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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by dipsofjazz
    Mala, even that pic can't cure me!
    BTW, where is it from?
    OK, it is kind of cute...

    Point of No Return


      Originally posted by Sam fan
      Looka t my sig!!! I love it!!!! I love Rick! *raises hand* lol
      count me in for both wings raised

      Bright Beak
      at home in the gutter, cuz she's a water birdie

      multi- thunker!

      Anti- & Anti-


        From the NICE PANTS! series... (this is for you Mac'ers!)



          and another....

          and NOW, WHAT DO WE SAY!?!?
          I CAN'T HEAR YOU.....


            Originally posted by Mala50
            and another....

            and NOW, WHAT DO WE SAY!?!?
            I CAN'T HEAR YOU.....
            again with the pants

            not that i'm complaining


              Originally posted by Zoser
              Your "The Smut is Strong" is great but I was soooo looking forward to seeing the other (Commando) again and again and again.

              Ah, so no variety?

              Hmmm.... I'm sure I have other icons that I've weedled out of people *clears throat* HAD made for me that are just as delicious....

              *bats eyelashes* Good?


                Originally posted by Mala50
                Welcome abydosorphan!! Oh, we only have extra-absorbancy bibs here! They work pretty well. But grab a bucket if you'd like!

                The choice is yours:

                Cool graphics, btw; love your fic!
                Thanks, Mala

                Think I'll go for the bucket though... those bibs, would only be a catch 22.... look at bib=induce drooling... and then I'd miss the bib anyway, cause I'd be looking at it to drool...

                Thinking the nice BIG bucket might hold me over for a little while


                  first we had,
                  Originally posted by Mala50
                  From the NICE PANTS! series... (this is for you Mac'ers!)

                  then, we had,
                  Originally posted by Mala50
                  and another....

                  and NOW, WHAT DO WE SAY!?!?
                  I CAN'T HEAR YOU.....

                  ummm... we can honestly say he don't wear'm like that as Jack NEARLY often enough (1 decent screencap in 7.5yrs is a BIT of a dearth of proper packaging methinks!)

                  Bright Beak
                  at home in the gutter, cuz she's a water birdie

                  multi- thunker!

                  Anti- & Anti-


                    Originally posted by brightbeak
                    first we had,

                    then, we had,

                    ummm... we can honestly say he don't wear'm like that as Jack NEARLY often enough (1 decent screencap in 7.5yrs is a BIT of a dearth of proper packaging methinks!)

                    BB - Zero Hr is the first time we can say that he's wearing nice fitting civvies. Just look at the pic that Rural posted earlier today....... (can't remember which post it was.....)

                    OK, I've got one of mine from that episode. NICE PANTS!


                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                      As I'm yet another old bag, I've got to agree with you both. The Man is like a fine wine...getting better the more he matures!
                      I agree wholeheartedly.... (wholebodily??! )

                      I have to admit *ducks head* that I never watched McG. (Was Magnum PI on at the same time? I must've been in the Tom Selleck gutter back then... )

                      But thanks to all the pix posted here, I've gotten my RDA history... and much prefer Jack to McG... even if I am just a mid- to late- thirtysomething....

                      And yes Mala… how could Sam turn this hot hunk of delicious meat down????! (I know I sure couldn't/wouldn’t!)

                      **pass me one of those little sponges... it may take an awwfullllyyy long time to dab off all that sweat starting at the top... working one's way down... C'mere Jack...........**
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        Originally posted by Mala50
                        and another....

                        and NOW, WHAT DO WE SAY!?!?
                        I CAN'T HEAR YOU.....
                        Oh! Just remembered! I forgot to pack the tent for camping.

                        Pants? Did you say pants? Mac conforms to his quite nicely, I must say.
                        ("Mac, if I told you I liked your pants, would you hold it against me?")

                        Thanks Mala! Great pic!

                        If by "fond" you mean droolworthy, hummable, coma-causing, breath-stealing, lustful, libidinous
                        appreciation of the First Hussy Magnitude for Jack & his splendid, dirty, sweaty, sun-kissed, lithe-fingered,
                        full-bottom-lipped, lickable-eared, agile-tongued, long-necked, silver-haired, gracefully moving body
                        in all its fantasmagorical glory, then--- yes. I am also "fond." -- OzGirl


                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz

                          When it comes to Jack, I like him as big as possible!
                          I can second, thrid, and fourth that!!!

                          If by "fond" you mean droolworthy, hummable, coma-causing, breath-stealing, lustful, libidinous
                          appreciation of the First Hussy Magnitude for Jack & his splendid, dirty, sweaty, sun-kissed, lithe-fingered,
                          full-bottom-lipped, lickable-eared, agile-tongued, long-necked, silver-haired, gracefully moving body
                          in all its fantasmagorical glory, then--- yes. I am also "fond." -- OzGirl


                            Originally posted by mishy_mo
                            fantastic sig

                            why do i only have two hands???

                            i need like a million to show how much i love this guy!!!
                            Want some of my hands? (Since you so kindly would offer me a boa in my
                            hour of need, I am glad to volunteer hands, and feet, if you'd like...)


                            If by "fond" you mean droolworthy, hummable, coma-causing, breath-stealing, lustful, libidinous
                            appreciation of the First Hussy Magnitude for Jack & his splendid, dirty, sweaty, sun-kissed, lithe-fingered,
                            full-bottom-lipped, lickable-eared, agile-tongued, long-necked, silver-haired, gracefully moving body
                            in all its fantasmagorical glory, then--- yes. I am also "fond." -- OzGirl


                              Originally posted by OzGirl
                              Oh! Just remembered! I forgot to pack the tent for camping.

                              It's a good thing I wasn't drinking anything when I read this.

                              Pants? Did you say pants? Mac conforms to his quite nicely, I must say.
                              ("Mac, if I told you I liked your pants, would you hold it against me?")

                              Thanks Mala! Great pic!
                              I know I can always come here for a good laugh.
                              Furlings, they sound cute. Like Ewoks. --- SG-1


                              sig by Mala50. You rock.


                                Originally posted by OzGirl
                                Oh! Just remembered! I forgot to pack the tent for camping.

                                Pants? Did you say pants? Mac conforms to his quite nicely, I must say.
                                ("Mac, if I told you I liked your pants, would you hold it against me?")

                                Thanks Mala! Great pic!
                                Oz, I can't stop laughing at this!

