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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by minigeek
    Mine too! (Shh, don't tell Sky!)

    I love anything where Sam 'breaks free', in an angsty, believeable, way. Especially when Jack ends up going along for the (proverbial) ride. And Sky did that sooooo well in Trinkets. I think I read that chapter twice in a row just because it was so well articulated.
    Yupp, I loved the way she wanted to make the most of every sensation, the way she was trying to make the most of life but in the wrong way, for the wrong reasons (if that makes any kind of sense). I just loved everything about the chapter. And you're right, Sky did an awesome job (but then again, Sky is just awesome, nuff said).
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      Originally posted by ChevronSeven
      There's only one choice to be cabana boy...

      A certain 2-star from Minnesota.

      Sounds good to me.


        Originally posted by Agent_Dark
        Woah, what interview is that? :O
        There's a link on the GW home page. I wish she had talked about a Sam/Teyla collaboration. I'd rather see that or some other character interactions than her working w/ Rodney again in any crossovers.


          Originally posted by jckfan55
          There's a link on the GW home page. I wish she had talked about a Sam/Teyla collaboration. I'd rather see that or some other character interactions than her working w/ Rodney again in any crossovers.
          You see, I disagree. I love the Sam/Rodney dynamic, but I think they could do so much more with her. Personally, I would love to see her working with Weir, but I am a little biased.
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by minigeek
            So... canon Sam Carter (season 9-ish) ends up in a club, late one night. She hasn't been drinking. It's not something she was planning on doing. Her and a (platonic) friend/acquantence were just looking for a place to wind down. So there she is. Dark club. Few tables. Wall-to-wall bar and a Big-@$$ dance floor full of moving bodies. Her 'friend' gets up to go dance...

            Canon (season 9-ish) Sam Carter would:

            (a) Do the elephunk: Get stupid, put her hands in the air and dance like she just don't care...

            (b) Grab a table, order a drink, sit down and people-watch.

            (c) Order a drink, stand at the bar and wonder if she's the only person in the room whose youth wasn't misspent.

            (d) Order a drink, stand at the bar and flirt shamelessly with the hottie standing next to her (accidentally, of course )

            (e) None of the above (insert own scenario here).

            Just for fun.

            And if the platonic friend/acquaintance happens to be a close friend, she's making mental notes for the next episode of "Oh, yeah - I remember the time that you..."

            ("Oh, yeah. I remember the time that we stopped in that little out of the way place on the way home, just to unwind a little, and you ended up teaching the whole bar that spring planting ritual dance from P2x-248, Daniel! That was when I decided the General's 'Daniel gets ONE beer. PERIOD.' rule could be awfully generous under certain circumstances - not to mention that trying to explain how the king goes about 'blessing the fields' in an ancient agrarian society is absolutely not the time to bring up 'Good King Archon I' as an example."

            ...a very cranky blog:


              Originally posted by Tracy Jane
              You see, I disagree. I love the Sam/Rodney dynamic, but I think they could do so much more with her. Personally, I would love to see her working with Weir, but I am a little biased.
              Weir would be good too. They kind of got off on the wrong foot originally, so it would be interesting to see their interactions now. Sorry TJ, I'm just not a big RM fan, though DH plays him well and I did enjoy GUP.


                Originally posted by jckfan55
                Weir would be good too. They kind of got off on the wrong foot originally, so it would be interesting to see their interactions now. Sorry TJ, I'm just not a big RM fan, though DH plays him well and I did enjoy GUP.
                I don't really like him so much now. I really liked the annoying, grating, arrogant idiot he was in SG1. They've toned him down and made him a lot more "likeable" for Atlantis, and I actually preferred him more abrasive.

                I love Weir and I think that although they didn't gel at first, as you say, they do have quite a lot in common, I think, and their personalities actually compliment each other. Given a chance, I could see it working quite well.
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                  Um, Lys, if Janet comes to AD's rescue - isn't the poor man just going to pass out again...?
                  Well, we need a plan to get him addictive to the sarcophagus, right ?
                  Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                    Originally posted by Lys
                    Well, we need a plan to get him addictive to the sarcophagus, right ?
                    Well addicted to the sarcophagus would make a change to his Amanda and Teryl addiction!
                    Yepp, it's blank down here.


                      Originally posted by minigeek
                      So... canon Sam Carter (season 9-ish) ends up in a club, late one night. She hasn't been drinking. It's not something she was planning on doing. Her and a (platonic) friend/acquantence were just looking for a place to wind down. So there she is. Dark club. Few tables. Wall-to-wall bar and a Big-@$$ dance floor full of moving bodies. Her 'friend' gets up to go dance...

                      Canon (season 9-ish) Sam Carter would:

                      (a) Do the elephunk: Get stupid, put her hands in the air and dance like she just don't care...

                      (b) Grab a table, order a drink, sit down and people-watch.

                      (c) Order a drink, stand at the bar and wonder if she's the only person in the room whose youth wasn't misspent.

                      (d) Order a drink, stand at the bar and flirt shamelessly with the hottie standing next to her (accidentally, of course )

                      (e) None of the above (insert own scenario here).

                      Just for fun.
                      Definitely B. I can't imagine Sam feeling as if she's wasted her youth. She's doing everything she's every dreamed of doing, plus some. I mean how can you compare going out on Friday night and getting wasted with your friends to walking amongst the stars?


                        Originally posted by minigeek
                        I'm not so sure canon Sam Carter had a truly misspent youth. If she did, she wouldn't have been the model-air-force officer, straight A student (who spent most, if not all of her free time working, studying and writing theory) that she was when we first met her. Had she been of the "misspent youth" variety, she'd have been more like early Cadet Haley. Mouthy, cocky and insubordinate. Despite what we might *like* to perceive about canon Sam Carter, I'm not sure she did a lot of "misspent" things as a young lady. I think she got herself the bike as a tribute to the potential in her to be an irreverent rebel. The part of her who wanted to break the mold and do dangerous things for the thrill of it, but not because she actually laid claim to a misspent young adulthood.
                        i think, in many ways, sam wanted to rebel but couldn't. she could never lose the responsibility to just throw caution to the wind and do something crazy

                        which, i think, is why she's an adrenaline junkie. she wants the thrills, but won't break the rules, so gets them as teh rules allow
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                          Yupp, I loved the way she wanted to make the most of every sensation, the way she was trying to make the most of life but in the wrong way, for the wrong reasons (if that makes any kind of sense). I just loved everything about the chapter. And you're right, Sky did an awesome job (but then again, Sky is just awesome, nuff said).
                          it was fun to make her a little manic. someone touched on that in a fic that i'd read and i just took it to extremes but she was so, well touched, by her near death that she just had this compulsion to experience and feel
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Simhaaaaaa! Need help!

                            Ok, so I was reading through the science thread on GW and subsequently got into a (very geeky) discussion with one of the boys here about M-Theory via email. Anyway, I was trying (in my dimwitted layperson's way) to explain via our email conversation some of what I (thought) it meant in plain english (or close to it). Am I on the right track with this? Before I hit "SEND".

                            So from what I've read, there's basically 11 dimensions in quantum string theory as described by particle physics. Very cool stuff. It comes down to the study of supergravity on 11 dimensions of spacetime (which is really 10 dimensions of spacetime with an additional, tiny one dimensional manifold that counts as the 11th). Meaning ... there are multiple, simultaneous dimensions in existence for every given reality at any given point of time. And (theoretically) we can phase through and 'exist' (out of phase of THIS dimension) in any one of those dimensional folds. Sorta science magic, but it's science magic that seems to have a basis in fact, given the theoretical implications (which are mathematically sound - even though the theory itself isn't complete as yet).

                            Or is that totally wrong? And if so, how does it really work? IN PLAIN ENGLISH! lol

                            Last edited by minigeek; 17 March 2006, 10:52 AM.

                            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              it was fun to make her a little manic. someone touched on that in a fic that i'd read and i just took it to extremes but she was so, well touched, by her near death that she just had this compulsion to experience and feel
                              i would say possibly option (d). not that she would realise she were flirting, she'd just be being nice. the hottie would think she were flirting.


                                Originally posted by minigeek
                                Simhaaaaaa! Need help!

                                Ok, so I was reading through the science thread on GW and subsequently got into a (very geeky) discussion with one of the boys here about M-Theory via email. Anyway, I was trying (in my dimwitted layperson's way) to explain via our email conversation some of what I (thought) it meant in plain english (or close to it). Am I on the right track with this? Before I hit "SEND".

                                So from what I've read, there's basically 11 dimensions in quantum string theory as described by particle physics. Very cool stuff. It comes down to the study of supergravity on 11 dimensions of spacetime (which is really 10 dimensions of spacetime with an additional, tiny one dimensional manifold that counts as the 11th). Meaning ... there are multiple, simultaneous dimensions in existence for every given reality at any given point of time. And (theoretically) we can phase through and 'exist' (out of phase of THIS dimension) in any one of those dimensional folds. Sorta science magic, but it's science magic that seems to have a basis in fact, given the theoretical implications (which are mathematically sound - even though the theory itself isn't complete as yet).

                                Or is that totally wrong? And if so, how does it really work? IN PLAIN ENGLISH! lol

                                well, i'm pretty stupid so i can't tell you if this is right or wrong.

                                i did have a lame theory as to why they don't fall through the floor when they go out of phase. they aren't entirely out of phase. because the demensions seem to overlap in a way, they go out of phase with our dimension, but because they originate from this dimension, they are always tied to it. this means that we can't see them, and we can pass through them most of the time, but if they concentrate, or if like in star trek they try passing through objects in their original dimension too often, then they find it more difficult.

                                long story short, they are occupying and in phase with another dimension, but because it overlaps with ours, and they are originally from ours, thats why they don't fall through the floor, and can find ways to communicate with those from their own phase/dimension.

                                this works for me, and it keeps me happy because i'm not smart enough to know for certain that i'm wrong . and thats why those episodes no longer plague my thoughts. now if only i could wrap my mind completely around time travel and paradox episodes!

