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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
    I have to admit, I was a bit upset last night after reading the news here that Sam won't be back for S5. I've come to grips though. She has to move on and I support her in whatever her plans may be. I look forward to some awesome projects in the days to come from her either before the camera or behind. I'm way behind in watching Sanctuary, but if this is going to be her main focus for now, then I've got some catching up to do.

    My only concern is that AT's last ep on Atlantis be well written and realistic, one of class and one that ties up all those lose ends so we're not left wondering anything. She's been a mainstay for 11 yrs in the Stargate world and to do a flippant ep that does not satisfy and really say 'goodbye' would be awful.
    Yes, let's hope for a well-written, thoughtful script in early S5 (latest report is that Sam is in the first ep) that does justice to Sam's arc. If they do bring her back occasionally, we want them to keep it real.

    Yowza, fanfic writers will be having a lot of menus to choose from in the future! I'm still wallowing back in S8-S9 with my own fic. I'll have to get with the program and propel Sam along and then start thinking about Helen. hehehehe


      Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
      Yes, let's hope for a well-written, thoughtful script in early S5 (latest report is that Sam is in the first ep) that does justice to Sam's arc. If they do bring her back occasionally, we want them to keep it real.

      Yowza, fanfic writers will be having a lot of menus to choose from in the future! I'm still wallowing back in S8-S9 with my own fic. I'll have to get with the program and propel Sam along and then start thinking about Helen. hehehehe
      *bounces excitedly*

      Sanctuary fic written by CG? Now *theres* something to make your mout water!
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by Charlie View Post
        I hate RL - it's been distracting lately...I'm only now listening to AT's interview with Kamil. Yay!

        On the other hand, it felt like someone hit me in the stomach when I logged in and saw the news about Amanda not coming back for Season 5.

        Though after that initial reaction, I have to admit I'm kinda excited about it. I was getting really upset about how under used Sam was on on Atlantis - I think after eleven years, both Sam and Amanda have grown beyond what the writers are able to do for her.

        Honestly I think that anything that means we get to see AT tackle new and exciting projects, and frankly anything that makes her happy is a good thing. Happy Amanda = happy Charlie.

        And yeah, I'm excited. I'm excited about seeing 'Sanctuary' evolve and seeing where they go with it. I'm excited about seeing what new roles Amanda decides to take on, both as an actress and producer and who knows what else. This is cool!

        Sky, I love your idea of sending Amanda a card or something to show our support. After reading some of those anti-threads I think she could use it. Plus hey, you can never have too much love!

        Littlest Royal Page, how nice to see a post from you!

        I don't plan to visit any of those toxic threads. There's enough rudeness and unkindness in the world at large and that's certainly not what AT is about. Best for you to come home to Samanda when you want to read about Amanda.

        Yes, Sky is spot on - we should all get on the bandwagon and send cards, letters, notes, whatever to Amanda to show our support! Waiting for the new mailing address is a good idea too - let's forward to the M3 production studios since that's where Helen lives.

        Hugs, Jester


          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
          *bounces excitedly*

          Sanctuary fic written by CG? Now *theres* something to make your mouth water!
          Holy Hannah, woman! You want me to traffic in trollops?! Hmm, let me finish Heat and then re-watch all my Sanctuary webisodes. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to play in the Sanctuary sandboxes yet but RL is just keeping me away from all my sci-fi friends and web goddesses.

          I'll have to check out the different Sanctuary forums - soon, soon!


            Er ... has anyone mentioned Hank Landry as the possible new commander? Just sayin' ...

            Of course, if they choose Lorne, Sky's cry of approval will be rockin' out from the heartland right up here to the mountains of New England! Squee glee.


              I don't know what to say really. Lol. There's a sadness, yes. A weird feeling. But I'm happy for Amanda. It would have been different if it were a few years ago and it was happening on SG1. But it's not, so I'm "okay" with that. I'm not sure that at the end of S10 I was quite ready to say goodbye to Sam, even with the prospect of two movies ahead. In it's own way though, I've been saying goodbye a little each week to her in Atlantis. As wonderful as it's been to have her there, I too feel that Sam seemed like a shadow of her former self. She was Sam, but she wasn't Sam. It was a big change. Amanda as always has been wonderful and great.

              I'm happy that she gets to do what she wants to do. I will support her one hundred fifty percent. Amanda was the reason I joined GW, so I remain ever grateful to her for being so awesome and for having such an awesome fanbase. There are just so many people I would never have met if it weren't for Amanda, so supporting her is a definite repayment of that awesomeness.

              Speaking of great Sam fans. I had a little package arrive from Neep today, and because I haven't seen her on LJ lately I wanted to say thanks and share:


              It's difficult to feel down if I get penguins AND blue jello!!

              (((Neep))) You're a hunny, and thank you for making my day. You're an awesome Samandan.

              As is everyone else who hangs out here


                Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                Holy Hannah, woman! You want me to traffic in trollops?! Hmm, let me finish Heat and then re-watch all my Sanctuary webisodes. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to play in the Sanctuary sandboxes yet but RL is just keeping me away from all my sci-fi friends and web goddesses.

                I'll have to check out the different Sanctuary forums - soon, soon!
                You don't have to apologise! What with reading and moderating and then the teaching and marking, there's little time for me to play either. Sadly real life has priority.

                Glad you are keeping well, though. It always brings a smile to my face to see you post here on GW.
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  OMG. I just read latest GW's headline. I can't believe it!
                  Amanda leaves Stargate Atlantis.
                  I haven't felt so sad for a long time. Maybe since canceling SG-1. Carter's a GREAT character. Absolutely my favorite.
                  Though I understand Amanda.

                  Oh. All I have left now is to hope for lots and lots of SG-1 movies.


                    MGM has posted still's from the next SGA episode "Trio" HERE

                    Sample under the spoiler tag


                    Video preview is up HERE
                    My View From The Peanut Gallery


                      Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                      Er ... has anyone mentioned Hank Landry as the possible new commander? Just sayin' ...

                      Of course, if they choose Lorne, Sky's cry of approval will be rockin' out from the heartland right up here to the mountains of New England! Squee glee.
                      i would scream for joy, but it won't happen. lorney porney is just a major. he won't get the job.
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        i had a thought...dare i to write sam out of atlantis in a way that still allows her to guest...AND doesn't belittle her


                        landry is sick and sam rotates back to earth as the interim commander of the sgc...that eventually becomes permnant as landry can't recover and the IOA puts in thier .02 and pressures the prez to let her stay since woolsey likes her

                        best of both worlds. she's available, she isn't just tossed aside like jack was

                        a solution that could both work AND be respectful to the character
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Hey Everyone,

                          I just read the news about Amanda...

                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          Can I just say one thing???

                          And i am NOT posting as a mod, i'm posting as a person.

                          I have a funny feeling that things are gonna be quite nuts the next few days. I'm thinking that tempers are gonna flare, people are gonna be pissy. They're gonna be grumpy and potentially rude and childish and annoying.

                          And there's only so much that can be done about it.

                          When people see posts that are...passionate in nature, i'd suggest a cheesy phrase.

                          what would amanda do?

                          I personally feel that, over the past few years, things in canada have happened that haven't exactly been nice or fair or certainly fun. However, through it all, Amanda acted with dignity and grace and was a professional. She didn't snark at people behind her back. She didn't cut them down. She didn't speak ill. She was a professional and a lady.

                          It's an attitude that more fans could embrace.

                          That's all
                          Well said Sky
                          Originally posted by Melora View Post
                          Spoilers for Season 5 SGA -

                          Joe M. just confirmed on his blog:



                          Sam will not be in command during Season 5 and AT will only be making guest appearances. There will be a new commander in charge after the first episode or so. I'm a little disappointed at this news, but I can understand why they are going in this direction. I only hope they write Sam out of command in a realistic and respectful manner.
                          Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                          A little more news about Amanda in S5 from Joe's blog -

                          "On the subject of Stargate Atlantis - a lot of you have commented and left questions about Amanda Tapping’s new project: Sanctuary. Were we surprised by the decision? How do we feel about said decision? How will this decision affect Atlantis? Well, we at Stargate have always supported our large, extended family - both on the set of our show and off. We realize that Amanda was faced with a very difficult decision and respect her desire to strike out on her own. A lot of the people involved in the Sanctuary project are Stargate alumni, and we sincerely wish them nothing but the best. As stated in the SciFi press release, Amanda will guest star on Atlantis’s fifth season - but the exact number of appearances by Colonel Carter will be wholly dependant on Amanda’s availability and the types of stories we have in the works. Still, Carter will be one of a number of familiar faces that will be popping up in the Pegasus Galaxy in season 5 - including a new commander. Remember way back, when I said we had considered a handful of possible candidates for the command position at the beginning of season 4? Well this person made that short list then, and we’re VERY excited about his/her/its(?) addition to our cast of regulars. As for who it is and what other little surprises we have in store…head on over to the SciFi site Monday morning and start refreshing."

                          Sky, that was a good post and I think I'm going to have to tattoo WWAD on my hands so I see it as I type
                          I'm feeling a little sad that we wont see Sam regularly any more and I will miss her so much, but poor Amanda that must have such a difficult decision for her, I love Sanctuary and while I'm a little confused as to what's happening with it at the moment which I'm sure will be made clearer soon, I think Amanda has made the right choice, I mean no disrespect to TPTB of SGA b/c they make a good show its just Amanda's had a difficult time these last few years and right now there seems more opportunities for Amanda with S3M in front of and behind the camera. As long as Amanda's happy then I'm happy too, I'll continue to support her in whatever she chooses to do

                          All I would ask of SGA's PTB is to give Sam a good send off, keep Sam strong but have her say how the last 11 years have changed her in so many ways (just as Sam has changed many of us in that time too) to gives us (the fans) and Amanda herself a chance to say goodbye (b/c even though Sam's not leaving the SG universe things will never be the same again IMHO) to someone we all dearly love.

                          Sky count me in on sending Amanda a letter too

                          And lastly, I don't do this very often but...

                          Amanda, if your reading this, I am so proud to call you my role model and I thank you for bringing Sam to our screens as wonderfully as you did.


                          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                            Big huge announcment

                            so read it

                            Ok folks, i know we were talking about writing letters/cards to amanda. And that can certainly be done.


                            Snail mail takes time.

                            Through means that i will not discuss, there in an opportunity to get messages to her later on this month. I will NOT tell you how or why. That part of this is non-negotiable. You're gonna have to take this on faith.

                            However, if you would like to e-mail ME a note/message/letter(and by letter i don't mean 20 page novella please) I can use this means to get those messages to amanda. (I can't do videos or anything like that. It needs to be letters or the like)

                            Just e-mail me your notes, type it in an e-mail, send it as an attachment, whatever. I'll collect them. They'll be cut and pasted into a singular document or printed out and collected together, then will get to amanda later on this month.

                            Anything anyone sends will be kept confidential. Only the persons involved and Amanda will see it.

                            the deadline is february 15th. Hard and fast deadline.

                            You can use the e-mail attached to my profile if you're cutting and pasting. or sky_diver119 @

                            If you can't e-mail, you can PM me, but e-mail would be the best.

                            just PLEASE make sure that you note in the subject that it's for amanda. I don't want to lose anything to spam.

                            So folks, please, have fun and send me some stuff and we'll make February a fun month for Amanda, cause by the end of it, she'll have a handful of some beautiful words to let her know that - for every person out there that's a meanie, there are two of us that love her, support her and respect her.

                            I'm going to post this in the sanctuary thread but you can cross post this wherever you think there are some Amanda fans that would like to participate.

                            THe more people that play, the more love we can share.
                            Last edited by Skydiver; 04 February 2008, 09:13 AM.
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                              I'm excited for Amanda. It's great that Sanctuary has been picked up; I hope this makes it worthwhile financially for everyone involved. Given how much time, money, and effort Amanda has invested in Sanctuary, it makes perfect sense to me that it would be her first priority. And if it flies, gets another just think of the possibilities! Even if it's not renewed, I think it could facilitate future opportunities for Amanda to produce and direct other shows.

                              I will miss Sam on Atlantis, but her role has been so reduced so far that I won't miss her too terribly. Not to knock what Amanda has done with the material she has been given, but Sam almost seems like a shadow of her SG-1self. She's been given a back-seat to the Atlantis cast - which is perhaps the way it needed to be to make her introduction to the show work - but it doesn't feel right to me. In my mind, she's almost being written out of character. So, yeah, I will miss Sam, but, in some ways, I've been missing her all season.
                              Whilst I am incredibly sad at the latest news, I find I have to agree with Strix. I was hoping that Sam would be more prominent in season 5 and be written more like the Sam I love - however I have been wishful thinking since season 8. What TBTB have done to Sam since then is a bit of a tragedy for wonderful strong female characters and dedicated actors.

                              Whilst Helen and Sanctuary have not grabbed me in the same way that Sam and SG1 did, I truly hope that is is a great success. Amanda has never given less than 100% loyalty and dedication. If anyone deserves success in their own right it is Amanda.

                              From all of us here, who have not yet managed to follow their dreams ....

                              Amanda .... You go girl!!!!!

                              Oh Strix - any chance of future Sam Fic??!!


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                Big huge announcment

                                so read it

                                Ok folks, i know we were talking about writing letters/cards to amanda. And that can certainly be done.


                                Snail mail takes time.

                                Through means that i will not discuss, there in an opportunity to get messages to her later on this month. I will NOT tell you how or why. That part of this is non-negotiable. You're gonna have to take this on faith.

                                However, if you would like to e-mail ME a note/message/letter/graphic (and by letter i don't mean 20 page novella please) I can use this means to get those messages to amanda. (I can't do videos or anything like that. It needs to be letters or the like)

                                Just e-mail me your notes, type it in an e-mail, send it as an attachment, whatever. I'll collect them. They'll be cut and pasted into a singular document or printed out and collected together, then will get to amanda later on this month.

                                Anything anyone sends will be kept confidential. Only the persons involved and Amanda will see it.

                                the deadline is february 15th. Hard and fast deadline.

                                You can use the e-mail attached to my profile if you're cutting and pasting. or sky_diver119 @

                                If you can't e-mail, you can PM me, but e-mail would be the best.

                                just PLEASE make sure that you note in the subject that it's for amanda. I don't want to lose anything to spam.

                                So folks, please, have fun and send me some stuff and we'll make February a fun month for Amanda, cause by the end of it, she'll have a handful of some beautiful words to let her know that - for every person out there that's a meanie, there are two of us that love her, support her and respect her.

                                I'm going to post this in the sanctuary thread but you can cross post this wherever you think there are some Amanda fans that would like to participate.

                                THe more people that play, the more love we can share.
                                Darn! Can't green you for this Sky - You are a star - many thanks for this opportunity!!

