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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I just watched Atlantis and I really liked it! I liked the story and all the character reactions... kept me guessing what will happen next. Looking forward to next week

    Here is my detailed reaction in the Adrift thread


      I really enjoyed Atlantis too, but am too tired to post much about it tonight.

      Just wanted to share some of the Sam-love before going to bed!

      Night Samanda! Night Sam, wherever you are in the Peg galaxy!


        I *loved* "Adrift"!!! That was a really exciting season premiere! (FYI - I have been staying away from spoilers as much as possible. So far, so good.)

        It was fabulous to see Sam again. My initial thought on seeing her in the episode was "YAY! SHE'S BACK!!!" And now as I am watching the episode again, when Sam first appeared I thought, "Damn, this woman is beautiful! She's been playing this character for 10 years. We've seen Sam meeting alternate versions of herself several times now - including RepliCarter. I think it would be cool for the current Carter to meet a younger version of herself (or several). I think the idea popped into my head because I caught a few minutes of an episode of Star Trek: Voyager where characters were meeting others from their own past. (I never saw the whole episode so I don't know what exactly happens. I just remembered that a present-day Chakotay talks to a Janeway that hadn't been stranded in the Delta quadrant yet and he is trying not to let her find out too much about what is going to happen in her future.)

        Looking forward to more Sam. And looking forward to seeing her actually interact with the Atlantis bunch. The Carter/McKay interaction is always fun, but I'm interested in what her relationship will be with the others.
        Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


          Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
          I *loved* "Adrift"!!! That was a really exciting season premiere! (FYI - I have been staying away from spoilers as much as possible. So far, so good.)

          It was fabulous to see Sam again. My initial thought on seeing her in the episode was "YAY! SHE'S BACK!!!" And now as I am watching the episode again, when Sam first appeared I thought, "Damn, this woman is beautiful! She's been playing this character for 10 years. We've seen Sam meeting alternate versions of herself several times now - including RepliCarter. I think it would be cool for the current Carter to meet a younger version of herself (or several). I think the idea popped into my head because I caught a few minutes of an episode of Star Trek: Voyager where characters were meeting others from their own past. (I never saw the whole episode so I don't know what exactly happens. I just remembered that a present-day Chakotay talks to a Janeway that hadn't been stranded in the Delta quadrant yet and he is trying not to let her find out too much about what is going to happen in her future.)

          Looking forward to more Sam. And looking forward to seeing her actually interact with the Atlantis bunch. The Carter/McKay interaction is always fun, but I'm interested in what her relationship will be with the others.
          Meredith!!! Hey I was actually just thinking about Pming you to say hello... and then poof you're here!!
          And I've seen that ep of Voyager.... neat! That would be kinda cool to see...
          awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            they made it to webby 8, then hit us with a cliffie
            Ooh thanks! I need to play catch up this weekend and watch both 7 and 8...and a cliffie you say? hmm..

            Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
            Oh and since my computers being a pain i've only been watching my Stargate DVDs and stuff on them so whilst doing that i managed a few sketches... i did three Sheppard ones and Three Amanda ones...


            I know that the Joe ones have nothing to do with this thread but they're there anyway... criticisms welcome and... Thanks Chelle for the idea....
            Very nice drawings! I'd pass the green along but it seems I've greened you too much lately. Keep up the sketching though..your doing a wonderful job!

            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
            And we will Tappinate!
            Let there be no debate
            Because we will dictate
            We're in no way sedate
            Will they take the bait?

            Let's Tappinate,
            We won't leave it too late
            We'll pwn and we'll grate
            Till their eyes dilate
            And they have it straight

            So come on, Tappinate!
            Recreate, procreate, reinstate, conjugate?

            Umm... that was bad. I plead 1am. I'm sure you can relate?

            *ducks and runs*
            LOL..didnt know there were so many words that rhymed with Tappinate. Nice job for a 1am ramble too. Don't think I could have done any better ..hehe

            Originally posted by Lizlove View Post
            Interview with Joseph Mallozzi: All About 'Stargate Atlantis' Season Four.
            There are some nice bits about what Sam will have to go through in Atlantis.

            And then I like the fact that Joe is pointing out that Amanda came after the decision about Torri had already been made!
            *reads* Wonderful article...though most of it was a bit new for me. Loved the glowing remarks of AT though. Thanks for sharing!

            Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post

            It's friday night...I'm at home alone...all my younger brothers are out for the night, I could throw a wild outrageous party but instead I am baking a cake and getting ill eating the raw cake mixture. I'm a wild party animal me *headdesk*
            awe...I've had plenty of parties of one before and I highly recommend a rum cake next time. Makes eating the batter a bit more tipsy fun.

            Originally posted by Melora View Post
            Morjana has just posted a link to an interview with David Nykl (Dr. Zelenka on SGA) over in the news section. In it, he has some very nice things to say about working with Amanda.


            I am really looking forward to see Carter and Zelenka work together.

            IIRC, they are supposed to have some good scenes together in Quarantine when the two of them are stuck together.
            Thanks for sharing the link..*saves* will definitely have to read it later.

            Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
            With much thanks to Nat King Cole’s Fascination and our dear Astrogeologist’s photobucket.
            Please sing along …

            Tappination, the Waltz


            It was Tappination
            I know
            And it might have ended
            While I did my art

            But a furtive glance
            And a threatening stance
            Told me you had gone
            All astray
            Heavy handed


            It was Tappination
            I know
            Seeing your eyes glow
            With the Stargate behind you


            Then I touched your arm



            And next moment
            You punched me


            Tappination turned to shove


            Your a nut Nicely done though

            Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
            Woohoo, just relised that was my 200th post! Yay! And i'm a Super-Soldier!!
            Congrats on your 200th!

            Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
            Slight spoiler for S4:
            OMG, Just started watching.... SGA and then the credits started and bam! There was Amanda Tapping's name in place of Torri Higginson... it mixed in perfectly...Heeehhee, I'm so giddy....

            Alright be back on another commercial break

            Oh, and CONGRATS ON 200 Smiley
            Oh yes..very nice opening indeed! Kinda odd seeing her face and name there without the rest of SG1 though. *misses*

            Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
            I just watched Atlantis and I really liked it! I liked the story and all the character reactions... kept me guessing what will happen next. Looking forward to next week

            Here is my detailed reaction in the Adrift thread
            I'm a total Atlantis noob and I'm not afraid to admit that. SG1 is my drug of choice so this was something new. It was a bit confusing for me as the story picks up where season 3 ended so I had to muddle through most of it trying to make heads or tails of everything.

            Won't say too much specifically here as I don't want to spoil it for those who have to wait to watch it...just not fair to you all. The excitement and countdown is part of the fun. It was really good though and had some awesome scenes in it that boggled my mind and made me go, "Now how did they do that?" Loved seeing AT too though I do wish it was a bit more.


              I just got done watching Atlantis as well. I watched it live (I normally can't stand to watch TV live anymore - I love to fast forward through the commercials), so hopefully they'll get the data from my DVR and I'll count for something

              Anyway, I thought it was a great episode. Lots of action! And

              Asteroids! Hehehe. I *really* suck at that game too.

              AT was absolutely gorgeous. I especially loved Floating!Sam.

              I am really tired now, so any further observations would probably be incoherent. I'll have to watch again tomorrow.


                sam in the opening credits!

                sam in atlantis!


                ~k, my work is done here~




                  Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                  I just got done watching Atlantis as well. I watched it live (I normally can't stand to watch TV live anymore - I love to fast forward through the commercials), so hopefully they'll get the data from my DVR and I'll count for something

                  Anyway, I thought it was a great episode. Lots of action! And

                  Asteroids! Hehehe. I *really* suck at that game too.

                  AT was absolutely gorgeous. I especially loved Floating!Sam.

                  I am really tired now, so any further observations would probably be incoherent. I'll have to watch again tomorrow.

                  Lol, meee too, except for :
                  I'm so right there with you on sucking at Asteroids... the line where he was like, no seriously I think I *actually* scored 0 one time... I was rolling on the floor....

                  ANywyas.... yup can't type... sure bet sign that I'm late for that date with my pillow...

                  Pleasant dreams of the Pegasus Galaxy everyone
                  awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo



                    Finally, some Stargate!

                    I would say AT and Sam treaded VERY lightly on those SGA boards... even weightlessly hehe.

                    Loved it!

                    Can't wait for next week!

                    Must now complete underhanded plans to introduce McKay-controlled replicator nanites into all Nielsen boxes. Everywhere.

                    Last edited by tagger; 28 September 2007, 10:42 PM.
                    Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                    Quint Studer


                      Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post

                      Oh Mum's flatmate... who's kinda mine too, she was teaching her 5 and 6 year old class about Emperor Penguins and she held up a metre ruler saying "this is how tall an Emperor Penguin is" and one of the kids goes "Miss! An Emperor Penguin is almost as tall as you!" And she went "Excuse me. But I am exactly one and a *half* Emperor Penguins tall!" Heh. Heh... heh?
                      we have a new unit of measurement...forget metric, forget imperial, the future is measuring in penguins.

                      Originally posted by General David Niemi View Post
                      Nice picture. What's up with David Hewlett?
                      I think that might be one of those big unanswerable questions...

                      Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                      With much thanks to Nat King Cole’s Fascination and our dear Astrogeologist’s photobucket.
                      Please sing along …

                      Tappination, the Waltz
                      absolutely smegging hilarious!

                      Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
                      Woohoo, just relised that was my 200th post! Yay! And i'm a Super-Soldier!!
                      *high fives*

                      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                      <snip>awe...I've had plenty of parties of one before and I highly recommend a rum cake next time. Makes eating the batter a bit more tipsy fun.
                      Alas I am on call all this weekend so it is a very sober party for one....bah

                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      sam in the opening credits!

                      sam in atlantis!


                      ~k, my work is done here~

                      Hahahaha....very succinct and too the point *boings around* Sams back Sams back Sams back!
                      Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                      My Fanfic~My Femslash


                        Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                        With much thanks to Nat King Cole’s Fascination and our dear Astrogeologist’s photobucket.
                        Please sing along …
                        Hey to finish work early today so popped home to read some spoilers for the new SGA ep!!
                        Thank you CG for this rendition of this Nat King Cole song...I'm sure it'll be a hit on the charts!!

                        Have a great day everyone!! Take care, be safe, have fun and hug your loved ones!!
                        (((Samanda Tappinators!!)))

                        Oh yeah...footy grand final is on...the Cats won!!! Yay...GO CATS!!!.
                        I'm a Magpie supporter myself but had to support the Cats today!!!
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          *rocks back and forth* I don't wanna watch it... *cries* But I want to so much at the same time... I managed to play 4 seconds before I stopped it. What should I do??? *whimpers*

                          "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                          "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                          My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


                            David Nykl was recently interviewed by FADPOV (never heard of it before).

                            His take on the casting decisions falls in line with what we've heard before. It's nice to hear that perspective repeated by someone who's obviously unbiased (i.e. not a PTB), and who has no need to perpetuate "the company line" unnecessarily (meaning he could've simply said nothing at all if it wasn't true, rather than offering the info without being prompted).

                            (I particularly found the "mutual" reference pretty interesting.)

                            ETA: Oh noes! Ooobs beat me, didn't she??
                            Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 29 September 2007, 01:19 AM.


                              I took majorsal's advice, though I don't have any margareta mix, so I had to deal with tequila.


                              2 shots of tequila,
                              some hot tamalies
                              1/2 a packet of M&Ms
                              and one episode of Stargate Atlantis later...

                              Spoilerie caps:

                              And my theme song is currently Never Be The Same Again By Mel C...

                              "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                              "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                              My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                sam in the opening credits!

                                sam in atlantis!


                                ~k, my work is done here~

                                LOL *picks up pom poms to cheer with you*

                                It was great seeing Amanda again in something new but what we saw last night was soo much a teaser. I think I read somewhere that she's the B-story until Reunion when she firmly steps upon Atlantis soil to take command. So guess that means one more ep of brief glimpses and snatches of her. *sigh*

                                Oh one freaky part of last nights ep..


                                Brains surgery!!! ewww, I was cringing when I heard that little saw motor going imagining all the while what they were discreetly NOT showing us.

                                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                                David Nykl was recently interviewed by FADPOV (never heard of it before).

                                His take on the casting decisions falls in line with what we've heard before. It's nice to hear that perspective repeated by someone who's obviously unbiased (i.e. not a PTB), and who has no need to perpetuate "the company line" unnecessarily (meaning he could've simply said nothing at all if it wasn't true, rather than offering the info without being prompted).

                                (I particularly found the "mutual" reference pretty interesting.)

                                ETA: Oh noes! Ooobs beat me, didn't she??
                                Ooh another! *feels overloaded with great things to read* Thanks for this though and I WILL make time to read it later. Thanks!

                                Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post
                                I took majorsal's advice, though I don't have any margareta mix, so I had to deal with tequila.


                                2 shots of tequila,
                                some hot tamalies
                                1/2 a packet of M&Ms
                                and one episode of Stargate Atlantis later...

                                Spoilerie caps:

                                And my theme song is currently Never Be The Same Again By Mel C...
                                Very nice capping there...though that's pretty much the extent of AT in the ep I think. *whines and complains more* Thanks for going the extra mile to get these up here though. *clicks happily*

