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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
    I think that my option (Heroes pt 2) is going to lose, Barbie. I thought that episode was excellent for showing Sam's relationships, and not just her hallucinated versions of them. I thought the nuances in that episode were fantastic.
    Me too, I went for Heros part 2. I WISH we could have mushed them together as one episode-because as a whole, it was a wonderful gamut of so many facets of Sam. But since I had to pick one, I picked part 2.

    I may actually post why some time this weekend. Too tired to type properly now, let alone put coherent sentences together.


      Where are all the Samandans? *looks around* Sam's a great character!


        Originally posted by fishyone
        Just checked kawoosh really quick and I didn't see that anyone had made a vid to Shania Twain's "She's not just a pretty face." It struck me today that that song would make a good Sam vid... Since she has all these different roles on Stargate...

        Has anyone done it, and I'm just too much of a newb to find it? (If not, maybe a talented vidder could consider it?)
        This vid is *fantastic*,
        >>> 'Not Just Another Pretty Face' by Shima
        The official video for Amanda Tapping at the German City Con (a couple of years ago)
        First Place Winner of the Stargate 2003 Music Video Awards: Carter category
        unfortunately, it's not online anymore at the author's site (I don't know why) . I also can't find it anywhere else. Does anyone here in Samanda know where it can still be found online for new folks to be able to view it and check it out?


          Seldear - I just read your fic 'Unsuspecting Universe' [SUMMARY: Two team-mates alive, seven Jaffa dead. And one Captain Samantha Carter with a junked-up weapon, and a glitter in her eye that boded badly for the universe.]- and it's a great Carterfic set in a teamfic. I read it where you'd posted it on the samandjack yahoo group postings - do you have the fic posted somewhere like Gateworld or - so that we can post a link to it for folks in this thread?


            Originally posted by astrogeologist
            Seldear - I just read your fic 'Unsuspecting Universe' [SUMMARY: Two team-mates alive, seven Jaffa dead. And one Captain Samantha Carter with a junked-up weapon, and a glitter in her eye that boded badly for the universe.]- and it's a great Carterfic set in a teamfic. I read it where you'd posted it on the samandjack yahoo group postings - do you have the fic posted somewhere like Gateworld or - so that we can post a link to it for folks in this thread?
            I love that summary! Sounds good! I need some good fic!


              Originally posted by astrogeologist
              Seldear - I just read your fic 'Unsuspecting Universe' [SUMMARY: Two team-mates alive, seven Jaffa dead. And one Captain Samantha Carter with a junked-up weapon, and a glitter in her eye that boded badly for the universe.]- and it's a great Carterfic set in a teamfic. I read it where you'd posted it on the samandjack yahoo group postings - do you have the fic posted somewhere like Gateworld or - so that we can post a link to it for folks in this thread?

              Link us now Seldear!!!


                Originally posted by astrogeologist
                This vid is *fantastic*,
                >>> 'Not Just Another Pretty Face' by Shima
                The official video for Amanda Tapping at the German City Con (a couple of years ago)
                First Place Winner of the Stargate 2003 Music Video Awards: Carter category
                unfortunately, it's not online anymore at the author's site (I don't know why) . I also can't find it anywhere else. Does anyone here in Samanda know where it can still be found online for new folks to be able to view it and check it out?
                I agree, Astro. This is a great vid and lots of fun.

                Found it! Here's a link for downloading.



                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  ooh, fanfic.

                  remember a title and author?????

                  im a sucker for DM fic, or any sam h/c fic to be honest

                  There's a lot of good fic out there but unfortunately I've come across some bad ones but the fics that I was thinking of in reference to the ep Desperate Measures, are found at and the author is denise1 and the titles are -
                  1. To sleep
                  2. Bonds
                  3. Comfort measures

                  I thought they were pretty good stories. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by ChopinGal
                    Still home sick ... looking for some new Sam whumpage ... especially after just watching Desperate Measures and getting angry all over again at the lack of focus on Sam at the end ... we just tossed this around a few pages back, but seeing the show again made me growl ... if they wanted the confrontation with Adrian and shooting at the end, they should have let Sam be the one to see him one more time ... aargh ....

                    Anyhow, aside from Sky's wonderful fic for Desperate Measures and Strix's "Knife's Edge" ... are there any other good fics about this episode?

                    Thanks, Samandans.
                    Sorry to hear that Chopin. I hope you feel better soon!
                    Yepp, it's blank down here.


                      Very difficult to choose a best Sam episode in season 7. It was between Grace, Death Knell, and Heroes II. I liked them all so much, and they each show a very different, yet important, aspect of Sam.

                      I went with Death Knell because it showed her determination as a soldier under dire circumstances, and I liked the scenes with her father as well. I could have easily picked the other two, however, for so many reasons.

                      I would love to see this kind of Sam in season 10 again.


                        Good morning my fellow Samandans.

                        I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.

                        Just a note to those of you who may not know, but there are a handful of us who will be attending the Shore Leave Convention in approximately 45 days. The con will have Carmen Argenziano, Corin Nemec and Amanda as guests. I've still got a large list of questions from previous cons, but I thought I'd go ahead and post requests for new questions that may pertain to season 10. I can't guarantee your question will be asked, but hopefully one of us will be able to ask it while we are there. So over the next few weeks start thinking up your questions and either post them here or send them to me via PM/email.



                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                          Where are all the Samandans? *looks around* Sam's a great character!
                          My guess is that everyone finally got a chance to go out on Friday night since there was no reason to stay home and Stargate.

                          my fanfic


                            Originally posted by Agent_Dark

                            Link us now Seldear!!!
                            didn't write it...for any of you who didn't quite connect those dots.
                            "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                            Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                              Originally posted by chelle db
                              There's a lot of good fic out there but unfortunately I've come across some bad ones but the fics that I was thinking of in reference to the ep Desperate Measures, are found at and the author is denise1 and the titles are -
                              1. To sleep
                              2. Bonds
                              3. Comfort measures

                              I thought they were pretty good stories. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
                              OK... this is too funny... Sky just got recc'd to go and read her own fic! Of course, it's also a high compliment


                                Originally posted by astrogeologist
                                OK... this is too funny... Sky just got recc'd to go and read her own fic! Of course, it's also a high compliment
                                I missed that! How funny! But there again, not everyone knows that Sky is Denise. If someone say, recc'd Tracy Jane's fic to me, now that would be worrying. And not just because they were reccing it in the first place
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

