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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
    But back to Cam/Sam as they are now - I just love the way they are so relaxed and easygoing around each other.
    i do like that. i like the fact that we've gotten rid of 'yes,sir, no sir'

    which is why i very sincerely hope they don't promote cam or some crud like that. sam doesn't need to be sirring him
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by ReganX
      You never know, Cam might rise in my estimation to neutral.
      LOL. I'll take it!!!

      for starters...


        Originally posted by Skydiver
        i do like that. i like the fact that we've gotten rid of 'yes,sir, no sir'

        which is why i very sincerely hope they don't promote cam or some crud like that. sam doesn't need to be sirring him
        I like that, too, and while I don't think they should promote Cam at this point, if they were to promote Sam, the only reason I wouldn't be crazy about it is if it made Cam and Sam lose their intimacy.


          Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
          I like that, too, and while I don't think they should promote Cam at this point, if they were to promote Sam, the only reason I wouldn't be crazy about it is if it made Cam and Sam lose their intimacy.
          I don't think it would be too much of a problem if Sam was promoted. I don't see Sam insisting on formalities. I don't think she'd object to him continuing to use her first name, except maybe in front of superior officers.

          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


            Hey guys, thanks for all the GREEN and the posts, wowzers. Ya take off for a couple hours and look what happens?

            Originally posted by Skydiver
            i do like that. i like the fact that we've gotten rid of 'yes,sir, no sir'

            which is why i very sincerely hope they don't promote cam or some crud like that. sam doesn't need to be sirring him
            I was actually looking forward to seeing some of that Sam/Cam "they knew eachother from way before" friendship dynamic that Joe M. and others tried to mention prior to season nine. It was one of the disappointments I had, unfortunately. They barely alluded to it, and gave zero backstory; sort of foisted it off as "oh hey, these guys are already friends (but we won't tell you why, or what the reason is we never mentioned it before)".

            I expected them to have at least SOME kind of interrelationship storyline in there to build/establish that backstory. But they were too concerned with action and explosions, apparently. Ah well. Here's hoping for more articulate writing in season ten. 'Cause lord knows if that doesn't happen, SG-1 will not be long for the prime-time circuit.

            As to Sam/Cam, I figured they would try to canon-ize that. It seemed in keeping with their modus-operandi during season nine. I also assumed that the new fans coming on stream from Farscape would want it, because they never saw any of the other years that came beforehand. As a Sam/Jack shipper, naturally I was glad they didn't go there. But if Sam and Cam are supposed to be friends and/or colleagues from way back, I WOULD like to know why I'm supposed to care about that rather than simply being told I have to care and not to ask any questions.

            That's just me, though. I'm kinda finicky like that.


            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


              Originally posted by minigeek
              Hey guys, thanks for all the GREEN and the posts, wowzers. Ya take off for a couple hours and look what happens?

              I was actually looking forward to seeing some of that Sam/Cam "they knew eachother from way before" friendship dynamic that Joe M. and others tried to mention prior to season nine. It was one of the disappointments I had, unfortunately. They barely alluded to it, and gave zero backstory; sort of foisted it off as "oh hey, these guys are already friends (but we won't tell you why, or what the reason is we never mentioned it before)".

              I expected them to have at least SOME kind of interrelationship storyline in there to build/establish that backstory. But they were too concerned with action and explosions, apparently. Ah well. Here's hoping for more articulate writing in season ten. 'Cause lord knows if that doesn't happen, SG-1 will not be long for the prime-time circuit.

              As to Sam/Cam, I figured they would try to canon-ize that. It seemed in keeping with their modus-operandi during season nine. I also assumed that the new fans coming on stream from Farscape would want it, because they never saw any of the other years that came beforehand. As a Sam/Jack shipper, naturally I was glad they didn't go there. But if Sam and Cam are supposed to be friends and/or colleagues from way back, I WOULD like to know why I'm supposed to care about that rather than simply being told I have to care and not to ask any questions.

              That's just me, though. I'm kinda finicky like that.

              They're both military brats, maybe they knew each other when they were tiny tots. Or, if you don't stick to the tentative date of birth given for Cam in 'Collateral Damage' they could have been at the Academy together, or flown together in the Gulf War.

              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                Originally posted by scarimor

                I am so hoping they fix Cameron, because there's stuff about him I like, and so much I want to like more - especially his relationship (platonic in the show, please!) with Sam. This isn't the thread for me to reiterate where they've frakked his introduction up, but shiny or tarnished, my enjoyment of season 10 is going to depend very much on whether they sort out the group dynamic and fix their Cam-writing. Vala I like anyway, and I dare to hope that those elements of her character which many don't like (and I understand why) will get subdued by default; we'll see. Whatever happens, Sam remains at the centre of my Stargate universe. (uh, behind Janet, of course )

                See! --->

                Well put.

                Sam is at the center of my Stargate Universe, too. For all the reasons Mini so beautifully outlined in her post. If my first introduction to SG1 hadn't been a pretty Samtastic episode, I doubt I would have turned in a second time. (Despite the fact that RDA is one mighty fine looking man.) And as much as I have enjoyed the storylines, the Goa'uld and Replicator arcs; as wonderful as I felt the team interaction was, way back when, it's Sam that made SG1 "must see tv" for me. It's Sam's presense that had me coming back in Season 9 when my mighty fine RDA was gone, and the team interactions felt like nil, and the writing was, to me, sub-par with the plots driving characterization, and so much telling and not enough showing going around. But Sam had me turning in every week, and will have me turning in during season 10 as well.

                It's the character of Sam-her wisdom, her strength, her integrity, her intelligence, her thrill seeking streak, her ability to balance right with rules, defiance, with honor, and her ability to be sexy without being ott with it that has made me a fan of Stargate SG1-not just a viewer.

                So-Here's to Sam! In all her many faceted glory.

                And Sky-I'm still thinking on Season 7


                  Originally posted by ReganX
                  They're both military brats, maybe they knew each other when they were tiny tots. Or, if you don't stick to the tentative date of birth given for Cam in 'Collateral Damage' they could have been at the Academy together, or flown together in the Gulf War.
                  That's just it. We can speculate up the wazoo. The point is, they never told us anything more and these are two MAIN characters. We're supposed to care about their relationship with one another, as viewers. But they gave zero screen time to building that character dynamic. Instead, the actors had to throw in their own little innuendos while the writing gave us nothing but external conflict. That's fomulaic for shallow interpersonal relationships and heavy action stories. And that's not the SG-1 I signed on for (as a viewer). I like my characters with depth and real, canonized backstories that I don't have to make up as I go along (in between explosions).

                  Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                  ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                    Originally posted by Deejay435

                    So-Here's to Sam! In all her many faceted glory.

                    Deejay - I'll drink to that!

                    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                      Originally posted by ReganX
                      I don't think it would be too much of a problem if Sam was promoted. I don't see Sam insisting on formalities. I don't think she'd object to him continuing to use her first name, except maybe in front of superior officers.
                      I really can't see her insisting on it either, although I could see him thinking he should. He seems very structured when it comes to military respect issues. But then, he does seem to be relaxing a bit in front of Landry, so maybe the Sam/Cam past friendship, whatever it was, would preclude him thinking he had to be formal with Sam once she let him know it wasn't necessary.

                      That was a lot of words to say that I don't know what would happen...


                        Originally posted by minigeek
                        ...I was actually looking forward to seeing some of that Sam/Cam "they knew eachother from way before" friendship dynamic that Joe M. and others tried to mention prior to season nine. It was one of the disappointments I had, unfortunately. They barely alluded to it, and gave zero backstory; sort of foisted it off as "oh hey, these guys are already friends (but we won't tell you why, or what the reason is we never mentioned it before)"...
                        I'm also disappointed that they didn't show more of the Sam/Cam backstory. It might have helped some fans anchor Mitchell into the SG-1 dynamic.


                          Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                          I really can't see her insisting on it either, although I could see him thinking he should. He seems very structured when it comes to military respect issues. But then, he does seem to be relaxing a bit in front of Landry, so maybe the Sam/Cam past friendship, whatever it was, would preclude him thinking he had to be formal with Sam once she let him know it wasn't necessary.

                          That was a lot of words to say that I don't know what would happen...
                          I agree, Chillin'. I can't see Sam demending a promotion over Mitchell. It's not her character. Like you, I could see Mitchell offering to step aside for her, given the way he spoke to her (over the video conference) in the first episode of season nine. But I think, more likely than any of that, I could see Gen. Landry taking the issue out of their hands for them and making that call (IMHO for Carter to take the lead).

                          I know that won't happen in canon, but I think it's what should given any number of factors which (I've probably already stated on the "Who Should Lead" thread more than once). In reality, I think it would be Landry who did that, and I think it'd be Carter who got the command.

                          We're not watching reality, however, we're watching a network driven television series, so the status quo says - male action lead, male hero, male in charge. That's what we've seen them tout over and over again, and that, I'm afraid, is what we'll ultimately end up with no matter what seems more 'real'.


                          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                            Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                            I really can't see her insisting on it either, although I could see him thinking he should. He seems very structured when it comes to military respect issues. But then, he does seem to be relaxing a bit in front of Landry, so maybe the Sam/Cam past friendship, whatever it was, would preclude him thinking he had to be formal with Sam once she let him know it wasn't necessary.

                            That was a lot of words to say that I don't know what would happen...
                            I could see Mitchell being very formal immediately after Sam's promotion, until she took him aside and told him that it wasn't necessary.

                            After that, they'd be fine.

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              Inspired by a cap I saw a few days back with Amanda and Abbie, I just sat and did some caps of the season 7 Beyond the Gate, and now I just can't stop smiling, it was so damn cute. Caps to follow shortly... if they turned out ok.
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                                The only thing that would make it better would be Janet. *sniff*

                                Maybe they can find one of the AU Janet's and pick her up.
                                I can just picture the "yeesh" expression on Janet's face when dealing with Vala. Janet could have been a good influence on her, though.

