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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    it's like in the early seasons why sara was often demonized by folks because it was easier to justify jack and sam if his first wife was a witch and a half
    Originally posted by majorsal
    you're right.

    i think the prob starts with shippers (fans of 'any' couple) not even wanting one of their preferred half of a couple to even think about wanting someone else, let alone doing it.

    it's just easier to make the 'others' evil or jerks, because we don't want to admit that one of our preferred half of a couple would look elsewhere for romance. we *always* want an out, instead of them just, basically, enjoying this persons company. (which is why i wanted pete to be a figment of sam's imagination )

    of course, i'm not speaking for 'all' shippers.

    It's funny, when I was writing Shades of Grey: The Aftermath, I purposely left out the pairings, making that part of suspense/mystery. I got a lot of shippers a little angry, because they wanted to know a head of time who Sam would end up with, and telling me it should be Jack.

    I did do a little pole, for one scene that was coming up as to who Sam should be with in that scence, and it surprised me that the votes were equal for Jack and the other character. I guess it just goes to show you that the shippers may be louder, but they don't outnumber other fans.

    my fanfic


      I wish I could green you, scarimor, but apparently I have been too stingy with my love....


        Originally posted by ChopinGal
        Hey Myrth, a reasonable point of view in that the arc seemed to take us on that kind of journey.

        However, for many of us, the way the character was written was the real issue. I agree that, by introducing the boyfriend arc to further develop the Sam/Jack conflict/resolution, then it seemed valid. But once Pete walked out of her bedroom and picked up his cell phone to find out the lowdown on her, with the subsequent stalking which jeopardized Sam and her team, it was no longer the journey I was hoping for. And for her to sit on his bed and then reveal a top-secret operation which Hammond would not even reveal to his colleague, Jacob Carter, as he lay dying ... well all bets were off! I remember actually becoming nauseous the first time I watched Chimera. God, how's that for a gut feeling?! I need to get a life, eh?!

        Giving Sam "a boyfriend who didn't die" could have been so cleverly and well written and still taken us full circle back to Jack. The journey we got was much too bumpy a road for me. Sam was made to look too angsty, too unsure of herself, all in deference to an immature guy who, as his buddy Farraday warned him, was not in her league at all. I wanted a boyfriend who would have been her equal and then she would have kept her self-respect throughout and still come to the realization that she wanted Jack.

        I love your metaphor, "a slow and beautifully graceful burn". But the writers have completely stalled out or copped out for S9 and have not provided the timely denouement which is now expected. It's a shame that we have to complete the arc through fanfic rather than onscreen time.
        You know I wouldn't have minded if they paired Sam with Agent Barrett (I think that's his name, the NID agent) They seemed to work well together and you could see a little spark between their characters and he already knew what she did . So if they were going to resolve the Sam/Jack pairing, it could have been more believable if she got together with Barrett

        my fanfic


          Originally posted by Mandysg1
          You know I wouldn't have minded if they paired Sam with Agent Barrett (I think that's his name, the NID agent) They seemed to work well together and you could see a little spark between their characters and he already knew what she did . So if they were going to resolve the Sam/Jack pairing, it could have been more believable if she got together with Barrett
          Sam and Barrett together?
          I thought about that since I first saw them together.
          Although I'm a hard core Sam/Jack shipper I thought they worked well together.
          You can't deny the chemistry in Resurrection even if she was already with Pete.
          He would have been a better choice than Pete but that's what I think about it of course


            Sam and Barrett wouldn't have been too bad. If they weren't going to give us Sam/Jack, that would have been nice to see; they worked well together, had some good chemisty, and the messiness about the secrecy of her job was pretty much avoided.

            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


              Originally posted by Lizlove
              You can't deny the chemistry in Resurrection
              I can, and I do.


                Originally posted by Skydiver

                wait for it. it gets shippier

                chapter 8 will get squeeing, chapter nine will send you running for your insulin
                Can hardly wait for Chapter 9, so I can finally read it, all at once.


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1
                  You know I wouldn't have minded if they paired Sam with Agent Barrett (I think that's his name, the NID agent) They seemed to work well together and you could see a little spark between their characters and he already knew what she did . So if they were going to resolve the Sam/Jack pairing, it could have been more believable if she got together with Barrett
                  I was going to green you for that, but it won't let me. So I'll just say, I think this would have worked perfectly. There wouldn't have even been the issue of "secrecy". And I think the two of them look really good together.


                    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                    Hey, there, fellow Samandans! Fly-by post!

                    Gavin Hood, who played Col. Vaselov in S8's Lockdown, won an Oscar tonight as the director of the Best Foreign Film (South Africa's Tsotsi).
                    I know! I saw him at a glance, and then I went running into the living room where my sister was. She politely looked at me and said, "You're acting like Amanda Tapping's won the Oscar or something..."

                    To which I replied, "... Erm, close. Enough. I guess..."


                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      rob cooper also wrote chimera (if i remember correctly, pete was 'his' creation).

                      fans (and not just shippers) complained about pete. how was this addressed? we got 'affinity', which was written and directed by peter deluise. need i say more?

                      At least we got to see Amanda's mom in "Affiniy"..She's in the background, by a swing set,[I think}, in a red coat, as Sam and Pete are taking their hot dogs to a bench to sit down..


                        Originally posted by parsifal
                        I can, and I do.
                        Are you a Sam/Jack shipper?
                        I am but I tend to think about all the possibilities when it comes to Sam


                          Originally posted by scarimor
                          I would rather not see Sam in any boyfriend romances at all; just as I would rather not see girlfriend romances for the lads. There are more interesting stories to tell via the show, imo, and I'm glad we're through it (apparently).

                          But I happily read the stuff in fanfic: I've been reading Jack/Sam, Sam/Janet, Janet/Sam/Jack, Jack/Sam/Daniel [notice a common motif? ] - that's where I like my Sam love-life...
                          Yes I agree with this too!


                            Originally posted by KatG
                            I was going to green you for that, but it won't let me. So I'll just say, I think this would have worked perfectly. There wouldn't have even been the issue of "secrecy". And I think the two of them look really good together.
                            The problem, of course being that Barrett would have been actual competition (for Jack - who I'll argue was the canon "chosen one" for Sam). Pete did not represent that. He was a fall guy before he ever appeared on the scene. I still feel that Pete was a red shirt romance right from the start. Berrett would have been more complicated to write for (which is undoubtedly why most of us - including me - would have preferred him in Pete's place!).

                            Onnnnn the other hand... I don't know that anything could ultimately have been a victorious competition for the Sam/Jack arc, because very little can compete with the ages old tragedy of a tortured, yet oh so bittersweet forbidden love: (Romeo and Juliet, Dr. Zhivago, Tristan and Isolde, or heck even more recently Brokeback Mountain).

                            "They loved each other, not driven by necessity, by the
                            'blaze of passion' often falsely ascribed to love. They
                            loved each other because everything around them willed it,
                            the trees and the clouds and the sky over their heads and
                            the earth under their feet."

                            Boris Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago

                            Ain't it sooo sad?!


                            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                              Sorry to go OT but the rumors of my death are greatly exagerated. I've been stricken with a nasty sinus infection and have been lurking mostly.

                              Just wanted to state the obvious, I LOVED Crusade and most of you know why. If you don't...just look at my av and you'll know why.

                              I especially loved:
                              Sam indicating to DanielVala that heshe had ice cream on her nose.

                              That is all as I must get back to work. Lucky me.
                              I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                                Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                                I know. But the whole point is that Pete was a good guy. It tore her up at times, the mixed emotions, we know that. Grrrrrr.

                                And I take back what I said about Trinkets not being overtly shippy. I'm now finding it incredibly shippy, which is a surprise, coming from you, Sky. But not an unpleasant one. It's been having me giggling all evening
                                Even I, the inveterate anti-shipper , have found the ship tolerable. I know, d***ed with faint praise, but I think Sky knows I mean it as a compliment.

                                On the Pete was a good guy & not violent front: Note that in New Order when 5th/Pete started throwing things around Sam said "See, that's *not* Pete." If Pete hadn't gone all p**** about Sam not telling him classified stuff, I would have been fine with him as a temp boyfriend. I think he fits into the "what were they thinking?!" category.

