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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
    Poor girl, me I would have gotten her something like a salad, a pizza, or blue jello . But of course, my hands would be so shaky, I'd probably drop the food .
    lol Rocky I'd gave her a coke, so she could burp. But we all agree that, if we could snap our fingers if we could, and she'd had a normal working tummy again.

    So is there something going on in November? Amanda going to a con or something?

    I'll leave ya now with THE QUOTE of the past years

    Amanda ROCKS!!!

    See ya soon guys, maybe I'll hop in again later today.

    Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


      Meeting Amanda

      Originally posted by antoa View Post
      The first time I met Amanda it was at Comic Con last year and I clammed up. I couldn't think of anything cool to say so I just decided to play the part of 'squeeing fangirl' (in an obvious over-the-top way) and squeed and said "Oh my Gawd! I love you!!!" and her response was to squee back and say "Oh my gawd! I love you too!" it was amusing. Then I think I babbled something about having the same name. gah. *headdesk*

      At AT3 I was determined not to have a repeat. My problem is that I tend to go one of 2 ways. Either I say nothing (or very little) or I babble incoherently. I decided to just let myself babble, but I warned her when I walked up for the photo op. She quickly told me to 'babble incoherently' which she *might* have regretted when I proceeded to tell her a story and started crying which made her start crying which resulted in a terrible picture of me. But at least I got like 3 hugs out of it! And I was far less nervous when I had to interview her about an hour later because the photo op broke the ice a bit.
      Originally posted by PengYn View Post
      ROFL. I love it! I think I'll try that next time I see her

      And if we're sharing - whilst some of the longer time posters here have heard this story, hopefully it might ease those with fears. I met Amanda for the first time during the photo ops at AT2... I was every bit as nervous as you all imagine yourselves to be at the thought of meeting her. I was one of the last people to get my photo taken with her, and yes I was overwhelmed, and tears were threatening.

      Then Amanda turned towards me, she grinned broadly and cried "hi!" My hands were shaking and the tears were flowing and I remember my first "Oh my God" as I looked into her eyes, and then the second "Oh my God as she pulled me into this huge hug. Words failed me. I kept trying to utter something intelligent or interesting, but I was completely overwhelmed. Amanda held onto my hands and looked into my eyes until I found my voice. What came out eventually was neither intelligent nor interesting. "I... come from the same country as Baal and Hathor." Profound.
      However she laughed and said she needed to quickly check me for a symbiote.

      She is unbelievably normal. And if you lose your voice she'll wait for you to find it. She's certainly not going to condemn you for it. And also, "hate" is such a strong word, it's brought on by anger and aggression and implies that you have done something so dispicable that the person responds with a volley of the worst possible human emotion. There's nothing to fear, except perhaps the fear itself because that is what will prevent you from taking the step and going to a con and meeting Amanda, and then you'll never know.
      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
      When I met Amanda at AT3 I wasn't all that nervous. More like excited. When waiting in line for the photo op I got a bit nervous, but in a fun way. When actually seeing her face to face I was a little starstruck lol. I didn't know anything to say (luckily she asked me something), but there wasn't anything I really wanted to specifically say anyway. So if you're afraid you'll make a fool of yourself, don't be ... there's not much time for that anyway and you can always be quiet (unless you suffer from something that people here seem to have lol, involves incoherent babbling).
      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
      Hi Everyone,

      As for meeting Amanda...When I met her at AT3 I was so nervous, but I do try and remember she is exactly the same as the rest of us and I think that's important to do, its just hard when your stood in front her LOL. I tried so hard to speak just to say something but I couldn't words completely failed me. If I get tickets to AT4 *crosses fingers* then no matter how nervous I get (b/c I know I'll get nervous) I want to find the courage to tell Amanda how she changed my life.

      Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
      Ditto x100000000000000

      If there is one thing I say to Amanda at AT4, it's that she's my hero.
      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
      My two cents:

      I agree Amanda is just like you and me. I wasn't nervous meeting her, maybe, as Lies said, excited is the word. Maybe I'm just too old and jaded to have been nervous. Had no trouble talking to her at the cocktail party but then I'm totally comfortable talking to strangers (invited myself to breakfast with one poor man at the con but he was interesting to talk to). I love chatting to people and learning about them. The only thing that threw me a bit was when she complimented me, I don't take compliments well (have to learn to say thanks and shut up).

      However, I understand others being very nervous and maybe part of that is being shy in general. I saw a lot of that over the weekend. So, Rocky, Amanda is used to it and, as illustrated by the stories above, knows how to make people feel at ease. As has been said, she is also very nervous. Think about it, how would you feel knowing hundreds of people spent a lot of money and travelled a long way just to see you? Puts a little pressure on you to meet their expectations, doesn't it?

      Amanda would be the first one to tell you to face your fears. She did in making Trio, right?

      I am a big believer in not wasting opportunities in life because you never know if you will ever have the chance again. Besides, as rderoch said, you will have support from her if you go to Chicago or from a bunch of us if you go to AT4. Not to mention that being nervous is an excellent ploy to get hugs as illustrated above.
      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
      I've had the pleasure of meeting her 5 times - Chicago, AT2, Avalon, Toronto and AT3. And hopefully #6 in Chicago. I'd love to do Comic Con, Vancouver or AT4. But, those are rather doubtful at this point. Toronto was fun, seeing her in a non-con environment, and watching the bemused looks on the faces of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law. Guess they had never witnessed fandom before. They were very patient and gracious. Amanda chatted and took pictures with all of us for about 1/2 an hour.
      Great stories everyone . You know, even though I've never met Amanda, and probably-- even though I've never met her, I feel I know her through all the pics, vids I've seen of her, and through you guys , and others from other boards. Each of your stories were so great because they were so real, the parts from the stories I bolded were the best because it shows Amanda's reaction to meeting each of you. antoa, you squeed out ""Oh my Gawd! I love you!!!" , and instead of Amanda giving you an odd look, you got a squee "Oh my gawd! I love you too!" back. And I'm glad she liked hearing you talk "incoherently". PengYn, you went up to her shaking and crying, and what did she do? She gave you a huge hug , she waited for you to find your voice, and after you told her a joke, she wanted to have you checked for a symbiote . And I believe you when you say she won't condemn you for shyness. Yours reminds me of another story I heard from the "Amanda's appearance in NYC" thread, a fan shook her hand, and apologized to Amanda because her hands were cold, and you know what Amanda did, she took her hands, and rub them together with hers, because that's who Amanda is. At least you weren't really nervous Lies. Julia my dear, I've heard your story already, and I loved it, we're very proud of you, and you did great , and you got a hug out of it . Falcon, I have no doubt, you'd tell her that . rderoch, 5 times. wow *thumbs up*.

      And EH-T, I'm glad you had a great time meeting her, and all the stories did make me think, and your "How would you feel" question wa really good. Actually I know excatly how Amanda fells, she told Kamil in her interview with him, remember how nervous and what not she felt about AT3. In that interview, and in her GWplay vid, she still thinks her fans don't pay all that money, and take the time to her, she thinks it's because they want to see each, and that she's just a guest. And I believe Amanda would tell you do face your fears, and good point with Trio.

      but you see, reading all these posts about meeting Amanda is like the only time I'm ever a tiny bit jealous of you guys *just a tiny bit*. I mean, y'all have great, funny, and memorable stories about your times meeting her, and well... the only stories I have of her are my own thoughts from my head. And that's probably it'll just be... thoughts. But hey, she's happy, and you guys are happy, so I'm happy. .

      But, you know what, I know what you mean, even though I've never met her, I feel like I have from all you guys . You guys put a lot of detail and heart into your stories, I feel like I know her well. And from the things Amanda's shared too. You know, as I told Sally, a few weeks ago, a buddy of mine, who's also an Amanda fan (no where near as big as us ) asked me, if Amanda was in Toronto, which is very close to wear I live, like 45 minutes, would I go see her? I told me I don't think I could But hey, if you think you can, you try, even f you have to use your card, trust me, it'd be worth it At least I got to send her my audio message, if I sound like that in a data file, imagine me and her together .


        Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
        but you see, reading all these posts about meeting Amanda is like the only time I'm ever a tiny bit jealous of you guys *just a tiny bit*. I mean, y'all have great, funny, and memorable stories about your times meeting her, and well... the only stories I have of her are my own thoughts from my head. And that's probably it'll just be... thoughts. But hey, she's happy, and you guys are happy, so I'm happy. .
        *whispers* Never say never...


          Originally posted by rderoch View Post

          I've had the pleasure of meeting her 5 times - Chicago, AT2, Avalon, Toronto and AT3. And hopefully #6 in Chicago. I'd love to do Comic Con, Vancouver or AT4. But, those are rather doubtful at this point. Toronto was fun, seeing her in a non-con environment, and watching the bemused looks on the faces of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law. Guess they had never witnessed fandom before. They were very patient and gracious. Amanda chatted and took pictures with all of us for about 1/2 an hour.
          You know, Vancouver is a lovely city and it is very unlikely you would encounter snow. You should come. Not only Amanda but the set tour and What more enticement does a girl need?

          Originally posted by Daivy View Post
          So is there something going on in November? Amanda going to a con or something?

          Sure is, AT4 (the GABIT convention) in London.

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            So what did everyone think of the latest Sanctuary episode? My opinion: Not enough Helen. Is that b/c I'm such an AT fan (where there is never enough Amanda? ) or is Helen *really* more interesting than Will? All I know is *I* find Magnus the most interesting.
            Despite AT being the star, it does seem more an ensemble than a vehicle for her. Of course, Sanctuary is DK's invention. But I also think it could say something about AT's non "star" attitude. I mean I can't see her in a production meeting saying: "Ok, now we need another big scene for ME."


              Just a bit off topic: Who says Stargate isn't popular here in Belgium?

              I wanted to read today's newspaper (weekend edition) and when I saw it (dad's been reading it) I just grabbed it!

              In it is a small interview with Chris Judge! Just a tiny bitsy teeny weeny bad thing it isn't an Amanda interview, but perhaps if she's in Europe again.

              Y'all know I like Amanda, but Chris is a guy who I want to spend time with if I'm really bored, he's funny and sweet and.... well what do ya think of an comedy where Chris and Amanda are the main players.

              For our Belgian / Dutch fans the Chris Judge interview is in the local news paper Het Belang van Limburg of 18-19 Oktober.
              And the article's writer is from that news paper! So I'm glad there is an interview with one of the cast members of Stargate SG-1.

              Next time I hope there's an interview with Amanda in it, need to propose it some time maybe.

              Now to go back on topic:

              Interview with a cast member from Stargate SG-1. --> To be precise Chris Judge --> ex-colleague of Amanda --> Amanda


              If our scanner worked I'd try to scan it, too bad that only a few Samandans can actually read it (it's written in Dutch).

              Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


                I would love to see Amanda and Chris in something new--comedy or not.


                  First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AD!

                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  So what did everyone think of the latest Sanctuary episode? My opinion: Not enough Helen. Is that b/c I'm such an AT fan (where there is never enough Amanda? ) or is Helen *really* more interesting than Will? All I know is *I* find Magnus the most interesting.
                  Despite AT being the star, it does seem more an ensemble than a vehicle for her. Of course, Sanctuary is DK's invention. But I also think it could say something about AT's non "star" attitude. I mean I can't see her in a production meeting saying: "Ok, now we need another big scene for ME."
                  As we continue to share the same brain I will say that I had similar thoughts.
                  For example, I thought a scene between Helen and Nomad would have been great, especially at the end. I also would like them to delve more into her history which would be so fascinating to see. I'm hoping that happens soon.

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AD!
                    Yea from me too, I'd say it in gamespeak...but I have no idea how

                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    So what did everyone think of the latest Sanctuary episode? My opinion: Not enough Helen. Is that b/c I'm such an AT fan (where there is never enough Amanda? ) or is Helen *really* more interesting than Will? All I know is *I* find Magnus the most interesting.
                    Despite AT being the star, it does seem more an ensemble than a vehicle for her. Of course, Sanctuary is DK's invention. But I also think it could say something about AT's non "star" attitude. I mean I can't see her in a production meeting saying: "Ok, now we need another big scene for ME."
                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    As we continue to share the same brain I will say that I had similar thoughts.
                    For example, I thought a scene between Helen and Nomad would have been great, especially at the end. I also would like them to delve more into her history which would be so fascinating to see. I'm hoping that happens soon.
                    Same brain...ooh that's scary

                    I think we aren't seeing as much of Helen, is because Will represents the audience in that he and we are learning what Sanctuary is

                    I think once we get accustomed as Will does we will see more of Helen and delve into her past experiences. Next weeks looks really interesting and I think Helen may have more time

                    my fanfic


                      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                      So what did everyone think of the latest Sanctuary episode? My opinion: Not enough Helen. Is that b/c I'm such an AT fan (where there is never enough Amanda? ) or is Helen *really* more interesting than Will? All I know is *I* find Magnus the most interesting.
                      Despite AT being the star, it does seem more an ensemble than a vehicle for her. Of course, Sanctuary is DK's invention. But I also think it could say something about AT's non "star" attitude. I mean I can't see her in a production meeting saying: "Ok, now we need another big scene for ME."
                      three episodes into the season, and my only complaint is i want more helen. seriously.

                      i'm hoping that since will is pretty much an open book, character wise, and since we've already opened that book, the show will slowly start revealing the mysterious helen magnus to us. i really, really hope for this.




                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        You know, Vancouver is a lovely city and it is very unlikely you would encounter snow. You should come. Not only Amanda but the set tour and What more enticement does a girl need?

                        Sure is, AT4 (the GABIT convention) in London.
                        The enticements are plentiful, for both Vancouver and AT4. The greenbacks, not so much.

                        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                        So what did everyone think of the latest Sanctuary episode? My opinion: Not enough Helen. Is that b/c I'm such an AT fan (where there is never enough Amanda? ) or is Helen *really* more interesting than Will? All I know is *I* find Magnus the most interesting.
                        Despite AT being the star, it does seem more an ensemble than a vehicle for her. Of course, Sanctuary is DK's invention. But I also think it could say something about AT's non "star" attitude. I mean I can't see her in a production meeting saying: "Ok, now we need another big scene for ME."
                        I have a feeling we'll have character centric episodes after things get going.

                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        For example, I thought a scene between Helen and Nomad would have been great, especially at the end. I also would like them to delve more into her history which would be so fascinating to see. I'm hoping that happens soon.
                        It would have been interesting to see if she was able to see through Nomad's act. She does have years of experience reading people.

                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        Same brain...ooh that's scary

                        I think we aren't seeing as much of Helen, is because Will represents the audience in that he and we are learning what Sanctuary is

                        I think once we get accustomed as Will does we will see more of Helen and delve into her past experiences. Next weeks looks really interesting and I think Helen may have more time
                        Good point.

                        We are still being introduced to the Sanctuary world. Next week should have more Helen since John is in the episode. And The Five will definitely give us more about Helen's story.
                        Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                        William Shakespeare

                        Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          So what did everyone think of the latest Sanctuary episode? My opinion: Not enough Helen. Is that b/c I'm such an AT fan (where there is never enough Amanda? ) or is Helen *really* more interesting than Will? All I know is *I* find Magnus the most interesting.
                          Despite AT being the star, it does seem more an ensemble than a vehicle for her. Of course, Sanctuary is DK's invention. But I also think it could say something about AT's non "star" attitude. I mean I can't see her in a production meeting saying: "Ok, now we need another big scene for ME."
                          Well said . I also want to see MORE Helen , but yeah, you'd never hear Amanda say that, quite the opposite actually, after all, you know how she hates watching herself on screen. I mean, sometimes I wonder if she did the SG-1 and Atlantis commentaries blindfolded . And God knows how she watched herself on the big screen for the Continuum premiere-- TWICE. It must have been torture for her .

                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          three episodes into the season, and my only complaint is i want more helen. seriously.

                          i'm hoping that since will is pretty much an open book, character wise, and since we've already opened that book, the show will slowly start revealing the mysterious helen magnus to us. i really, really hope for this.

                          Don't worry hon, the next episode looks and sounds great .


                            Happy Birthday AD. May you pwn many n00bs today.


                              i think also, any lack of helen, well let's remember that AT is also EP'ing and doing all this promotional stuff, she has a MASSIVE schedule, thus really can't be the 'in80% of the scenes' star of the show

                              i think, like RDA was in stargate, she's willing to not be center stage because she doesn't have to be. she's there as the show demands that she be there
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Sanctuary - SFX Magazine: SFX Awards:

                                At SFX Magazine:

                                Vote In This Year's SFX Awards

                                Doctor Who's Time War was a pub scuffle compared to this – the great and the good (not to mention the shonky and irredeemably evil) of the science fiction universe, slugging it out for the gongtastic SFX Reader Awards 2008. Will Wall-E triumph over Cloverfield? Will The Dark Knight lord it over Iron Man? Will Torchwood lay the smack down on Primeval? Which was the best novel? The best comic? Who stirred your soul and who fried your hormones? You can vote for anything and anyone from the last twelve months - and you can cast your mind back further for the Lifetime Contribution Award, naturally.

                                To make life a little easier, we've listed some memory-jogging names and titles for the majority of categories. Simply use the drop-down menu to choose your fave – or feel free to put your own choice in the handy blank box provided. Our tireless votebots will do the rest.

                                You'll need to cast your votes by 28 October.

                                We'll be printing the results in SFX 178, on sale 17 December. Don't forget to join us for the victory celebrations.

                                Categories include:

                                Best Film
                                Best Film Director
                                Best Film Actor
                                Best Film Actress
                                Best TV Show
                                Best TV Episode
                                Best TV Actor:
                                Best TV Actress
                                Best Videogame
                                Best Comic
                                Best Novel
                                Sexiest Woman
                                Sexiest Man
                                SFX Lifetime Contribution Award


                                Amanda is one of the nominees in the Best TV Actress category (for Stargate Atlantis).

                                HOWEVER, all of the categories have a WRITE IN feature available.

                                So...we could nominate Sanctuary for Best TV Show.

                                And nominate Amanda for Sexiest woman...

                                SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
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