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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Kliggins
    Hi Millie:

    Welcome to the gutter. Can't make up my mind which is my favorite RDA period, but I do know this is my favorite picture.

    I love that one, too. Definitely one of my favorites. I got caught staring... mouth open. Hubby sneaks up on me and gently shuts my mouth... then laughed sofly and kissed me... I'm such a... puddle of jell-o!


      Originally posted by bbfan
      I love that one, too. Definitely one of my favorites. I got caught staring... mouth open. Hubby sneaks up on me and gently shuts my mouth... then laughed sofly and kissed me... I'm such a... puddle of jell-o!
      You have quite an understanding hubby there.


        Originally posted by bbfan
        I love that one, too. Definitely one of my favorites. I got caught staring... mouth open. Hubby sneaks up on me and gently shuts my mouth... then laughed sofly and kissed me... I'm such a... puddle of jell-o!
        Very nice hubs. Lets clone him! Ooops - Hi hubs *waves*


          Originally posted by Ewokmonster
          I have some caps from this movie on my site.

          I never saw the movie and my jaw dropped open when I saw the chick from CSI in it. I'll be unable to watch CSI w/o thinking what a lucky woman she is. Not only does she get to work with the gorgeous hunks of CSI but she got naked with RDA too!!! I'm so jealous.
          "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
          "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
          Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
          Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
          "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
          Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
          Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
          (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


            Originally posted by ra-hanna
            I never saw the movie and my jaw dropped open when I saw the chick from CSI in it. I'll be unable to watch CSI w/o thinking what a lucky woman she is. Not only does she get to work with the gorgeous hunks of CSI but she got naked with RDA too!!! I'm so jealous.
            Oh yes, she is one very lucky woman! Will join you in the jealousy line


              I needed to see this wonderful face today!
              Desperate Thunker


                Originally posted by Kliggins
                Hi Millie:

                Welcome to the gutter. Can't make up my mind which is my favorite RDA period, but I do know this is my favorite picture.

                I'd agree that this probably is my favourite Rick pic. Its the eyes I think

                *melts into pile of drool*

                Oh how I wish to be Amanda Tapping and see this hunk everyday!


                  *happy sigh*



                    Originally posted by sgt.siler
                    You have quite an understanding hubby there.
                    In honor of my 'understanding hubby'...

                    Glyphs are from and the patch is from the sg1fans yahoo group.


                      I saw that movie on the other day too and i was just waiting for someone to post about it and sure enough........ I have to give you guys some credit, you sure do have a nose for when RDA's on the t.v.

                      and Kliggs, thanks for posting that pic.......its my favey!! Its that adorable smirk he's wearing, it just does things to me!!
                      Random Thought of the day:

                      -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
                      -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

                      heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


                        Originally posted by bbfan

                        Jack was... slip sliding away... and he's not at all happy about it...
                        OMG LOL! see what i miss when i don't come here enough!!

                        Christian Gaters Unite!|| One show down.... SAVE SGA!!!


                          Originally posted by Ewokmonster
                          Did the movie they aired on Saturday differ from when it originally aired? I wasn't able to watch all of it. The movie differs from the book. I think the book, while not perfect, explains some of the connections between the characters better.

                          I hope to have screen caps up this week. Meanwhile, I think Abydos Gate's RDA page has some up... Ah, here we go...


                          Yep, 12 pages of photos.

                          Wow, thank you, thank you, thank you. Don't know if there is any difference as this is the first time I've seen the movie. Just seemed like there were too many loose ends.. Now as for RDA, that's the length I like his hair, tho Season 3 might be a tad better. Sticky up in this movie too.
                          And I liked him when he had his glasses on. I wasn't sure what his position was at the college, but wouldn't you like to be called into his office? Now, where are his legs in those pics?


                            Drive-by post. Picked Jack up near the bottom of the list, sulking, wanting to get up.
                            ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                              Originally posted by bbfan
                              In honor of my 'understanding hubby'...

                              Glyphs are from and the patch is from the sg1fans yahoo group.
                              That's a pretty good collage. *siler wanders off to her many computer programs she doesn't know how to use to see what she can come up with*


                                Jack's wondering why he's slipping back down.

                                He's concentrating on getting to the top.

                                Getting Jack back on top.
                                My Photos

