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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
    LOL. I'm kinda fond of Sam/Midway Station, myself.

    ETA: Lily's cute! How is Cocoa treating her?
    Lily is actually my parents new Beagle puppy. I haven't quite worked myself up to get another one, but she's very cute and I get to send her back home with her real family when I'm tired of her. She's a frisky lil bugger though. Always nipping at your toes and what have ya. Cocoa wasn't as impressed to see the puppy as we had hoped. The puppy kept trying to nurse on Cocoa and my parents other dog, Sadie. Sadie was much more patient and graciously allowed Lily to bite on her tail. However after growling a few times at the young pup, Cocoa got fed up and decided to nip the puppy back.


      Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
      Some of my vids:

      Cold as ice - Foreigner
      Jolinar and RepliCarter vid
      I like that song alot! Foreigner is one of my favorite bands.


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        to me?? when you watch the actor/actress and it looks like, to them, they're not just on a set, saying what they're told to say, they ARE on a teltac, or they ARE upset because their friend just died, or they ARE seeing someone die

        to me, a 'good' actor/actress is someone that is able to forget that it's all a job and a game and who immerses themselves into the set so fully that it's real to them
        And to the viewer.

        When I watch SG-1, I see Sam Carter. Amanda makes her so real that I can forget that she's not.

        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


          Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
          Knowing little about show business or acting myself, I've been trying to figure out what is 'good' acting vs 'bad' acting. Many posts talk about AT as an 'excellent' actress.

          My question for you all is: What specifically is 'good' acting to you and why does that apply to AT?

          Thanks for you help
          For me it's simply this. If I come away from a show or movie going, "Damn she/he was awesome!" then that for me is good acting. I know, sounds lame, but for me it's the overall 'wow' effect their performance had on me. The movie/show (storyline) might have royally sucked, but if that encompassing feeling afterwards exists, then sitting through it was well worth my time.

          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
          All of the above.

          And a bit OT now. Another actress who has the same ability as Amanda to say alot without saying anything is Gillian Anderson. And back to the previous topic of revenge stories. Her lastest DVD just came out. The title in the UK is Straightheads, in the US it is Closure. Why they had to change the title I have NO idea, but there it is.

          Also, watched A Dog's Breakfast last night and it was very cool. Good job by all our SG people involved. Chris looked YUMMY.

          Back on topic. Yes, it would be very cool to see Amanda play a revenge role. I think she would be awesome. We got a small taste of her playing dark/evil as Replicarter and she kicked booty.
          Ooh Scully! Another fine (and hot!) actress.

          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
          I am here And most of the replicarter vids I had where on youtube and were all got off from youtube...

          But I must say I still have one great one... on the song from Requim for a Dream.

          I love RepliCarter

          I never found stronger either anymore



          I hope this helps

          I'll post some of my favourite vids later on and also all of mine Just to make some shameless promotion eh
          Ooh thanks for these but most of all the link to the site! *saves* I didnt even know this one existed.

          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          i would love to see her play someone evil, or crackers. You know that quiet kind of nutball, that smiles, then switches moods and kills you

          it'd be great
          Amanda's walked that fine line between getting a character right and totally screwing it up and passed with flying colors. Replicarter could have been a huge mistake but she played that evilness with so stunningly that you totally believed it.

          Originally posted by JanSam View Post
          I thought I had found that Stronger vid on the MGM site.....

          Yep I did...


          *saves* Thanks!

          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
          Some of my vids:

          A day without rain - Enya
          The many faces of Sam

          Stand my ground - Within temptation
          Sam as a warior

          Freedom Fighter - Creed
          Sam as a fighter

          Cold as ice - Foreigner
          Jolinar and RepliCarter vid

          Memories - Within Temptation

          Team vid on Jolinar Memories/the Devil you know

          I am Woman - Hellen Reddy
          The many faces of Sam

          Me and my Gang - Rascal Flatss
          Sam and her team mates

          Do I make you proud - Taylor Hicks

          Sam and her dad

          Suddenly I see - KT UnstallMADE WITH JANSAM

          Amanda Tapping vid

          If everyone cared - Nickelback

          Just a Sam vid

          Photographs and memories - Jim Croce
          A vid made after I saw unending. Sam looking back at things

          Love's devine - Seal

          Crawling - Linkin' Park SPOILERS UNENDING

          Sam whump vid

          Where do we go from here - Buffy SPOILERS UNENDING

          Unending vid

          Fingerprits of God - Steven Curtis Chapman SPOILERS SEASON 10

          Title says it all

          And that are all the Sam vids, not included my Sam/Janet and my Sam/Jack vids (if anyone wants, I can make a list of those too )
          Hahahaha...freaking hilarious! Here I am at work on my lunch hour and totally wishing I could just sit here and go through each and every one and skip the rest of training. I suuppoossee I'll have to come back later. Damn. Thanks for linking us up! My gf is gonna be way annoyed with me tonight. Will be a nice change...j/k


            Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
            A lot of good acting is subtle. You shouldn't really even notice that they are 'acting' at all really. Acting is not just placing the proper inflection into a line, it's the expression and body language and little things that are behind the line to make it feel like it's spontaneous and not scripted.

            AT specifically has incredibly expressive eyes. She can carry a scene without even saying a word. Even when she's in the background of a scene, she's still in character, reacting and totally invested.

            So, yeah, I hope that makes sense
            I agree. You think of the character as a person, and not "here is actor x playing y character." Now, I find I can comment on AT's expressions etc b/c I've watched the episodes many times. But when I'm watching for the first time, I'm just sucked into the story. For example in LiTS--First time out I was totally caught up in Sam's situation. After the fact or on later viewings I could say "boy, AT really did a great job."

            I think it's sort of like not noticing camera angles but feeling what the film maker must have intended in terms of mood etc. If you're watching and saying "what a cool camera angle" that takes you out of the story. IMHO

            ETA: oh and if the character is believable even if the rest of the movie/show is sub par. I think AT can elevate the material.

            on a superficial note: doesn't Sam look cute in a desert boonie hat? (Other Guys was on today)
            Last edited by jckfan55; 19 September 2007, 03:48 PM.


              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              I agree. You think of the character as a person, and not "here is actor x playing y character." Now, I find I can comment on AT's expressions etc b/c I've watched the episodes many times. But when I'm watching for the first time, I'm just sucked into the story. For example in LiTS--First time out I was totally caught up in Sam's situation. After the fact or on later viewings I could say "boy, AT really did a great job."

              I think it's sort of like not noticing camera angles but feeling what the film maker must have intended in terms of mood etc. If you're watching and saying "what a cool camera angle" that takes you out of the story. IMHO
              Exactly. Many of the nuances aren't seen on the first (or even second) viewing. Good acting engages you so fully.


                Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                Oh goody! I found one of my favourite replicarter vids again on YouTube

                Evil Carter
                Thanks for the link, that's a cool video. I loved the music. Very dramatic.

                Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
                Okay, i found a video they i've previously uploaded and still works so i figured i'd post it here, it's a bit funny and short and quick... and if my computer works with it, most should i'd think! Heehee... enjoy anyways!

                I might have more of them uploaded by later on tonight!
                Hehe...that was great. What a bizarre choice of music...the Chipmunks theme!

                Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                This is totally OT, but I finally got around to uploading some photos of the new addition to our extended family. So I thought I'd share it with you.

                This is Lily... isn't she a cutie?

                Aww, very, very cute.

                Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                hee hee, they do. Here's another sibling moment:


                Hehe, aww, that's a great photo. I love Amanda's grin in it.

                RepliCartertje, thanks for your video links.
                "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jello..."


                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                  Some of my vids:

                  A day without rain - Enya
                  The many faces of Sam

                  Stand my ground - Within temptation
                  Sam as a warior

                  Freedom Fighter - Creed
                  Sam as a fighter

                  Cold as ice - Foreigner
                  Jolinar and RepliCarter vid

                  Memories - Within Temptation

                  Team vid on Jolinar Memories/the Devil you know

                  I am Woman - Hellen Reddy
                  The many faces of Sam

                  Me and my Gang - Rascal Flatss
                  Sam and her team mates

                  Do I make you proud - Taylor Hicks

                  Sam and her dad

                  Suddenly I see - KT UnstallMADE WITH JANSAM

                  Amanda Tapping vid

                  If everyone cared - Nickelback

                  Just a Sam vid

                  Photographs and memories - Jim Croce
                  A vid made after I saw unending. Sam looking back at things

                  Love's devine - Seal

                  Crawling - Linkin' Park SPOILERS UNENDING

                  Sam whump vid

                  Where do we go from here - Buffy SPOILERS UNENDING

                  Unending vid

                  Fingerprits of God - Steven Curtis Chapman SPOILERS SEASON 10

                  Title says it all

                  And that are all the Sam vids, not included my Sam/Janet and my Sam/Jack vids (if anyone wants, I can make a list of those too )

                  Awesome list!! I love your vids!

                  Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


                    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                    Knowing little about show business or acting myself, I've been trying to figure out what is 'good' acting vs 'bad' acting. Many posts talk about AT as an 'excellent' actress.

                    My question for you all is: What specifically is 'good' acting to you and why does that apply to AT?

                    Thanks for you help
                    Good acting? I suppose I'd say it's when the actor or actress can make me suspend my disbelief, make me forget that I know that they are only pretending to be someone else and to believe in the character they're portraying and that character's motives for doing whatever they do and to believe the character's interactions with the other characters could really happen. Good is when they immerse themselves in the character and we believe it's not just Actor X reading 2 pages of dialogue blah-blah-blah, but that Actor X really is that character while they're on-screen.

                    Bad? Bad will make me turn the channel or off button. Bad makes me laugh because it's so unbelievable (unless it's acting that's done as parody or farce). Bad is when they should have just turned to the camera, lifted the script up to their nose (since they were too vain to wear their bifocals) and just read it monotone straight into the darn camera because it's almost like they're doing it anyhow.

                    As for how good/bad applies to Amanda?
                    I can believe through how she presents the character on-screen that this is a competent kick-bottom soldier; not just some stereotype of a 'hot soldier with boobs' that TPTB cooked up to garner a demographic.

                    I can believe from the way she delivered the "technobabble" dialogue and mannerisms in those scenes that this character does have a genius-level intellect and that it's related to her thirst for knowledge and for experiencing it/figuring it out for herself. And that she just loves it, period.

                    I can believe that this character, at the same time she's competent and intelligent as all get out, also harbors the same insecurities, concerns and fears that many of us harbor. (i.e., those looks of concern, the tears, the anger, the rage...)

                    She makes all these facets of this one character - who by all rights being written by men as the only (up to S9) female lead on the show should have been a major stereotypical soldier - very natural, and believable. And.... she's done it in a way that allows each of us to interpret what we wish while still having core traits we can all agree on.

                    Just my own humble opinion.

                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                      her acting was really all that 'sold' replicarter. and she could do ti again if the opportunity arises
                      just watching some of the replicarter vids (looking for the one i *loved* but it's gone now )... i 'm just reminded of what an awesome job amanda did. i especially loved her in 'gemini', when we weren't supposed to know if she was good or bad. i really, REALLY hope replicarter isn't dead...




                        Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                        I thought I had found that Stronger vid on the MGM site.....

                        Yep I did...


                        none of these vids are showing up for me, except uber's 'passive'. it's just a white screen, though i can hear the song. anyone know what's wrong?




                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          none of these vids are showing up for me, except uber's 'passive'. it's just a white screen, though i can hear the song. anyone know what's wrong?

                          might be a codec issue too
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                            Some of my vids:

                            Hey! I didn't know that's where you moved all of your vids! Unfortunately, for some reason, it's not playing the video. Is that just a problem on my end?

                            ETA: Apparently not.
                            ETA2: MGM is launching its own HD channel in the States. I didn't know they were gonna do it here, but I thought they were going to do it abroad. Curious...
                            Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 19 September 2007, 04:31 PM.


                              A = Acting
                              M = Makes it look easy
                              A = Amazing range of emotions
                              N = Not just another pretty face
                              D = Drama queen (in a good way)
                              A = Accomplished

                              T = Thespian
                              A = Alive and alert
                              P = Personal best, all ways and always
                              P = Proud of her work
                              I = Imaginative
                              N = Non-complainer, team player
                              G = Generous and gracious


                                Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                                I have the same problem quite often. If you look below the screen you will see and avitar for the video. Hit that avitar to restart the video. Sometimes I have to do it two or three times before it works.
                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                might be a codec issue too
                                restared it numberous times, but it's still white screen. how do i get a codec for this?



