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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
    Lead me not into temptation, there will be enough of that in the shops 'round Covent Garden.
    Lol. OK, OK. I have no idea what Covent Garden is, but if there's shopping and pickpocket jerks involved, I understand your need to travel light. Just make sure you buy lots of cute and potentially useless things to offset your courageous bout of self-control.

    ETA: Awww, Eve! Ignore that ragin' Aussie. He gives them all a bad name.


      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
      Lol. OK, OK. I have no idea what Covent Garden is, but if there's shopping and pickpocket jerks involved, I understand your need to travel light. Just make sure you buy lots of cute and potentially useless things to offset your courageous bout of self-control.

      ETA: Awww, Eve! Ignore that ragin' Aussie. He gives them all a bad name.
      That's a dead cert if FF goes anywhere *near* Lush. Samples!

      Covent Garden is the best place to go shopping if you're a tourist and often for Londoners. Most of the main shops, a lot of interesting little ones, stalls, cobbles, more open so less chance of the nasties- and nowhere near as wretched as Oxford Street, which must be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
      Hmm. I'm a small waif of a human who often travels into and around London with her laptop and various accessorises. You'd have thought I'd have been targeted by now...not like Rome, where I have known several people who have been or nearly been pickpocketed. Although myself and a friend had to deal with a rather *overfriendly* couple of people on the metro

      Here's hoping for a nice evening and a good ep (crosses fingers)

      Courtesy of smurf, as always


        Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
        Covent Garden is the best place to go shopping if you're a tourist and often for Londoners. Most of the main shops, a lot of interesting little ones, stalls, cobbles, more open so less chance of the nasties- and nowhere near as wretched as Oxford Street, which must be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
        Hmm. I'm a small waif of a human who often travels into and around London with her laptop and various accessorises. You'd have thought I'd have been targeted by now...not like Rome, where I have known several people who have been or nearly been pickpocketed. Although myself and a friend had to deal with a rather *overfriendly* couple of people on the metro
        Laughs. Small and waif are not words often used in conjunction with my fair self. The main reason I don't want to take it is weight, if I'm schlepping round London with The Family Deeds, I don't need more stuff to carry.

        Last edited by Frostfox; 12 March 2007, 04:31 PM.


          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
          Someone sent me a link this evening of a person who's auctioning off autographs from Amanda, which he received on March 3rd after her performance in TVM. A few of the fans who were there mentioned there were these folks who came into the theatre after the show, never came to see it, but snuck in afterward and thrust a stack of autographs at poor Amanda to sign - which she did - and then this person goes and uses it for their little business. Their eBay name is "thefriendlystranger". I suppose these poachers aren't doing anything illegal per se, but it still really rubs me in the wrong direction. Gah. I loathe that people can do this kind of thing. They're like the paparazzi, especially when they profit off the kindness of others.

          Phew - ok so I'm not the only one that's upset by this. I was worried that I might have been out of line with my anger - although my fam agrees with me...

          I found that ebay link on the weekend, and sent a rather nasty personal note to the person via my ebay account. Ok, it wasn't nasty, exactly... but I just pointed out that I hoped they were donating any money they made off of the pics to the VM beneficiary, because AT was there for a good cause, and making money off of that was rather lowly. They didn't write me back... yet, anyway.

          They did the same thing with Lauren Collins too. No one bought the AT pics, and so far no one has bid on the LC ones either.


          Last edited by starrgazer; 06 August 2007, 02:05 PM.


            Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
            Laughs. Small and waif are not words often used in conjunction with my fair self. The main reason I don't want to take it is weight, if I's schlepping round London with The Family Deeds, I don't need more stuff to carry.

            Yep. Laptop in the suitcase/bag going up and tube stations stairs after a train journey and then having to walk is not a barrel of laughs. I've done it on numerous occasions and its cumbersome and sometimes painful...
            I'm not *that* tiny (5ft 4", near 50 kg)- its just that people treat me like I'm all delicate and waif-like and will be broken if I'm so much as *poked*, so I've gotten used to being called 'little' and 'fragile' by people who aren't even that much bigger than me sometimes
            'Schlepping' is a good word

            Courtesy of smurf, as always


              Sorry for the snips.

              Originally posted by starrgazer View Post
              (our internet just reconnected! woohoo - let's see how long it lasts this time!)

              Phew - ok so I'm not the only one that's upset by this. I was worried that I might have been out of line with my anger - although my fam agrees with me...

              I found that ebay link on the weekend, and sent a rather nasty personal note to the person via my ebay account. Ok, it wasn't nasty, exactly... but I just pointed out that I hoped they were donating any money they made off of the pics to the VM beneficiary, because AT was there for a good cause, and making money off of that was rather lowly. They didn't write me back... yet, anyway.

              They did the same thing with Lauren Collins too. No one bought the AT pics, and so far no one has bid on the LC ones either.


              Good for you. You're only pointing out what is morally right, not only concerning Amanda, but those she was helping to raise money for.

              And as long as you're healthy and losing weight over time because *you* thinks its best for your wellbeing, there is nothing wrong. I tend to subsitute 'cuddly' for 'chubby'. Much nicer and more accurate- I have friends who are loved all the more for their snugglability

              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                Yep. Laptop in the suitcase/bag going up and tube stations stairs after a train journey and then having to walk is not a barrel of laughs. I've done it on numerous occasions and its cumbersome and sometimes painful...
                I'm not *that* tiny (5ft 4", near 50 kg)- its just that people treat me like I'm all delicate and waif-like and will be broken if I'm so much as *poked*, so I've gotten used to being called 'little' and 'fragile' by people who aren't even that much bigger than me sometimes
                'Schlepping' is a good word
                All the best people are 5'4". You, me, Wolverine.
                People don't treat me as fragile. At least not if they want to live.

                Hm, I wonder if we will do all this again when Atlantis ends? I don't watch it at present, though Amanda joining the cast might change that.



                  Would you be willing help me out with a little project?

                  It's something ... special. Something born during TVM and bolstered by Samanda; something ... serendipitous, even!

                  If you're interested in playing, please follow me.....


                  Last edited by minigeek; 12 March 2007, 04:52 PM.

                  Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                  ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post



                    You know I still don't get it that tomorrow is the last ep...I still can't believe it yet... I mean to me it will just another ep...and even tomorrow I will not get it...even if I have seen the ep...I will not get it...I think somewhere I think there will be a season 11...
                    The fact that Sam is going to SGA and we still have the movies makes me think that it isn't the end...

                    But I met so many amazing people cause of SG-1 so it will be hard on me when I realize it is the end...But I know all these people are friends for life...

                    and some of them are our own Samandans
                    Hi Samanda's

                    Eve I couldn't have said that better myself, I'm so sad right now *crying* and yeah I think I'm just realising SG1 is ending don't know what I'll do without it! but I know that the friends I've made will still be here and SG1 will never really end if "we" keep it alive *sniff sniff*

                    Night folks take care...

                    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                      Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                      Someone sent me a link this evening of a person who's auctioning off autographs from Amanda, which he received on March 3rd after her performance in TVM. A few of the fans who were there mentioned there were these folks who came into the theatre after the show, never came to see it, but snuck in afterward and thrust a stack of autographs at poor Amanda to sign - which she did - and then this person goes and uses it for their little business. Their eBay name is "thefriendlystranger". I suppose these poachers aren't doing anything illegal per se, but it still really rubs me in the wrong direction. Gah. I loathe that people can do this kind of thing. They're like the paparazzi, especially when they profit off the kindness of others.

                      I have always wondered how low some people would stoop to in order to make a buck/looney, but this is incredible. It makes you wonder if Amanda will
                      hold off signing any pictures, napkin, or aything else in the future.

                      I can hope that eBay does take down items by this person and cancel's their
                      account for anything in the future.
                      Last edited by LaCroix; 12 March 2007, 05:13 PM.


                        Originally posted by starrgazer View Post
                        (our internet just reconnected! woohoo - let's see how long it lasts this time!)

                        Phew - ok so I'm not the only one that's upset by this. I was worried that I might have been out of line with my anger - although my fam agrees with me...

                        I found that ebay link on the weekend, and sent a rather nasty personal note to the person via my ebay account. Ok, it wasn't nasty, exactly... but I just pointed out that I hoped they were donating any money they made off of the pics to the VM beneficiary, because AT was there for a good cause, and making money off of that was rather lowly. They didn't write me back... yet, anyway.

                        They did the same thing with Lauren Collins too. No one bought the AT pics, and so far no one has bid on the LC ones either.

                        Ugh. People seriously suck.

                        And maybe I just shouldn't get in on this whole weight thing. I've been hearing for the last... oh more than a decade... that I'm over weight. Big boned. That it runs in the family, and I should try to lose some of the weight... granted, I have now lost some of the weight - but someone in my family still pointed out to me at Christmas that I was still chubby. It bugs me...
                        *blinks* You're joking, right? You are SO not overweight, let alone chubby! *sheesh*

                        Pixie's Haven


                          Originally posted by starrgazer
                          I've been hearing for the last... oh more than a decade... that I'm over weight. Big boned. That it runs in the family, and I should try to lose some of the weight... granted, I have now lost some of the weight - but someone in my family still pointed out to me at Christmas that I was still chubby. It bugs me...
                          You are like ... the tiniest person I know!

                          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                            Originally posted by pixiesio View Post

                            Ugh. People seriously suck.

                            *blinks* You're joking, right? You are SO not overweight, let alone chubby! *sheesh*

                            We're agreed that Starrgazer's not chubby, but snugglable And nobody is allowed to say otherwise *gives potential dissenters the death glare, although she's unlikely to find anyone who thinks that on this thread...*

                            Courtesy of smurf, as always


                              Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                              I have always wondered how low some people would stoop to in order to make a buck/looney, but this is incredible. It makes you wonder if Amanda will
                              hold off signing any pictures, napkin, or aything else in the future.

                              I can hope that eBay does take down items by this person and cancel's their
                              account for anything in the future.
                              Judging by their account, it is how they make a living. And judging by how long they've been doing it for, ebay doesn't seem to be stepping in to stop it. Probably because they're making a fair bit of money off of the person's postings. And yay for the lack of morals on their part...

                              Originally posted by pixiesio View Post
                              Ugh. People seriously suck.
                              yes - they do!

                              *blinks* You're joking, right? You are SO not overweight, let alone chubby! *sheesh*

                              Nope - not joking. I was overweight, I admit that, but I don't think I am now - which is why it is upsetting when they say stuff like that...


                                Originally posted by starrgazer View Post
                                Nope - not joking. I was overweight, I admit that, but I don't think I am now - which is why it is upsetting when they say stuff like that...
                                Pixie's Haven

