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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
    Really dissapointed in "Sanctuary" - Internet Series WTF ? Why not give it for free
    I had such high hopes for AT after "Stargate" - big motion pictures with chances for Golden Globes and Oscars...
    Really, really dissapointed...
    Honestly I am happy that it is an internet serie...I mean this is a good a days a lot of people do things with the internet and for people who don't live in the state this is a change to see this show...I think it is great and I am happy it will be legally downloaded I think...honeslty I don't mind paying for it at all!!! only thing I do have is the fact that it will not be on tv...and I do love to watch things on tv...but then again you can put it on a dvd yourself and watch it on tv so...that is fixed

    And I think for Amanda it is a great career movie... And as for the big motion pictures...yes it would be nice to see her in it but that also means less time with her family...and we all know she likes to spend time with them too so this is precisly what she needs... I still am excited about it...
    And Golden globes and oscars...Well we all know she will never get that, if you are honest, even if she really deserves it!!! Cause she is really a great actress!!!
    But honestly what are those kind of things anyway...just a bunch of people who vote for it...I think what is more important is that the people like her, her fans like what she does, the people who watch the show daily, who go and watch the movie...they are important...
    Well that is my oppinion anyway...


      Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
      Honestly I am happy that it is an internet serie...I mean this is a good a days a lot of people do things with the internet and for people who don't live in the state this is a change to see this show...I think it is great and I am happy it will be legally downloaded I think...honeslty I don't mind paying for it at all!!! only thing I do have is the fact that it will not be on tv...and I do love to watch things on tv...but then again you can put it on a dvd yourself and watch it on tv so...that is fixed

      And I think for Amanda it is a great career movie... And as for the big motion pictures...yes it would be nice to see her in it but that also means less time with her family...and we all know she likes to spend time with them too so this is precisly what she needs... I still am excited about it...
      And Golden globes and oscars...Well we all know she will never get that, if you are honest, even if she really deserves it!!! Cause she is really a great actress!!!
      But honestly what are those kind of things anyway...just a bunch of people who vote for it...I think what is more important is that the people like her, her fans like what she does, the people who watch the show daily, who go and watch the movie...they are important...
      Well that is my oppinion anyway...

      I think for Amanda to be involved in something like this is going to be great for her. An internet series is a first, as far as I'm aware, and if this manages to stay above water and actually work then she will be apart of something HUGE! Amanda doesn't need an award to say she's brilliant, we already know she is, let her be apart of something revolutionary instead!

      I don't mind paying either, it will be legal and it will be an interesting way to watch a show instead of sitting in front of the TV and waiting for a certain time to watch it. It'll be upto us when we do.

      Which is a HUGE bonus in my book, imho.

      Made by the lovely Jakie


        Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
        Really dissapointed in "Sanctuary" - Internet Series WTF ? Why not give it for free
        I had such high hopes for AT after "Stargate" - big motion pictures with chances for Golden Globes and Oscars...
        Really, really dissapointed...
        who says it won't be free? I don't recall seeing anything about it being pay per view yet

        as to movies/oscars/golden globes....vancouver is not hollywood. And as talented as she is, she's not one of the 'in' crowd there.

        I dont' know her anywhere near personally, but if i had to make a guess, i'd think she'd rather stay in vancouver with her friends and famioly and have a good career, than trot down to hollywood and be 'just another actor' in that dog eat dog atmosphere.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          who says it won't be free? I don't recall seeing anything about it being pay per view yet

          as to movies/oscars/golden globes....vancouver is not hollywood. And as talented as she is, she's not one of the 'in' crowd there.

          I dont' know her anywhere near personally, but if i had to make a guess, i'd think she'd rather stay in vancouver with her friends and famioly and have a good career, than trot down to hollywood and be 'just another actor' in that dog eat dog atmosphere.
          Ugh, I (personally) can't stand the L.A. (industry) scene. It's so completely affected. Sucks the life out of a person's soul, unless you've got *extremely* thick skin and are willing to be just as disingenuous to get what you want. Some folks love it, I know, some don't see it that way and that's completely fair, but I could never (personally) live or work there. It might also be because I'm Canadian and our industry scene here is quite different. I don't deny that. And I'm talking about L.A., mind you. California is a beautiful state!

          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
            Really I have no idea!! I think they are doing it great to keep it a can be everything but still I am excited about it cause it has Amanda in it and that is always good :-)
            Although not sure about the whole internet thingie...I like to see things on tv...better quality and such...and also bigger screen ;-) But we shall see...
            I am just glad Amanda is doing something different then Sam...I think it will give her a lot of oppurtunities and new things to explore...

            I thought also about that...about her being the bad guy...would be fun to see and with the way she looks on the picture...well it just could be that eh ;-)
            I like Amanda when she is bad...she does such an amazing job with it...
            And that is why I love RepliCarter soo much

            Also I LOVED YOUR VID!!!! wow...Really the music fitted the ep really good!! keep up the good work!!!!
            Well the cool thing is if it's like Batman Begins, the character that Amanda plays may be both good and bad. Batman was/is not your typical hero. He had a very dark side to him.

            Jack Bauer on 24 is much the same way. I know he's a suppose to be the good guy, but sometimes he does things that shock the hell out of me. A bit like black SG-1 in RE. They weren't really bad, they just did whatever they had to to protect their universe. So instead of having black/white characters, they're more shades of grey.


              Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
              Well the cool thing is if it's like Batman Begins, the character that Amanda plays may be both good and bad. Batman was/is not your typical hero. He had a very dark side to him.

              Jack Bauer on 24 is much the same way. I know he's a suppose to be the good guy, but sometimes he does things that shock the hell out of me. A bit like black SG-1 in RE. They weren't really bad, they just did whatever they had to to protect their universe. So instead of having black/white characters, they're more shades of grey.
              I've also always enjoyed my heroes when they're flawed. I agree with you. Not to mention that a greater social awareness of the darker side of 'good' has been growing in cultural Zeitgeist over the past few years - I wouldn't be surprised to see new series' begin to delve more deeply into those sorts of grey areas. I'd be happy for it, too.

              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
                Really disappointed in "Sanctuary" - Internet Series WTF ? Why not give it for free
                I had such high hopes for AT after "Stargate" - big motion pictures with chances for Golden Globes and Oscars...
                Really, really disappointed...
                Aww, don't feel disappointed. Amanda seems truly excited about this new project and she's working with a great group of people: Martin Woods, N. John Smith, Damian Kindler, Jim Menard. All these guys have done really amazing work on Stargate and whether it becomes a huge success or not, I'm sure they are all very excited about just doing something a little different and unique after working on Stargate for ten years. I, for one, am very excited because I think it has the potential to do really well.

                Alot of people had hoped that a season 11 of Stargate would be released via Itunes or over the internet and perhaps if this series does well in this format, MGM may actually look into this idea a bit more. Who knows?

                But as a fan of Amanda's, I'm happy just to see her in something new. As much as I enjoy Sam, Amanda's been playing her for a decade, and I'm sure she enjoys stretching her acting muscles and this project allows her to remain in Vancouver with her family and still do something new and exciting. I'm really interested to see what she does with this new character because it appears to be completely different from Sam. Which I'm thrilled about.
                Last edited by ForeverSg1; 01 February 2007, 08:41 AM.


                  Amanda looks older, more mature as a brunette and there's something dark about her. Maybe she's not a hero, or at least not a conventional one. BTW I loved Replicarter. Too bad TPTBs dismissed her so easily.


                    Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                    Ok here's a new little game...

                    From looking at the promo photo, what do you think the series will be about? What is Sanctuary?
                    I'm just hoping it doesn't go the paranormal route. I don't like it in my books and I certainly don't on my TV (in this case computer). I was worried when I saw the front page of the site.

                    I really hope the post-apocalyptic scenario is right. AT as a freedom fighter/voice of hope in a world of chaos. That I could deal with.

                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      I hope the video quality of the Sanctuary episodes will be equal to 'unofficial' releases (i.e., HD source, ~960x520). I'd prefer not to squint at my screen.

                      Given its progressive format, maybe the series will actually draw some media attention.


                        Originally posted by suse View Post
                        I'm just hoping it doesn't go the paranormal route. I don't like it in my books and I certainly don't on my TV (in this case computer). I was worried when I saw the front page of the site.

                        I really hope the post-apocalyptic scenario is right. AT as a freedom fighter/voice of hope in a world of chaos. That I could deal with.

                        I don't know, I'm not against a paranormal series, personally. There's a lot of room to play. I'm pretty excited about seeing where they're headed with this, regardless. I don't think I can honestly say there's any direction I'm hoping they don't go - based on the imagery we've seen thus far which is admittedly spartan - I think the promise is substantially different than what we've been used to no matter how you slice it. And that - to me - is exciting in and of itself.

                        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                          Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
                          Really disappointed in "Sanctuary" - Internet Series WTF ? Why not give it for free
                          I had such high hopes for AT after "Stargate" - big motion pictures with chances for Golden Globes and Oscars...
                          Really, really disappointed...
                          I'm the opposite. This is cool... something that entertainment history might look back on as the beginning of a major shift in how programs are produced and delivered to an audience. It's potentially groundbreaking. It's risky, no doubt, an investment of time, energy, and money that they have no guarantee will pay off. But I could imagine that it's new, and different, and exciting for those involved.

                          Edited to add: I bet a lot of people in the industry will be watching to see how this plays out, too.

                          My LJ


                            AT's hair for Sanctuary is freaking me out.
                            edit: but I think it's probably good for her to have a new look for this new character.
                            Last edited by jckfan55; 01 February 2007, 09:14 AM.


                              I'm really, REALLY excited about Sanctuary.

                              In terms of hair, I think it's a wise move. There are already a lot of people going "But she's always gonna be Sam Carter", in a way the physical aspect of dark hair will be a visual reminder that it ISN'T Sam Carter. We all know that Amanda's acting talent is strong enough for her not to do that, but some people get put off by the fact that this actor has been on our screen as Carter for ten years and they may find it difficult to see her as someone else. I honestly think the hair is a smart move in this respect, especially as they ARE trying to appeal to Stargate and genre fans.

                              Internet? I think it's a fabulous medium for distribution. If the show is available from an official source worldwide, it may eliminate some of that underground downloading business that goes on and makes it so hard for some shows. It would also be great to see it available to everyone at the same time.

                              The interactivity is another aspect that really excites me. I remember watching "My Little Eye" (shockingly bad film, but good on interactivity) and you could choose camera angles and all sorts of bits. In terms of being able to sway the next fork, that would be interesting, but could prove difficult.

                              Anyway, I'm very, very excited about such a ground breaking project.
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                                In terms of hair, I think it's a wise move. There are already a lot of people going "But she's always gonna be Sam Carter", in a way the physical aspect of dark hair will be a visual reminder that it ISN'T Sam Carter. We all know that Amanda's acting talent is strong enough for her not to do that, but some people get put off by the fact that this actor has been on our screen as Carter for ten years and they may find it difficult to see her as someone else. I honestly think the hair is a smart move in this respect, especially as they ARE trying to appeal to Stargate and genre fans.
                                Well spoken, sistah-friend.

                                And at the end of the day - it's just hair - it's costume, really, part of a character. Like you, Tracy, what excites me is that we're going to see something totally fresh from Amanda. Very very cool, in my humble opinion.


                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

