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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Lys
    LOL again! This is my favorite so far!

    And, speaking of missing characters ... just what the heck happened to Kinsey?! Isn't he still a contender and a Goa'uld ... are he and Ba'al now somewhere in the universe thinking up evil schemes? Maybe they'll team up for S10. I could handle that much more than those washed-out Priors/Orii.

    Kinsey and Ba'al rock!


      Did any of you see Atlantis last night? They mentioned Carter twice! And
      the whole thing went back and forth several times between the Pegasus Galaxy and Landry with the NID boys at the SGC; Dr. Lee was even in it, though he was a bit of a bumbler who couldn't figure stuff out, so they had to get Carter back from off-world, hehehe, unfortunately we didn't SEE her, but hey... It was neat! Plus, there was a hilarious argument between Weir and Dr. Cavanaugh that you'd swear was lifted right from a GW fanboy argument over the exact same issue.
      Very funny, well written show imho.


      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


        Originally posted by minigeek
        Did any of you see Atlantis last night? They mentioned Carter twice! And
        the whole thing went back and forth several times between the Pegasus Galaxy and Landry with the NID boys at the SGC; Dr. Lee was even in it, though he was a bit of a bumbler who couldn't figure stuff out, so they had to get Carter back from off-world, hehehe, unfortunately we didn't SEE her, but hey... It was neat! Plus, there was a hilarious argument between Weir and Dr. Cavanaugh that you'd swear was lifted right from a GW fanboy argument over the exact same issue.
        Very funny, well written show imho.


        I decided to buy the SGA S1 boxset the other week and I'm enjoying it. Figured that if AT was going to be visiting them I ought to at least know what was happening over there Plus I love McKay so I'm enjoying watching him snark. I like most of the characters actually, although I'm not overly keen on Joe F's voice for some reason!


          It'd be great to see some more McKay / Carter interaction. Don't get me wrong, I'm an S/J shipper through and through, but I love the two of them sniping at each other.

          As for Kinsey and Ba'al working together
          let's just hope Kinsey hasn't got clones!
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by minigeek
            Did any of you see Atlantis last night? They mentioned Carter twice! And
            the whole thing went back and forth several times between the Pegasus Galaxy and Landry with the NID boys at the SGC; Dr. Lee was even in it, though he was a bit of a bumbler who couldn't figure stuff out, so they had to get Carter back from off-world, hehehe, unfortunately we didn't SEE her, but hey... It was neat! Plus, there was a hilarious argument between Weir and Dr. Cavanaugh that you'd swear was lifted right from a GW fanboy argument over the exact same issue.
            Very funny, well written show imho.

            Thanks for the info MG- what was the fanboy argument about? I don't watch Atlantis so did not see this (didn't even know it was on on a Monday night.)


              Originally posted by Lys

              Love it!!!!!! Crying with laughter!!!!!!

              Stargate Pants Girl
              (a.k.a. Teryl's Pants Girl)
              Mak tal shree! Lo tak meta satak Oz!


                Wonderful and apt poem Chopingal! I think it's worthy of blue jello or a Royal Bean. (Respectfully submitted by jckfan55, Royal Minister without Portfolio)


                  Just saw this tidbit about sci-fi:

                  SCI FI Channel has struck a deal with sister corporate unit NBC Universal Television Studio to bring old episodes of NBC's supernatural soap opera Passions to SCI FI's morning schedule five days a week, starting Feb. 6, 2006, Variety reported.

                  SOAP OPERAS on sci-fi - well that explains why we sometimes saw Stargate SG1 delving down into the depths for soap opera in the past few seasons - sci-fi is expanding their horizons - and not for the better IMHO.


                    I also just saw that in the upcoming Stargate Mag it says Sheppard is going to be a Colonel and the cover photo supposedly shows him as a Colonel (can anyone who watches SGA say whether that timing makes sense - has he been around long enough as a Lt. Col to legitimately be Colonel?)
                    This does not bode well if Carter is going to be on SGA for any significant role since now he outranks her - unless of course they make Carter a Colonel (ha - make Carter a Colonel and have her be superior to the military men in the shows ha -- I must be drunk).


                      Originally posted by binkpmmc
                      Thanks for the info MG- what was the fanboy argument about? I don't watch Atlantis so did not see this (didn't even know it was on on a Monday night.)
                      Well .....
                      Much the same as every character has their fans and their "anti-fans" (for lack of a better word), there are those who can't stand the Weir character as the leader of Atlantis, too. To make a long story short, Cavanaugh and Weir get into an argument while she's interrogating him, because he's so arrogant all the time and (even worse than Rodney) demands recognition and attention, he did some suspect things that lead her to believe he might have been working as a sabboteur for "The Trust" (the Goa'uld infested Trust?).

                      While she was interrogating him, they had an argument about the fact that neither one of them had any personal like for the other, and Cavanaugh basically spouted off that the Wraith and the Trust didn't HAVE to destroy Atlantis, that with Weir in charge making rash, "emotional" decisions, they wouldn't need any help ending up dead or blown away. He claimed she made choices with her heart and not her logic, and that it made her a bad choice for a leader; that she'd never make a good leader because she was incapable of seperating her feelings from her analytical side, which he said she'd have to do if she ever wanted to be able to lead and command respect. That her emotions controlled her and that made her weak and useless. Yadda yadda. You get the picture? I've read threads here that are VERY similar to that.

                      It was a no holds barred, lean right over the table and tell it like it is conversation where you could really see how much both characters despised one another.

                      And then she thought about that a bit, and uh... later agreed to have him tortured for information (haha)

                      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                        Originally posted by binkpmmc
                        I also just saw that in the upcoming Stargate Mag it says Sheppard is going to be a Colonel and the cover photo supposedly shows him as a Colonel (can anyone who watches SGA say whether that timing makes sense - has he been around long enough as a Lt. Col to legitimately be Colonel?)
                        This does not bode well if Carter is going to be on SGA for any significant role since now he outranks her - unless of course they make Carter a Colonel (ha - make Carter a Colonel and have her be superior to the military men in the shows ha -- I must be drunk).
                        Hic! I'm with you shister.

                        seriously though-it would probably kill them to have a woman in charge-and don't go point to Dr. Wier-they constantly point out how she can't possibly have any idea of what to do militarily-think Caldwell.
                        Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                        "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                          Thanks for posting this and taking the time Minigeek.


                            Originally posted by chocdoc
                            Thanks for all the info, ForeverSg1.

                            I assumed that AT would not be able to accept this offer because of the production schedule you posted serveral days ago---Since this schedule for Whistler ends in mid-April and Stargate starts shooting in Feb, there is clearly too much of an overlap.

                            The info on The Foursome is interesting, particularly given that MajorSam finds a pic of AT and the director of this film, Will Dear? It would be odd for her to be out with this director, and yet not end up doing the film. But who knows. I guess we will find out soon enough.
                            It's not uncommon for whole scenes to be cut post-production, either to fit lenght restrictions ( distributors love 90 min films as they can fit adverts and trailers in a 2 hour slot) , economical reasons if they need special efects or creative reasons. Sometimes this means that smaller characters never see the light of day or are reduced to the odd line. Let's hope that is not the fate of AT character, although since her scenes are with Christian Slater and I doubt they would cut his role, her chances of making the finnished film are good


                              Ack, I only just managed to get into a post wimdow on my computer today, and it took aaaaages. So, it looks like this is all you're going to hear from me this day. What is wrong with Gateworld ??? I am reluctant to believe that it's just my internet connection . I mean, it's always been slow loading Gateworld, but not this bad, not getting stuck at the same point of loading on each and every page. It's makinh it impossible. I can't spend half an hour or more every day trying to even get into this thread let along catching up on the posts.

                              ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                              HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                                Originally posted by binkpmmc
                                I also just saw that in the upcoming Stargate Mag it says Sheppard is going to be a Colonel and the cover photo supposedly shows him as a Colonel (can anyone who watches SGA say whether that timing makes sense - has he been around long enough as a Lt. Col to legitimately be Colonel?)
                                This does not bode well if Carter is going to be on SGA for any significant role since now he outranks her - unless of course they make Carter a Colonel (ha - make Carter a Colonel and have her be superior to the military men in the shows ha -- I must be drunk).
                                I know that it's common to refer to a Lt. Colonel as "Colonel." It's way too early for him to be promoted to full bird Colonel. He hasn't either the years or the points to be promoted.

