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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Farscapefan
    What's more important, they said to WATCH the show, and NOT to TiVO it. It affects the ratings badly.
    Ahh, but you see, by using TiVO, fans can ff through parts they don't like (I don't mean commercials) and characters they don't like...perhaps if the new SG1 didn't have so much of the "don't like" factor, ratings would be the same or similar to S8

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by Mandysg1
      Ahh, but you see, by using TiVO, fans can ff through parts they don't like (I don't mean commercials) and characters they don't like...perhaps if the new SG1 didn't have so much of the "don't like" factor, ratings would be the same or similar to S8
      Well, I've always thought that the FANS of the show are WATCHING (while recording at the same time) the new episodes. And when they like them they're watching them multiple times in the future. When they don't like them they ff scenes they don't like and watch the rest. Obviously I was wrong...
      T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders


        Let's face it, even if all of us get 100 of our friends to watch the show, it won't make a lot of difference if they aren't part of the Nielsen "family" Granted, that might improve the odds that some Stargate viewers might be, but I believe that the ratings are based on a sample of the viewing population, not the actual number of viewers.

        Nielsen has plans to incorporate TiVo and DVR recordings into their ratings, but I don't think that's in place yet. And Farscapefan, you're right, the hard core fans like us watch live and record, but we're not the ones they're going after. They know we're already hooked, they need more of the casual fans to watch.



          Originally posted by Farscapefan
          Well, I've always thought that the FANS of the show are WATCHING (while recording at the same time) the new episodes. And when they like them they're watching them multiple times in the future. When they don't like them they ff scenes they don't like and watch the rest. Obviously I was wrong...
          In season's past, I used to rush home from wherever I was at on Friday night in order to watch Stargate even though I knew I was recording it. I would often watch the second showing and then rewatch the recorded episode to see if there were things I might have missed, but after the disappointment of S9, I stopped trying to get home to watch the show. Heck, there were some episodes when I didn't even bother to turn on the television even when I was sitting in front of it because I figured it was best to hold onto what little hope I still had if even for only an hour longer. Now, I just record the shows and I may get around to watching them that evening or sometime that weekend. I know in order to survive, the show needs us to watch regularly, but seeing as my opinion as a long time fan means absolutely nothing to TPTB, then my feeling is let them try to pull in new viewers who will fill in the ratings numbers to help them get renewed next year. Obviously that is the fanbase they want, so why should I bother helping.


            Just reading all the banter going to and fro at the momet I'm afraid I have to say I'm so glad I got out of the series when I did.

            I can't imagine why things have been done the way they have. It doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.

            The only thing that I can think of is that the peeps at Bridge were so determined to sign CB and BB that they made sure they signed them before they were offered anything else. That being the case they HAD to incorporate them into the current series. They were probably banking on being allowed to run a new series with them.

            Huge mistake.

            A message to the people who think they are intelligent and think they know best. It isn't the names of the people who matter (not for a minority interest Sci Fi show anyway) I have never given 2 hoots if I know the guest actor or not, and I didn't know any of the main cast - including RDA when I started watching the show.

            I was interested in the genre and fell in love with the show for the reasons I have already mentioned. It is my opinion that on the whole I have been more impressed with the guest actors who I didn't know, rather than those I did (Apart from John De Lacie who was brilliant).

            In their mad childlike scramble to pick up BB and CB (no doubt the hottest names available) they have managed to ruin both SG1 and the potential for a second spin off. The have been limited in the characters they have created for BB and CB - and they are still totally incongrous in context of SG1, then they are tied to these characters for a second spin off.

            Numpties the lot of them!! It is bad for everyone concerned.

            What is this mad clamour for named actors anyway? When you think you need to sign big names like this whatever the cost, it is when you know you don't have a great idea or a good plot for a show. You are relying on an actors fame for publicity, Kudos and the fan base. I could have understood them perhaps wanting one named actor, but 2 - and from the same former series within the same genre??!!

            This is such as shame because the SG1 I fell in love with never for one moment relied on any names at all (apart from RDA - who I hadn't heard of anyway)

            It seems from the ratings that despite some new fans coming on board - BB, CB fans, the people who previously loved SG1 have voted with their off switch.

            It is a real shame as I think if they had created a new series with BB and CB and had thus more freedom to create new characters I think they would have done a better job of it. I still would have liked to have seen SG1 continue for another couple of series - the big 3 still had a lot of juice in them and so did SG1 - Maybe thats why other SG1 fans tuned in to season 9 - hoping to see that SG1 hadn't changed all that much.

            I think the best that TPTB can hope for is that more new fans start watching, as I think those who have gone will probably not return. It could happen. It will be a shame if the writing and episodes do get better inseason 10, that season 9 was so poor. However I still think that a lot of people who have turned off know that the show they loved has gone, that Sam won't be the SG1 leader, that it is not focused on the remaining big three actors and their is less sense of team than there used to be.

            I hope that the big 3 will be able to find work after the show, as I think whatever happens, their characters are living on borrowed time.


              Originally posted by dexterav
              Right time for bump

              Well I love that WP looks really great, something original and not really ordinary. I Love it


                Originally posted by Coley
                I hope that the big 3 will be able to find work after the show, as I think whatever happens, their characters are living on borrowed time.
                So do I. They're very talented, so hopefully they'll find roles that they enjoy.

                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                  Originally posted by Farscapefan
                  Well, I've always thought that the FANS of the show are WATCHING (while recording at the same time) the new episodes. And when they like them they're watching them multiple times in the future. When they don't like them they ff scenes they don't like and watch the rest. Obviously I was wrong...
                  I think you're right too. Before Tivos we had dvd recorders and video as well.
                  Yes the hardcore would sit and record, but I also think that a lot of keen fans would tune in whenever they could to watch the show, but not necessarily record if the we not around.

                  I have loved most of the Star Trek series and alway made a point of being around when the broadcasts were on, but I never recorded the shows either when I was watching, or when I couldn't be around. I didn't watch DS9 as I found I didn't like it - I was really disapointed, but did return and watch Voyager.

                  I really think that the show has just lost a lot of viewers because of the changes and because of pretty poor writing and creativity. Could you imagine still being interested in the Ori in another 8 years?! They have relied too much on big names and special effects, they have just forgotton what made the show a great (if limited) success.


                    Originally posted by Coley
                    I think you're right too. Before Tivos we had dvd recorders and video as well.
                    Yes the hardcore would sit and record, but I also think that a lot of keen fans would tune in whenever they could to watch the show, but not necessarily record if the we not around.

                    I have loved most of the Star Trek series and alway made a point of being around when the broadcasts were on, but I never recorded the shows either when I was watching, or when I couldn't be around. I didn't watch DS9 as I found I didn't like it - I was really disapointed, but did return and watch Voyager.

                    I really think that the show has just lost a lot of viewers because of the changes and because of pretty poor writing and creativity. Could you imagine still being interested in the Ori in another 8 years?! They have relied too much on big names and special effects, they have just forgotton what made the show a great (if limited) success.
                    Not so much in the Ori, more in their philosophy. So, the answer to your question is: yes, in 8 years I'd still be interested in the subject.
                    T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders



                      Saw Morpheus today, really liked it. The whole team working together. It was cool Great moments, not just between Sam and Daniel but, in general. The whole team.
                      2 things bugged me:
                      1) It ended to abruptly.
                      2) Didnt that lizard look huge when Teal'C was holding it? When they show it running away it looked much smaller. Bad FX there.


                        Originally posted by Farscapefan
                        Not so much in the Ori, more in their philosophy. So, the answer to your question is: yes, in 8 years I'd still be interested in the subject.

                        I got bored after a few shows.

                        I never tired of the Goa'uld though

                        board with Teal'c going off with the Jaffa all the time, bored sometiimes with Sam doing too much technobabble, never liked the Unas, but the Goa'uld were brilliant! Like TPTB "You know you're not so smart as you like to think you are"


                          Originally posted by Coley

                          I got bored after a few shows.

                          I never tired of the Goa'uld though

                          board with Teal'c going off with the Jaffa all the time, bored sometiimes with Sam doing too much technobabble, never liked the Unas, but the Goa'uld were brilliant! Like TPTB "You know you're not so smart as you like to think you are"
                          Yeah, agree about the Goa'uld and I'm glad some of them are still around. I'd love to see Nerus again, hope Ba'al (or one of his clones) didn't kill him in "Off The Grid".
                          T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders



                            Originally posted by astrogeologist
                            With Kat's numbers, I got this graph:

                            Now, as low as these numbers are for the Season 10 premiere... the numbers are even lower for the premieres for Seasons 6 & 7, and the series was renewed after those seasons...
                            Yes but one thing to keep in mind is that Stargate moved from Showtime to the Sci-Fi network in S6. Showtime is a premium cable channel that most cable viewers do not subscribe to, so the viewing numbers would probably have been lower; and then in S6 they may have lost viewers do to the fact that they did not realize the show had changed to a new channel and time. The Sci-Fi channel was also a new cable network that was still struggling to create its audience base. If you notice one rating point in S6 was only 800,000 viewers, but it jumped up to over a million viewers by S8. The thing that is most disturbing about S9 and S10, is that for three years prior to S9 Stargate had showed an upward momentum accumulating a larger fanbase with each season even though it was already past the normal 'five year' longevity mark. This is something that is normally unheard of for a television show, so to see the drastic change in ratings for S10's premiere is a big...HUGE...drop in my opinion. It will definitely be interesting to see where they go with the second half of the season because if ratings don't pull up drastically, SG-1 might find itself replaced from it's normal Friday night line-up with shows like BSG, Dr. Who or Eureka come January. I doubt Sci-Fi would cancel the show outright, but they would definitely move it to another night if they felt they could draw larger numbers with the other shows. And with the lower ratings, it just may not be cost effective for MGM and Sci-Fi to continue with another season.


                              Originally posted by Farscapefan
                              Yeah, agree about the Goa'uld and I'm glad some of them are still around. I'd love to see Nerus again, hope Ba'al (or one of his clones) didn't kill him in "Off The Grid".
                              My fave has always been Apophis. To bad he's brown!!


                                So many wonderful posts! Thanks to everyone for taking the time to type them up! I agree with so much of everyone's frustrations and feelings of loss regarding the changes with SG-1.

                                The following is a rant/lament about Seasons 9 and 10 and I have put it in spoilers for those who do not want to read such

                                TPTB knew that they would lose some fans when they made these changes. They *knew* that they were making big changes. They *wanted* to make big changes. They were ready to move on - and they did.

                                Bringing in the 2 known lead actors from another series - that's a move I'll never understand. Bringing them in and centering SG-1 around them? Mind-boggling... and I can't think of another show anywhere who has done the same thing (let alone survived it). I can't imagine a new season of Farscape going over well if the only way that it could happen would be to have BB and CB play minor characters to Newly Crowned Lead Farscape Actors (say RDA and AT or MS) from Stargate.

                                It's unfathomable to me that TPTB didn't see that they would be setting up a huge division in the fan bases. Pitting the fan bases against each other. Creating a whole slew of ill feelings and nasty posts where folks erroneously bash actors and characters instead of lamenting the decisions made by those in power.

                                They made these changes with the full knowledge that they were going to lose fans. They were just hoping that they'd gain more than they lost.

                                And I'm sad...and disappointed... and angry... to be in the group of fans that they lost. Makes me feel insignificant (to them). Makes me feel that I was somehow always wrong about Stargate, but foolishly didn't see it.

                                Who knows what the ratings are going to do? Maybe they will come back up a bit... But telling all Gateworlders to go out and recruit 100 new fans apiece... that's a bit ridiculous. If new fans come on board, it won't be because the old veteran fans jollied them into the Stargate world. Many, loyal veteran fans are just struggling to find reasons to keep in touch with how Stargate develops from here on out.

                                Will they renew the series for a Season 11? For the first time, I find myself hoping that they don't renew it - if they aren't going to bolster Carter's character. If she isn't going to get to command... if Mitchell's the 'SG-1 Leader'... if it's going to be Vala-humor that create the highlights of the episodes... and if Carter isn't going to get to be a main hero, and she isn't going to contribute anything besides just being scenery... then for the first time, I'll actually post the feelings that I came to last night... I hope they cancel the show if they are just going to continue on the path that they created with Season 9.

                                Hope springs eternal... but the spring is drying up.

