping that Sam would be more prominent in season 5 and be written more like the Sam I love - however I have been wishful thinking since season 8. What TBTB have done to Sam since then is a bit of a tragedy for wonderful strong female characters and dedicated actors.

                    Whilst Helen and Sanctuary have not grabbed me in the same way that Sam and SG1 did, I truly hope that is is a great success. Amanda has never given less than 100% loyalty and dedication. If anyone deserves success in their own right it is Amanda.

                    From all of us here, who have not yet managed to follow their dreams ....

                    Amanda .... You go girl!!!!!

                    Oh Strix - any chance of future Sam Fic??!!

                    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                    Hi guys, I've got a couple of things to mention.

                    Now, firstly, regarding the news. I have to admit that it didn't hit me like it hit other people. I was too busy doing the "yay" Helen dance (though I'm a little concerned about warm 'n' fuzzy Helen because I love her clipped and abrasive manner). In all honesty, I wouldn't have watched Atlantis anyway, but I know what it would have been like for me if Amanda had decided to leave SG1, and I know that a lot of you must be extrememly upset.

                    However, reading the article about Joe on the GW homepage, I think it's comforting to know that they fully intended to renew Amanda's contract and have her as a full time cast member. This means that it was 100% Amanda's decision to leave, and it's a decision that I'm sure was very difficult for her to make.

                    11 years portraying a character is a long time. In Amanda's case it's over 1/4 of her life. I've been watching her as Sam for almost half mine. Amanda has invested a lot in Sam, putting in the hours doing the technobabble research, battling TPTB for realism, bringing warmth and humour to a character that started off life as quite abrasive (and rightly so, if you recall Sam's position in COTG). As such, the decision to leave must have been very difficult, and in a way, it must feel as if a certain part of her is being left behind. I suppose the best analogy would be that she's leaving an 11 year relationship here.

                    But the promise that Sanctuary offers is huge. It may be a fresh series and there may not be the relative security of the Stargate franchise, but it's a new show, new character and one where Amanda gets a great deal of creative control. Being one of the PTB herself, there's no end to the possibilities. She may even, at some point, get the chance to write, direct.... the beauty of working on your own show is you do what you want (to an extent!). As Sky has already said, there is a huge draw to a show where you aren't just the leading lady, but have a say in the decision making process. By following this path, Amanda opens up far more doors in her career, allowing her not only to continue her path as an actor, but potentially gain experience in other areas of the entertainment industry.

                    Amanda is taking a very difficult decision here, but it is one that I truly believe is the best for her career, and obviously she does too. She's a very wise woman and we should trust her decision, and she's obviously burned no bridges, as she has already been invited back as a guest star.

                    I also fully support the idea of writing to Amanda, but think it would be nice to write to S3M instead of Bridge. If we write to S3M, it shows that we have confidence in Sanctuary, we support the show, we support her decision and it's a nod of recognition to the important work she's doing for Sanctuary.
                    Reponse to Tracy and Coley, mostly Tracy. 11 playing the same character on TV is really long time, and I'm really glad it was 100% her choice to leave, not anyone elses. At least she's not leaving forever, that's I couldn't deal with. I believe that as difficult as the decision was, Amanda did it because she thought it was best not just for her own career, but everyone else involved. And yes, Sanctuary could be a big hit, and it gives her the chance to produce and direct, and could very well make her star rise even higher. Plus, it being her own show, she can open more doors to new careers. Because with Amanda in charge, she knows how things can work and yes, possibilities are endless and she can do almost whatever she wants. Basically what I'm saying is, right now, she does have the power and creative control to make good things happen more than she could have on SGA.

                    You don't have to tell us Amanda is a a very wise woman, she has to be to learn all that technobabble research, and battling TPTB for realism, bringing warmth and humour to a character as you said. As sad as I am, I know she's not leaving for good, you said she's already been invited back as a guest star. I fully support her choice, and I hope nothing but absolute great and happy things for her.

                    Originally posted by tara3583 View Post
                    You know, the very fact that Amanda has touched so many peoples lives with the bringing to life of Sam Carter i can truely say i have never in my entire life have ever felt this way about the talent of one very special lady!
                    she is a very special lady!, All I can say to that is:

                    We love you Amanda!

                    (To Be Continued again)


                      Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                      Not even the shippers want her to just run off and marry O'Neill. She does need to be doing something cool, something that uses her talents, because they've been wasted on Atlantis, IMHO.

                      But, Sam will be very happy about her going-away present from the good people of Atlantis:

                      They found Schrodinger!
                      Bwah ha ha.

                      Originally posted by sofie View Post
                      I have the same opinion on woolsey, I was honestly expecting Caldwell, and I think he would've been a logic choice + would cause some great scenes with Sheppard... but we'll see, maybe Woolsey will suprise us all
                      I would've liked Caldwell to be in charge actually. I really liked him as a character.

                      Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post

                      I like suprises i was thinking maybe she leaves becase she's pregnant that would be nice i'd like to see that or maybe there is a major situation in our galaxy and Sam is only one with the expertise to fix it
                      No, no no no no no no No! lol

                      Originally posted by dmovies View Post
                      My first reaction was anger at how, again, they were disrespecting Amanda, then when I went to bed that night I cried. I actually cried. Time for the 7 states of grief to begin. I go between anger and sadness. Stargate has really become more painful than enteraining for me. I'll not be watching anymore.
                      And breathe.

                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      teh very least i'm hoping for is for sam to say

                      i only signed up for a year

                      thus saying that she'd reached the end of her tour and was done.

                      there is one idea out there that is kinda growing on me. Woolsey ticks folks off at teh IOA, possibly because, sam was assigned a TDY just to cover for the IOA as they searched for a new leader. and they've been searching. but every politician that the IOA finds, woolsey negates because - unlike all of them - he's actually been there and has some idea what the city needs.

                      so, out of a fit of pique, the IOA says 'fine, you do it' and he's assigned there...quite against his will. and knows that he's being set up to fail, but there's nothing he can do about it.

                      I can see sam's last words to him 'don't get everyone killed' as she goes home, knowing that she's leaving a train wreck behind but there's nothing she can do about it.
                      I like that idea, the "you do it then" idea, because that would fluster him immensely.

                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      that is my greatest fear. that they will take the 'easy way' out and make woolsey the butt of every joke, especially if it accentuates 'shep, the roguish hewo flauting his worthles boss'.
                      Knowing Atlantis, he will be though.

                      Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                      I couldn't agree with you more. Too many cast changes, no matter how you look at it and no matter who the characters are.
                      We need a little stability.

                      I thought, last night, reading my f-list and the reaction, that it's just a tv show. And yes, it's Amanda career, her life, and she has made the decisions she thinks is best for her, decided what she wanted and what was best and we can only be swept up in that and any future characters (Helen) she'll play. That's how I see it. It's her life, not ours, and it's a tv show, not Big Brother. /(thank god).

                      Am I making any sense? I do wonder sometimes.....
                      +I thought I was a fool for no one
                      but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                        Originally posted by Alan View Post
                        She's probably been thanked before but she can never be thanked enough as far as I'm concerned.

                        People need role-models and I may be a man but even I've seen that there are qualities in both Amanda and Sam's respective personalities, careers, and outlooks on life that must give women of all ages something to try to aspire for. All I know is that if I had a daughter I'd want her to be using Amanda and Sam as her role-models.
                        Great sentiments, Alan. Something I love is that we get guys here who are more than "thunkers" (though I think you thunk with the best of 'em Alan. )


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          teh very least i'm hoping for is for sam to say

                          i only signed up for a year

                          thus saying that she'd reached the end of her tour and was done.

                          there is one idea out there that is kinda growing on me. Woolsey ticks folks off at teh IOA, possibly because, sam was assigned a TDY just to cover for the IOA as they searched for a new leader. and they've been searching. but every politician that the IOA finds, woolsey negates because - unlike all of them - he's actually been there and has some idea what the city needs.

                          so, out of a fit of pique, the IOA says 'fine, you do it' and he's assigned there...quite against his will. and knows that he's being set up to fail, but there's nothing he can do about it.

                          I can see sam's last words to him 'don't get everyone killed' as she goes home, knowing that she's leaving a train wreck behind but there's nothing she can do about it.
                          I'm liking this scenario Sky
                          Then again, it makes sense and the fans would enjoy it so ... probably not going to happen.
                          Or perhaps I'm just a tad cynical. Maybe.
                          I guess time will tell....... (on the Atlantis resolution, not on the ames being cynical - we're already got that part figured out )
                          ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                          SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                          ames on facebook
                          ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            Great sentiments, Alan. Something I love is that we get guys here who are more than "thunkers" (though I think you thunk with the best of 'em Alan. )
                            Thank you. I thunk, therefore I am.

                            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
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                              Originally posted by chelle db View Post

                              (((scifithinker)))...hope you is feeling better soon...lucky you gets to get into SFA wont let me get past the front door!!!
                              Hey chelle, IE explorer does the same to me, but FireFox explorer works just fine

                              my fanfic


                                My 700th post goes out to Amanda

                                Amanda know that we love you no matter what!!!!

