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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by vball2003_1999 View Post
    Oh yea, and she kicked butt! I think this was my favorite of her episodes on SGA so far.
    I loved how she took the other colonels to task for being so rude to McKay, and how she (and McKay) figured out how to save the day. Like McKay said, they're geniouses!
    I agree. I not only loved that first part, but in the 2nd thing mentioned I was thinking "ok, now *that's* our Sam!"


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      i think one scene i'd like to see

      regarding bamsr

      sam talking to keller and sayin 'ok, i know you h ave dr/patient confidentiality, but i need to know if i'm sending a preggers person out in the field. for that matter, if i'm sending ANYONE that's potentially medically challenged out into the field
      Yes, I think at some point Sam will have to be involved. But I did like that she
      didn't micromanage the situation at this point.


        Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
        Me too!!

        Question, is there a dr/patient confidentiality in military when there's a potential for the team to be endangered?
        see, i don't think there is.

        for example, did hammond get a report every time jack had a headache? no.

        but if...jack hurt himself and got 18 stitches in his hand, hammond woudl have to know that he was off active duty for a few days if those stitches would effect his ability to do his job

        as to women

        i THINK that pregnant women are automaticlaly rotated to the 'safer' duty places
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by silkie View Post
          Seriously? You mean they can be court-marshalled? And I don't think Teyla is actually on military payroll!
          they cannot be court martialed. but, as civilian contractors, they are expected to follow the miltary's rules.
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            they cannot be court martialed. but, as civilian contractors, they are expected to follow the miltary's rules.
            I see Teyla more as an ally than as a civilian contractor, that being said I think she should have discussed the situation with Sam - I don't think it's Shep's decission to bump her off the team it's actually Sam's - remember COTG when Jack objected to having Sam on SG-1? Hammond over-ruled him!


              theoretically, sam could override shep, but she won't.

              shep is justified in his decision, even if he handled it with zero grace and not much tact.

              teyla's condition makes her a liability, even as that sounds mean. people are naturally more protective towards pregnant women. they are also dealing with physical changes that stress a body and make it harder to do some things. they are also more vulnerable to some things.

              teyla being on the team would be teh same as....oh, someone with a failing kidney staying on the team or someone with cancer. their ailment stresses their body to the point that it endangers the rest of the team

              the issue in COTG was different. Sam was healthy and jack's reasons for not wanting her on the team weren't a matter of protecting sam as a person, it was him 'not liking scientists'

              the closest situation with sam would be in ascension or upgrades, when they were stood down because of thier issues at the time.

              or if, post itlod, sam is having migrains and jack says 'yeah, off the team' because she can't function and hammond says 'nah, keep her on'

              jack would be right and hammond would be wrong in that case
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                i think one scene i'd like to see

                regarding bamsr

                sam talking to keller and sayin 'ok, i know you h ave dr/patient confidentiality, but i need to know if i'm sending a preggers person out in the field. for that matter, if i'm sending ANYONE that's potentially medically challenged out into the field
                I thought she would be apprised of all medical conditions without having to ask!
                In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

                Life is too short for drama & petty things,
                so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

                Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
                Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
                Hic Comitas Regit
                Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


                  Hi, I'm back again!

                  Happy New Year and I hope everyone had a great holiday

                  About the situation with Atlantis...

                  Regarding Sam handling the situation with Rodney. I really liked how she told that one guy off (I forget his name). I mean, maybe Rodney didn't really have an idea, but he wasn't hurting anything acting like he did. It was not very nice for that guy to tell him off like he did, and it wasn't his place either. I also liked when Rodney said "We are Geniuses" and Sam smiled. That was a nice moment. I like that she is kind of protective of Rodney, I think because of all they have been through.


                  about the situation with Teyla. Personally, I think Sam should be told about a situation like Teyla being pregnant. There is a Dr./patient confidentiality, but when it is something that could compromise a mission, Sam should know about it. I think she would handle it tactfully and really think about what Teyla could still do and how much of a risk her continuing to be on the team would be to her, her baby, and the rest of the team.

                  I also think, that as the team leader, John had a right to tell Teyla she was off the team. I suppose Sam, as his commanding officer, could override that decision, but I'm not sure she will. I agree that he didn't exactly handle it as tactfully as he could have, but it is true that they get into many dangerous situations out on the field. Even if Teyla being pregnant wasn't endangering the others, she could certainly get into a situation that could endanger her baby. I really think John was just concerned and trying to make the best decision for her and her baby. I can understand Teyla being frustrated by that decision, however.

                  I am so glad to finally see new eps. I know we didn't have to wait as long a we have before, this time around, but it always seems like a long time anyway.

                  Oh yeah, and it's good to have time to post on here again, well at least more than I've been able to in recent months
                  Paul/Carson, Rachel/Teyla, David/Eli Supporter!!
                  Proud Samandan. Hic Comitas Regit


                    Gee I wish I didn't live in a different time zone to the rest of you...I've been loving the chatter about BAMSR...and as awesome as it sounds, I can wait to see it...I have a few RL issues that I'm dealing with at the being dad...he's ok btw, it's just the treatment is really wearing him down...and mum along with it...but she'll be right...I'm just gonna take each day as it comes and maybe try a little meditation....must watch and learn how Teal'c does his Kel-nor-ream thingy!!
                    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post

                    Ronon's "hey don't look at me" comment after Teyla announced she was with child... was very funny! The Ronon and Teyla scene after that was cute. I think it showed the depth of their friendship. John will come around. It should be interesting next week.
                    Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                    I completely LMAO at that bit. His expression was hilarious!
                    Originally posted by Über View Post
                    That and...
                    You know, Ronon makes a great name for a boy or a girl.
                    Oh wow...that sounds cool...I'm LMAO as I read this...thanks!!!
                    Originally posted by Über View Post
                    Oh wait...this is a CARTER thread! Ooops. On topic...on topic....uh...GOT IT!
                    I loved Carter's "assist" to McKay and the "We're geniuses" comment from Meredith. Her smile lit up the screen.
                    I LOVED her defense of McKay. Carter is extremely loyal to her team and would never EVER stand for an "outsider" to diss them.
                    And talk about presence! Carter loomed over Ellis. Her tone of voice is deadly when it's that calm and Ellis completely demurred.
                    I loved how she was in command of the operation...she was the one calling the shots.
                    I love the rapport between her and Caldwell and her relationship with Sheppard is panning out quite nicely too. There's a respect there that I really appreciate.
                    I still want some Carter/Teyla, Carter/Ronon and Carter/Zelenka scenes though.
                    See??? I can post on topic when I wanna.
           don't want much do you Über!!
                    Is it me or do you think that Meredith kinda suits McKay better than Rodney??
                    I kinda love the name Meredith for's really growing on me!!!
                    Now Carter with a deathly calm voice....yeah...that I gotta see!! WTG Sam!!
                    I'm looking forward to seeing this episode...even if I can wait...not that I have much choice anyway...but it sounds like a great Carter ep!!

                    Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                    (((((chelle))))) for the rough day and the sunburn

                    Thank you Julia...the sunburn is almost healed...I'm still swathing it in burn ointment but at least it's bearable now...the worst part was on my collar bone...I couldn't wear my precious "point of origin" necklace...but it's much for the rough day...well that was yesterday and today has been a little which I am thankful for...still grumpy at hubby though!!

                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    i think one scene i'd like to see
                    regarding bamsr
                    sam talking to keller and sayin 'ok, i know you h ave dr/patient confidentiality, but i need to know if i'm sending a preggers person out in the field. for that matter, if i'm sending ANYONE that's potentially medically challenged out into the field
                    Wouldn't Sam need to be notified of anything like that??? I mean it's like any job...if I get pregnant tomorrow...and heaven help me if I do coz it would have to either be immaculate conception or an alien baby...but I have to inform my employers...coz if anything should happen to me than they need to know if I have any medical conditions...including pregnancy...that should be taken into consideration to any treatment I may require...that and they would have to ensure that my workplace is suited to my "condition"!

                    Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
                    Me too!!
                    Question, is there a dr/patient confidentiality in military when there's a potential for the team to be endangered?
                    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                    They're still on the military payroll. Military regulations still apply.
                    That's what I thought too Tracy!!
                    Originally posted by LadyJeep View Post
                    I thought she would be apprised of all medical conditions without having to ask!
                    Me too...especially if and when dealing with expeditions through a wormhole
                    with a pregnant woman...not saying that she's incapable of carrying out missions per se...but more so because they should be aware of her condition (just for the record...I really hate calling pregnancy a condition!) in much the same way they are aware of Rodney's allergy to citrus!...any medical condition that affects any member of any team should be well known and documented for the obvious reasons!

                    Originally posted by Forestia View Post

                    I also think, that as the team leader, John had a right to tell Teyla she was off the team. I suppose Sam, as his commanding officer, could override that decision, but I'm not sure she will. I agree that he didn't exactly handle it as tactfully as he could have, but it is true that they get into many dangerous situations out on the field.
                    Welcome back!!
                    I agree that John should tell Teyla that she's no longer on the team...temporarily of course...I haven't read any spoilers to that effect though...did he tell her that she can't go on missions with them?? was it dealt with and what was Teyla and the teams response to that??
                    I don't think Sam would override that kind of fact I would imagine she'd have to prompt John into telling Teyla that she has to be temporarily reassigned.

                    Another quickie tonight!! But thanks to everyone for the spoilers and the chatter...even if I missed it all!!
                    The Sanctuary forum is quiet now the storyline pitch thread is closed...good luck to everyone who posted an idea...hope it eventuates into a webisode!!
                    Night night everyone...take care, be safe and have fun!!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      i agree

                      regarding bamsr

                      sam SHOULD have been told of teyla's condition. Just as she'd need to be told if....rod developed diabetes or john had a nasty case of the flu or that ronon had a sprained finger.

                      sam and keller and the person's co would determine if the person could do their job or if they needed some time off.

                      just as...if sam developed a medical condition, she'd need to tell shep - as her second in command - so that he'd know if anything happened.

                      I always thought that sam HAD been told. So, personally, i can see a sam/keller 'let's refresh the rules on medical conditions huh???' talk

                      as to shep, i think he just overreacted because he was surprised. I can see him apologizing for being such a man about it.

                      his decision was right, it's just that his delivery was a bit too brusque not only for his position as team leader, but also in his role as friend.

                      Jumping her tush like that, will, in the long run, just make it less and less likely that she'd tell him more stuff that he needs to know.

                      ronon, however, was spot on. and wonderful to watch.
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        She's Back!!!

                        Whoa, I thought The Seer was great, I just saw BAMSR, and wow, what an awesome episode.
                        Amanda did an awesome job, like always. As soon as I saw Sam I was really glad to see her, since we haven't seen her on SGA in the past little while, but as soon as I saw her I got a smile on my face . I was really impressed when she stood up for Mckay, even though he's been kind of an arse in that past, she actually stood up for him. She just looked Ellis in the eyes and told him off with that mean and hard ass voice, and he's like "okay". It just goes to show you that she'll behind anyone under her command (even if it's Mckay).

                        I also like the briefing scenes, it showed her in control of the plans and who was doing what. I also really like how her relationship with Shep is coming along. But the scenes with her on the ship were really cool. Like how she was working with Mckay on the planet offering to beam down and help. I was like "yes" because I wanted to see her do what she does best, work her "brain" magic. The part where Mckay said " "We're geniuses" and her smile was a really good moment. I loved this episode and because it just showed how strong a leader Sam is, and how much she can contribute to Atlantis, and I really want to see more episodes like this. So bravo Amanda for an awesome episode
                        Last edited by Skydiver; 07 January 2008, 09:10 AM.


                          Tony Tellado over at Sci-Fi Talk has a new interview with Amanda Tapping. They talk about Sanctuary, Stargate Atlantis, the two Stargate Movies and light heartedly discuss a possible interview between Tony and Helen Magnus (now that would be great if they could actually manage to do that).

                          You can catch the podcast here and it is about 30 minutes long.


                            As for Sam and Teyla in BAMSR
                            I think Shep was perfectly within his rights & had a good reason for relieving Teyla. He reported what he did to his CO and she said "ok." She could have overridden him, but obviously didn't feel the need to. Now Sam at that point didn't know that Teyla had waited til 3 months & a stunning to tell Shep, but I think when she finds out she may decide to have a little chat with Teyla about it. And probably to Keller too. I think Keller could have "grounded" Teyla by that time. After all, it's not like she's doing an office job, she's going out on dangerous missions. And as Keller should know from first hand experience, even missions where no trouble is expected can turn dangerous.


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              they cannot be court martialed. but, as civilian contractors, they are expected to follow the miltary's rules.
                              Okay, I was wrong It's just that when reading the UCMJ, it said that courts-martial have jurisdiction over all base personnel. I took that to mean civilian as well as military. My bad.
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                that's where the whole 'but daniel's a civilian, he can do whatever he wants' argument is lost. he can't. He's a employee and, as such, is bound by the same rules as the military folks

                                same applies to anyone working on a military base
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


