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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    she hasn't signed yet and asked the audience if she should sign - to a less than rapturous yes.

    The roles she has been offered do not replace SG1 - Except for the canadian series which she thinks may be difficult to fit in with her Stargate schedule.

    I'm afraid I do not share Sunkrux's view on RC. She should have been told of the situation, not left wondering - I don't care how busy everyone is this is very bad form whether accidental or not. I get the impression that Amanda was surprised at the situation.

    She is however very up and was not moaning, complaining or grumbling about anyone, she was making light of it, but to my mind letti8ng the facts be know. Maybe she was just letting us know she hasn't signed yet for a reason the contract was late coming.

    I'm afraid I for one hope she takes the series she's been offered and leaves

    She again expressed how wonderful it is to work on the set of SG1 and that it is like one big family


      Originally posted by Coley
      Hey, Just got back from the con

      Just want to point out Amanda said she went up to Rob and spoke to him. She didn't call him. He was busy with something and Amanda knew the others had been asked to come back and mentioned CJ, MS, Beau and CB in this. Rob was busy doing something and Amanda asked if there was a problem and Rob just said "No problem - we just don't know what to do with Sam next season" Amanda herself then said on stage that she then thought that this meant that there was definatley a problem - meaning not to know what to do with Sam, and that they were maybe thinking of her crossing with Atlantis. The cojntract is for 20 eps but Amanda doesn't know how many in each show or in what capacity - but it implies she can not be a permanent part of SG1.
      And the hits just keep on coming...

      I'm sorry but if TPTB can't figure out to do with Carter of all people, then they are a hopeless mess and are beyond redemption. If they can't even consider a show where Sam plays a more prominent leadership role, then clearly they're going off into a campy direction and I have no interest in that.

      I hope this is all preliminary crap and TPTB see that fans universally hate the idea...can that plan and actually come up with something for one of the most integral characters in the SG universe to do next year.


      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


        Originally posted by tsaxlady
        Here are some more Behind the Scenes Pictures

        Why is apophis standing outside Carters cockpit in the first picture .
        Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

        ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

        AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


          Just to clarify, Amanda didn't say it implies she couldn't be a permanet part of SG1 - that is my interpretation from what was said over the 2 days at the con


            Wow, what a perfect cap to a lousy weekend.

            Thanks to CG and Kat for their updates from GABIT.

            So nice to see lots of new people posting in the thread. But what a shame that the catalyst for it is such depressing news.

            Lots of excellent posts... thoughtful, insightful, passionate...

            I need a little while to compost it all, but I'm certainly not feeling very optimistic at the moment.

            My LJ


              There is the possiblilty that they may be safeguarding their asset by making sure if there isn't a season 11 they have an inlet for their best actor into Atlantis??

              It isn't the best thing for Amanda as she hasn't got a pivotal role in either show, but it protects a lot of bases from the point of view of the producers and sadly their job foremost is to protect both shows.

              I'm still very miffed by it all - especially for Amanda - but we do not know the circumstances of the offer. The bad form was not to discuss this with Amanda - In my opinion - after 9 years on a show you think they would


                Originally posted by Coley
                Just to clarify, Amanda didn't say it implies she couldn't be a permanet part of SG1 - that is my interpretation from what was said over the 2 days at the con
       much of this is set in stone? Is there even the slightest chance that this whole ridiculous notion could be scrapped?

                Is there a chance that Amanda also wants to know what the fanbase does in response to this news and that if strong enough that TPTB might realize that this is a horrific show ending idea and might reconsider their stance?

                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                  Grace and Beauty
                  Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                  My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                    Okay -the more I read about Whistler and the more I think about this I really, really hope she takes the part as a lead in Whistler. Some tidbits from the article:

                    it is set in the town of Whistler (Whistler mountain) which is near, or in, Vancouver, I think;

                    they talk about the talent pool in Vancouver being very deep and that it will be filmed in Langley which I am assuming is near Vancouver (someone from Canada can confirm or correct please) which is where Stargate is filmed and where AT lives now so if my guess is right she and her family will NOT have to uproot and move away from her home;

                    the budget is large by Canadian standards - $1.4 million per ep so it is big time TV;

                    they are targeting 15-40 year olds so hopefully it will not be cheap sexual innuendo like Stargate seems to covet these days;

                    it says that anyone that likes serials with multiline stories, like Desperate Housewives, (which I love) will enjoy it, plus, "there's a real sense of humour to the stories" so AT might get to stretch her comedic talents as well;

                    it is targeted for a March debut with principal photography to begin on NOvember 16 so AT has to think fast and make a decision. I know this is probably very hard for her after 9 years with Stargate (as ungrateful as they appear to be) but I really, really hope she goes for Whistler - takes the chance and sees the series to success and leaves those Stargate _________ in the dust. (best part is I checked and I do get Noggin so I am psyched if she goes for it then I can watch.

                    Whatever she decides I hope she ends up happy and I hope she ends up treated with the respect she deserves.


                      Originally posted by AGateFan
                      Why is apophis standing outside Carters cockpit in the first picture .
                      thanks for a much needed laugh!

                      And as for the 10 episode marathon--I'd add Solitudes. Tough Sam, Scientist Sam, caring Sam. (Written by Brad Wright as I recall.)


                        Originally posted by tsaxlady
                        Here are some more Behind the Scenes Pictures

                        Love these, tsaxlady! Sam looks so right in flight gear.

                        Just sayin'.
                        MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                        Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                          Amanda was on really great form throughout the con. She is comic genius and very down to earth.

                          I want to make it clear - very clear that what she said came accross as her giving us some facts she wasn't complaining or maoning she was making it into a joke - typical Amanda - but to me the fact that she mentioned it meant she felt something about it and kat, CG, 1speed and myself all came to that same conclusion.


                            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar

                            Grace and Beauty
                            And Sam in a boonie! Nice!

                            Just sayin': PAGE 999, fyi.
                            MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                            Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                              Now I had a bet with someone that the Carter character would get scrwd this year with the additiona of Mitchell and the CB appearances. I was happy to conceed defeat on that point, but now i think the bet should be on hold and if what appears to happen, happens then I should be declared the winner. Wont fix anything, wont make me happy, but at least then I can get some icecream out of this deal to comfort me.

                              Oh and for all the not so Sammers out there, note that I am not so much a Sam Rules kind of person as I am a Stargate as it was rules. Stargate with great female (not too sexed up, cooly dressed in practical clothing) rules kind of person. Sam was just one of the best personifications of Women in SciFi. Fraiser was no slouch and neither was susan Ivonva or Dr crusher in their respective shows but Sam was the BEST. Sam was the person that little girls should want to be.
                              Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                              ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                              AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                                We're on page 999! We're soo close! We can do it!

                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

