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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    the latest chapter of trinkets

    set in and around Death Knell...oh, and Pete alert.

    i refuse to demonize the guy, so be warned and get over it

    well, miss skydiver, is there *anything* i'd actually like in this series? (yes, i haven't even started it yet )

    pete is a poo poo head, so get over it!




      well there is the potential to improve sam carter's character next year through her interaction with

      vala. its possible that they could revisite her ability to use goa'uld tech through her. they could learn from each other. they could also become friends, showing a part of sam that we haven't really seen since janet died.
      the one real concern that i have is that they'll have vala being all former hostish, and forgetting that sam ever had an experiece or ability similar to vala's. or that they'll suddenly have vala be able to do all the sciencey things that sam does. that she'll come in and make sam and/or teal'cs character obsolete somehow, just so that TPTB can fit her in. or that they'll just push them aside more than they already have to accomodate the new character(s).

      i think there is a lot of potential for this situation to go very well, but there is also the potential to have it go very poorly.


        Originally posted by stargate barbie
        personally i think pete was the victim of poor writing. one of the few incidents of this i have seen in stargate, so its unfortunate. i actually thought i would like him during the first 20 minutes of chimera. that episode was probably the only time i was disappointed with sam's character ever, as far as i can recall.

        in the last half of chimera, when pete became a
        , sam became a doormat. yeah, disappointed, but in the writers!




          Originally posted by Skydiver
          the latest chapter of trinkets

          set in and around Death Knell...oh, and Pete alert.

          i refuse to demonize the guy, so be warned and get over it
          Nicely done.


            Originally posted by Skydiver
            pete fell in the plot hole of 'how did he get to the stakeout' and never clawed his way out.

            to many, calling the fbi was a bit much, but i tell you, if a person has connections, they usually use them, so i really can't blame him for that given that, when farrady called back, he said 'only the pertinent' parts or something like that.

            however, getting to the stakeout was the breaking point for many. it was a plot hole that could have been cured had they just either inserted a line of pete calling teh colorado pd and asking about something or, my personal idea and preference, had daniel introduce them instead of mark which gives pete a reason to drop by daniel's place, see the van, recognize the sign of a stakeout and get suspicious

            being upset that sam couldn't share her private life, understandable. being upset enough to call his fbi friend; just on the edge of understandable. but *doing* something about it, as in following her and spying on her and interfering with the stakeout. time to throw in the towel, mr, because you've disrespected this person extremely. end of story.




              Originally posted by stargate barbie
              personally it was the fact that he couldn't take no for an answer. that he actually followed her (the how doesn't really matter to me), and the fact that he stormed off the morning after he slept with sam (IMO for a very stupid reason, i.e. can't take no for an answer). he was told that she couldn't tell him what she did, i.e. classified, he was told by his FBI buddy to leave it alone too, and he didn't. and i don't think his reasons were either believeable enough or good enough. so he came across to me as being a controlling jerk faced jerk. and the sudden turn around and joking about it in affinity just made it worse to me. (although there literally wasn't anything in that episode that i found either believeble or entertaining).
              i think this goes back to rob cooper not knowing how to write women in romances.

              spoilers for s9's 'crusade'

              some fans are saying that vala accepting her hubby back into her life *when he left her to die for three days straight*... i guess vala can join sam in the doormat department (they're picking out a floral pattern )

              can rob take a sensitivity class *before* writing his female characters?




                Originally posted by Skydiver
                yeah. i can see things from pete's pov.
                ok, go with this. he's in a job that full of macho. and he's used to being mr macho in a way. he's a cop, he's used to being a figure of respect.

                and here is this gorgous woman that falls for him and...well in many ways, she's cooler than him. she, well maybe not as impressed as he's used to. and so he's curious. he, as a male, has to feel a bit put off by the fact that she's so incredibly confident and sure of herself. and teh shoe's on the other foot.

                you also gotta remmber that he's fresh off a divorce. he's been hurt and has to be gun shy. which would be another reason to look into her past, to see if he's gonna be hurt too.

                i do think he was a little insistent at times, and a total cad to leave her in bed me, the stalker personna is a bit ott. i don't care for it but i do see how some others do. just like Laira is often demonized in fic.

                i don't really care if pete was hurt or insecure. all my concerns are for sam. what's best for *her*. how does this effect *her*? is *she* being treated right?

                pete was a throw away character (meaning he was never meant to be more than just what he was), so i'm not going to put much effort into caring for him one way or another. i mean, i don't want the guy to die (for sam), but i'm not shedding tears that his ego was deflated by going around with an out-of-his-league woman.

                is this mean of me? well, i feel the same way about protecting pete's ego as i do mitchell's. sam was there first and *her* concerns are first and foremost for me.




                  Originally posted by golfbooy
                  I can't help but always feel the same way about Pete and Chimera.

                  i can't green you, so here's your alternate green, golfbooy.




                    Originally posted by majorsal

                    well, miss skydiver, is there *anything* i'd actually like in this series? (yes, i haven't even started it yet )

                    pete is a poo poo head, so get over it!

                    Sally, I think you'd love it. It's not overt ship in the fic, but it's no more, no less than in the series. It's lovely, warm and brilliantly written.

                    And I love the fact that you seem to be just talking to yourself at the moment. Where are all these people listed at the bottom of the page?
                    Yepp, it's blank down here.


                      Great discussion about Pete today. I didn’t have the problems with Pete that so many other people did. He’s a cop, cops feel compelled to investigate things. It’s not quite that simple, I know, but I think it was the basic reason for a lot of his behavior. I’ve read that the percentage of people who google the people that they date is pretty high, and Pete was taking it a step further. As Sky said, people use the resources available to check things out, which is why he called his friend at the FBI. Storming off after Sam wouldn’t tell him what she did for a living was childish, but as Tracy Jane noted, he had just opened up to her, and maybe expected her to do the same.

                      Now compare his behavior to Mitchell’s friend Ferguson in Stronghold. IMO, Ferguson was a much bigger jerk than Pete, and as an Air Force officer, should have known better than trying to force a friend to tell him about a top secret project. He was dying and maybe figured it didn’t make a difference, but playing on a Mitchell’s guilty feelings to indulge his curiosity was over the top. Let’s face it, Jacob was in the same situation, and while he tried to get the info out of both Sam and George, he didn’t resort to the kind of tactics that Ferguson did.



                        so over on the optimistic ship thread we've been talking about serpents venom, which was a pretty good episode for all characters, including sam.

                        anyone got any thoughts on that ep here? (just for something on topic to talk about)


                          Originally posted by NearlyCircular
                          Great discussion about Pete today. I didn’t have the problems with Pete that so many other people did. He’s a cop, cops feel compelled to investigate things. It’s not quite that simple, I know, but I think it was the basic reason for a lot of his behavior. I’ve read that the percentage of people who google the people that they date is pretty high, and Pete was taking it a step further. As Sky said, people use the resources available to check things out, which is why he called his friend at the FBI. Storming off after Sam wouldn’t tell him what she did for a living was childish, but as Tracy Jane noted, he had just opened up to her, and maybe expected her to do the same.

                          Now compare his behavior to Mitchell’s friend Ferguson in Stronghold. IMO, Ferguson was a much bigger jerk than Pete, and as an Air Force officer, should have known better than trying to force a friend to tell him about a top secret project. He was dying and maybe figured it didn’t make a difference, but playing on a Mitchell’s guilty feelings to indulge his curiosity was over the top. Let’s face it, Jacob was in the same situation, and while he tried to get the info out of both Sam and George, he didn’t resort to the kind of tactics that Ferguson did.

                          yes, but pete opened up about personal stuff. he could have asked sam about why she went into the air force, or her previous serious relationships, which is what he talked about. he couldn't seem to accept that sam was in the military. she was just a telescope geek as far as he was concerned. it seems logical to assume that someone who's been in the armed forces can have some grasp of what it might be like to be a cop, but he couldn't see that and IMO just treated her as though his job was way more important than her job. he wanted her to take time off work just to spend the day with him. as far as i know, the air force doesn't allow for calling in sick just 'cause ya feel like it.

                          and blah blah blay, yadda yadda yadda. you get the idea. i had a problem with chimera and how it played out.


                            Pete was just a poorly conceived character. Or a cliche, as the case may be. I suppose if there were "Red Shirt Guys" in the romance department, Pete would have been one of them. Destined to crash and burn on the altar of a major character's one true love... poor Pete. Doomed from day one.

                            mini(I actually enjoyed Crusade)geek

                            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                              Originally posted by stargate barbie
                              I honestly don't think the whole deluise connection came into it this time. PDL had no real creative input in chimera. Kindler wrote it, Waring directed (although it was originally slated to be Amanda's episode), and the only other one who would probably have had input in the casting was RCC.

                              I honestly don't think that it was narcissism, and i never have. of course i have been wrong in the past. just not very often (kidding)
                              rob cooper also wrote chimera (if i remember correctly, pete was 'his' creation).

                              fans (and not just shippers) complained about pete. how was this addressed? we got 'affinity', which was written and directed by peter deluise. need i say more?




                                Originally posted by majorsal
                                rob cooper also wrote chimera (if i remember correctly, pete was 'his' creation).

                                fans (and not just shippers) complained about pete. how was this addressed? we got 'affinity', which was written and directed by peter deluise. need i say more?

                                i don't see the problem with PDL directing/writing affinity other than the fact that i like deluise and his work, and affinity wins hands down for me as the worst episode of sg1 ever (yes folks even worse than the gamekeeper). again, PDL had little or nothing to do with DDL being hired. I really doubt he would have wanted his brother to play that particular character, they had to know that a large quantity of fans were not going to be too pleased with him. If it were any other character, i would say yeah maybe he did put in a good word for him.

                                RCC had something to do with coming up with the storyline, yes, but Kindler is credited as actually writing the episode.

                                i think affinity was just a cop out way (no pun intended) to make up for the obvious mistakes they made with the pete character in chimera. unfortuanately for them it really didn't work. they tried to play down how much they (and pete) screwed up in chimera. they didn't address any possible issues behind why carter so clearly just let it go. and so on and so forth.

                                (and amanda herself did actually ask for a "boyfriend who doesn't die". now i don't think she wanted what she actually got. so in a way pete was her creation too.)

