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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by NearlyCircular
    I just checked out the AOL site that they were promoting during the show tonight, where they have some clips from tonight's ep and mini interviews with the actors. Amanda has a cute bit,
    something about going into into makeup for the show where they're supposed to look really sleepy, and as the mother of a young child who had been up all night teething , make-up just told her she was good to go.
    LOL Funny.
    I actually think she was like: "Can we change the script and have my character fall asleep so I can rest a bit?!" LOL

    And for me anyway, there were still a few annoying Vala flounces, but she also had some redeeming moments. On a shallow note, I do wish she'd lose the pigtails, though.

    Ya, those are lame.


      in regards to those dang pigtails. I keep thinking of Workikng Girl and the line 'if you want to be taken seriously, you have serious hair

      pigtails are NOT serious hair.

      however, i will freely admit that vala annoys me so my vala tolerance is about ><
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Ok, this is what I have to say about tonight's episode-there's actually good things.

        Ok, where to start. I liked it-better than last week's for sure. Oh my word! Mitchell wasn't the hero! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! We were all cheering for Teal'c! He, Sam, and Daniel lasted the longest! Woot! No wimpy Sam, astro! She kept going till they closed her up in the pod.

        I loved the Sam/Daniel interaction. I loved when she said they'd have to rely on each other. It was sweet. I felt some team interaction in this ep, which was nice.

        Vala was quite funny. Seems like she has attached herself to Daniel...that sometimes bothers me...but Daniel's just too cute when he pouts about something she's done. Ok, Daniel is really hot.... Could have done without the comment to Woolsey at the end. I also REALLY didn't like the part where Mitchell told Vala not to screw up. Hmmm...should take his own advice.

        And darn it all, I was betting that when they were chasing that lizard that Mitchell would say something like he used to hunt for frogs in his Grandma's creek when he was a kid. Well, hey, I can relate the SOME of his stories.

        I felt Sam had a good role in this one. She didn't get to explore the cave, but she got to do some other important things as well, and she didn't wimp out before Mitchell did. I felt like everyone got around the same screentime.

        Next week they go to Atlantis!!!! Woohoo!


          Ok, I havent had time to read the thread. I'm about 7 pages back but I was curious if anyone else had color issue with tonight's Stargate SG-1? I kept getting this weird grey coloring with oddly placed color spots on the screen that annoyed the hell out of me. Like Sam's face was completely void of color except for parts of her nose. I spent the first twenty minutes trying to fix my frellin television. I've taped the second airing to see if it was any better and it's not! I won't even bother to give my opinion of the show... needless to say I was not in a happy mood while watching tonight's episode.



            IMHO, In tonight's episode concerning Sam
            I enjoyed seeing more of her sense of humor just as Amanda told us about at Shore Leave con. No, Sam did not give up. The effect of the parasite induced sleep that she sucumbed to after a concerted effort to fight it!


              Originally posted by ForeverSg1
              Ok, I havent had time to read the thread. I'm about 7 pages back but I was curious if anyone else had color issue with tonight's Stargate SG-1? I kept getting this weird grey coloring with oddly placed color spots on the screen that annoyed the hell out of me. Like Sam's face was completely void of color except for parts of her nose. I spent the first twenty minutes trying to fix my frellin television. I've taped the second airing to see if it was any better and it's not! I won't even bother to give my opinion of the show... needless to say I was not in a happy mood while watching tonight's episode.

              Kat about the color
              the characters looked ashen faced as they fell under the effects of the parasite. It looked eerie and I think that's what TPTB intended.


                I didn't find anything exciting about this episode. I thought that the plot was wrapped up too nicely and quickly. And the lighting in Landry's office....way too dark. I felt like I was rewatching season 3 of The West Wing.


                  Originally posted by nell
                  Kat about the color
                  the characters looked ashen faced as they fell under the effects of the parasite. It looked eerie and I think that's what TPTB intended.
                  I think nell's right. I know that sometimes they like to use different lighting and filters to create a mood. In Paradise Lost, for example, they changed the lighting as the episode progressed, to kind of show that Jack and Maybourne's paranoia was increasing. I'll have to watch tonight's episode again, but it seemed to me that everything kept getting more gray as the show went along.



                    Originally posted by nell
                    Kat about the color
                    the characters looked ashen faced as they fell under the effects of the parasite. It looked eerie and I think that's what TPTB intended.
                    Well at least I'm not losing my mind. I'm sorry but that annoyed me. I wouldn't have minded the ashen face if the color had been constant. I expected the color on the team to be different than those at the SGC but their faces kept changing between ashen and colored which I did not like at all. Oh well, maybe when I'm in a better mood I'll try to watch the episode again. At this point in time I can't say anything positive about it, but I'm glad someone liked it.


                      Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                      Well at least I'm not losing my mind. I'm sorry but that annoyed me. I wouldn't have minded the ashen face if the color had been constant. I expected the color on the team to be different than those at the SGC but their faces kept changing between ashen and colored which I did not like at all. Oh well, maybe when I'm in a better mood I'll try to watch the episode again. At this point in time I can't say anything positive about it, but I'm glad someone liked it.
                      I really didn't notice anything odd with the color. I will admit that I enjoyed this episode. I was pleasantly surprised. It's not classic SG-1, but it never will be again. And this is ME being positive about a s10 episode. Strange...

                      My favorite part included Sam!
                      I just loved that little scene she had with Daniel, when they had to stay awake. That's the interaction I want to see more of. I know AT probably added more to that scene than was scripted, and to me, it came across nicely. Short, but oh so sweet. That part is coming on again in a minute. *runs to watch*


                        Originally posted by Skydiver
                        it didn't drag as much as F&B and, if i didn't have this h uge annoyance with vala ( i mean her voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. it just irritates me for some reason) i'd classify it as a winner.
                        It definitely didn't drag as much - thank goodness for that. I actually liked Vala a tweed more this time around... I dunno, she just rang more Old School SG1 with the attitude and the funnies. I've noticed a serious funny-line shortage from Sam. She used to be kind of snarky and have a sort of dead-pan humour. Now...she's turning into Season 7 Scully and Vala's gotten a mysterious humour transplant! I smell not!coincidence!
                        TEAM SG1 LIVES


                          ...And the results for the Season Five Poll are...







                          Desperate Measures

                          (photo from

                          with 48 Hours and Revelations also in the top episodes chosen ?

                          Results of Season 5 Poll + posted comments
                          Results of Season 4 Poll + posted comments
                          Results of Season 3 Poll + posted comments
                          Results of Season 2 Poll + posted comments
                          Results of Season 1 Poll + posted comments

                          Many Thanks to all who voted


                            And the Season 6 Poll is now up and active

                            Please note that you can vote for several episodes when you cast your ballot,
                            but once you hit submit, it won't let you come back and vote again.

                            Pics that capture your favorite AT acting scene are greatly appreciated too!
                            (A picture is worth a thousand words...)

                            If you want a reminder of what each episode was about... Season 6 Episode Summaries

                            >>>Link to Season 6 Poll


                              Hi I don't now if you have seen AT interview on SCIFI Pulse.

                              If you click on RDA's it will give you then the option to see all the other interviews, they are great!


                              Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                              Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                              Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                                spoilers for 'morpheus'

                                it was alright.

                                things i liked:

                                sam. always sam.

                                the creepy atmosphere.

                                co-lead. i saw co-leading going on.

                                vala was not only toned down again, but likeable. i actually *liked* vala.

                                mitchell was toned down again. he acted mature and like someone that would actually be on an sg team.

                                landry was amusing and 'feels' like a leader. i felt that way about him from the get-go.

                                things i didn't care for:

                                vala's last lines about the sexual harrassment thing with woolsey.

                                mitchell being leader. whether i see the co-leading, he's still the official leader.

                                officially, a good ep. nothing 'great', but something i'll fastforward through to my fave scenes. but still entertaining enough.

                                unofficially, get rid of mitchell and i'll like this show more. he ruins *my* fantasy for sam leading sg1 *again*.

                                also, i wonder if we'll ever see another *sam episode* again?

                                oh, ps about a furture ep -
                                what is the name of the ep that's coming up that's 'supposed' to deal with the leadership issue? what ep number?



