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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    an interview with joe mallozzi, and he said something nice about amanda --

    We’re very excited about having Picardo on the show. He’s an actor who, much like Amanda [Tapping], makes the performers around him that much better.




      Originally posted by kir_fect View Post
      I will let you all know when I get more information.
      :: salutes::
      Thank you oh trusty Kir-ness!

      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
      an interview with joe mallozzi, and he said something nice about amanda --



        The interview link isn't working for me.
        Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
        William Shakespeare

        Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
          The interview link isn't working for me.
          Hrmmmm.... I'll speak with myrth about that...

          Thanks for the heads up!


            I think they have the Sanctuary interview link working now EDIT: Well they have the cute little clip working, not sure if there is audio of the interview? Great interview to all those that took part in it!

            Sorry to hear all the stress S3M went through and how Amanda had to stop going online! I think they have really worked hard to get the show out there for any networks to see it within the same week! So those in other countries that haven't heard of air dates start petitioning to get the show to your neck of the woods

            The little snippets she gave for the upcoming season sounds very cool!! I can't wait!!
            Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 29 May 2008, 08:58 PM.


              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              Besides Stargate, I watch a lot of Law and Order. Any other L&O (any version) fans out there? If there were to be a crossover, what do you think Sam's involvement would be? Why would Sam be in New York? Would the detectives question the Deep Space Radar Telemetry cover story? (ok, too many days off work when you start thinking of these things.)
              I don't often watch much tv at all anymore...except of course for SG...that's because I'm either in here or playing elsewhere but...I don't mind L&O: SVU...I'm not sure if the detectives would question the whole "radar telemetry" cover story...but it would be cool to see Sam crossover to SVU to help solve a crime involving a scientist from either Area 51 or Cheyenne mountain who had worked with Sam...maybe even have Sam next on the hit list...but then I'd also love to see the rest of her team play along side her...I mean really...if she were to be involved in something like a murder or what not, then I can't imagine her not having her guys by her side...but that's just my thinking!!!
              Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
              That reminds me of the gag that Amanda did on the Solitudes set, it was on the behind the scenes of 200 did anyone see it? The MacGyver gag with RDA.
              It was hilarious!
              I love that the recent con we attended to meet Chris Judge, they played it and J, Niki and I sat there quoting it word for word...t'was fun!!...embarrassingly so though!!
              Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
              I'm the same, I love Amanda's voice, I can't really put my finger on why but I find her relaxing to listen to, especially if I'm stressed. And yeah if Amanda was reading the phone book I'd listen.
     where have I heard that before???...can you imagine if when you ring the information line for a phone number and you heard Amanda's voice...that line would be constantly busy I reckon...I'd never use a phone book again...and my phone bills would be astronomical!!!!
              Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
              Yes, AT has a very nice voice. So do RDA, MS and CJ. I even like listening to DD, he is particularly relaxing. I play the DVDs as I do other stuff and don't always 'watch' the shows. But I do like listening to them.
              Every morning for breakfast, I sit down and pop in a SG dvd...I only get to watch about a half and ep a day but I listen to the rest while getting ready for work...I just crank up the old surround sound and it's like having the stereo up wonders what out new neighbors must think I'm listening to??? listening is just as much fun to me as watching!!!
              Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
              some Atlantis s5 episodic photo's with Sam are out for search and rescue:
              Oooh...goody...thank you AD!!!
     what do you think of the look on Sam's face when she's standing there with her bag on her shoulder and facing Woolsey???
              To me she looks happy to be returning home...but I wonder why she's going home??? I can't wait for the new season to start!!! My theory is it has to do with the timeline being affected re Continuum...and of course the shipper in me wishes for a little something else!!

              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
              AD, can you please stand up straight? The damage you must be doing to your back and knees...
              *ahem*...uhm...what are you two up to now??
              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              i know what you mean. I guess like other aspects of AT, she's got a "certain something."
              Oh yeah...she's got something alright!!!!
              Originally posted by antoa View Post
              FYI, a new interview with AT is up at
              With many thanks but I;'m too scared to even try to have a look as it crashed my computer...yet again!!!
              Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
              Sometime's I worry about you AD.
              What??? Only sometimes???
              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              the amanda interview was great!
              that amanda... she's just *so* sweet!!!
              editing to add:
              i think helen's keeping the english accent! amanda talked about getting into character, and she mentioned the accent... so YAY, i think helen's staying english!!

              I thought I heard Amanda say something along the lines of that she was keeping her English accent as she said that Helen did after all come from Victoria England...but that's least we know something has remained the same!

              Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
              Congratulations to us!!


              Originally posted by kir_fect View Post
              I sent an email off to the production company of Dancing Trees telling them about the huge following of fans Amanda Tapping had. I asked them about when this movie would be airing and when it would be out on DVD. This is the message I got.
              Good afternoon, Dion here from Dancing Trees Productions. Dancing Trees is currently airing on Super Channel in Canada and will come out on DVD soon. If you check back with me in about 6-8 weeks I can give you a better date.

              I will let you all know when I get more information.
              :: salutes::
              Yay!! Thank you Kir!!! That's fabulous with some luck we might be able to see it before Christmas!! Awesome!!
              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              an interview with joe mallozzi, and he said something nice about amanda --
              We’re very excited about having Picardo on the show. He’s an actor who, much like Amanda [Tapping], makes the performers around him that much better.

              Of course we already knew that about Amanda...thanks's always nice to hear a PTB say something nice about Amanda!!!
              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
              The interview link isn't working for me.
              Me either...but will try again later before I switch off the computer!!...otherwise it crashes and then I lose everything like I did before...bummer!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
                Thank you so much to everyone who wished me a happy birthday!!!! I know I've said it before, but you guys definately made my day!!!
                It ended up being a great day yesterday, despite some 'roadbumps' in the day... A group of us were supposed to go to the city, to enjoy some live music, but one girl got sick, one didn't have the money, one didn't get off work until late, and I didn't want to go with just my Sister and I.... So that fell through... I was just sad because we've had this planned for two weeks now....
                Then I decided that I would just hang out at home, and play games and play around here, until another one of my friends called me and said that they wouldn't just let me sit at home on my birthday, that I had to come over for a bonfire...
                So I did, and it was a blast, they had a margarita waiting for me when I got over there, and we sat around outside and joked around, and it just made the night wonderful...
                And then this morning I wake up and there were two dozen roses waiting for me.... (they're from someone who doesn't live near here.... ) I just finished cutting and putting them into water...
                So overall not a bad birthday at all.....
                I love unplanned great days sometimes it can be so sad when plans fall through, but so nice when it all works out YAY

                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                Besides Stargate, I watch a lot of Law and Order. Any other L&O (any version) fans out there? If there were to be a crossover, what do you think Sam's involvement would be? Why would Sam be in New York? Would the detectives question the Deep Space Radar Telemetry cover story? (ok, too many days off work when you start thinking of these things.)
                I enjoy Law and Order : SVU, but I'm not so into the other ones. Not really had much of a chance to watch them though as I only found them this winter. I discovered SVU in much the same way I discovered hopping one evening and stopped when I saw a pretty woman. Geonn wrote a great Stargate and SVU crossover that I can't remember the title of right this minute.

                I totally think they'd question the deep space radar thing, they'd have to, Sam isn't the best liar, particularly when she knows the lie is so lame. I could see it being a bit of metaphorical butting of heads as the Law and Order folks try to get the truth and Sam sticks doggedly to a transparant lie.

                Originally posted by antoa View Post
                FYI, a new interview with AT is up at

                whee...*saves for later*

                Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                Sometime's I worry about you AD.
                only sometimes?

                Originally posted by kir_fect View Post
                I sent an email off to the production company of Dancing Trees telling them about the huge following of fans Amanda Tapping had. I asked them about when this movie would be airing and when it would be out on DVD. This is the message I got.

                Good afternoon, Dion here from Dancing Trees Productions. Dancing Trees is currently airing on Super Channel in Canada and will come out on DVD soon. If you check back with me in about 6-8 weeks I can give you a better date.


                I will let you all know when I get more information.

                :: salutes::
                Sweet! Thanks for doing that, I can't wait to see the whole film. From the clips I've seen it looks good because a) it's got AT in it and b) Autism fascinates me. I had a friend (very loose use of the word) at school who was autistic and very intelligent with it. Last I heard she was having a blast doing a PhD in some obscure branch of Physics.

                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                an interview with joe mallozzi, and he said something nice about amanda --


                We’re very excited about having Picardo on the show. He’s an actor who, much like Amanda [Tapping], makes the performers around him that much better.

                Hehe...I love that because I do like Robert Picardo, (not as much as AT of course) he's a great guy too and another career I've followed since I was a kid
                Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                My Fanfic~My Femslash


                  You guys know what?


                  She rocks.

                  And Amanda.
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                    You guys know what?
                    She rocks.
                    And Amanda.
                    Well...Sam may rock the Casbah but Amanda rocks this universe!!!!
                    On that note I bid you all a good night and wish you all a great weekend...take care and have fun...I shall try to get online tomorrow but not so sure about Sunday as Niki has dance comps that will go all day and into the not happy about spending the whole day at comps...bummer...but...Niki's looking forward to it...last year she got so sick she had to miss out.
                    I shall have to try to get into the new interview thingy and what not later but am not feeling so confident with my computer seizing every time I try to upload it...such is life!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                      Besides Stargate, I watch a lot of Law and Order. Any other L&O (any version) fans out there? If there were to be a crossover, what do you think Sam's involvement would be? Why would Sam be in New York? Would the detectives question the Deep Space Radar Telemetry cover story? (ok, too many days off work when you start thinking of these things.)
                      I have read an SVU/Stargate cross over. It's femslash and ends up being a Sam/Olivia pairing. The premise to the story is that one of the Seth cultists escapes the round up and took some of Seth's mind control mist? and managed to get more of it engineered although it took a while to perfect it. He then tests it in NY on young women, turning them into slaves, SVU help one of the victims (who under it's effects resents them for it) and the SGC get a heads up when the test results are processed and Sam is dispatched to help the victim and investigate how it happend.





                        Amanda is love.
                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          Wow. Feels like a haven't visited here in ages.....really it's only been like a week...withdrawal symptoms......


                            Hey Everyone,

                            YAY! Huge Congrats everyone!

                            I can't listen to the SanctuaryFans interview with Amanda, its not working for me will try again later though.

                            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                              Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                              Hey Everyone,

                              YAY! Huge Congrats everyone!

                              I can't listen to the SanctuaryFans interview with Amanda, its not working for me will try again later though.


                              Nor can I, unfortunately it crashes my connection everytime I try and load it up.


                                I was just reading the Sam/Jack Ship Thread and there was mention of Sam's aversion to failing. Sam is such an awesome, competent character that I got to thinking about her failures and wondering if there ever were any. So here is your assignment.........

                                What are Sam's 5 most memorable failures?

                                And, what special acting skills did Amanda use that made the 'failure' so memorable?

                                (I'm still thinking and wondering if I can come up with 5 )

