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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    There is only one thing i REALLY hate about time-zones..... *counts pages*

    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
    Knowing little about show business or acting myself, I've been trying to figure out what is 'good' acting vs 'bad' acting. Many posts talk about AT as an 'excellent' actress.

    My question for you all is: What specifically is 'good' acting to you and why does that apply to AT?

    Thanks for you help
    I'm not the best pick of good or bad acting either, but i figure if someone can make you believe in a character as much as Amanda makes us all believe in Sam, and Stargate then thats good acting! I'm no professional but i wouldn't put many actors up on as high a pedestal as i have Amanda, there are good and bad and she is one of the best... no questions asked!

    Have you ever watched soap operas?.... now thats bad acting... mostly!

    Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
    A lot of good acting is subtle. You shouldn't really even notice that they are 'acting' at all really. Acting is not just placing the proper inflection into a line, it's the expression and body language and little things that are behind the line to make it feel like it's spontaneous and not scripted.

    AT specifically has incredibly expressive eyes. She can carry a scene without even saying a word. Even when she's in the background of a scene, she's still in character, reacting and totally invested.

    So, yeah, I hope that makes sense
    Made sense to me and i couldn't agree with you more!

    Originally posted by PengYn View Post
    For me it's the connection between thought and dialogue. Anyone can learn lines, but it is the process of actively thinking through the words that allows the relevent emotion to unlock and the performer to connect with what they're saying. In order to enjoy a performance I want to watch someone "be" not someone "act like they are being". It's why I love to watch Amanda and Claudia, if I feel pain when they feel pain then I know they're doing their jobs. Both are great actresses whom I admire greatly
    I agree with that too... I love Claudia's acting as well, she is awesome, the hilarity that she has brought to the Series has definitely been for the better and soo her, and she's an Aussie so i couldn't say anything bad about her

    Originally posted by ReganX View Post
    And to the viewer.

    When I watch SG-1, I see Sam Carter. Amanda makes her so real that I can forget that she's not.
    Yeah, ditto! Although i must admit sometimes you do see a bit of Amanda come through and it makes you laugh.... always makes me think of that scene with her at Felger's house in Avenger 2.0 when she is trying not to laugh at him, you hardly see it in her reaction, but you know its there... i love that too! Heehee, i love that seen sooo funny! Hmmm, that was kinda random tho...

    Originally posted by Cascade View Post
    Hehe...that was great. What a bizarre choice of music...the Chipmunks theme!
    Yes well bizarre is what i am good at! I just downloaded the music and went... oh that is perfect! I love it, and everytime i hear that music i think of 1969!

    Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post

    A = Acting
    M = Makes it look easy
    A = Amazing range of emotions
    N = Not just another pretty face
    D = Drama queen (in a good way)
    A = Accomplished

    T = Thespian
    A = Alive and alert
    P = Personal best, all ways and always
    P = Proud of her work
    I = Imaginative
    N = Non-complainer, team player
    G = Generous and gracious
    Oh Wow, that is awesome! And all very very true... LOVE it!

    Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
    LOL thats so good love the vid and the crazy music
    Heehee, thanks, glad you liked it soo much! Must admit most of my vids have been made to crazy music, stuff that makes you laugh... i have others not uploaded to 'Rockin' Robin' and 'Lollipop' Heehee, crazy fun... ever seen 'Little Shop Of Horrors'? I have a Wraith vid to the Feed Me song!
    It's in my job description... i love making people laugh and smile to cheer people up! It's the way i work..... and i hope it does!

    On another note... I've gotten someone from dancing into Stargate, he read one of the novels i got and finally decided on watching the episodes! He's only watched some of Season one so far, but i got this email from him the other day:

    I do want to comment on Amanda as I now see why you think so highly of her. As a person she is very very attractive, and in her screen part she is extremely intelligent, tough where necessary, but with that wonderful soft caring side which makes her want to help anyone in trouble. I think you also told me that in real life she is very intelligent and that you try to model yourself on her so you have certainly picked the right person.

    It was soo cool, no-one from dancing really knows the show much and picks on me a bit for being a fan... meh i just ignore it and run with something else... It doesn't bother me much anymore, they can think what they like, in the end i like what i like! :d But this email made me smile!
    Last edited by SmileyGidget; 19 September 2007, 09:06 PM. Reason: I needed to edit something... who'd have thunk? :P


      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      How many people are involved in the blue jello quilt? It's going to be awesome!

      My friend started calling it the blue jello quilt and that's what I call it in my head now.
      I'm pretty sure Chelle sent mine off with hers... i think... meh i dunno anymore!
      And that is a great name... yes, very very fitting, i love it!

      Oh and how cool, three green blobs up there now!!! *points and squees* I'm excited!


        Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
        On another note... I've gotten someone from dancing into Stargate, he read one of the novels i got and finally decided on watching the episodes! He's only watched some of Season one so far, but i got this email from him the other day:

        I do want to comment on Amanda as I now see why you think so highly of her. As a person she is very very attractive, and in her screen part she is extremely intelligent, tough where necessary, but with that wonderful soft caring side which makes her want to help anyone in trouble. I think you also told me that in real life she is very intelligent and that you try to model yourself on her so you have certainly picked the right person.

        It was soo cool, no-one from dancing really knows the show much and picks on me a bit for being a fan... meh i just ignore it and run with something else... It doesn't bother me much anymore, they can think what they like, in the end i like what i like! :d But this email made me smile!
        Very cool! It's always fun to convert people

        and OT - what kind of dancing do you do? Just curious because I am a dancer as well (Irish Step Dance at the moment, but I've done tap, jazz, ballet and clogging in the past)

        *edit* 1,400 *\o/* I was a bit chatty earlier today


          Heehee, congrats on that mark, hmmm, the way i'm headed who knows that might not be that far off... Heehee! And yes converting people is good, just need more people our generation...

          And eh, i'm kinda old fashioned, i do Rock'n'Roll... heehee, yup the good old rock, you know Elvis, Roy Orbison, Buddy Holly... all sorts... Love the oldies and always have and will! Plus i've always seemed to have gotten on with the older generation... *shrugs* It's heaps of fun though, i even follow around a local Melbourne Band, Flashback... go all over town with them and nearly EVERY weekend! :d


            Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
            Heehee, congrats on that mark, hmmm, the way i'm headed who knows that might not be that far off... Heehee! And yes converting people is good, just need more people our generation...

            And eh, i'm kinda old fashioned, i do Rock'n'Roll... heehee, yup the good old rock, you know Elvis, Roy Orbison, Buddy Holly... all sorts... Love the oldies and always have and will! Plus i've always seemed to have gotten on with the older generation... *shrugs* It's heaps of fun though, i even follow around a local Melbourne Band, Flashback... go all over town with them and nearly EVERY weekend! :d
            Awesome. Awesome.

            Well Samandans, now that I've finally hit 1,400 I am off to bed... after I visit my good friend Icy Hot. Dance class is fun, but painful

            It was fun reading all the differnet posts about what makes a good actor. Fun discussion



              Originally posted by JanSam View Post
              I thought I had found that Stronger vid on the MGM site.....

              Yep I did...


              (((((hugs))))) You found it!!!

              Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
              Some of my vids:

              A day without rain - Enya
              The many faces of Sam

              Stand my ground - Within temptation
              Sam as a warior

              Freedom Fighter - Creed
              Sam as a fighter

              Cold as ice - Foreigner
              Jolinar and RepliCarter vid

              Memories - Within Temptation

              Team vid on Jolinar Memories/the Devil you know

              I am Woman - Hellen Reddy
              The many faces of Sam

              Me and my Gang - Rascal Flatss
              Sam and her team mates

              Do I make you proud - Taylor Hicks

              Sam and her dad

              Suddenly I see - KT UnstallMADE WITH JANSAM

              Amanda Tapping vid

              If everyone cared - Nickelback

              Just a Sam vid

              Photographs and memories - Jim Croce
              A vid made after I saw unending. Sam looking back at things

              Love's devine - Seal

              Crawling - Linkin' Park SPOILERS UNENDING

              Sam whump vid

              Where do we go from here - Buffy SPOILERS UNENDING

              Unending vid

              Fingerprits of God - Steven Curtis Chapman SPOILERS SEASON 10

              Title says it all

              And that are all the Sam vids, not included my Sam/Janet and my Sam/Jack vids (if anyone wants, I can make a list of those too )
              Thanks Eve

              Now I guess I'll have to start using that site because that's where a lot of my favourite vids have moved but I think I need more RAM for my computer that site is not really friendly.


                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                I had the same problem at first. Heard the music but was staring at a white screen. All I did was back out of the site and then reclick the link again. Whatever bug was there was shooed away. Not sure if this is helpful for you as you might just need to do some updating on Flash but it's worth a shot. Good luck with it!

                awe...Welcome back from RL! I'm glad coming here has helped you feel better and I hope you come back more often. Everyone no matter how busy needs some 'down time' for themselves.

                What we all need I think...

                awe..Very nicely thought out.
                HAH ill have a dose of that

                Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
                There is only one thing i REALLY hate about time-zones..... *counts pages*

                I'm not the best pick of good or bad acting either, but i figure if someone can make you believe in a character as much as Amanda makes us all believe in Sam, and Stargate then thats good acting! I'm no professional but i wouldn't put many actors up on as high a pedestal as i have Amanda, there are good and bad and she is one of the best... no questions asked!

                Have you ever watched soap operas?.... now thats bad acting... mostly!

                Made sense to me and i couldn't agree with you more!

                I agree with that too... I love Claudia's acting as well, she is awesome, the hilarity that she has brought to the Series has definitely been for the better and soo her, and she's an Aussie so i couldn't say anything bad about her

                Yeah, ditto! Although i must admit sometimes you do see a bit of Amanda come through and it makes you laugh.... always makes me think of that scene with her at Felger's house in Avenger 2.0 when she is trying not to laugh at him, you hardly see it in her reaction, but you know its there... i love that too! Heehee, i love that seen sooo funny! Hmmm, that was kinda random tho...

                Yes well bizarre is what i am good at! I just downloaded the music and went... oh that is perfect! I love it, and everytime i hear that music i think of 1969!

                Oh Wow, that is awesome! And all very very true... LOVE it!

                Heehee, thanks, glad you liked it soo much! Must admit most of my vids have been made to crazy music, stuff that makes you laugh... i have others not uploaded to 'Rockin' Robin' and 'Lollipop' Heehee, crazy fun... ever seen 'Little Shop Of Horrors'? I have a Wraith vid to the Feed Me song!
                It's in my job description... i love making people laugh and smile to cheer people up! It's the way i work..... and i hope it does!

                On another note... I've gotten someone from dancing into Stargate, he read one of the novels i got and finally decided on watching the episodes! He's only watched some of Season one so far, but i got this email from him the other day:

                I do want to comment on Amanda as I now see why you think so highly of her. As a person she is very very attractive, and in her screen part she is extremely intelligent, tough where necessary, but with that wonderful soft caring side which makes her want to help anyone in trouble. I think you also told me that in real life she is very intelligent and that you try to model yourself on her so you have certainly picked the right person.

                It was soo cool, no-one from dancing really knows the show much and picks on me a bit for being a fan... meh i just ignore it and run with something else... It doesn't bother me much anymore, they can think what they like, in the end i like what i like! :d But this email made me smile!
                YAY more more more, they sound cool



                  Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post

                  A = Acting
                  M = Makes it look easy
                  A = Amazing range of emotions
                  N = Not just another pretty face
                  D = Drama queen (in a good way)
                  A = Accomplished

                  T = Thespian
                  A = Alive and alert
                  P = Personal best, all ways and always
                  P = Proud of her work
                  I = Imaginative
                  N = Non-complainer, team player
                  G = Generous and gracious
                  Cute! Very appropriate hehe

                  Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                  I have not been on much recently and my workplace has been stressful and frustrating the past week. Samanda had the right prescription - thanks to ALL of you who posted these terrific video links and the wonderful comments on Amanda's acting. It's such a joy to watch some of the beautiful handiwork and listen to the music on the video clips. Just being here tonight and catching up a bit has cheered me up.

                  So nice to come home to Samanda! Rock on, Samandans, rock on!
                  I am sorry you're had frustration and stress and very glad you got time to pop in here and get de-stressed and cheered up! *hugs*

                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  <snip for length>
                  on a superficial note: doesn't Sam look cute in a desert boonie hat? (Other Guys was on today)
                  Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                  Name: Amande Tapping
                  Age: 42
                  Description: The hot tallented one
                  <length snippage>
                  We have a new addition to her CV...

                  Name: Amande Tapping
                  Age: 42
                  Description: The hot tallented one
                  Skils: Looking cute in a desert boonie hat

                  Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                  What we all need I think...

                  LMAO! Perfect! Nutter

                  Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                  How many people are involved in the blue jello quilt? It's going to be awesome!

                  My friend started calling it the blue jello quilt and that's what I call it in my head now.
                  I am *bounces* and my quarter was the first to arrive *quietly smug* is going to be fantastic and it's so cool to be a part of it even if I can't be at AT3

                  Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
                  On another note... I've gotten someone from dancing into Stargate, he read one of the novels i got and finally decided on watching the episodes! He's only watched some of Season one so far, but i got this email from him the other day:

                  I do want to comment on Amanda as I now see why you think so highly of her. As a person she is very very attractive, and in her screen part she is extremely intelligent, tough where necessary, but with that wonderful soft caring side which makes her want to help anyone in trouble. I think you also told me that in real life she is very intelligent and that you try to model yourself on her so you have certainly picked the right person.

                  It was soo cool, no-one from dancing really knows the show much and picks on me a bit for being a fan... meh i just ignore it and run with something else... It doesn't bother me much anymore, they can think what they like, in the end i like what i like! :d But this email made me smile!
                  That is very very cool! Great that you're getting him in into it and his response to AT is really positive and such a compliment to you as well, that really made me smile too.
                  I keep inflicting my attempts at Fanfic on my best mate...who has seen all of CoTG, The Enemy Within and Emancipation, poor guy gets terribly confused by them but keeps reading, checking and proofing all I send him!
                  Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                  My Fanfic~My Femslash


                    Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                    Awesome. Awesome.
                    Well Samandans, now that I've finally hit 1,400 I am off to bed... after I visit my good friend Icy Hot. Dance class is fun, but painful
                    It was fun reading all the differnet posts about what makes a good actor. Fun discussion
                    Yeah it is and i can dance both as umm female... derrr and i can do the lead part as well, i'm still learning but i got to classes three times a week and i just help the teacher Glenis out if their are odd numbers... too many girls, too many guys etc... Tis fun and more to learn, i like Leading!

                    And yes interesting but good topic! chat to you again another time

                    Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                    YAY more more more, they sound cool

                    Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                    That is very very cool! Great that you're getting him in into it and his response to AT is really positive and such a compliment to you as well, that really made me smile too.

                    I keep inflicting my attempts at Fanfic on my best mate...who has seen all of CoTG, The Enemy Within and Emancipation, poor guy gets terribly confused by them but keeps reading, checking and proofing all I send him!
                    Yeah i know i felt really pround from that email! I love it, getting a response like that from someone whose only seen a few episodes and has heard be blabble and blabble non-stop about it for like the last year!

                    Hmmm, i haven't written a fanfic in Ages... the last one i wrote was about Vegemite Heehee, i've got several on the go but i keep losing my inspiration, like with everything else... its so sad!


                      Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
                      Yeah i know i felt really pround from that email! I love it, getting a response like that from someone whose only seen a few episodes and has heard be blabble and blabble non-stop about it for like the last year!

                      Hmmm, i haven't written a fanfic in Ages... the last one i wrote was about Vegemite Heehee, i've got several on the go but i keep losing my inspiration, like with everything else... its so sad!
                      You should be proud! and I am taking my first baby steps in fanfic helps having a job where they don't actually expect me to work...*g*
                      Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                      My Fanfic~My Femslash


                        Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
                        Hmmm... Armageddon, yeah too bad about Adam and Julie, i was kinda looking forward to meeting them and bugger 'bout Joe missing Saturday as well, least he'll still be there though, wonder who they're trying to get to fill in Adam and Julie's spots!
                        Hmmm, your Dad's crazy Chelle! Heehee, but i can't wait for next Thursday the show is going to be fantastic, absolutely AWESOME!!!
                        Goodnight and see ya soon!
                        Yeah bummer about batman...and why is Joe missing Saturday???
                        My dad is great...he's doing ok at the moment...diabetes is still a bit out of kinker...still waiting on results of CT and MRI...took my two most favorite fellas out to lunch today...just me, dad and was awesome!!
                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                        Hehe, undedicated was a typo. The shirt I really want is "Do not annoy the unmedicated."
                        But it still works for me...dedicated or medicated...sounds like a great shirt!!!
                        Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                        Good acting or even better great acting makes the watcher forget that it's (in this case) Amanda. Amanda makes us believe she IS Sam. Amanda makes us believe she IS Helen.
                        To me that is the mark of any good/great actor/actress. The ability to make the fans, regardless of what character they might be most famous for, forget that they were 'character x on show z'.
                        Yep...what Sunny said...well stated!!
                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        i would love to see her play someone evil, or crackers. You know that quiet kind of nutball, that smiles, then switches moods and kills you
                        it'd be great
                        I'd love to watch Stuck to see Amanda play the drug addict...that would be awesome...I would love to see her play something really funny too...and I'd love to see her on stage!!!
                        Originally posted by General David Niemi View Post
                        Killer queen! Dynomite with a laser beam.
                        Guaranteed to blow your mind....Anytime!!!!!!!
                        Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                        Some of my vids:
                        Awesome list Eve...woohoo!!!!
                        Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
                        Good acting? I suppose I'd say it's when the actor or actress can make me suspend my disbelief, make me forget that I know that they are only pretending to be someone else and to believe in the character they're portraying and that character's motives for doing whatever they do and to believe the character's interactions with the other characters could really happen. Good is when they immerse themselves in the character and we believe it's not just Actor X reading 2 pages of dialogue blah-blah-blah, but that Actor X really is that character while they're on-screen.
                        Bad? Bad will make me turn the channel or off button. Bad makes me laugh because it's so unbelievable (unless it's acting that's done as parody or farce). Bad is when they should have just turned to the camera, lifted the script up to their nose (since they were too vain to wear their bifocals) and just read it monotone straight into the darn camera because it's almost like they're doing it anyhow.
                        As for how good/bad applies to Amanda?
                        I can believe through how she presents the character on-screen that this is a competent kick-bottom soldier; not just some stereotype of a 'hot soldier with boobs' that TPTB cooked up to garner a demographic.
                        I can believe from the way she delivered the "technobabble" dialogue and mannerisms in those scenes that this character does have a genius-level intellect and that it's related to her thirst for knowledge and for experiencing it/figuring it out for herself. And that she just loves it, period.
                        I can believe that this character, at the same time she's competent and intelligent as all get out, also harbors the same insecurities, concerns and fears that many of us harbor. (i.e., those looks of concern, the tears, the anger, the rage...)
                        She makes all these facets of this one character - who by all rights being written by men as the only (up to S9) female lead on the show should have been a major stereotypical soldier - very natural, and believable. And.... she's done it in a way that allows each of us to interpret what we wish while still having core traits we can all agree on.
                        Just my own humble opinion.
                        I'm sorry but this bares repeating...I love this...and I feel pretty much the same!!
                        What I really admire about Amanda is her dedication to her fans...they way she presents herself, her graciousness, her humbleness, her humility, her beauty in life...she just the most inspiring person I have never met...and her fans are equally as inspiring...which I think says a lot about Amanda and all of you!!
                        I think that makes her stands out as one of the most beautiful actresses I can think of...not only beautiful in looks but in everything she does!!
                        Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post

                        A = Acting
                        M = Makes it look easy
                        A = Amazing range of emotions
                        N = Not just another pretty face
                        D = Drama queen (in a good way)
                        A = Accomplished

                        T = Thespian
                        A = Alive and alert
                        P = Personal best, all ways and always
                        P = Proud of her work
                        I = Imaginative
                        N = Non-complainer, team player
                        G = Generous and gracious
                        Brilliant CG...just brilliant...yay!!!!
                        Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                        I have not been on much recently and my workplace has been stressful and frustrating the past week. Samanda had the right prescription - thanks to ALL of you who posted these terrific video links and the wonderful comments on Amanda's acting. It's such a joy to watch some of the beautiful handiwork and listen to the music on the video clips. Just being here tonight and catching up a bit has cheered me up.

                        So nice to come home to Samanda! Rock on, Samandans, rock on!
                        Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                        Name: Amande Tapping
                        Age: 42
                        Description: The hot tallented one
                        Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                        We have a new addition to her CV...

                        Name: Amande Tapping
                        Age: 42
                        Description: The hot tallented one
                        Skils: Looking cute in a desert boonie hat
                        Name: Amande Tapping
                        Age: 42
                        Description: The hot talented one
                        Skills: Looking cute in a desert boonie hat
                        Attributes: The best laugh in the world!!!
                        Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
                        On another note... I've gotten someone from dancing into Stargate, he read one of the novels i got and finally decided on watching the episodes! He's only watched some of Season one so far, but i got this email from him the other day:
                        I do want to comment on Amanda as I now see why you think so highly of her. As a person she is very very attractive, and in her screen part she is extremely intelligent, tough where necessary, but with that wonderful soft caring side which makes her want to help anyone in trouble. I think you also told me that in real life she is very intelligent and that you try to model yourself on her so you have certainly picked the right person.
                        But this email made me smile!
                        Makes me smile too!!! Yay!!
                        Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
                        I'm pretty sure Chelle sent mine off with hers... i think... meh i dunno anymore!
                        I did...ages ago!! They should have it by now!!
                        Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                        Awesome. Awesome.
                        Well Samandans, now that I've finally hit 1,400 I am off to bed... after I visit my good friend Icy Hot. Dance class is fun, but painful
                        It was fun reading all the differnet posts about what makes a good actor. Fun discussion
                        Congrats on the milestone Amanda!!!

                        Good night folks...gotta choof...take care everyone, be safe, have fun and hug your loved ones!!
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                          How many people are involved in the blue jello quilt? It's going to be awesome!

                          My friend started calling it the blue jello quilt and that's what I call it in my head now.
                          No it's the quilt of many hugs.... Blue jello indeed. Wrong kinda blue....



                            Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                            No it's the quilt of many hugs.... Blue jello indeed. Wrong kinda blue....

                            Sticky hugs...
                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                              No it's the quilt of many hugs.... Blue jello indeed. Wrong kinda blue....

                              we can hug just have to do it carefully is all
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                If you are not careful, the jello will hug YOU instead!

