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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    question for ppl that saw 'the road not taken'

    the ausam was killed... did anyone grieve for her? i mean *really* grieve?

    i just can't stand the idea of any sam dying... this just suddenly popped into my head.






      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
      question for ppl that saw 'the road not taken'

      the ausam was killed... did anyone grieve for her? i mean *really* grieve?

      i just can't stand the idea of any sam dying... this just suddenly popped into my head.



      No...but I think it was due more to them all having some fairly pressing issues to deal with rather than lack of interest or lack of feelings regarding the matter.

      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
        No...but I think it was due more to them all having some fairly pressing issues to deal with rather than lack of interest or lack of feelings regarding the matter.
        and also
        the fact that they had an immediate replacement, that they hadn't quite proccessed the fact that their sam was gone. i don't think they really got the implications of their sam being dead, when they still had someone who looked, sounded and acted almost exactly the same, just with a few differences.


          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
          Lots of "ifs" there.

          Remember, this is just my thinking right now...doesn't mean I'm right or that I have some special insight into the mind of TPTB. *scary thought*

          Your questions are's what I believe.
          TPTB are putting all of the franchises eggs into the SGA basket. They need SGA to continue on for a while if they have any hope of continuing SG-1/SGA movies or getting that third series. They're pulling out all their big guns and trimming off what they believe might not be working or will not work in the future.

          I believe that a part of the story will result in the necessity to militarize Atlantis.

          From a character perspective, the most logical choice to me is Carter. She has not only the experience as the galaxy-saver of the SGC, but she also has the demeanor, political viability and the ability to manage both military and civilian assets...which Caldwell lacks.

          From a show/franchise perspective, who better to put onto Atlantis to help boost the ratings and get SG-1 fans than Amanda/Sam?

          And SG-1? I think they'd mesh it to work somehow. It's a valid point but I think they'd figure it out.

          Regarding Amanda's perspective...this is my speculation. If this gambit works, she's set. She'll be able to write her own ticket and negotiate with a real position of power so that she can work on whatever projects she wants while being able to continue to enjoy the security of a regular paycheck.
          Please don't get me wrong. I like Liz...but I think she's in over her head and I further believe that with what we know is coming by way of threat to the city, I think it's wishful thinking on the IOA's part to believe the command can be maintained by civilians.

          Sorry you asked, aren't you?
          Nah, not sorry I asked at all

          I like seeing a lot of different opinions and the reasons behind them. My problem is that I can argue a case from pretty much any point of view and at the moment there are just way too many possibilities

          I see existing problems with Atlantis character/story wise and with TPTB and unless these are addressed then I don't see that ANY change will be successful.

          I think Dr Weir has been underutilised. Now this could be from the limitations of the position as a base commander or TPTB limitations in writing well for females (most probably a combo of both). Now put Sam in that position and I still see the same problems so unless those are addressed then I'm not going to be happy.

          I definitely see what you are saying with the situation with Atlantis and the franchise and I agree that your thoughts are definite possibilities, dare I say probabilities.

          As for
          who better to put onto Atlantis to help boost the ratings
          well I know a lot of Daniel fans who would give you an argument.

          Now, remember I don't have a favourite character (out of either show) I pretty much like them all (except maybe the newbies who I think need a lot more work on the characters done).
          With Daniel, he's got the popularity with the fans going but character wise there are some major stumbling blocks to overcome. There's never been a role like Daniel has on SG-1 in Atlantis so they'd have to create an entire new facet to the story line to incorporate him and I really do not see him as the leader of a joint military / science expedition. Even saying that - I could make a case for him to go
          On the other hand Sam does fit in quite well, all they need do is make room for her.

          Bah! I guess I'm worried that they'll make their changes and screw it up (ala my opinion of S9) and Sam / Amanda will be used as the scapegoat.

          I think Sam can be fabulous on Atlantis (I just hope TPTB don't screw it up).


            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            question for ppl that saw 'the road not taken'

            the ausam was killed... did anyone grieve for her? i mean *really* grieve?

            i just can't stand the idea of any sam dying... this just suddenly popped into my head.



            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
            No...but I think it was due more to them all having some fairly pressing issues to deal with rather than lack of interest or lack of feelings regarding the matter.

            Originally posted by stargate barbie View Post
            and also
            the fact that they had an immediate replacement, that they hadn't quite proccessed the fact that their sam was gone. i don't think they really got the implications of their sam being dead, when they still had someone who looked, sounded and acted almost exactly the same, just with a few differences.
            I too can't handle
            the thought of Sam dying (as a general rule I won't read any fic where this happens)
            but it really didn't impact on me that au Sam died (more knowledge than feeling if ya get what I mean) because there is an awful lot going on in the episode and for the reasons Oooober and stargate barbie pointed out.


              Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
              Nah, not sorry I asked at all

              I like seeing a lot of different opinions and the reasons behind them. My problem is that I can argue a case from pretty much any point of view and at the moment there are just way too many possibilities

              I see existing problems with Atlantis character/story wise and with TPTB and unless these are addressed then I don't see that ANY change will be successful.

              I think Dr Weir has been underutilised. Now this could be from the limitations of the position as a base commander or TPTB limitations in writing well for females (most probably a combo of both). Now put Sam in that position and I still see the same problems so unless those are addressed then I'm not going to be happy.

              I definitely see what you are saying with the situation with Atlantis and the franchise and I agree that your thoughts are definite possibilities, dare I say probabilities.

              As for
              who better to put onto Atlantis to help boost the ratings
              well I know a lot of Daniel fans who would give you an argument.

              Now, remember I don't have a favourite character (out of either show) I pretty much like them all (except maybe the newbies who I think need a lot more work on the characters done).
              With Daniel, he's got the popularity with the fans going but character wise there are some major stumbling blocks to overcome. There's never been a role like Daniel has on SG-1 in Atlantis so they'd have to create an entire new facet to the story line to incorporate him and I really do not see him as the leader of a joint military / science expedition. Even saying that - I could make a case for him to go
              On the other hand Sam does fit in quite well, all they need do is make room for her.

              Bah! I guess I'm worried that they'll make their changes and screw it up (ala my opinion of S9) and Sam / Amanda will be used as the scapegoat.

              I think Sam can be fabulous on Atlantis (I just hope TPTB don't screw it up).
              Well Daniel wouldn't be a better fit for instance if
              the city is being militarized and they need a new commander.

              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                there could also be a very practical reason for Sam over Daniel on atlantis
                AT was optioned for s11/s4. MS was not signed - to my understanding - thus if they wanted him they'd have to negotiate for his time which might not be as cost effective as using AT

                just pure speculation on my part
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Well I just saw TRNT and can you see I'm still smiling
                  Amanda did an amazing job....again If only they can keep up this type of writing so we can enjoy the ending of the series.

                  I enjoyed all aspects of the show, from the cute moments to the serious moments, Amanda did a wonderful job interacting with everyone

                  and I did enjoy seeing

                  Kick ass soldier Sam and wearing a skirt no less

                  my fanfic


                    Hey guys, know this isn't totally on topic (well, at all really) but wanted to introduce a brand new SamCarter fan in my family! lol Well, he kinda is...

                    This is DOLBY... and he was 8 wks old as of Saturday.

                    Huge Stargate fan already I tells ya.

                    Last edited by minigeek; 24 January 2007, 07:03 PM.

                    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                      Thanks people for pointing out Amanda's new message. I'm so glad to hear that she's excited about Atlantis and that she has talked with Joe and Paul about her concerns. For all that I sometimes knock JM, I do know from commentaries that they both think very highly of her and her talent. maybe they will actually listen to her. Can't wait for her next message when she tells us about the new project. And to take the time to update us, thank the GABIT people etc when she's going through a tough time is just great.
                      As Ooober said: "One thing's for certain...that woman has class oozing out of her pores."


                        yep, look up class in the dictionary and you'll see her pic.

                        I was sorry to hear about abbie. I have an ancient little chihauhaha, she's gonna be 14 in march, and i know that it's just a matter of time. and i hate the idea. Cause my mom might have brought her home, but she bonded with me so she's very much my dog.
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          question for ppl that saw 'the road not taken'

                          the ausam was killed... did anyone grieve for her? i mean *really* grieve?

                          i just can't stand the idea of any sam dying... this just suddenly popped into my head.



                          Which was one of the many issues I had with this ep, which felt, IMHO, terribly rushed and condensed and would have made an excellent two-parter.... Yeah. A two-part sam-centric episode. That'd happen.

                          I consider we're lucky with what we got... But, still.. two parter... yeah.


                            Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                            Hey guys, know this isn't totally on topic (well, at all really) but wanted to introduce a brand new SamCarter fan in my family! lol Well, he kinda is...

                            This is DOLBY... and he was 8 wks old as of Saturday.

                            Huge Stargate fan already I tells ya.

                            Awwww and what a cute addition he is Just remember to teach him how to cheer for Amanda

                            my fanfic


                              Thanks for those posting pics and clips. *hugs*

                              As for the dress...
                              It doesn't really bother me. Certainly not the dresses she's worn at awards. They were gorgeous and classier than many dresses I've seen other celebrities wear. Now if she's uncomfortable in them, then that's not cool. Sam was at a party and people wear snazzy dresses to parties...though it was a little low, she still looked great. And this is Sam. It's not like she wears this sort of thing all the time. I think we can all be thankful Sam has made a name for herself without wearing revealing clothing all these years, and we know she doesn't need to wear that for us and so many others to adore her and think she's beautiful. She's downright sexy in that dress, but how many years have we appreciated how naturally beautiful she is in simple BDUs? Or whumped? Or firing a P-90? Sam deserves to dress up every once in a while, but we know she doesn't have to to be beautiful. As long as Sam doesn't show up to work wearing that dress...

                              as for Sam drawing more viewers to SGA, do you think a lot would leave because of certain changes? I don't think Sam will lead Atlantis...but you never know. I do like the idea of her on a ship though.


                                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                                Well Daniel wouldn't be a better fit for instance if
                                the city is being militarized and they need a new commander.
                                Oh, I totally agree with you there.

                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                there could also be a very practical reason for Sam over Daniel on atlantis
                                AT was optioned for s11/s4. MS was not signed - to my understanding - thus if they wanted him they'd have to negotiate for his time which might not be as cost effective as using AT

                                just pure speculation on my part
                                Speculation is fun. I would argue different points from a theoretical point of view with characteristics and their usefullness of the characters as opposed to a point of view that incorporated real world logistics like actor availability. Then to top it all off I would probably argue a totally different case when arguing from my heart / feelings

                                Hey! I have great arguments with myself

