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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Long-time members of Samanda might recall that over the summer my mother becoming (via Sky's daily double-bills) an SG-1 fan and that her experiences with the show have been a source of amusement (sometimes horrified) for myself.

    To add to incidents such as asking "is Jonas a popular character?", or randomly comparing my reading skills to that of Daniel in 'Upgrades' (doesn't sound quite so random until you read about it- she also managed to get a Jonas comparison in there "But he didn't use the device!" "But he could read very fast, right?" *res headdesks at this point*); revealing her leanings towards ship and of course her infamous reaction to 'Heroes' (when she screamed at me to come downstairs and then berated me for not having told her about Janet), I now have her telling me that she's seen an episode with a little girl who's a timebomb (thank goodness for my encyclopedic eppie knowledge ) and that she saw up until when Sam goes down in the lift again, had to do something in the meantime, and came in again for the scene in the park. She'd like to know what happened. She's only gone and missed one of the most important and emotive Sam moments in the history of the show and wants me to sum it up for her

    I didn't even attempt it- she's going to sit down with my DVD instead

    Courtesy of smurf, as always


      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
      Yay!!! I'm so happy now...but bummer about not revealing any nicknames...try and see if he can give them to you at the cocktail party!!
      Can't imagine Amanda with a "mouth" so to say...but hey...if she's anything like what I think she is like...then she's totally wickedly awesome!!!
      Damn...gotta go...bye...back later!!!
      Can we say 'pottie mouth'?


        Originally posted by Über View Post
        I don't think she was intimidated. I think she wanted to make sure that these guys knew dang quick that she wasn't a wimp and could take whatever they or anyone else could dish out.
        I think Sam was intimidated by Fifth in New Order Pt.2

        When Fifth entered the room, Sam physically cowered from his hand and that to me suggests some level of intimidation or fear.


          Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
          I think Sam was intimidated by Fifth in New Order Pt.2

          When Fifth entered the room, Sam physically cowered from his hand and that to me suggests some level of intimidation or fear.
          yeah I agree... I didn't remember that until JanSam said something about it on IM... yes good point, I think that is a source of intimidation or fear... and rightly so. Very good acting on AT's part. We get a sense of how bad the torture must have been for Sam.
          Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 20 October 2007, 01:42 PM.


            Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
            yeah I agree... I didn't remember that until JanSam said something about it on IM... yes good point, I think that is a source of intimidation or fear... and rightly so. Very good acting on AT's part. We get a sense of how bad the torture must have been for Sam.
            So right. How could i forget that? AT is so good in that scene. You really feel for Sam in that moment. Totally gut wrenching. One of those moments where after the fact you say "good acting" but at the time, you're totally caught up in *Sam's* experience.

            As for the comments about why Sam didn't go on the original mission--when she says "I should have gone..." My interpretation has always been that she did all this scientific grunt work and then the brass didn't even consider putting her on the mission. Not a job for the ladies, you know. That's why she was so defensive. (mostly I choose to forget that reproductive organs part of the scene) I do like the Major Matt Mason part, though. It's funny, but also it tells us quite effectively that she wanted to be an astronaut as a kid.


              Since Amanda introduced Rick to the world of conventions this may only be slightly off topic


              Rick will be attending the Vancouver Gatecon in 2008! Lots of great stuff happening in 2008 in Vancouver...

              EDIT: and if you follow that link to his home page you will find photos of him in Ireland from his Halo promoting trip
              Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 20 October 2007, 04:10 PM.


                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                Since Amanda introduced Rick to the world of conventions this may only be slightly off topic


                Rick will be attending the Vancouver Gatecon in 2008! Lots of great stuff happening in 2008 in Vancouver...
                I wanna be there! But somehow I just don't think that'll happen...


                  Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                  Since Amanda introduced Rick to the world of conventions this may only be slightly off topic


                  Rick will be attending the Vancouver Gatecon in 2008! Lots of great stuff happening in 2008 in Vancouver...

                  EDIT: and if you follow that link to his home page you will find photos of him in Ireland from his Halo promoting trip
                  Yep, Amanda popped his Con Cherry

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                    I wanna be there! But somehow I just don't think that'll happen...
                    oh yeah I know I doubt I will get to go either, but one can always hope


                      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                      oh yeah I know I doubt I will get to go either, but one can always hope


                        Some captures of Amanda from InFANity Atlantis




                          Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                          Can we say 'pottie mouth'?
                          Uhm...yeah???...What?? Are you suggesting that our beloved Amanda has a potty mouth??? NO WAY!!! Oh no!!! Now I have visions in my way!!!!!!!!!
                          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                          Since Amanda introduced Rick to the world of conventions this may only be slightly off topic
                          Rick will be attending the Vancouver Gatecon in 2008! Lots of great stuff happening in 2008 in Vancouver...
                 I'm so totally jealous of anyone who gets to go to this event....I so wish I could be there...having read that post, I would imagine that the whole cast is gonna be there...damn...that is gonna be one heck of an event!!!
                          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                          Yep, Amanda popped his Con Cherry
                 have such a way with crack me up all the time!!!!!!!! Good one!

                          Well seeings how it's so excruciatingly quiet here, I'm off to a party for a one year!! adios for now!!!
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                            Hey guys!

                            I know I've never posted here before, but I wrote a short Sam fic and thought I'd link it here. It's SGA, so general spoilers for S4, kid-friendly, and Gen with hints of Sam/Jack and John/Elizabeth.

                            Four Things Sam Carter Knows And One She Doesn't.

                            Hi and Welcome! I have just started reading the fic... thanks for posting it here!

                            yeah I think you captured Sam well. I think Sam above everyone would understand what Elizabeth was going through/ went through with the replicators... and what John is going through.
                            Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 20 October 2007, 06:21 PM.


                              Chris Judge called me dirty. I'm a dirty girl.

                              I may have implied that I would be turned on by him dressed as a polar bear. Or a seal. Or a penguin.

                              I am so happy right now.... the video will be on youtube when I get home!
                              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                                Yep, Amanda popped his Con Cherry

                                we had a lot of fun de-virginizing rick at avalon

                                and in the bishop's palace no less
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


