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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
    Yep, it's really sad that so many people take advantage of situations like that. It was pretty obvious they were going to ebay the photos because they had a stack of them for her to sign and they were taking photos the entire time. It kind of ruins it for other people because here Amanda was giving of her time, without any security to make sure this sort of thing didn't happen, and people took advantage of her. Although I do believe someone from the play finally asked them to leave.
    It *was* you who told me, Kat! Phew! I thought so, but then I had a senior moment and didn't want to put words in your mouth so I was hoping you'd sign on and confirm that. LOL I remembered it was someone I trusted, but couldn't recall if it was you or Ambermoon or Mandy who had mentioned it (d'oh - sorry!)

    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


      Originally posted by kir_fect View Post
      I went spying over at ebay and AT pictures are not listed in the items the jerkwad's (that was censored) list of items for sell currently. But that doesn't mean that they where already purchased.

      Hold on second.

      I went through the feedback as well I didn't see anything there either.
      I checked today - the two pics were taken offline after their bid windows expired - and had zero bids! thank goodness!!


        Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
        Yep, it's really sad that so many people take advantage of situations like that. It was pretty obvious they were going to ebay the photos because they had a stack of them for her to sign and they were taking photos the entire time. It kind of ruins it for other people because here Amanda was giving of her time, without any security to make sure this sort of thing didn't happen, and people took advantage of her. Although I do believe someone from the play finally asked them to leave.
        Really, well that's pretty cool! They limited the autographs and the number pics taken atleast!! AHH these people really SUCK!!
        Amanda ROCKS and you know it!! ~XxXx~


          Originally posted by starrgazer View Post
          I checked today - the two pics were taken offline after their bid windows expired - and had zero bids! thank goodness!!
          Ahh thank god!! I would have hated them to be sold!
          Amanda ROCKS and you know it!! ~XxXx~


            Originally posted by starrgazer
            Me too!!! I just hope they don't re-post them!
            So Starr anything new and exciting happening, are you in school or do you work? Huh...I don't even know lol
            Amanda ROCKS and you know it!! ~XxXx~


              Originally posted by minigeek View Post
              It *was* you who told me, Kat! Phew! I thought so, but then I had a senior moment and didn't want to put words in your mouth so I was hoping you'd sign on and confirm that. LOL I remembered it was someone I trusted, but couldn't recall if it was you or Ambermoon or Mandy who had mentioned it (d'oh - sorry!)
              You're not the only one mini, I was trying to remember who mentioned it too
              **hopes kat doesn't take that to mean she's forgettable**

              my fanfic


                [QUOTE=starrgazer;6433715]Hehe - nothing new, and nothing more exciting than TVM at the moment lol... and I'm working at GM as a producer... I'll finish the rest in an email - if that's ok...

                Yeah sure e-mail No Prob lol.
                Well yeah i would guess that the big excitement is TVM lately..i get that
                And what's this GM show that you're can wirte that in the e-mail too if you want
                Amanda ROCKS and you know it!! ~XxXx~


                  Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                  My stepfather called my mother that once. She kicked him out of the house... for a year.

                  I have to disagree on this point. They were at a school play. You can bet that principal would have objected to their using the word penis or testicles also. There are many things that are not appropriate in school that are perfectly acceptable in other venues.
                  I have to disagree with this. If we, as adults, don't start making the use of penis and vagina acceptable, then the corse and vulgur "nicknames" for them will continue to be used. As a performer I think now more than ever children need to be encouraged to EXPRESS themselves, regardless of how uncomfortable that performance may be for adults. Personally I think it's BS that they were told they couldn't do that particular monologue because of the word vagina. I'm willing to bet you that is exactly WHY they were not supposed to do it. I applaud those girls (not for breaking the rule, but for sticking to their guns and taking the punishment, no matter how ridiculous I think it is). The time for being uncomfortable about the proper names for body parts, specifically the ones that seperate the women from the men, is over, imho.

                  They drew attention to their defiance by saying the word in chorus after being specifically forbidden from using it. Frankly, one of the biggest problems in the public schools is children's deciding which rules they will or will not follow. Whether they liked it or not, it was not their decision to make. On one hand, I can see why their mothers were in support of the girls, but on the other hand, the response of the school administration was reasonable. While the headlines cried "suspension," it was in school and a rather mild consequence.
                  Yes it was a mild consequence, but really, is saying the word vagina in a play during NON school hours worth that? IMHO, no.

                  When I first read the script of Amanda's monologue, I cringed. That was the point. I would enjoy watching the show sometime, but not at a school play. (Nor with my father there, but that's a topic for a different commentary.)
                  I think as a whole, we humans need to get over ourselves. Nothing wrong with saying penis or vagina, especially in a play.
                  But then, I'm probably way more liberal than you are. No worries though. It's all good.
                  I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                    Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                    Someone sent me a link this evening of a person who's auctioning off autographs from Amanda, which he received on March 3rd after her performance in TVM. A few of the fans who were there mentioned there were these folks who came into the theatre after the show, never came to see it, but snuck in afterward and thrust a stack of autographs at poor Amanda to sign - which she did - and then this person goes and uses it for their little business. Their eBay name is "thefriendlystranger". I suppose these poachers aren't doing anything illegal per se, but it still really rubs me in the wrong direction. Gah. I loathe that people can do this kind of thing. They're like the paparazzi, especially when they profit off the kindness of others.

                    If they didn't see the show and snuck in can't someone ding their reputation? (I'm a bit of a noob on ebay.)

                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                      You are like ... the tiniest person I know!

                      Tell me about it!

                      You wouldn't believe the huge rant I wrote after reading her comments, but I eventually decided to delete it. I can't tell you how upsetting it is for someone like myself, who truly is overweight and big-boned, to hear people like Starrgazer and Amanda call themselves 'big girls' or 'big-boned'. Arg! It makes me want to scream to see what society has done to women's self image.

                      It makes me wonder how society's viewpoints could have changed so drastically in such a short amount of time, because it wasn't so long ago that voluptous and curvey women like Jayne Mansfield, Mamie Van Doren, Mae West, Marilyn Monroe, Lynda Carter were considered huge sex symbols.

                      ETA: Interesting tidbit, I never realized that Mariska Hargitay was Jayne Mansfield's daughter until I looked at a bio on Jayne this evening.


                        Sadly as long as there are celebrities, there will be folks like that "friendlystar" on ebay. What is unfortunate is that fans who REALLY want a celebs autograph will eventually be unable to get the autograph because the celeb will STOP doing autographs to keep noobs like that from making money off their "business" (aka their image and name).

                        That's why Ben Browder will NOT sign autographs much anymore. He got sick of folks getting his autograph and then selling it on ebay. Folks like that don't realize that for some actors, the autographs help supplement their income, especially when things are slow for the actor work wise.

                        TOTALLY UNRELATED:

                        I just posted the image of what I created for the cover of the Samandan story in the Samandan Story thread....if anyone wants to see it. Hope folks like it. It's a collage since I don't draw or paint. I make collages.
                        I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                          Originally posted by starrgazer
                          Hehe - nothing new, and nothing more exciting than TVM at the moment lol... and I'm working at GM as a producer... I'll finish the rest in an email - if that's ok...

                          Kat is so not forgettable! Please be forgiving Kat!!! Please?!?!?
                          Laugh, don't worry, luckily I'm not that insecure. I may tease my roomies on occassion about being forgotten, but in most cases, I actually prefer keeping a low profile so it's all good.


                            Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                            Sadly as long as there are celebrities, there will be folks like that "friendlystar" on ebay. What is unfortunate is that fans who REALLY want a celebs autograph will eventually be unable to get the autograph because the celeb will STOP doing autographs to keep noobs like that from making money off their "business" (aka their image and name).

                            That's why Ben Browder will NOT sign autographs much anymore. He got sick of folks getting his autograph and then selling it on ebay. Folks like that don't realize that for some actors, the autographs help supplement their income, especially when things are slow for the actor work wise.

                            TOTALLY UNRELATED:

                            I just posted the image of what I created for the cover of the Samandan story in the Samandan Story thread....if anyone wants to see it. Hope folks like it. It's a collage since I don't draw or paint. I make collages.
                            And what's even more irritating to me is if you go up on Ebay you will see an autographed photo of Amanda up for sell by Creation Entertainment as well. Asking price? $50.00US. Most of which I'm sure is going into Creation's own pocket. Which is why I won't purchase autographed photos from anyone other than Legends Memorbilia. At least then I know that the autographs are real and a part, if not all, of the proceeds are going to charity AND the autographed photos on Legend are only $35.00.


                              Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                              Believe me, a lot of women wish we couldn't contribute to it either.
                              True dat.

                              I went shopping with my flatmate (one of my best freinds ) last night and I had to buy them in front of her. First time I have had to buy them in front of someone and guess what? I didn't die of embarrasment!

                              In other news, for some reason I had the chair in the uni library computer lab set really high and was sort of leaning foward, hunched over the keyboard (yeah I know it's bad) and I just realised that the guy opposite me was staring down my top. Ick. And I have a feeling he has been doing it for a while.

                              I'm glad that loser didn't manage to sell the autographs, and I hope they don't relist them.

                              Big hugs for every Samandan! This thread helps to bring me out of my little shell of focussedness (is too a word ) after 5 hours in the physics lab... lets me shake off the intense concentration, kind of like blue jello in thread form I love you guys!

                              But now my eyes really have given up on the whole focussing thing, and I'm off home to sleep.

                              (((Every Samandan for giving me giggles and warm fuzzies!)))

                              Heh, /cheesy
                              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                                I tried to multiquote, but my computer froze and I lost everything. I do have to comment on the ebay pics. What is it with people? I'm just glad that he/she didn't manage to make any money off of them. As for autographs, I don't think I'd buy them from anyone but Legends either.

                                As for the final episode of SG-1, oh man, I don't want to think about it. This is soooo sad. I'm thrilled that we get Amanda on SGA and in Sanctuary and the movies, but this is the end of an era. (((Eve))) for the reminder. (((Samandans)))

                                Great job on the cover page Sun!

