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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by scarimor
    Oh I dunno... : goes off hunting for Sam/AD and Ba'al/spaz/Teal'c fics... :
    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
    It's a shame really. I don't read smut unless it's superb, so I really won't even be able to enjoy this OT3 Pity.
    I can’t believe it! I just can’t believe it, I was down by the Samandan pool, when I heard noises coming from the cabana, so I moved closer so I could hear it better. What I heard was:

    “Oh! Oh Ba’al don’t stop….” then some unintelligible noises
    “Now really Spaz, remember to call me Sire if you want me to continue.”
    “Oh, oh Sire…Oh, oh Teal’c keep going”
    “What! AD! What the **** are you doing in here!”
    “Well I was trying to ******* and ###### but you said you wanted Teal’c to #*#*#* “

    Well that’s when I hurried away, when I saw the yellow speedos come flying out of the cabana
    Last edited by Mandysg1; 16 May 2006, 02:26 PM.

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
      like sam/ad, for instance.

      or, my favorites, thor/sam/kvasir and ba'al/sam/teal'c.

      (that second one is actually pretty intriguing... )

      and those are interesting pairings. i think i'm gonna have to ad them to my list.


        Originally posted by Mandysg1
        I can’t believe it! I just can’t believe it, I was down by the Samandan pool, when I heard noises coming from the cabana, so I moved closer so I could hear it better. What I heard was:

        SPOILERED FOR MY [spaz's] SANITY
        “Oh! Oh Ba’al don’t stop….” then some unintelligible noises
        “Now really Spaz, remember to call me Sire if you want me to continue.”
        “Oh, oh Sire…Oh, on Teal’c keep going”
        “What! AD! What the **** are you doing in here!”
        “Well I was trying to ******* and ###### but you said you wanted Teal’c to #*#*#* “

        Well that’s when I hurried away, when I saw the yellow speedos come flying out of the cabana
        ... ...

        Kat, make sure you have them put on my tombstone, "Killed by Mandy" in big, bold print, k?


          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
          ... ...

          Kat, make sure you have them put on my tombstone, "Killed by Mandy" in big, bold print, k?
          Hey that's just the start of my next soon to be nominated for a pulizer prize fic

          Anyway blame scarimor, I know I do

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by minigeek
            Speaking of short little Mitchell/Carter scenes in fanfic, here's one I haven't read in a while (loosely implied Sam/Jack) - well, okay so it's more TEAM than anything, really.


            Hee, hee. I like it.


              Happy Birthday Sally!


                Originally posted by scarimor
                Oh yeh, most certainly smut can be superb.

                And that is a truly fitting post 1000
                Happy 1,000!!!! IOU green! Fresh out


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1
                  Most likely it will be majorsal sneaking up on scarimor with a zat gun
                  I don't know if there is anywhere you can hide scari

                  Speaking of which, are there any zat gun smilies? Hmmm. Just the one. Hey Scari? Next time you're in a smilie-making mood-you want to try making a Sam with a zat?


                    they exist

                    but yeah, we could use more

                    scari, did you ever offer your gifs to darren?
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by stargate barbie
                      HEY! just because i can ship sam/jack, sam/teal'c, sam/ba'al, sam/thor, sam/kvasir and sam/AD, that does not mean that i ship sam/everyone! i don't ship sam/daniel!
                      anyway, only some of those are genuine and viable ships!
                      Speaking of Sam/Teal'c did anyone catch the little mini-interview on Stargate Monday last night where AT was talking about the relationship between Sam and Teal'c, how much they mean to each other, and how she and CJ had worked that out over the years?

                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      they exist

                      but yeah, we could use more

                      scari, did you ever offer your gifs to darren?
                      Oh, I hadn't caught that one of Sam, well I thought they were regular guns. I wish the Zat smilies had the energy more in lines than balls. If that makes sense.


                        I ship Sam/AD. And also Sam/Everyone bar Jack. Since Sam likes to keep her options open!


                          Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                          I ship Sam/AD. And also Sam/Everyone bar Jack. Since Sam likes to keep her options open!
                          As long as we're going down this road, I'd just like to say that a brilliant 'ship for everyone would be Jack/Deejay435. I'm sure Sam wouldn't mind.


                            Mwhaha, speaking of Sam/Cam fic: clicky
                            It's just in a comment there, so skip the first few lines


                              Originally posted by Deejay435
                              As long as we're going down this road, I'd just like to say that a brilliant 'ship for everyone would be Jack/Deejay435. I'm sure Sam wouldn't mind.
                              lol, of course she wouldn't


                                Originally posted by Deejay435
                                As long as we're going down this road, I'd just like to say that a brilliant 'ship for everyone would be Jack/Deejay435. I'm sure Sam wouldn't mind.
                                Personally, I'm a Tracy Jane/Sarah Gardner shipper. Mmmmmm.... redhead.
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

