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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Coley
    Just reading all the banter going to and fro at the momet I'm afraid I have to say I'm so glad I got out of the series when I did.

    I can't imagine why things have been done the way they have. It doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.

    The only thing that I can think of is that the peeps at Bridge were so determined to sign CB and BB that they made sure they signed them before they were offered anything else. That being the case they HAD to incorporate them into the current series. They were probably banking on being allowed to run a new series with them.

    Huge mistake.

    A message to the people who think they are intelligent and think they know best. It isn't the names of the people who matter (not for a minority interest Sci Fi show anyway) I have never given 2 hoots if I know the guest actor or not, and I didn't know any of the main cast - including RDA when I started watching the show.

    I was interested in the genre and fell in love with the show for the reasons I have already mentioned. It is my opinion that on the whole I have been more impressed with the guest actors who I didn't know, rather than those I did (Apart from John De Lacie who was brilliant).

    In their mad childlike scramble to pick up BB and CB (no doubt the hottest names available) they have managed to ruin both SG1 and the potential for a second spin off. The have been limited in the characters they have created for BB and CB - and they are still totally incongrous in context of SG1, then they are tied to these characters for a second spin off.

    Numpties the lot of them!! It is bad for everyone concerned.

    What is this mad clamour for named actors anyway? When you think you need to sign big names like this whatever the cost, it is when you know you don't have a great idea or a good plot for a show. You are relying on an actors fame for publicity, Kudos and the fan base. I could have understood them perhaps wanting one named actor, but 2 - and from the same former series within the same genre??!!

    This is such as shame because the SG1 I fell in love with never for one moment relied on any names at all (apart from RDA - who I hadn't heard of anyway)

    It seems from the ratings that despite some new fans coming on board - BB, CB fans, the people who previously loved SG1 have voted with their off switch.

    It is a real shame as I think if they had created a new series with BB and CB and had thus more freedom to create new characters I think they would have done a better job of it. I still would have liked to have seen SG1 continue for another couple of series - the big 3 still had a lot of juice in them and so did SG1 - Maybe thats why other SG1 fans tuned in to season 9 - hoping to see that SG1 hadn't changed all that much.

    I think the best that TPTB can hope for is that more new fans start watching, as I think those who have gone will probably not return. It could happen. It will be a shame if the writing and episodes do get better inseason 10, that season 9 was so poor. However I still think that a lot of people who have turned off know that the show they loved has gone, that Sam won't be the SG1 leader, that it is not focused on the remaining big three actors and their is less sense of team than there used to be.

    I hope that the big 3 will be able to find work after the show, as I think whatever happens, their characters are living on borrowed time.
    This is a great post Coley (sorry no green to give at this time). I bold highlighted the sections I thought particularly true and insightful. I think TPKTS numpties got waaay too big for their britches and their egos got in the way - too bad they did not make sure to keep some even keeled people around to keep the b@b from becoming disasters.

    The part highlighted in RED pretty much nails it for me too. The show never had to rely on "big" names (not that I think BB and CB are "big" names anyway but I am sure that a pretty penny from the budget is going to pay for that "big name baggage" in order to be good until S9 when, it seems, TPKTS ran out of good writing.


      Originally posted by astrogeologist
      So many wonderful posts! Thanks to everyone for taking the time to type them up! I agree with so much of everyone's frustrations and feelings of loss regarding the changes with SG-1.

      The following is a rant/lament about Seasons 9 and 10 and I have put it in spoilers for those who do not want to read such

      TPTB knew that they would lose some fans when they made these changes. They *knew* that they were making big changes. They *wanted* to make big changes. They were ready to move on - and they did.

      Bringing in the 2 known lead actors from another series - that's a move I'll never understand. Bringing them in and centering SG-1 around them? Mind-boggling... and I can't think of another show anywhere who has done the same thing (let alone survived it). I can't imagine a new season of Farscape going over well if the only way that it could happen would be to have BB and CB play minor characters to Newly Crowned Lead Farscape Actors (say RDA and AT or MS) from Stargate.

      It's unfathomable to me that TPTB didn't see that they would be setting up a huge division in the fan bases. Pitting the fan bases against each other. Creating a whole slew of ill feelings and nasty posts where folks erroneously bash actors and characters instead of lamenting the decisions made by those in power.

      They made these changes with the full knowledge that they were going to lose fans. They were just hoping that they'd gain more than they lost.

      And I'm sad...and disappointed... and angry... to be in the group of fans that they lost. Makes me feel insignificant (to them). Makes me feel that I was somehow always wrong about Stargate, but foolishly didn't see it.

      Who knows what the ratings are going to do? Maybe they will come back up a bit... But telling all Gateworlders to go out and recruit 100 new fans apiece... that's a bit ridiculous. If new fans come on board, it won't be because the old veteran fans jollied them into the Stargate world. Many, loyal veteran fans are just struggling to find reasons to keep in touch with how Stargate develops from here on out.

      Will they renew the series for a Season 11? For the first time, I find myself hoping that they don't renew it - if they aren't going to bolster Carter's character. If she isn't going to get to command... if Mitchell's the 'SG-1 Leader'... if it's going to be Vala-humor that create the highlights of the episodes... and if Carter isn't going to get to be a main hero, and she isn't going to contribute anything besides just being scenery... then for the first time, I'll actually post the feelings that I came to last night... I hope they cancel the show if they are just going to continue on the path that they created with Season 9.

      Hope springs eternal... but the spring is drying up.
      For the record Astro - I agree with you and, sadly,
      hope the show gets canned
      . I will feel bad for AT, MS, CJ (but feel confident they will find at work pretty quickly, especially AT) and those behind the scenes on the crew but not for cooper, wright, mallozzi, et. al. TPKTS need to get a message, get their heads out of their a$$es and stick their arrogant attitudes there instead.


        Originally posted by binkpmmc
        I agree completely - they pooh-pooh the fans opinions -- legitimate, articulate, smart opinions that criticize the show but to TPKTS those fans are just naysayers that cannot accept change or the lack of RDA - well they are getting their comeuppance now and they dammm well better pay attention to all fans opinions especially those that seem to have their finger on the pulse of the show since it is obvious that TPKTS do NOT.

        My pattern for watching this show is similar to Forever's - I used to watch religiously then in mid season 7 started skipping watching it "live" and just recorded it. S9 I skipped whole eps altogether and did not bother even recording them then decided if TPKTS are not going to respect me as a fan or my opinions, or the opinions of those who feel similar and express those opinions, and pretend like we do not matter then I would not allow my TV to be tuned to skiffy on Friday nights at all so a friend has been taping the show for me since S9 this way I don't count at all as TPKTS like to pretend and I just have to sit for 20-30 minutes (instead of wasting an hour) and I can FF through the parts I cannot stomach (mostly mitchell and vala plus the boring stuff - sometimes I can get through the show in 15 minutes and not feel like I missed anything at all. It often now reminds me of a soap opera - you can watch one episode every few months and still get what is going on). I very, very rarely watch skiffy at all except for SG-1 and now it's taped for me -- skiffy is a lame channel all the way around, IMO, and there is basically nothing else they offer that I would waste my time watching. I did watch the Staragte special live as AT was the host - I am very interested in the ratings for that special versus the premiere ratings -- what a slap if that special got better ratings than Stargate SG-1.

        TPKTS (and those that constantly state "if you don't like it stop watching") better be careful what they wish for because they will be out of jobs and the others will be out of a show - I count (and TPKTS have no idea how many DO count) and they better dammm well realize that.
        The Skiff-icizing or Skif-ification of SG was a concern of mine from the first moment I started watching SG as a casual fan.

        I already knew what SCIFI programmed when I started watching SG close to 3 years ago and none of their programming interested me with the exception of FS and even as a casual fan who wasn't sure at first if new SG eps were airing, I knew SG was a quality product that wasn't SciFi's usual fare. I commented to my father (who got me hooked on SG), again as a casual fan who had no clue that a SG fandom was out there that rivaled ST & SW fandoms, that Skiffy was either seriously trying to change their image and bring in higher quality programming or..... the 'or' I didn't really want to think about..... they were going to bring the quality of this series down to the level of the low-quality reality programming and "B" (and "C") movies that they normally showed.

        I read Brad's interview this morning before I left for a day outing with the family and it was interesting. I can definitely see his perspective and his POV and totally empathize with what he feels he's put into the SG enterprise. I'm sorry the corporate suits wouldn't allow them to make a clean break with SG-1:Original Series arcs. It would have served everyone much better IMOHO.

        But speaking as the casual viewer/fan that I was back then and the on-line fandom fan I am now... I think... well..... I won't list my concerns here....

        What do I look forward to? Seeing what TPTB *say* they will deliver..... *challenging* stories.... arcs that really push the actors and the roles. Don't make it a given that they will get out. Don't force the humor. (At times I'm almost waiting for them to insert a laugh track....) Don't resolve everything neatly in 30 seconds of the final act like Morpheus. And yes... since this is the Sam thread - give the character some meaty arcs - let the actress show her chops!

        *fades back into lurkerdom*
        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
          And yes... since this is the Sam thread - give the character some meaty arcs - let the actress show her chops!
          Yes! They have such talent on their hands! It makes no sense not to showcase it. *scratches head in confusion* Me too, Teal'c, me too.


            While in the Berkshires again, I had the good fortune to share another girls’ night out with Stargate’s two leading ladies. They continue to bare it all while sharing more of their experiences. Katie Couric, eat your heart out as Jester proudly presents …

            The Hot Tub Dialogues - Redux

            Jester: Tell me, what brings you both back to these lovely mountains and to the same hot tub?
            Sam: We had such a great time bonding at Thanksgiving that Val suggested we do it again. It’s been quite a year. At first, I didn’t know what to make of the chick. (Glances at Vala and both giggle.) She was just all over Daniel and, actually, most of the other guys at SGC too – even Woolsey for Apophis’ sake. Thank goodness, Jack was in Washington DC.
            Vala: Yes, I do seem to over-compensate at times for my past life, er, lives.
            Sam: See? That’s what bugs the heck out of me, Val. I mean, let’s be real here. I had the same problem with Jolinar. It’s not that easy being snaked and having a conversation with your other half. And Jolinar had to play naughty to make her escape. But I never let that become a part of my own libido.
            Vala (using a loofah to lather her bare arms): Different strokes for different folks.
            Jester: Excuse me, but I thought you two had bonded and wanted to hang out in this tub? It seems like your lifestyles are still pretty incompatible.
            Sam: It’s true. She’s into sensuality and, frankly, I’m into speed. Bikes turn me on.
            Vala: Bikers turn me on.
            Jester: Can we change gears here? (Sam and Vala groan.) I just mean … you’re giving me this second interview and I don’t want to miss the opportunity to really find out what made you two friends. I’m still not getting the connection.
            Sam: It had to happen. General Landry began to notice that we were not exactly seeing eye to eye at the briefings.
            Vala (now dabbing sunscreen on her cheeks): That whole technobabble thing is so b-o-r-i-n-g and, really Sam, I think it’s your way of being a big tease.
            Sam: Excuse me?
            Vala: You get up there at the blackboard and draw all those convoluted diagrams while playing with your pointer and tracing cryptic outlines … the guys are just panting by the time you get done.
            Sam (swatting a mosquito on her bare arm): I beg your pardon! Why do you reduce everything to the lowest common denominator? Nanotechnology and quantum physics happen to be my passions! I just get excited about sharing my theories, is all. I’m sure the men know and respect my expertise. They always have.
            Vala: Go easy with the pointer. Trust me and respect my expertise.
            Jester: Uh, can we get back to what made you two friends?
            Sam: It’s no big thing. We were out on a mission and Cam was calling the shots. The guy is out of control sometimes.
            Vala: Yes, on that we both agree.
            Sam: So, there we were in a dense forest - trying to pry a Prior from a tree.
            Jester: At least you had your priorities in place. (Another groan.)
            Sam: This Prior had a fear of dogs and women.
            Vala: And since there were no hounds around, I decided to climb the tree and shake the guy down.
            Jester: I hear you’re very good at shakedowns.
            Sam: She is. But on this particular mission, seeing her shimmy up that tree, I finally realized that, under her blatant sexuality and annoying humor, there was a brave soul struggling to burst free.
            Vala: You are so right! I’m always struggling to burst free, especially with some of the clothes I’ve had to wear as a Goa’uld. What is it about alien dressmakers?
            Sam: You’re drifting - finish the story for Jester.
            Vala: Well, I scrambled up this tree while the guys and Sam covered my ah, you know what, and the Prior started wailing. I grabbed his legs and started pulling with all my might.
            Sam: It was so, so brave. I’d like to say that the Prior turned white with fright, but we couldn’t tell.
            Vala: He put up quite a struggle, calling me every name in the holy book but I wouldn’t let go of his boots. He tried to shake me off but I managed to get hold of his belt and then yanked hard and he and I came sliding down the tree.
            Sam: Unfortunately, I wasn’t fast enough to jump out of the way and Vala and her captive landed on top of me.
            Vala: Sorry, Sam. I still wince when I remember that crash landing. There you were, under the Prior, and there I was, on top of him. The almighty preacher died right there on the spot. It was his fear of women that did him in.
            Sam: So true. Dr. Lam called it the worst case of gynophobia she had ever seen.
            Vala: Sam and I were in the infirmary for a few nights, some broken ribs and nasty bruises. It was then that she and I got our idea.
            Jester: Your ‘idea’?
            Sam: Yes, we were still not so friendly but misery loves company and we soon found ourselves chatting about everything and anything. It soon became very educational.
            Vala: I learned how to change spark plugs on a vintage Volvo and Sam learned how to …
            Sam: Let’s just get on with the main part of the story.
            Vala: We were going out of our skulls with boredom and wanted to get back to the Gate and the missions. Dr. Lam would not give us a clean bill of health so …
            Sam: We pulled resources and made a deal with the good doctor.
            Vala: Sam got permission to borrow a Goa’uld healing device and we took turns healing each other.
            Jester: Brilliant move!
            Sam: Yes, I learned a more aggressive technique and Vala learned how to self-control a bit better.
            Vala: Self control is one of my issues.
            Sam: From then on, we feel like we have entered into a special relationship, not quite buddies but more like empowered women.
            Jester: I’ll drink to that. In fact, I think it’s time for me to get out of the tub and make us all some Margaritas.
            Jester climbs out of the tub as she hears …
            Sam: Val, can I borrow the loofah?
            Vala: Yeah, if you throw that Modern Science magazine over here ….
            Last edited by ChopinGal; 23 July 2006, 06:52 PM.


              CG!!!! You're so frigging crazy
              But that was a good laugh I needed!! Thanks


                Originally posted by Lizlove
                CG!!!! You're so frigging crazy
                But that was a good laugh I needed!! Thanks
                Ya know, we've all been so intense lately that I just felt like "bursting free" too!

                Let's face it ... the new cast and the new direction are here to stay. We may as well add a few laughs to the tears!



                  the more laughs the better
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    i just had an icky thought.
                    (spoilers for season 9 and 10)

                    in that interview that was done at the start of season 9 amanda was asked if she was leading the team and replied with no not really, its more of an ensemble.

                    in more recent interviews (and/or cons) she's talking as though mitchell were the official and undisputed leader or something.

                    now considering that she's seen and filmed the scripts for the first half of the season, and uninvited is in that first half, does that mean that this episode declares him to be the proper leader in some way, and hence forth the show will depict him as such?

                    or am i just being a bit more than usual?

                    sorry if someone's already had and posted this thought, but i'm stupid and i forget stuff.


                      Darn it CG I can't green ya, but I can applaud you

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by ChopinGal
                        Ya know, we've all been so intense lately that I just felt like "bursting free" too!

                        Let's face it ... the new cast and the new direction are here to stay. We may as well add a few laughs to the tears!

                        For me you can continue on bursting free and tears? I don't shed them anymore and when I do it's of joy or laughing to hard!


                          Originally posted by ChopinGal
                          Ya know, we've all been so intense lately that I just felt like "bursting free" too!

                          Let's face it ... the new cast and the new direction are here to stay. We may as well add a few laughs to the tears!

                          I loved it and laugh like a loon. Do you think you can get them together again any time soon????
                          In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

                          Life is too short for drama & petty things,
                          so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

                          Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
                          Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
                          Hic Comitas Regit
                          Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                          Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


                            Originally posted by stargate barbie
                            i just had an icky thought.
                            (spoilers for season 9 and 10)

                            in that interview that was done at the start of season 9 amanda was asked if she was leading the team and replied with no not really, its more of an ensemble.

                            in more recent interviews (and/or cons) she's talking as though mitchell were the official and undisputed leader or something.

                            now considering that she's seen and filmed the scripts for the first half of the season, and uninvited is in that first half, does that mean that this episode declares him to be the proper leader in some way, and hence forth the show will depict him as such?

                            or am i just being a bit more than usual?

                            sorry if someone's already had and posted this thought, but i'm stupid and i forget stuff.
                            It may be an icky thought, but I'm betting it's right on the money. I don't think we're going to win this one Samandans.


                              Originally posted by LadyJeep
                              I loved it and laugh like a loon. Do you think you can get them together again any time soon????
                              Uh oh, I just had a thought (yes I do get them )

                              don't let TPTB see CG's post, or the next episode will be taking place in the women's locker room with them in the shower
                              (thinks back to men's shower room scene) Yep it's been done before

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by Gate gal
                                It may be an icky thought, but I'm betting it's right on the money. I don't think we're going to win this one Samandans.
                                As your Royal Bookie, I am totally ignoring this bet

                                my fanfic

